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San Jose, Antique Prepared by: Djoana Rose J. Dela Cruz

First Semester SY 2022-2023 Grade/Strand: VII


I. Spelling
Direction: Choose the letter of the word that is correctly spelled.
1. a. Commendable b. Commendabel
2. a. Consperacy b. Conspiracy
3. a. Excruciating b. Excruciateing
4. a. Chandelliers b. Chandeliers
5. a. Yilding b. Yielding
6. a. Enterteinment b. Entertainment
7. a. Neighborhood b. Neigborhood
8. a. Scietific b. Scientific
9. a. Furder b. Further
10. a. Sincire b. Sincire

II. Multiple Choice

A. Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. When you are listening to get the main idea, information comes in a sequence; and in that sequence, there are content
word/s like_________ that can help you form the picture.
A. nouns B. pronouns C. adjectives D. all of the above
2. The first sentence in a paragraph gives you the clue to get the general information. Which of the following is your
purpose of listening?
A. Listening for the main idea C. predicting the content
B. Listening for details D. inferring the meaning
3. With your stock knowledge and information, this will help you anticipate the kind of information you are likely to hear.
A. Listening for the main idea C. predicting the content
B. Listening for details D. inferring the meaning
4. The purpose of listening is to grasp the general information presented by the speaker or from the audio or video you are
listening to.
A. Listening for the main idea C. predicting the content
B. Listening for details D. inferring the meaning
5. While listening, the speaker uses clues to infer the relationship from people to the words he/she uses.
A. Listening for the main idea C. predicting the content
B. Listening for details D. inferring the meaning
6. What is the software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web?
A. Adobe B. Epson C. Search Engine D. Microsoft Office
7. Which of the following is the most commonly used search engine?
A. Bing B. Yahoo C. Google D. Amazon
8. Why are search engines important?
A. They sort through information; like a library card catalog.
B. They make it easier to find information rather than linking it to yourself.
C. You can narrow your search down to the exact information you need with a search engine.
D. All of the above.
9. Which of the following is NOT needed in using a search engine?
A. social media account
B. browser
C. internet connection
D. mobile phone
10. How can you access the World Wide Web? You need to have a/an ______________.
A. dictionary B. encyclopedia C. internet connection D. locator
11. Once you ask a question in a search engine, what are the things does a search engine do?
A. It reads the query, determines if the query can be answered, looks for the answer to the query in a database
and randomly presents answers.
B. It understands the query, determines the relevance of each possible result to the query, determines the ranking
of the relevant results and presents the results.
C. It presents the answers, then looks for more answers, determines if the query has been satisfied and adds the
answers to its index.
D. None of the above.
12. When you click a ____________, it will usually take you to a different webpage.
A. website B. world wide web C. browser D. link
13. The following are parts of a webpage EXCEPT:
A. Address tab B. Refresh button C. Close tab D. Brush tool
14. Is it important to learn the parts of the webpage?
A. No, it’s not important at all.
B. Yes, for us to know its function.
C. Yes, but it’s not necessary to master.
D. No, you will not use it everyday
15. What is the most important thing to remember when navigating a webpage?
A. Make sure your browser is open.
B. Make sure you are connected to the Internet.
C. Secure a valid URL.
D. Familiarize the parts of the webpage.
16. How can you tell if a site is legit?
A. It will go directly to what you need to visit.
B. It takes you to an ad.
C. It will ask you your bank account.
D. It will prompt you to download an app
17. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
A. He said "I want to go to the dance"
B He said, "I want to go to the dance".
C. He said "I want to go to the dance."
D. He said, "I want to go to the dance."
18. What are sets of written, printed or blank sheets bound together between a front and a back cover?
A. Poster B. Book C. Flyer D. leaflet
19. Listening is poor when
A. we do not expend the effort.
B. we experience message overload.
C. we experience psychological noise.
D. All of these are correct.
20. Which is true?
A. Listening and hearing are remarkably similar.
B. It is possible to hear without listening.
C. Listening is physical; hearing is psychological.
D. It is possible to listen without hearing.
21. The stages of listening include all BUT
A. attending. B. understanding. C. responding. D. activating.
22. When listening for information, it is wise to
A. make some quick judgments about the speaker, so you are not misled.
B. tie the message and speaker together in your mind.
C. be opportunistic by learning what you can from this speaker, even if you learn what not to do.
D. listen for details rather than the main ideas.
23. Research cited in your text shows listening to be a significant factor in maintaining
A. marital relationships.
B. family relationships.
C. career success.
D. All of these are correct.
24. What could happen if you were NOT connected to the Internet when using a search engine?
A. The computer will not turn on because internet access is unavailable.
B. The browser will not load and will not direct you to the webpage you want to go to.
C. The settings of the computer will not appear.
D. The files on the computer will be corrupted.
25. What will happen if one does not follow the steps in searching for information on the Internet?
A. The computer will shut down automatically.
B. The user will be successful in searching for information.
C. The internet connection will not function.
D. The process will not be successfully done.
26. Which of these defines research?
A. Searching again and again
B. Finding solution to any problem
C. Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
D. None of the above
27. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
A. Searching sources of information to locate problem.
B. Survey of related literature
C. Identification of problem
D. Searching for solutions to the problem
28. Which of these is one of the essential qualities of a researcher?
A. Spirit of free enquiry
B. Reliance on observation and evidence
C. Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
D. All the above
29. Which best describes proofreading?
A. The process of selecting a topic for which you can find a manageable amount of information
B. The process of documenting all sources of information that are credible, truthful, and reliable
C. The process of finding and correcting spelling, grammar, punctuation and formatting errors
D. The process of organizing the information collected
30. Why is summarizing important?
A. It helps you understand and learn important information
B. It helps you locate the correct source of information
C. It helps you search for information
D. It helps you make notes and write your paper

B. Directions: Read the statements carefully, then choose the letter which best summarizes the text.
Lester was lost. He didn't know where he was or how to get where he was going. He had left the
directions at home, and he didn't have a map. Now, he was in a strange neighborhood, and he was confused. If he
could find a familiar landmark, he might figure things out.

31. A. Wanting a map C. Lester was lost

B. Getting directions D. On his way to a part

Many people buy lottery tickets, but not many wins. Even fewer give away their prize. Paul Cabral, a fast
food assistant manager, won P10,000 in the local lottery and decided to give the money to a youth club. The club's
director could not believe Paul's generosity. Paul didn't think it was any big deal. "The kids need it more than I do,"
he said.

32. A. The state lottery C. One man's generosity

B. The dangers of gambling D. Pick the winning number

For most of us, getting older means getting better. We might not have as much energy as we used to, but
we know how to use it more efficiently. We think more clearly. We have more experience and get less intimidated.
We're more focused on what we love best. That's what maturity is all about.

33. A. Bad situation C. Getting more experience

B. Problems of the elderly D. Positive side of maturity

Cats are affectionate, cuddly, and independent. Unlike dogs, cats can stay on their own if you go away
overnight. They do not need to be walked and can monitor their food, so they don't overeat. Also, cats do not bark,
so your neighbors won't have any noise to complain about. If someone wants to have a pet, a cat is a great choice!

34. A. Cats are independent C. Dogs are a lot of work

B. Cats are great pets D. Pets are hard work

Plenty of people try to fool unsuspecting customers. To protect yourself, read the fine print before you
sign a document. If something looks too good to be true, it usually is! Make sure you know what you agree to, how
much you're paying, and what you're getting in return. If you feel uncertain, do nothing until you've had time to
study and understand the agreement.

35. A. Unsuspecting consumers C. Protection from scams

B. Too good to be true D. Being uncertain

III. Label the parts of the webpage. Choose your answer from the box. Write the answer only.

back button new blank tab close tab

address bar refresh button

Prepared by:

Djoana Rose Junsay- Dela Cruz

Subject Teacher

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