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Pushpinder Singh

Instructor- Roger Farr

Student number- 100163252

English 100 25

February 4, 2023

Anthology Discussion Questions

1. There are some sentences in which the author made connections such as:

“Klaus, Kennell, and Klaus address Di Lallo's concern of culturally appropriate care.”

“Although Di Lallo agrees with Chen et al. that Aboriginal maternal characteristics may

influence negative birth outcomes, she argues that the lack of prenatal care due to "mistrust" has

led to the concerning birth outcomes (40)”.

2. There are some sections in which revision is required for example in sources page number and

date of access are missing and there can be some definitions that make it easy for the reader to

understand the essay.

3. The conclusion of the essay is effective as it provides an effective summary and explains the

influence of doula on the future of the mother and baby.

4. This research has different sources, and these are effective sources as it includes books and

academic journals. The credible sources and variety of sources as it includes six different sources

which is the strength of this research.

5. based on the assessment rubric this essay has good style and expression as it has proper MLA

format and sentence structure. It has a variety of sources including academic journals and books

but this can have more definitions and creativity so I would give 29 out of 30 to this anthology.

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