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Islamiyat 2058/1

The Biography of the

Holy Prophet [pbuh]
[Life in Madina]

Sir Zafar Alam

A AH / 622 AD


 It was built on the plot of two orphans, Sahal and Sohail.

 They wanted to give it free of cost but the Holy Prophet did not accept and Abu Bakr paid
 The Holy Prophet also took part in the construction and set an example for Muslim leaders.
 Pillars were of the trunks of date palms, roof was made of leaves and wooden frame work and
walls were of unbaked bricks.
 Allah praised thee mosque in Surah Tawabah, “… there is a mosque whose foundation was
laid on the 1st day of piety, it is more worthy of you standing forth (for prayer) therein. In it
are men who love to be purified, and Allah loves those who make themselves pure.” [9:108]
 Two rooms were made as the residence of the Holy Prophet.
 It is because of its importance the second most holiest place in Islam.


 The Holy Prophet had a discussion on the say of calling for prayer with his companions and
different suggestions were given such as bell ringing, burning of fire etc. but were rejected as
they were practiced in other religions.
 Then H. Abdullah Ibn Zayd had a dream about Adhan and so did H. Umar.
 The Holy Prophet said that it was guidance from Allah.
 The first person who delivered the Adhan was H. Bilal.


 When the Muhajreen came to Madina they were penniless and shelter less.
 There was a big problem of refugees.
 The Holy Prophet made pairs of Ansars (helpers) and Mahjreen (Emigrants).
 Ansars set the greatest example of sacrifice.
 This shows that the Mahjreen did not become a burden and became self-dependants in few
 The refugees’ problem was solved.
 Islamic community became strong.
 The Holy Quran says, “Those who believed and adopted exile and fought for the faith with
their property and their persons in the cause of Allah, as well as those who gave them
asylum and aid, these are all friends and protectors, of one another.” [8:72]


 There were three main tribes of Jews Banu Qainuqah, Banu Nadeer and Banu Quraizah.
 The Prophet knew that it was very important to sign a treaty with them for a peaceful
propagation of Islam in Madina and avoid their conspiracies.
 This was not only a treaty with Jews but also the constitution of Madina and every one who
lived in the city had to follow it.
 The most important clauses were:
o Religious freedom for all.
o All tribes will make a combined effort in defense in case of an attack.
o The Holy Prophet was the head of state and the final authority.

2 AH / 624 AD


 Fasting in the month of Ramadan was made obligatory upon all adult Muslims this year by
the following verse: “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to
those before you, so that you may learn self-restraint.” [2:183]


 Qibla refers to the direction where a believer turns himself during his worship.
 There are two directions in the history of divine religions, Mosque of Aqsa in Jerusalem and
Kaaba in Makkah.
 In Makkah, the Holy Prophet and his followers used to pray facing the mosque of Al-Aqsa in
 The Prophet used to stand in such a way that he could face both the Qiblas together.
 In Madina he could face only one of them so he continued facing Jerusalem to maintain
similarity with Jews.
 He watned to face Kaaba as it was the Qibla of his forefathers.
 In the sixteenth month after migration the Holy Prophet was ordered to face the Holy Kaaba.
“We see the turning of your face (for guidance) to the heavens, now shall We turn you to a
Qibla that shall please you. Turn then your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque.”


 The Quraish instigated the Jews and Hypocrites to disturb the Muslims.
 They attacked the outskirts of Madina to disturb the Muslims.
 Quraish did not want to keep peaceful relations with Muslims.
 Permission of Jihad was given, “fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you.” [2:190]
 The Holy Prophet wanted to teach them a lesson and planned to attack the caravan of Abu
Sufyan which was coming from Syria and was very rich and had an escort of only forty men.


 Muslims were only 313 men with two horses, sixty camels and few swords and amours (ill-
equipped for a war).
 Abu Sufyan got to know about the plans and did two things:
o Diverted the caravan to a route near the red sea
o Called for any army from Makkah for security.
 Abu Jahl collected an army of 1000 well equipped men.
 The Holy Prophet got to know about the caravan fleeing and the arrival of the army.
 Both armies met at Badr. Muslims arrived first and captured all streams and water sources
creating problems for the non-Muslims.
 Allah also sent rain before the battle to give spiritual boost to the Muslims.
 The Holy Prophet prayed all night.
 Allah revealed Surah Qamr, “Soon their multitude put to flight and they will show their
backs.” [54:45]


 The battle started with one to one fight. Waleed against H. Ali, Utba against H. Hamza,
Shaiba against Abu Ubaidah Ibn Harith. All the non-Muslims were killed.
 Allah did a miracle and reduced both forces in the eyes of the other to make the Muslims
confident and the non-Muslims over confident of victory. It is said in Surah Anfal, “And
remember when you met He showed them to you as few in your eyes, and he made you
appear contemptible in their eyes.” [8:44]
 Then main battle started and Muslims fought bravely.
 Abu Jahl was killed by two young Ansari brothers, Muaz and Muawwiz.
 Hadrat Billal killed his ex-master Ummayya Ibn Khalf.
 The Muslims also got divine assistance as said in Surah Anfal, “I will assist you with a
thousand of angels ranks on ranks.” [8:9]

 Seventy Makkans were killed and seventy were taken as captives, others fled.
 Thirteen Muslims got martyrdom.

 About the issue of captives H. Abu Bakr said to take ransom from them and then free them,
however, H. Umar said to kill them. The Holy Prophet took the advice of H. Abu Bakr. Those
who could not pay ransom were ordered to teach ten Muslim children and those who could
not do either were freed.

 It was the first battle between Muslims and non-Muslims, in which Muslims defeated Quraish
badly and they proved that they could fight any enemy three times larger.
 The day is known as ‘yaum-ul-furqan’, the day in which the difference between good and
evil was made clear.
 The faith of Muslims deepended and strengthened in the support of Allah.
 Muslims got financial support from the spoils of war.
 Muslims emerged as a strong nation and got a place in Arabia, due to the recognition of their
war power.
 The tribes who were planning to attack Muslims were discouraged.

3 AH / 625 AD
 Quraish wanted the revenge of the death of their tribesmen and relatives who were killed in
 All money earned from the caravan of Abu Sufyan was used to prepare for war.
 They arranged an army of 3000 men led by Abu Sufyan including 200 horsemen, led by
Khalid Ibn Waleed.
 When the Holy Prophet got to know about this, he discussed the matter with his companions
and looking to the majority ordered to fight outside the town.


 When the Muslims left Madina, they were 1000, but Abdullah Ibn Ubay deserted the army
with 300 men saying that the Holy Prophet did not take his opinion to fight from inside.
Therefore, at the time of battle Muslims were only 700.
 The Holy Prophet appointed fifty reaches on the rear (Jabal-e-Rumat) to avoid possible attack
from the back.


 When the fighting started Muslims fought bravely.
 Thirty Makkans were killed initially and the Makkans started retreating.
 When the non-Muslims retreated, the fifty archers stationed on the hill thought that the battle
had finished and forty of them left their post to collect the booty. The Holy Quran says: “And
Allah did indeed fulfill His Promise to you when you were killing them with His
Permission, until you lost your courage and fell to disputing about the order, and disobeyed
after He showed you (of the booty) which you love.” [3:152]

 Khalid Ibn Waleed saw the opportunity and attacked the rear.
 When the Muslims got into disarray, the retreating non-Muslims returned to attack.
 The ten blessed companions especially H. Talha defended the Holy Prophet and formed a ring
around him.
 The Holy Prophet suffered injuries, his head was bleeding and his teeth were broken.
 Wahshi, the hired slave of Hinda, assassinated his body was mutilated.
 The Muslims retreated and the Holy Prophet was taken up to the mount Uhad.

 Seventy Muslims were martyred and forty received severed injuries.
 Thirty non-Muslims were killed.

 The Muslims got a lesson not to disobey the Holy Prophet.
 Hypocrites were discovered and their intentions were revealed first time.
 Although the Muslims suffered many casualties, they were still successful in saving the
Prophet’s life and defending Madina.

5 AH / 627 AD

 In 4 AH /626 AD Banu Nadeer were expelled from Madina to Khyber. Therefore they wanted
 They went to Banu Salim, Banu Ghatfan and the Makkans and instigated them to attack
 They also threatened Banu Quraizah not to help Muslims.
 There was a serious drought in Madina, which caused famine, and the weather at that time
was very cold. In addition, Banu Quraizah did not give support to Muslims.


 The non-Muslims gathered an army of 10000 thousand men (largest of the time). The Holy
Quran says: “O you who believe! Remember Allah’s favor to you, when there came against
you hosts, and We sent against them a wind which you saw not. And Allah is Ever All-Seer
of what you do. When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when
the eyes grew wild and the hearts reached to the throats, and you were harboring doubts
about Allah.” [33:9-10]
 The Holy Prophet made the discussions to fight defensively and the best proposal was given
by H. Salman Farsi to dig a trench around Madina.
 Fortunately, Madina was covered from three sides and trench was dug only one on side.
 The non-Muslims were over confident of victory due to their size. However, they got
confused by the new strategy of trench.

 The Hypocrites did not help. They fled the battlefield on the excuse that their homes were in
danger The Holy Quran says, “Behold a party among them said, ‘Ye men of Yathrib! Ye
cannot stand the attack. Therefore go back’ and a band of them asked for leave of the
prophet saying, ‘Truly our houses are bare and exposed’ though they were not exposed.
They intended nothing but run away.” [33:13]


 The non-Muslims were camped outside of Madina for twenty days.
 Some of them crossed the trench, like Amr Ibn Abdwud, a great fighter but H. Ali killed him.
 They had food shortages and they became dishearten.
 Allah sent a sand storm, as said in the Holy Quran.

 The non-Muslims were defeated.
 All fighters rushed back to their respective tribes.

 It was the last attack on Madina and then the non-Muslims found no courage to attempt any
attack on Madina.
 The military strength of Makkah was crushed and they suffered great economic loses.
 Muslims emerged as a very strong nation and proved that they were able to defend themselves
against any number of army.
 It deepened their faith in Allah and His powers.
 The last tribe of the Jews also punished and Madina became purely Muslim state.

6AH /628 AD

 The Holy Prophet had a dream of performing Umra.

 Dreams of the Prophet were the messages from Allah and were always true.
 The Holy Prophet announced in Madina that the would be going for Umra anyone could join
 Fourteen Hundred men and women, mostly emigrants, joined him.
 No weapon of war was carried (only swords were carried for protection). They wore Ihram
and had no intention of fighting.
 When the Makkans got this information they sent Khalid Ibn Waleed to stop the Muslims.
 They were stopped at a place called Hudaibiya.
 The Holy Prophet sent two messengers one after the other to inform Makkans about his
intentions but they did not return. Then H. Uthman was sent. However, he was detained in
Makkan and a rumor spread that H. Uthman was killed by Makkans.

 On this information, the Holy Prophet and the companions took Bait-e-Rizwan (pledge on
death). The Holy Quran says, “Allah’s good pleasure was on the believers when they swore
fealty to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts, and he sent down tranquility
to them: and He rewarded them with a speedy victory.” [48:18]
 When the Makkans got knowledge of the pledge being taken, they sent Sohail Ibn Amr to
inform the Muslims of the correct information and sign a treaty.
 A treaty was signed which dictated by Sohail and written by H. Ali.
 The clauses of the treaty were as follows:
o No war will be fought in the next ten years.
o The Muslims will go back this year without performing Umra.
o They can come next year for three days without weapons to perform Umra.
o We will not return anyone coming to Makkah but anyone going to Madina from
Makkah will be returned by Muslims.
o Any tribe can join either party Muslims or non-Muslims.

Companions resisted but the Holy Prophet signed the treaty on the command of Allah. He
was coming back to Madina when Allah revealed, “Indeed We have granted you a
manifest victory.” [48:1]

 Peace was finally concluded in Arabia, so the Holy Prophet sent missionaries and preachers to
the other parts of the world and the letters to the emperors and leaders of the tribes. So the
number of Muslims increased rapidly.
 Some very important personalities accepted Islam like Khalid Ibn Waleed and Amr Ibn Aas.
 It was the first time when Makkans accepted Muslims as a separate power and Islam as a
 The first clause shows their weakness of Quraish. They wanted to avoid fighting as they were
economically weak.
 The last clause shows that the Makkans had realized they could not stop the expansion of
Islam and were now looking for their own existence.
 The Muslims got the permission to perform Umra in the following year.
 This treaty led up to the Khyber Expedition and Conquest of Makkah.

7AH / 629 AD

After the treaty of Hudaibiya, the Holy Prophet wrote letters to spread Islam. These letters
were sent the important personalities of that time within and outside Arabia. Here is the detail of
some most important letter.
 Negus, King of Abyssinia: His name was Ahama Ibn Al-Abjar. The letter was dispatched
either in late sixth or early in the seventh year after Hijra. Deep scrutiny shows that this
letter was not sent after Hudaibiya. Wording of the letter indicates that it was sent during

Makkan period because it read: “I have dispatched my cousin, Jaffar with a group of
Muslims to you. Do be generous towards them and give up haughtiness.” The prophet had
later asked Negus to sent Jaffar and his companions back home. They came back to see
the Prophet in Khyber. Negus died in Rajab 9AH. The Prophet announced his death and
observed prayer in absentia for him.
 Muqawqas, the vicegerent of Egypt: Hatib Ibn Abi Balta took letter to him and invited
him towards Islam. He wrote a letter in reply which read: “Peace be upon you. I have read
your letter and understood its contents. I already know that the coming of a Prophet is still
due, but I used to believe he would be born in Syria. I am sending you as presents two
maids, who come from noble Coptic families; clothing and steed for riding on. Peace be
upon you.”
 Chosroes, the Emperor of Persia: Abdullah Ibn Hudhafa As-Sahmi was chosen to carry
this letter. The monarch was enraged by the style of the letter as the name of the Prophet
had been put above his own name. He tore the letter into shreds and dictated a command
to his viceroy in Yamen, Bazan to send a couple of troopers to arrest the Prophet. He sent
two men to Madina but as they reached Madina Prophet informed that their emperor was
killed by his son and they were stunned. The Prophet added asking them to tell their new
monarch that Islam would prevail everywhere and outstrip the sovereignty of Chosroes
himself. The new monarch ordered the viceroy of Yemen to stop any procedures as
regards the Prophet till further notice. on this Bazan and together with the Persians in
Yemen accepted Islam.
 Heraclius, the king of Rome: The Muslim envoy Dehyah Kalbi was ordered to hand the
letter over to the king of Busra, who would in turn, send it to Caeser. Incidentially Abu
Sufyan happened to be in Gazzah on a business trip and he was presented to the king.
When Heraclius heard Abu Sufyan’s answers, he was certain that Muhammad was the
Prophet of Allah But he did not accept Islam for the fear of his people. he was, however,
courteous to the envoy and paid him due respect.
 Mundhir Ibn Sawa, Governor of Bahrian: Al-A’la Ibn Al-Hadrami was sent to him. He
accepted Islam. The Holy Prophet ordered him to give new Muslims full chance to preach
their religion. And those who wanted to go on in their Jewish faith should be made to pay
 Jaifer, the king of Oman and his brother Abd Al-Jalandi: Amr Ibn Aas was chosen to
carry this letter. After showing some reluctance and having some private talks with his
brother they both accepted Islam and proved to be true to Islam that had begun to make its
way into this new area.


 After the treaty of Hudaibiya the Holy Prophet got safe side from Makkans so he decided to
teach a lesson to the Jews of Khyber because they were the mastermind behind the battle of

 This time Hypocrites wanted to join the Muslim forces just for the spoils of war but only those
Muslims were allowed to go who were present in the pledge on death.
 The Holy Prophet took his forces and reached Khyber and encamped between the towns of
Khyber and the forts of Banu Ghatfan to stop their communication.
 The Jews were surprised on the arrival of Muslims forces and shut themselves in their seven
 First sis fortresses were conquered after small battles but the last fortress, Qamas, proved to be
 After some unsuccessful attempts by different Muslim commanders, the Holy Prophet gave
the flat to H. Ali and he made a fierce attack.
 The Jews were forced to come out. Hand to hand fight was done and Ali killed Marhab, the
main leader.
 Then the Jews surrender and requested the Holy Prophet to let them stay and cultivate the
lands and they would send half of the produce of their gardens to Madina.
 The Holy Prophet showed mercy to them and accepted their request.

 Now Muslims were the masters in Arabia and the authority in most its parts.
 Jews lost their government and control over their lands.
 The Holy Prophet got rid of their conspiracies as they were under Muslims’ observation.
 Muslims got a great economic benefit.
 Allah proved the superiority of Islam over Judaism.

8 AH / 630 AD

 Mutah is a village that lies on the border of Syria.

 The Prophet had sent Al-Harith Ibn Umar Al-Azdi to carry a letter to the ruler of Busra.
 On the way, he was intercepted and beheaded by Shurahbeel Al-Gassani, a close ally of
 Killing envoys used to be regarded as the most awful crime.
 The Prophet was shocked when he heard this and mobilized an army of 3000 men to lead an
in case of his death Abdullah Ibn Rawaaha was supposed to be the leader.
 On the way, Muslims were informed that 200,000 Christians were coming to fight.
 Muslims discussed the situation and decided to fight.
 Zayd fought gallantly until he fell fatally stabbed.
 Then Jaffar took the banner and did a miraculous job. After loosing both of his hands he
clasped the banner with both arms until he was cut into two parts.
 Abdullah then became the leader and gave his life and then Muslims decided to appoint
Khalid Ibn Waleed as their leader.
 He fought so excessively that seven swords broke his hands.
 Finally he reshuffled the right and left flank of the army to give an impression that fresh
reinforcements had arrived and than started retreating in a fully organized and well-planned
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 The Byzantines did not pursue them believing that Muslims are playing a clever strategy to
entrap them.
 The Muslims sustained twelve martyrs and a large number on Byzantine were killed.


 After the treaty of Hudaibiya Banu Bakr and Banu Khuza’a joinedQuraish and Muslims
 Banu Bakr attacked Banu Khuza’a killed their men and Quraish helped them with men and
arms taking advantage of the darkness of night.
 Banu Khuza’a informed the Holy Prophet about it and he gave three options to Quraish:
o Pay the blood-money of those who were killed (100 camels each).
o Dissolve alliance with Banu Bakr.
o Announce that treaty of Hudaibiya in now nullified (dissolved).
 Makkans went for the third option.
 They soon realized their mistake and Abu Syfyan came to Madina and requested to resigned
the treaty.
 The Holy Prophet rejected his request and he understood his plans of capturing Makkah.
 The Holy Prophet ordered to start the preparation secretly as he did not want bloodshed in
 Ten thousand Muslims marched towards makkah.
 The Holy Prophet encamped outside Makkah and ordered to lit fire on distances to make
psychological effect of a large army so that Makkans did not resist.
 This night Abu Sufyan came and accepted Islam.
 Next day the Holy Prophet ordered the army to enter Makkah from all four sides.
 The announcement of general pardon was made like this:
o Anyone who closes the doors of his house
o Anyone who takes refuge in haram
o Anyone who takes refuge in the house of Abu Sufyan
o Anyone who throws his weapon will be forgiven.
 A few people were not pardoned and were ordered to be killed even if they were in the
curtains of Kaaba.
 Banu Bakr attacked a part of Muslim army led by Khalid Ibn Waleed in which 28 Makkans
were killed and 2 Muslims achieved martyrdom.
 The Holy Prophet cleaned the Holy Kaaba from idols and pictures saying, “Truth has come
and falsehood has perished and falsehood is bound to be parished.” [17:81]
 When he came out of Kaaba Makkans were standing as captives and they were on the mercy
of the Prophet.
 When the Holy Prophet asked them how should he treat them? They replied, “With kindness
and pity, gracious brother and nephew.”

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 The Holy Prophet said, “I shall speak to you as Joseph spoke unto his brothers, “I shall not
reproach you today; God will forgive you. He is the most merciful and compassionate.”

 The Prophet announced a general pardon again.

 Then he sat on mount Safa and all Makkans came and accepted Islam.

 It was the greatest example of mercy in the history of mankind which proved that he was
really a mercy for the worlds.
 He set an example for the conquerors how to show mercy to the conquered.
 The feud between Muslims and Makkans ended.
 Makka, the greatest hurdle in the propagation of Islam as it was the centre of Arabia
religiously and economically, was now in control of Muslims.
 Many tribes were waiting for the outcome of the relations between Muslims and Quraish.
They understood the truthfulness of Muhammad and Islam and accepted Islam.
 The Prophet’s responsibility of purifying Kaaba was achieved.


 When the Holy Prophet was planning to go back to Madina he learnt that Banu Thaqif and
Banu Hawazin tribes near Taif were preparing for war. So he ordered Muslims to get ready
for them.
 This time Muslims were 12000, so someone remarked that no one can defeat Muslims today.
 Allah disliked this remark and gave a lesson to Muslims. The Holy Quran says, “Assuredly
Allah did help you in many battlefields and on the day of Hunain. Behold! Your great
numbers elated you, but they availed you not, and you turned back in retreat. But Allah
poured His calm on his messenger and on the believers and sent down forces which you see
not.” [9: 25-26]
 Malik Ibn Auf, non-Muslims’ leader, had appointed his archers on both sides of the valley and
Muslims remained totally unaware of their planning.
 As Muslims entered the narrow valley they started sudden arrow shooting and stone hurling
and Muslims ran in chaos tosave their lives.
 The Prophet was still moving forward and was fearless.
 Then he ordered to call the Muslims back at every cost.
 Muslims returned and crossed the valley even walking on the dead Muslims.
 In the main battle at Hunain Muslims defeated them with the help of Allah.
 They captured 40000 thousand goats, 24000 camels and 6000 slaves

 The remaining fighters ran towards Taif and took refuge in the fortresses.
 The Prophet followed them and laid the siege of fortress.
 Many attempts were made but it remain unconquered so the Holy Prophet ordered to go back
to Hunain.
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 The Holy Prophet waited for them when they came they accepted Islam.

 Two major tribes of Arabia entered the fold of Islam.
 The rule of Makkah became more stable because the idol worshiping tribes near it accepted
 Muslims got a lesson that victory does not depend on worldly factors only but it depends on
faith in Allah.

9 AH / 631 AD
 Traders from Syria informed the Holy Prophet that the Romans were planning to attack
 They consider the emerging power of Muslims a threat for the tribes lying on their border of
 The Holy Prophet announced in Madina that everyone would take part and donate.
 Muslims took part and donated generously. H. Abu Bakr donated everything he had. H. Umar
donated half of his wealth and H. Uthman donated 1000 Dinars and 200 camels.
 The Holy Prophet raised an army of 30000 men.
 This battle is known as thee “Battle of Straitness” because it was the time of harvest, the
weather was very hot and Muslims had to cross the deserts. The Holy Quran says: “and they
(hypocrites) said, ‘March not forth in the heat.’ Say. ‘The fire of Hell is more intense in
heat.’ If only they could understand.” [9:81]
 The Hypocrites kept discouraging them and they neither took part in donations nor in the
 After facing many difficulties Muslims reached Tabuk and challenged them but they had no
courage to fight with Muslims as they had very bad experience in the Battle of Mutah.
 A treaty of no war as signed. The stayed there for twenty days and many tribes accepted

 Number of Muslims increased.
 Muslims got peach and security from Roman side.
 It was the last battle or expedition in which Holy Prophet took part.
 Muslims got a lot of fame and their reputation increased.
 After the event Hypocrites were punished, they were boycotted except three true believers
who were forgiven and their mosque ‘Dirar’ was demolished.

10 AH / 632 AD

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This year many people and tribes of Arabia came to the Holy Prophet and accepted Islam.
That was why it is known as the ‘Year of Deputation’.


It was in the plain of Arafat; near Jabl-e-Rehmat (Mount of Mercy). The Holy Prophet
delivered his last sermon. It is also known as Khutba Hajjat-ul-Wada. As the first universal
charter of human rights. The Holy Prophet mentioned the following teachings:
 The sovereignty of Allah was mentioned by him first.
 Remembrance of the last day and accountability of deeds was laid emphasized on.
 Give due rights to wives and treat them kindly.
 Treat slaves as human, give them proper food and clothing and do not over burden them.
 Guard you slaves from doing injustice.
 No one will be given the punishment of another’s crime.
 Interest (Riba) is strictly banned. My uncle Abbas will take back only the principle amount.
 All are equal. Arab is not better than a non-Arab and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab,
white is not better than black and black is not better than white.
 I am leaving behind me two thing, if you hold them fastly you will never be misguided, Quran
and my Sunnah.
 He laid stress on the pillars and articles of faith.
 At that occasion Allah revealed the following verse, “This day have I perfected your religion
and completed My favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [5:3]
 He asked Allah to bear witness that he had conveyed His message to mankind.
 He asked those who were present to pass this message to those who were absent.

11 AH / 632 AD

 In the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal, two months after Hajj, the Holy Prophet fell sick.
 He suffered from fever and became very weak.
 He appointed H. Abu Bakr as Imam of the mosque.
 He asked for permission from his wives to live with H. Ayesha.
 His last advice was about prayers and good treatment of slaves.
 His last words were: “Allah is the best friend.”
 The Holy Prophet died with his head in the lap of H. Ayesha.
 It was on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal, Monday morning.
 H. Ali and Ibn Abbas washed and enshrouded the body.
 The Holy Prophet was buried in the apartment of H. Ayesha on the suggestion of H. Abu
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When the Holy Prophet arrived at Madina in 622, there were three tribes of Jews, Banu
Qainuqa, Banu Nadeer and Banu Quraizah. At that time the Jews were very influential in Madina
religiously as they were the people of the book and other tribes were idolaters, and they did not
have any divine guidance. They were also very strong economically as they used to lend money
on interest to the people of Madina.
In the first year after migration, the Holy Prophet realized that he can propagate his
religion in a peaceful manner without having good ties with the Jewish tribes. That was why he
signed a treaty with the Jewish tribes known as ‘Treaty with the Jews’ or ‘Charter of Madina’.
According to the treaty both nations were given complete religious freedom and according to
another clause, in the case of attack of Madina both of them will make a combined effort for
defense. The Holy Prophet did many other things also, to maintain good relations with them, such
as he faced Masjid-e-Aqsa in his prayer, for sixteen months, after migration. He also started
keeping fast on 10th of Moharram. Although the Prophet had good intentions for the Jews, but
they were jealous of the Prophet and they continue conspiring against the Holy Prophet and
There were many reasons as to why the Jews were jealous of Muslims:
 The Holy Prophet was from Bani Israel.
 The Holy Quran and the Prophet also condemned and criticized their bad habits such as
changing of the book of Allah and talking interest, although it was prohibited in heir religion.
 The people of Aus and Khazraj were also going out of their control, economically, because
they could pay their debts back from the income of the spoils of war.
 They were afraid of the increasing number of Muslims and their successive victories.

After the battle of Badr, the Jews were more jealous of Muslims and were very depressed
and upset at the result of the battle, Kaab Ibn Ashraf, a Jewish leader of Banu Nadeer went to
Makkah and took part in the morning for those who were killed in Badr. He also wrote poems to
instigate Quraish to fight the Muslims.
Banu Qainuqa showed their in different ways. Once a Muslim lady went to the shop of
Jew who insulted her, on which a Muslim killed that Jew. After that the Jews killed that Muslim.
After that the Holy Prophet warned the Jews but in reply they threatened the Holy Prophet, which
was a clear violation of the treaty. So the Holy Prophet with his companions besieged the fortress
of Banu Qainuqa which lasted for fifteen days and finally they were expelled from Madina. They
went to Syria.
In the 4th year of migration, the Holy Prophet went to fortress of Banu Nadeer who
planned to kill the Holy Prophet by throwing heavy stone on him from the top of the fortress, but
Allah informed the Prophet through a revelation and he came back. Later he besieged their forts
which continued for fifteen day sand finally they were expelled and they settled in Khyber.
In 5 AH Banu Nadeer planned the Battle of Trench and attacked Madina with 10000
soldiers. In this battle Banu Quraizah broke the treaty and refused to help Muslims. After the
battle Allah ordered the Holy Prophet to punish them. Muslims besieged their fortress. They

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demanded to make Saad Ibn Muaz the judge which the Prophet accepted. According to their old
testament he decided to slaughter their men and take their women and children as captives.
In 7 AH after the Treaty of Hudaibiya, the Holy Prophet got peace from Quraish, so he
attacked Khyber and captured all seven fortresses one after another. Now Jews were completely
out of rule and in the observation of Muslims.

A hypocrite is one who shows himself as Muslim but he actually does not believe in the
Islamic faith properly. In Makkah there was a hypocrite as the non-Muslims were in power, but
rights of Muslims, but through their actions it was clear that they were not pure Muslims. The
Holy Quran says, “Verily, the hypocrites will be in the lowest compartment of Hell, and no
helper will you find for them,” [4:145]
The leader of hypocrites in Madina was Abdullah Ibn Ubay. He showed his hypocrisy first
time in the Battle of Uhad, when he seserted the Holy Prophet with three hundred of his men
making a lame excuse that the prophet did not accept his suggestion. These hypocrites constantly
urged the Jews and Quraish to fight against Muslims and promised them for help by all of their
means. The Holy Quran says, “Have you not observed the hypocrites who say to their friends,
among the people of the scripture, who disbelieve, ‘if you are expelled we indeed will go out
with you and we shall never obey anyone against you and if you are attacked we shall indeed
help you but Allah is witness that they verily are liars.” [59:11]
In the battle of Trench again the hypocrites refused to help Muslims and they went back
making a false excuse. The Holy Quran says, “And a party of them said, ‘O people of Yathrib!
There is no stand for you, therefore, go back’ and a band of them asked for the permission of
the Prophet saying, ‘truly our houses lie open and they lay not open but they wished to flee.”
In the sixth year when the Prophet planned to perform Umrah none of them joined him
because they all thought that Makkans would fight against the Muslims and the Prophet and the
Muslims will be killed and will never return. In Khyber Expedition the Prophet was promised by
Allah of a victory over the Jews of Khyber. This time the hypocrites wanted to join the Holy
Prophet to have share in the spoils of war, but Allah did not give them permission.
In the ninth year when the Holy Prophet asked for donations as he was going to fight
against the Romans, the hypocrites did not donate anything instead they passed comments on the
donations of faithful believers. The Holy Quran says, “Those who defame such of the believers
who gave charity voluntarily and those who could not find to give charity except what is
available to them, so they mock at them, Allah will throw their mockery on them and they shall
have a painful torment,” [9:79]
On the return from Tabuk, Allah ordered his people to demolish Mosque Dirar because the
mosque was built by hypocrites to assemble there and plan against the Muslims. They were
boycotted after Tabuk and their leader Abdullah Ibn Ubay passed away.

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