Ethical Challenges of Preexposure Prophylaxis For HIV

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Ethical Challenges of Preexposure

Prophylaxis for HIV
Jonathan S. Jay, JD, MA At a health system level, comparative cost-effectiveness
should be a primary consideration for priority setting. As-
Lawrence O. Gostin, JD suming 44% effectiveness, one model estimated that emtri-

N JULY 16, 2012, EMTRICITABINE/TENOFOVIR citabine/tenofovir would be cost-effective for those who en-
(Truvada; Gilead Sciences) became the first drug gage in male-to-male sexual contact who average 5 sexual
approved by the US Food and Drug Adminis- partners per year.6 Additional research is needed to com-
tration (FDA) for preexposure prophylaxis pare cost-effectiveness across different combination pre-
(PrEP) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) for adults vention approaches.
at high risk. Clinical trials have demonstrated that daily use
Patient and Population-Level Risk
of oral antiretroviral drugs can reduce the risk of HIV ac-
quisition through sexual intercourse. With 50 000 new HIV If patients who are HIV infected take emtricitabine/
infections per year in the United States1 and 2 million per tenofovir, drug resistance can occur, thereby compromis-
year worldwide,2 PrEP could become a major component ing therapeutic options and possibly posing a public health
of “combination prevention” along with condoms, coun- threat. Therefore, PrEP requires regular testing and re-
seling, testing, and treatment. liable medication use. The FDA Amendments Act of 2007
empowers the agency to approve a drug subject to a Risk
Behavior and Effectiveness Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy, including medical test-
Emtricitabine/tenofovir is only partially effective for HIV pre- ing. The FDA could have directed physicians to prescribe
vention, with the Partners PrEP study of serodiscordant and pharmacies to dispense this drug only to patients with
couples reporting a 75% risk reduction in HIV transmis- a negative HIV test result. Such stringent conditions, how-
sion.3 The effectiveness of PrEP correlates with adherence; ever, would reduce access. The FDA instead required the
the iPrEx study of male-to-male sexual contact reported more manufacturer of emtricitabine/tenofovir to train and edu-
than 90% protection among study participants with high ad- cate health care professionals and collect drug utilization
herence,4 but 44% reduction in HIV transmission overall.5 data. The FDA labeling recommends HIV testing at least
Even a modest 44% reduction, however, would represent a every 3 months, as well as symptom monitoring for acute
clear benefit in high-prevalence settings and sexual net- HIV-1 infection and toxicities (especially kidney impair-
works. Researchers must closely monitor the results of on- ment and bone density loss).
going open-label studies of PrEP, as well as use in practice,
Equity and Justice
and if necessary, conduct pilot programs to increase adher-
ence over time. Despite empowering patients and promoting the public’s
If unsafe sex were to increase with PrEP, it could theo- health, PrEP could exacerbate health care inequalities.
retically offset effectiveness in practice. Behavioral disinhi- High cost and intense medical monitoring could exclude
bition, however, was not observed in clinical trials. More- individuals with low income, unstable housing, drug
over, a substantial increase in unsafe sex would have to occur dependence, or mental illness. This challenge is even
to offset the benefits of PrEP on a population level. greater in low-income countries with limited resources
and infrastructure.
Cost-effectiveness Early PrEP adopters are likely to include gay and bisexual
Daily emtricitabine/tenofovir in the United States has been men and heterosexual serodiscordant couples with greater
estimated to cost $10 000 per year, including screening and education and resources. Extending PrEP to other groups
physician visits.6 This cost is high compared with alterna- will require effective public health governance, along with
tive prevention strategies. However, even high-price inter- Author Affiliations: O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, George-
ventions become cost-effective when compared with the town University Law Center, Washington, DC.
Corresponding Author: Lawrence O. Gostin, JD, O’Neill, Institute for National and
greater cost (and morbidity) that would occur if individu- Global Health Law, Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Ave NW,
als became infected. Washington, DC 20001 (

©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, September 5, 2012—Vol 308, No. 9 867

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research and innovation. Fortunately, a blueprint exists: an- controls. Beneficence requires researchers to minimize
tiretroviral strategies for both HIV treatment and prevent- risks to study participants—and while regulatory
ing mother-to-child transmission have relied on advances approval alone does not determine the appropriate stan-
in science, financing, access, and health care to achieve re- dard of care, it signals a strong evidence base and shifting
markable success globally. clinical norms. Offering PrEP to study participants, how-
Underserved Populations. Reaching populations ever, presents scientific and logistical research challenges,
with disproportionate HIV incidence, including young with no consensus on how to balance conflicting obliga-
black men who engage in male-to-male sexual contact, is tions. Multistakeholder deliberations should proceed on
crucial to reduce HIV burdens and promote equity. this topic.
Although the Affordable Care Act will expand coverage,
it cannot ensure testing and PrEP for all vulnerable indi- Looking Ahead
viduals. Prevention programs should explore synergies Daily oral emtricitabine/tenofovir is likely just the first
with HIV testing campaigns, which currently link to iteration of PrEP interventions that will reach the market.
treatment, but they could also link to PrEP for HIV- Dosing PrEP intermittently (before and after sexual expo-
negative, high-risk individuals. sure, or only during periods of increased sexual activity),
Women. The FDA approval includes at-risk women, rather than daily, could theoretically maintain effective-
despite mixed evidence of PrEP effectiveness but clear ness for some users while reducing toxicity and cost.
need: 25% of new HIV infections in the United States1 and Longer-acting PrEP products such as vaginal rings or
half worldwide2 occur in women. PrEP addresses the need injectable agents could also reduce the daily burden for
for a female-controlled prevention mechanism that can be PrEP users. With these biomedical advances, PrEP could
used without a male partner’s consent. The efficacy of oral transform HIV prevention much like hormonal contra-
PrEP remains less certain for women than for men, ception transformed family planning. Combination pre-
although the results of the VOICE study ( vention and universal treatment makes it possible to
NCT00705679) are expected in 2013 and could alleviate con- dream of an “AIDS-free” generation.
cerns raised by the FEM-PrEP study, which closed early due Published Online: July 27, 2012. doi:10.1001/2012.jama.10158
to futility.7 A female-specific prevention method such as vagi- Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The authors have completed and submitted the
nal microbicide could enhance the effectiveness of chemo- ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest and none were
prophylaxis among women. The CAPRISA 004 trial found Additional Contributions: Susan C. Kim, JD, MPH, O’Neill Institute for National
that topical tenofovir gel, used before and after sexual con- and Global Health Law, offered valuable assistance for which she received no com-
pensation. Dina M. Jerebitski, Georgetown University Law Center, contributed
tact, reduced HIV acquisition by 39%.8 research assistance for which she received compensation.
Generalized Epidemics. Most new HIV infections
worldwide occur in developing countries experiencing REFERENCES
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868 JAMA, September 5, 2012—Vol 308, No. 9 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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