English 9

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San Jose, Antique Prepared by: Djoana Rose J. Dela Cruz

First Semester SY 2022-2023 Grade/Strand: VII


I. Spelling
Direction: Choose the letter of the word that is correctly spelled.
1. a. seisure b. seizure
2. a. vacuum b. vacumm
3. a. marginilise b. marginalize
4. a. Chandelliers b. Chandeliers
5. a. Yilding b. Yielding
6. a. Enterteinment b. Entertainment
7. a. Renaisance b. Renaissance
8. a. Sinchronize b. Synchronize
9. a. Surveillance b. Surveilance
10. a. Abreviate b. Abbreviate

II. Multiple Choice

Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. The map below shows that_______________________.
A. Australia is part of Asia
B. Asia is the largest continent
C. Africa is the smallest continent
D. North and South America are considered as one continent

2. In the concept map below, which one is NOT an example of figure of speech?
A. hyperbole B. metaphor C. oxymoron D. verb

For items 3-4, please refer to the table below.

3. How many students prefer modular learning?

A. 8 B. 12 C. 24 D. 44
4. Which learning modality do students prefer the most?
A. blended learning B. modular learning C. online learning D. television
5. It is a collection of related numbers, values, signs, or items of any kind, arranges for ease or reference or comparison
often in parallel columns.
A. Table B. Circle Graph C. Bar Graph D. Line Graph
6. It uses picture or symbols to show data. One picture often, stands for more than one vote, a key is important to
understand the symbols.
A. Picture Graph B. Circle Graph C. Bar Graph D. Line Graph
7. This is used in organizing information.
A. Table B. Concept Map C. Bar Graph D. Pie Graph

8. What do you call the personal belief that relates to how someone feels, thinks, or takes a stand about something?
A. Conviction B. myth C. observation D. opinion
9. Which of the following sentences states a personal belief?
A. I think the government is addressing well the COVID-19 crisis.
B. Based on the news, many people have already recovered from the virus.
C. As of June 2020, the Philippines has more than 31,000 COVID-19 cases.
D. Research shows that wearing face masks prevents the spread of the virus.
10. Which of the following signal phrases introduces an opinion?
A. I believe that… C. Results show that…
B. The survey proves that… D. According to research
11. What are opinion-marking signals? They are words or groups of words that .
A. state opposite meanings
B. express a strong feeling
C. introduce personal beliefs
D. connect two similar thoughts
12. What opinion-marking signal should be used to complete the sentence below? ____________________Filipinos are
hospitable because they are very
welcoming and accommodating.
A. That is why C. I might be wrong but
B. In my experience D. I am convinced that
13. Which of the sentences below is an opinion?
A. Based on the record, Manny accomplished all his school requirements.
B. The results show that Anton passed the test and would receive an award.
C. From what I know, Bart tried his best in his studies and made it to the top.
D. In her speech, Flora thanked her family for their constant love and support
14. Which of the following statements is NOT an opinion?
A. I am convinced that the Philippines is ready for online learning.
B. The news said that only few students enrolled in blended learning.
C. I am convinced that it is fun and exciting to enroll in online learning.
D. I might be wrong, but Liza felt more confident with blended learning.
15. What appropriate phrase should be used to complete the given sentence below?, I think that regular exercise helps a
person in many ways.
A. Certainly C. Personally
B. Supposedly D. Mistakenly
16. A hurricane is a storm characterized by high winds that cause much damage.
A. example or incident
B. fact
C. reason
D. statistic
17. What is Multimodal?
A. multiple definitions of a word
B. one way of doing something
C. something with multiple colors
D. two or more modes to present information or create meaning
18. What is the clue word in this sentence for compare and contrast? Frogs and toads are alike in many ways.
A. Alike B. Frogs C. Many D.toads
19. Sally is having strawberry ice cream and Juan is having chocolate ice cream. If I am comparing Sally and Juan, what
do they have in common?
A. it is hot outside
B. they like dogs
C. they both like ice cream
D. they are eating with a spoon
20. The power of the crocodile is like that of a monstrous machine. With one lunge it can destroy its prey and protect the
kill from other predators. What type of story is this structured as?
A. directions
B. problem solution
C. cause and effect
D. compare and contrast
21. There are some similarities between the T.Rex and the Gigantosaurus. Both were meat-eaters. Both were saurischians,
or "lizard-hipped" dinosaurs, as contrasted with "bird-lipped" dinosaurs. Each dinosaur was the dominant predator of its
time and place. What is something they have in common?
A. directions and age
B. both are dinosaurs
C. problem and solution
D. one is dead and one is alive
22. This diagram emphasizes the connection between the different concepts and also called: cause-and-effect diagram.
A. Fishbone Diagram
B. Venn Diagram
C. Hamburger Graphic Organizer
D. Graphic Organizer
23. ___________can show trends and cycles and make the information easier to visualize.
A. Pictographs and maps
B. Graphs and charts
C. surface diagrams and tables
D. captioned graphics and diagrams
24. _______, also called a matrix, is an orderly arrangement of quantitative data in columns and rows.
A. table
B. map
C. graph
D. flowchart
25. My friend is very careful about spending money. I admire that, so I call him ______________.
A. selfish
B. frugal
C. stingy
D. simple
26. I admire the man who jumped on the subway tracks to rescue a stranger. He was certainly ________________.
A. kind
B. careless
C. courageous
D. careful
27. Although the problem was difficult to resolve, Sandra and John were ________________ in searching for an answer.
Their teacher was quite proud.
A. Persistent
B. Stubborn
C. Happy
D. Obedient
28. She was disappointed that the dress she wanted to buy her daughter was ________________ as she ran her fingers
across the fabric.
A. pricey
B. cheap
C. overpriced
D. expensive
29. The following are ways to improve and expand our vocabulary except for one.
A. Learn a new word everyday.
B. Read more novels and literary works
C. Engage in conversation
D. Stop using social media
30. How will you attain an effective communication?
A. I audibly groan or make disapproving sound when someone states something I disagree.
B. I drum my fingers on a surface when I am listening.
C. I daydream while listening.
D. I actively participate in the discussion.


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.
1. When comparing, you are telling how are text are alike in the categories.
2. When you tell what is different about the text, you tell how they are identical.
3. A Venn diagram is used to organize information for comparing and contrasting.
4. Comparison/contrast strategy requires you to discuss two subjects together rather than focusing on just one.
5. The thought process behind comparison/contrast strategy is rarely used in everyday life.
6. Comparing means examining how things are similar.
7. Contrasting means looking at the way things differ.
8. When making any decision, you are evaluating based on comparison and contrast.
9. Comparative thinking is often necessary for high school learners to aid them in their writing assignments.
10. When writing a simple comparison/contrast paper, you either compare OR contrast topics, typically not both.

Prepared by:

Djoana Rose Junsay- Dela Cruz

Subject Teacher

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