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Objectives of the study

It specifically aims to accomplish the following goals:

1. This study is intended to know the impacts of online gaming among the Senior
High School Students in Naval School of Fisheries, and to determine and identify
the impact of the online gaming addiction of the students to their academics.

It answer the following guide question:

1. Did online gaming addiction help us will improve the academic performance of
the Senior High School students?

2. What are the possible solutions to online gaming addiction among Senior High
School students?

3. Does online gaming among Senior High School students has a affect on the
academic performance of ABM, AQUA, FOP, and STEM?


The study focuses on the Impact of Online Gaming Addiction on academic

performance, and will not cover any other factors that may affect academic performance
such as socio-economic status or family environment. This study will only include Senior
High School Students enrolled at Naval School of Fisheries, and will not extend to other
Schools or grade levels and we will examine the Impact of Online Gaming Addiction on
Academic Performance. This study will utilize survey questionnaire as a data collection
tool. There are eighteen section respondents in Senior High School, there will be one
respondents in every section and we have a total of fifteen Students in Senior High
School in Naval School of Fisheries. The main purpose of our study is to identify or
specify the effects of playing Online Games and aims are determining whether playing
Online Games hinders their accomplishment of their homework’s.


This research is made the aim to provide crucial information and knowledge
regarding the chosen topic from the respondent’s, recent studies or thesis, and related
sites needed for the expected importance to the individual’s as follow:

Students – this study online addiction involves playing games uncontrollably for many
hours. Students use online games to relieve them of their stresses but the excessive
use of online games may lead to worsened learning ability, concentrations problems,
pour academic performance and decreased interactions with other people.

Parents – They will allow their children to play online games, but the parents fear that
their child will become addicted to playing and will not able to focus on studying.

Teachers – Through this study, teacher’s will know their students addiction to playing
online games, also teachers will be able to clarify why children are addicted to playing.

Administrations – This study will help children to reduce the addiction of online games
by enforcing the law in the school while there is a class inside the school is prohibited
the use of cellphones.

Future Researchers – It would help the future researchers that are interested in this
study. It will serve as their basis and their background about their research.
Overall, this research study will aid the students, parents, teachers, administrations, and
future researchers.

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