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second 12 months grasp pupil of Bukhara State University,

Uzbekistan Qurbonova Dilnoza Faxridinovna
Scientific advisor: Gadoyeva Mavlyuda Ibragimovna ABSTRACT
This article demonstrates peculiarities of somatic proverbs each Uzbek and English languages.
Linguocultural factor of linguistics has been considered whilst doing studies on evaluating proverbs of
the languages. Paremia has been emphasised as a extensive aspect of the performed analysis.
KEYWORDS: - Somatism, linguoculturology, paremia, proverbs, metaphor, comparative studies,
paremiological gadgets, lexico-thematic gadget, semantics, polysemy. A proverb is a kind of
pronouncing that carries a chunk of recommendation or simply consists of reality or another frequent
value. It is a quick declaration this is famous and humans employ a proverb to specific their emotions. A
proverb can say plenty greater than 1000 phrases. Morality, fact, knowledge, friendship, loyalty, etc. are
the values which are glorified with the usage of those proverbs. Proverb may be utilized in a literal
or figurative feel in oral and written speech. Some proverbs are handiest utilized in a figurative ("Qarg’a
qarg’aning ko’zini cho’qimaydi" ("Crows do now no longer choose crow's eyes"), "Quruq qoshiq og’iz
yirtar" ("Anempty hand isn't anyt any entice for a hawk")), or literal feel ("Ona yurting omon bolsa, rangi-
roying somon bolmas" ("If your us of a prospers, you prosper")). Proverbs are wealthy and
numerous in phrases of issues used. There are proverbs that are devoted to such topics as motherland,
labor, knowledge, skill, friendship, team spirit, understanding, vigilance, language and speech lifestyle,
love, terrible qualities, etc. Typical functions of proverbs are: a dialectic team spirit of content material
and shape; occasionally they're wealthy in rhymes; on occasion they have got many meanings; they're
metaphorical. In a proverb frequently it's far feasible to discover one of these phenomenon as antithesis
(for instance, "Kattaga hurmatda bol, kichikka izzatda" ("Honor the older, appreciate the younger")).
Proverbs also can be prosaic and in verse paperwork. Although such proverbs as "Mehnat, mehnatning
tagi rohat" ("Work is done, time for fun") are determined in prose, it's miles nonetheless feasible to
sense poetic motifs in them. Also, just like in poems, there are internal motifs and rhymes in such
proverbs as "Elga bersang oshingni, ellar silar boshingni. Itga bersang oshingni, itlar g`ajir boshigni"
("Give your meals to the human beings and they may pat your head. Give your meals to the dogs, and
they'll gnaw your head"). Examples of proverbs of Uzbek human beings have been supplied for the
primary time withinside the paintings of Mahmud al-Kashgari called "Diwanu-Lugat al-Turk". Many of
those proverbs, that have quite a few versions, are nevertheless used amongst Uzbek humans. For
instance the proverb, that is supplied with the aid of using Mahmud al-Kashgari, "Kishi olasi ichtin, qilqi
olasi tashtin" ("Human's mischief is hidden inside, in animals - outside"), is these days used withinside
the shape of "Odam olasi ichida, mol olasi tashida". In Uzbek language to indicate proverbs (maqol) a
few different phrases are every so often used. These are: "masal", "zarbulmasal", "naql", "hikmat",
"hikmatli soz", "tanbeh", "mashoyikhlar so`zi", "hikmatli maqol", "donishmandlar sozi", "otalar sozi", etc.
In wellknown, proverbs are of terrific socio-political and academic value. The following sayings are
substantial most of the humans: "Qil uchida turibman" ("I hold withinside the balance", "Semizlinki qo`y
ko`taradi" ("Fatness is the proper in shape for a ram"), "Tuyaga yantoq kerak bolsa, boynini chozar" ("If
camel desires a bur, it stretches its neck"), "Bekorga mushuk oftobga chiqmaydi" ("Without motive no cat
comes out"). Proverb is a short pronouncing that offers a fact or a few little bit of beneficial know-
how. It is normally primarily based totally on not unusualplace feel or realistic experience. The impact of
a proverb is, to make the knowledge it tells appear to be self-evident. The equal proverb regularly
happens amongst numerous distinct peoples. True proverbs are sayings which have been handed from
era to era mostly with the aid of using phrase of month. They may additionally were positioned into
written shape. A proverb includes a brief sentence which includes a widespread piece of knowledge. A
proverb incorporates knowledge which has been exceeded down from one era to the next. It describes
conditions which befell earlier than and which might be repeated once more and once more. There
are outstanding numerous styles of the proverbs through their location: Universal proverbs - On
evaluating proverbs of culturally unrelated components of the arena, one reveals numerous ones having
now no longer best the identical fundamental concept however the shape of expression, i.e. the wording
is likewise equal or very similar. These are in particular easy expressions of easy observations or easy
moral principles, however now no longer all expressions of easy observations have become proverbs in
each language. Regional proverbs - In culturally associated regions - at the sample of loan-phrases -
many loan-proverbs seem beside the indigenous ones. A large a part of them may be traced again to the
classical literature of the place's past, in Europe the Greco- Roman classics, and withinside the Far East to
the Sanskrit and Korean classics. Local Proverbs - In a cultural vicinity frequently inner variations seem,
the classics (e.g. the Bible or the Confucian Analects) aren't similarly seemed as a supply of proverbs in
each language. Geographical place offers additionally upward thrust to any other set of not unusualplace
nearby proverbs. These concerns are illustrated in numerous European and Far-Eastern languages, as
English and Korean. Proverbs have been usually the maximum vivacious and on the identical time
the maximum solid a part of the countrywide languages, appropriate competing with the sayings and
aphorisms of tremendous thinkers. In the proverb and sayings snap shots queness of countrywide
wondering become extra brilliant expressed in addition to their functions of countrywide character. The
proverbs and sayings are the paper of folklore which is brief however deep withinside the that means.
They explicit the outlook of the quantity of human beings through their social and perfect functions.
Proverbs and sayings consist of themselves the a few positive functions of ancient improvement and the
tradition of human beings. There are six primary styles of proverbs: According to Meider W.,
proverbs with the aid of using their which means and motivation may be divided into six fundamental
types: Synonyms is a proverb wherein each strains say basically the identical element however
expressed in a barely distinct way. E.G. Deeds are fruits, phrases are however leaves Antithetical manner
that a idea is supplied withinside the first line, with the bad of that idea expressed withinside the 2d line.
E.G. Actions communicate louder than phrases Synthetic is whilst each strains appear to specific
absolutely one-of-a-kind mind, even contrary mind, but that have one not unusualplace theme. Integral
is while the second one line completes the idea of the primary line. E.G. Don’t hassle problems till
problems hassle you! Parabolic is whilst the primary line illustrates the second one. The 2nd line is the
coaching the primary one is the analogy. E.G. All is nicely that ends nicely. Comparative is while a proverb
compares one component with some other to demonstrate a not unusualplace trait. E.G. Blood is thicker
than water. Somatic vocabulary (from the Greek "soma" - "frame") - one of the lexical agencies in
any language and the maximum not unusualplace item of have a look at in comparative ancient,
linguocultural works of home and overseas linguists who normally spotlight this vocabulary first
withinside the lexico-thematic gadget of any language. Somatics - nouns with the unique that means of
element human or animal frame. Somatic vocabulary manner such devices whose constituent additives
are phrases -names of elements of the human frame, frame of animals. This time period may be utilized
in biology, medicine. At the give up of the XX - starting of the XXI centuries, linguists pay unique interest
to somatic vocabulary, looking for tolerant answers to issues intercultural communication, growth the
effectiveness of the observe of the lexical composition of the language. This time period turned into first
brought via way of means of of the maximum historical layers of phrasing and represent the maximum
used of the vocabulary of any time period "somatic" is actively utilized in phrase studies, which denotes
the entirety that belongs to the frame of someone or animal. The hobby of linguists in somatics
is defined through the reality that the system of attention of oneself as someone, someone started out
with sensations that get up thru the senses and components of his personal frame. "A man or woman is
egocentric, - writes V.G. Gak in one in all his ultimate works - he sees in himself the middle of the
universe and presentations the arena in its personal likeness nationality, can such components of your
frame as head, leg, eye, ear, and so on. Somatics represents various important in any human
society of principles and relationships, with out which it's miles hard to assume human speech, and
notes that somatic vocabulary is prominent with the aid of using a excessive frequency of use and
advanced polysemy. Somatic vocabulary is a holistic machine that has a regular quantity of items of
nominations and it's far meant for the designation of a particular composition of a lexical unit. The first
indicator is extralinguistic, this is, regarding actual reality, wherein language develops and functions, isn't
relies upon at the country wide language, and the second one is in direct share from the person traits of
a specific language: composition the corresponding lexemes can range each quantitative and in
qualitatively. The coronary heart is the primary and significant human organ. T internal global of
someone is constantly centered at the coronary heart. In Uzbek and English paremias, this somatism
most usually symbolizes such human feelings as reports, joy, love, sorrow, and so on. In Uzbek and
English explanatory dictionaries, we've got located the subsequent definitions. The maximum primary
are the values proven withinside the below. Heart 1) A hole muscular organ that pumps the blood thru
the circulatory machine with the aid of using rhythmic contraction and dilation. 2) The coronary heart is
appeared because the middle of someone's mind and feelings, mainly love or compassion. 3) The
important or innermost a part of something. After inspecting those values, we will finish that English
and Uzbek definitions coincide with every different. We analyzed a few proverbs of Uzbek and English.
We discovered that withinside the Uzbek language "coronary heart" in its number one which means
changed into utilized in 12 proverbs, that is 21%, at the same time as in English – 12 proverbs -27%. We
observed out that during Uzbek paremias, the coronary heart in its unique which means is described the
use of adjectives along with painful (1), human (1), falcon (1), ill (1). In English paremiology, the lexeme
coronary heart in a somatic which means is described with adjectives together with human (2) - human,
big (1) - big, ill (1) - ill, stout (1) - strong. In the English language, a extensively large variety
paremias are revealed, expressing th mindset of local audio system to a kind, responsive coronary heart.
We additionally taken into consideration instances in which association become in Uzbek and English
paremiology, thinking about this somatism because the issue of the motion bureaucracy verb mixtures
and may describe the nation of someone, his emotions, reports, mood, pain, sense. For instance, in
Uzbek somatism head is used with with such verbs as lie (2), torture (1), wait (1 hurt (3), suffer (2), have
fun (1), boil (1), know (2), protect (1), heat (1). In English paremias, the phrase coronary heart is used
with verbs Ȃ to grieve over (1) think (2) and coronary heart may be utilized in a metaphorical experience.
In Uzbek paremias actively used metaphors to carry human qualities. For instance, which means of an
unbearably hard situation that that is the "organ" of affection affection. In Englis proverbs and sayings
have additionally been diagnosed with the metaphorical which means given somatism. "Happy coronary
heart" denotes someone's mood, "heat coronary heart "," mild coronary heart "- its high-quality
qualities, like kindness sincerity, at the same time as "faint coronary heart" denotes the insecurity, weak
spot of the human character, "coronary heart of wax" denotes someone's indifference to what's
happening, to a few unsightly events. bad coloration while someone refuses to manifest. Uzbeks
believed that human fitness relies upon at the kingdom of mind, therefore, in Uzbek paremias, all
reports are frequently reflected, bad feelings that have an effect on someone's nicely-being. For
paremias the usage of the coronary heart issue displays the emotional alienation of the unwell and
wholesome while a wholesome character did now no longer display a sense of Uzbek paremias with the
phrase coronary heart additionally mirror the mind-set in the direction of flattery. Flattery changed into
usually condemned, they confirmed mistrust of a flattering man or woman and neglect. The guy who
couldn't inform the distinction among flattery and reward wa taken into consideration weak, weak-
willed, now no longer understanding his Uzbek consciousness. It describes the most important quantity
of Uzbek language paremias with issue coronary heart. The coronary heart displays the soul of someone,
his feelings, passions, reports. So, proverb is a style of oral peoples art. It is a sensible adage,
which is brief, figurative and grammatically and logically complete, a word with a deep that means.
Proverbs, that have sure, consistent and extensively used rhythmic formula, emerged on the idea of
humans's centuries-lengthy experience. In proverbs located its mirrored image humans's life-associated
observations, their attitudes to the society, their history, non secular country, moral and aesthetic
emotions and high quality qualities. Having been preserved with the aid of using the humans at some
point of centuries, they received concise and easy poetic shape.

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