LP Polygons

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Bulacan
Region III

Detailed Instructional Plan in Mathematics

I- Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student shall be able to:
1. Identify the different classification of polygon.
2. Draw the different kind of a polygon.
3. Appreciate the use of the formula in getting the diagonals of the
polygon if the number of sides is more than 12.
II- Subject Matter

Lesson: Geometry of Shape and Size

Topic: Polygons
Reference: Geometry Textbook for Third Year
Soledad Jose-Dilao, Ed D., Julieta G. Bernabe
Pages 11-15
Materials: White Board
White board marker
Visual Aids
Improvised Snake and Ladder board and Dice


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Before we start let us all stand and pray. Who wants
to lead the prayer? Yes Nhely.
(the student and teacher pray
Our Father)
2. Greetings
Good Morning Class! Good Morning ma’am Jolina
3. Classroom Conditioning
Class before you sit, kindly pick up the litters under
your chair and keep them in your bag. Then check if
the chairs are properly arranged. (the students pick up the
litters and arrange their
4. Checking of Attendance
Before we start, let us check first your attendance

Let’s start on the first table Joana Do you have any

absentees on your oval?
We are glad to say that
ma’am there is no absent in
our table.
Very good! How about on your table Jonalyn? Is
there any absentees?
It’s nice to say ma’am that
there is no absent on our

Nice! On the table of Jelina. Is there any absent? It’s my pleasure to say
ma’am that there is no absent
in our group.
Wow very good. How about on the last table. Yes
Eliza? We have no absent on our
Very good section 3-LM we have a perfect attendance
today! Keep it up okay!
Yes ma’am
5.Checking of Assignments
Okay class let us continue. Did I give
You an assignment?
Yes ma’am.
Did you do it?
Yes ma’am
Okay good! Bring it out and pass it sideward then
forward in a count of 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.
(students get their
Are all the papers are here? assignments)

Okay good let’s hear your answer. I will pick 3 Yes ma’am
student who will read their answer.

(Assignment: write the

Meaning/description of each word.)
1. Polygons
2. Convex Polygons
3. Non-convex/Concave Polygons

First one Karen. Please read your answer on Polygons is a plane figure
Number 1. that is bounded by a finite
chain of straight line
segments closing in a loop to
form a closed chain or circuit

Very good! Class gave her a Good job (student give him good job
clap. clap)

A convex polygon is defined

Next number 2. Joyce , read your as a polygon with all its
Answer. interior angles less than 180°.

(student give fireworks clap)

Very good. Give Joyce a fireworks clap.

Last one. Yes Jonalyn. Read your answer on A concave polygon is
Number 3. a polygon that is not convex.
simple polygon is concave if
at least one of its internal
angles is greater than 180°.

(student give Aling Dionisia

Very good! Give him an Aling Clap)
Dionisia Clap

Okay thank you class. Your answers are all correct.

So now let us move on.
B. Developmental Activities
Based on your assignments can you predict what our
topic for today?

Yes Joana?
Ma’am I think we will
discuss about polygons and
the types of this.
Yes your right!
Today we will going to tackle about Polygons and Its

Do you have any idea about what is Polygons is?

Yes Nhely?
Polygons are like square,
rectangle, and heptagon.
You’re right. Very good.

But for further information let us start.

Motivation and Unlocking Difficulties

We are going to discuss Polygons and its Types.

But I want you to enjoy my class but as well you are also
learning so I prepare an energizer for you class. For you to be

We will call it stop and answer.

Here is the mechanics.

There are 3 shapes who be pass on you with a music. If the
music stops the 3 persons holding the shapes are the possible
person who gives question and we will pick a shape on the box
and whatever shape it is, the person holding the same shape will
Don’t worry my question was easy so don’t be afraid. Okay?
Yes ma’am.
So are you ready?

Our first song was ba-ba-black sheep

Okay let’s start. Sing.

Stop. Who hold the shape of _____?

Okay ____.
What are the 7 sided-polygons?
Very good.

Next song. Twinkle Twinkle

Ready sing and pass.


Who has _____?

Okay yes _____?

What polygon is this?


Very good!

Third one. Sing jack and Jill.


Who hold _____?

Okay. Yes ______?

What are the classifications of polygons? Convex and Non-Convex

Very good!
Yes ma’am
So are you now alive?

Very good!
Yes ma’am
Are you now ready to listen?
Lesson Proper

Okay I knew that most of you are familiar with the different
kinds of polygon. But for further knowledge let me discuss to
you the different kinds of polygon and on how to get their

But first let us know what is polygon.

POLYGONS are closed plain figure formed by connecting three
or more segments at their endpoints. The segments are the sides
of the polygon while the end points of these segments are the
vertices of the polygon.

For you to understand here is the example.

(Jonalyn point it.)

(Jonalyn point it.)

So what are the sides of that polygon?

Yes Jonalyn, come here and point it out.
Yes ma’am.
How about the vertices?

Very good Jonalyn!

So do you understand?
They are classified according
to the number of sides
Polygons also have classifications.
So what do you think or do you have any idea about the
classification of polygon?

Yes Joana?

Very good Joana. You’re right.

Polygons are classified according to the number of sides. So here

is table showing the different polygon classified by number of

A polygon is convex if the

segment joining any two
points on the polygon lies
completely inside the
Polygons are also classified as CONVEX and NON-CONVEX.

So if we say convex what do it means?

Yes Karen?
Very good!
Here are some examples.

In convex polygon all the interior angle are less than 180° Yes ma’am.

While the concave at least there is an interior angle that is more

than 180°. Example.

(A diagonal is a line that

connects two non-adjacent
corners together.)
Do you understand?

So we need to know also that every polygon have a numbers of

diagonals except triangle.

Why do you think triangle has no diagonals?

But to answer that let us study first what is a diagonal. Please
read. Yes grace.

So diagonals used to connect two points in a polygon but these (student give good job clap)
two points are not next to each other.

For example in a rectangle, can you draw the diagonals of it?

5 diagonals
(they answer in chorus)
Yes Joyce?

Very good. Give her a good job clap.

(student give him an Aling

In a pentagon, how many diagonals are we can draw?
Dionisia Clap)

Yes 5, draw it on the board.

Yes Nikko?

Good Job! Give him an Aling Dionisia clap! n(n−3)


But there are some cases that we are difficult to get the number
(student give him an
of diagonals because of many side of the polygon so there have a
fireworks clap)
formula we can use for easy for us to find diagonals.
So do you have any idea about the formula we can use?

Yes Ma. Christina?

Nice! Give her a fireworks clap!

n ( n−3 )
The formula we can use was

In which N is the number of side.

For example


12 ( 12−3 )

Can you please count? ¿ 54 diagonals

How many sides was the figure have? Yes ma’am.

Okay substitute on the formula

12 ( 12−3 )
=54 diagonals

Did you get it?

Another example.

15 ( 15−3 )

¿ 90 diagonals

(The student give him 5

What do you call this polygon?
Yes ma’am.

Very good, so how many diagonal these polygons have?

Yes Carlo?

Very good! Give him Limang Bagsak. Go.

Did you understand the way of getting the diagonals?

Okay very good!

But for more understanding, I prepare a game for you class.

This game is called snake and ladder with a twist.

In a simple snake and ladder it was small and the pieces are
small too. But in this game the snake and ladder piece are you
class. You are the one who stand on our giant board.

So here is the mechanics.

We need 1 player in each table.

Like on the simple snake and ladder board game you will toss a Yes ma’am.
giant dice and whatever number will show there are question you
pick inside the number bowls. And if you answer it correctly you
will move based on the number you get in the dice. ______

But we also knew that there is a snake and a ladder. If you stop ______
on the ladder you will automatically go up on the end of the
ladder but if you stop on the snake you will go down on the ______
number where the tail of the snake located.
The one who first went on 50 wins and their group are
automatically exempted on our quiz.

Take note that choose your best player because the group mates
are not allowed to give or to coach their player.
1st- ____
So are you ready?
2nd- ____
3rd- ____
Okay, group 1 who is your player? 4th- _______

How about on your group?

Yes ma’am.
On the 3rd group?

On last group?
Okay. Let’s have a draw lots to know what the order of playing

Who is the 1st player?
(Students are happy)

Okay ____ are you ready?

Okay roll the dice.

(The game are started)

Okay group ___ wins.

So you are all exempted on our quiz.
As general, polygons are we can see everywhere in our daily
lives. Look around and you can see that most man-made
structure is based on polygon shape. The shape of a building, a
door or even simple appliance, picture frames or decorations are
polygons, so it is important to study.

Okay did you understand our lesson?

Can you please summariza it?

A. Identify what kind of polygon is the figure.
1. 2.

3. 4.

Solve for the number of diagonals of each polygon.

1. 65-gon 4. 5.
2. 48-gon
3. 99-gon
You have 15 minutes to answer. Time starts now.

Okay past the paper sideward then forward in a count of (student start answering)
10 all the papers should here in the aisle.

(student pass their paper)

Now bring out your notebook and please copy your assignments.

Find the number of diagonals of each polygon.

1. 124-gon
2. 67-gon
3. 889-gon
(student copy their
4. 432-gon
5. 7689-gon

Are you done copying? Yes ma’am

Kindly read your assignment. All together go. (read in chorus)

Thank you. Do you have any question regarding to your

homework? Nothing ma’am
Okay! Did you enjoy our class? Yes ma’am
Let us call it a very knowledgeable and fun day! Okay ma’am.
Thank you for attending my class today. Goodbye and see you
tomorrow! Goodbye and thank you
ma’am Jolina

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teachers
BSEd Mathematics
Principle of
Teaching II
Submitted by:
Jolina Bagwisa
Karen Mangulabnan
Jonalyn Valmeo
Joana Louisse Agapito
Nhely Rose Falogme

Submitted to:
Butch Stephen Duay, MAE

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