?CPAR Flipped-Class Activity 1 - Feb 27 (Mon)

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I paid a visit to the Historical Alberto Museum and Sentrong Pangkultura ng

Biñan near the plaza. The Historical Alberto Museum is the maternal ancestral house of
the national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. The interior of the house had quite a number of rooms,
and inside the rooms you will find several displayed artworks from different artists. The
Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan contained objects, narratives, and photographs that
exhibit Biñan’s history, built heritages, various personages, and intangible cultural
When I was touring around the museum, I felt how the objects within the
museum are preserved and protected. I can feel the objects resonate with ancient
memories from our ancestors and are preserved for the new generations to see. I saw
various artworks with different expressions and meanings. “Mend” is the name of one of
the artworks that standed out to me. It displays a woman sewing a pair of beautiful
butterfly wings to her back. “Agila” also standed out to me because of the use of
different color combinations that I did not expect to work. As the name of the artwork
“Agila” in English means “Eagle”, It shows an eagle with its wing covering almost all of
its body. Another artwork that I noticed is about two fishes in a position similar to the yin
and yang symbol. The name of the artwork is “Imbalance” which I think is because the
artwork may really be derived from the yin and yang, which is a philosophical concept
that describes opposite but interconnected forces. “Sunset and Wild Flowers” is an
artwork that, as the name says, is a beautiful display of wild flowers carried by a gust of
wind in a beautiful sunset. “Hidden Beauty” is an artwork that displays a vase full of pink
roses that is placed in some corner. Based on my experience, I can define art as
diverse and unique. It is amazing how a piece of art can contain and express many
different emotions and have a meaning. These artists are incredibly talented for being
able to express themselves through their artwork and their skill in creating these works
are extraordinary. The artwork I really liked is by Maria Katrina Elaine Reyes, the
artwork’s name is Initium Novum Genesis. It is an ink art and the reason why this art
attracted me the most is because it is ink art. Ink art is very difficult to do, I love how the
lines in this art piece are so perfect, and there are many different drawings that are put
together and they actually compliment each other which makes the drawing more
I believe the essence of building a museum like the Historical Alberto Museum
and Sentrong Pangkultura ng Biñan is to provide a place for people to learn more about
the history of Biñan city. It can provide opportunities for people to learn about the culture
of Biñan and gain more knowledge. They can also learn about how Biñan City
developed throughout the generations to the city we know today. Furthermore, the
displaying of various artworks also allows people to be inspired and maybe someday,
be an artist of their own. It also helps the art community to be more expressive as their
works can be recognized. My realization during the tour is that I knew nothing about the
history of Biñan, and thanks to the preservation of objects from the past, I am able to
gain some insight to how things were back then. After the tour, I realized that I should
visit museums more often, as they hold very dear and knowledgeable objects. I can also
learn from them and as someone who draws as myself, I can get even more inspired to
create artworks and maybe someday, my artwork be displayed.


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