The Transitional Change On The Implementation of Iso 14001: 2015 in Copper Ore Mill - Case Study

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The transitional change on the implementation of iso 14001: 2015 in Copper

Ore Mill - Case study

Article  in  Journal of Ecological Engineering · September 2017

DOI: 10.12911/22998993/76210


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2 authors:

Arif Susanto Nur Budi Mulyono

PT Freeport Indonesia Bandung Institute of Technology


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Journal of Ecological Engineering
Volume 18, Issue 5, Sep. 2017, pages 37–49
DOI: 10.12911/22998993/76210 Research Article



Arif Susanto1,2, Nur Budi Mulyono2

Doctoral Program of Environmental Science, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Diponegoro, 50241,
Semarang, Indonesia, e-mail:
School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 40132, Bandung, Indonesia,

Received: 2017.06.16 ABSTRACT

Accepted: 2017.08.01 The transition process of implementation standard for environmental management
Published: 2017.09.01 system (EMS) ISO 14001  :2015 lasts for three years, requiring every organization
to adopt the latest version by September 2018. The objectives of this research is to
describe and analyze the stages done by copper ore mill. This research used a concept
analysis method, which focused on and could be basically defined to examine the
basic elements of widely used concept to clarify ISO 14001  :2015 standards char-
acteristics and relations. The result of this research provide a conceptual framework
based on the standard of ISO 14001:2015 – EMS : Requirements with Guidance for
Use, where this framework consists of steps to design the transition change from EMS
ISO 14001 :2004 to its 2015 new version. The description of every step is expected to
give understanding and model for organizations that must conduct transition and for
the ones that will start implementing the EMS.

Keywords: aspects; EMS standard; conceptual framework, ISO 14001:2015;

transition change.

INTRODUCTION account of the perspective of the life cycle (She-

habi, 2016). EMS helps organizations identify,
Transition change is necessary as a more manage, monitor, and control their environmental
significant response to environmental change. issues in a ‘holistic’ manner (ISO-a, 2015). It re-
A simple change of ‘what is’, transition change quires that an organization considers all environ-
replaces ‘what is’ with something different as a mental issues relevant to its operations.
whole. Transition change starts with management EMS includes the need for continual im-
acknowledgement that existing problems cannot provement of an organization’s systems and ap-
be solved or an opportunity cannot be pursued, so proach to environmental concerns (ISO-b, 2015).
something in the current organization operations The standard has recently been revised and there
need to be changed or a better service is created will be a three year transition process certifica-
(Andersen and Andersen, 2001). It is a continu- tion with key improvements such as the increased
ous alignment process of an organization with its prominence of environmental management with-
environment (Davidson, 2009) and a process to in the organization’s strategic planning process-
manage the effects that arise. es, greater input from leadership, and a stronger
ISO 14001:2015 is applicable to any organi- commitment to proactive initiatives that improve
zations, regardless of types, size, and nature. EMS environmental performance (ISO-a, 2015).
applies to the environmental aspects of its opera- Copper ore mill is a process business unit in
tions, products, and services that the organization separating the mine minerals by using a complex
sets that can control and or influence by taking process, high technology and quite a lot of man-

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(5), 2017

power, where this activity can possibly be influ- transition change EMS ISO 14001:2004 to new
ential to its environment (Susanto et al, 2012). version 2015 as depicted in Figure 1. Research
Furthermore, in its environmental management, methods used concept analysis methods, be-
it uses ISO 14001:2004 standard management cause its utilized in business studies (Firth et al,
system; therefore, it is necessary to conduct 2015) which focus and could be basically defined
change management related to ISO 14001:2015 to examine the basic elements of a widely used
implementation plan. concept to clarify ISO 14001:2015 standards
The success of this change is highly subject to characteristics and relations.
how the change management process stages are In business studies, interpretative research of
done (Newton, 2007). One of the big change for concepts belongs to the interpretative paradigm
ISO 14001:2015 is that it brings environmental of organization and management research, but
management and continuous improvement into can also classified as types of conceptual research
the core values of an organization, so the standard methods (Nuoponen, 2010). Target-oriented
of the new management system is an opportunity conceptual problem solving, forming concept
for organization to conform its strategic direction through analytic and synthetic reasoning by us-
in environmental performance improvement. ing existing concept and insight are used in this
In order to address this issue, the transition research. The selected resource from ISO define
process in the EMS at the copper ore mill must concept analysis each from the point of view.
be planned and managed skillfully so that the Analysis process starts with general consid-
change can occur effectively to achieve its ob- erations and continue to the next step consist of
jectives. The problem that may appear from this structuring a concept system and analyzing all
change is planned changes to ISO 14001:2015 data systematically by conceptual framework that
with regard to the use of life cycle perspectives was elaborated based on ISO EMS new version
and risk-based thinking. guidelines. Elaboration means going through col-
lected information on concepts according to pre-
liminary concept system and establishing their
METHODS content and delimiting concepts from other con-
cepts in the same concept system.
The conceptual framework in this research The method to collect data was observation
to reach roadmap outline is based on standard method with documentation study where data
of ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Manage- collection was done by systematically collecting,
ment System – Requirements with Guidance for observing and recording the investigated findings.
Use. The framework consist of steps to design a The tool used to collect data was a checklist sheet

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Source: elaborated by the authors based on ISO 14001:2015 guidelines.

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(5), 2017

on conformity between the real condition with the certainty; (3) related to the content and scale of
clauses in ISO 14001:2015. Afterwards, gap anal- change to be done; (4) and related to the method
ysis was done upon the checklist and we could and strategy chosen to manage the change. The
identify which requirements that had been com- concept about change process will give an under-
plied and the ones which had not been complied. standing on change process that can be a base in
Document study was complementary for the creating a condition that enables the creation of a
use of this observation method, in qualitative re- change as depicted in Figure 2.
search, where the credibility of research result Management conducts various time invest-
should be higher if using documentation study ments and other worthy resources to change the
(Susanto, 2017). Furthermore, there were several ways organization operates. This planned change
benefits of using this method: documentary ma- is defined as deliberate structural innovation plan-
terials were available and ready to use, no need ning and implementation, policy and new objec-
research cost but only need some time to study it, tives, climate and operation style. Inside the change
could be a triangulation to check data conformity process, there is an individual that is responsible
and was the main material in historical research. for leadership roles in the process of change man-
agement. The planned change is led by a top man-
agement in organization, but all the members of
RESULTS the organization can take role and initiative neces-
sary to give contribution based on their abilities for
Alike all ISO management system standards, the success of change process (Yukl, 2002).
ISO 14001 also covers the need for organiza- Strategy is made to accelerate the achieve-
tion system improvement as well as a continu- ment of an organization goal. The direction and
ous approach to environmental problems. In ISO coverage of organization in long-term period are
14001:2015, there is a key element of improve- to achieve organization benefits through configu-
ment that is specified for environmental manage- ration of all resources they have in order to be
ment that covers organization strategic planning able to handle environmental challenges as well
process, leadership and proactive initiatives that as fulfilling business environmental needs and the
improve the environmental performance. An orga- expectation of related parties. Strategy formula-
nization must take a strategic approach to improve tion conducted is to develop the organization vi-
its environmental performance (Susanto, 2017). sion and missions, stating strategic objectives and
The use of ISO 14001 standard helps in designing strategies to achieve those objectives.
showing the current and future compliance with There are five phases in the system think-
the law and regulation requirements; improving ing mentioned above that affect the transi-
leadership and employee involvement; improv- tional change from ISO 14001:2004 into ISO
ing company’s reputation and stakeholders’ trust 14001:2015 in the environmental management
through strategic communication; achieving stra- system at copper ore mill:
tegic business that aims to combine environmen- •• Phase A – Output: Phase that defines clearly
tal issues into business management; providing the objectives to achieve by defining the vi-
competitiveness and benefits through efficiency sion forward.
improvement and cost reduction; encouraging a •• Phase B – Feedback: Phase that is used to see
good environmental performance for the suppli- whether the objectives have been achieved.
ers by integrating them into the ones that focus on
communication strategies in organization busi- •• Phase C – Input: Determining the gap between
ness system (ISO, 2015). the current conditions with the expected condi-
Change is a transformation from current tions so that the steps to achieve them can be
condition towards the expected condition in determined.
the future, i.e. a better condition. The objective •• Phase D – Throughput: phase that determines
of change management is to make organization the necessary steps to reduce the gap and to
more effective, efficient and responsive upon the realize the objectives stated in phase A.
change happening in the organization. There are •• Phase E – Environment: Conducting exter-
four main dimension of the base of change man- nal and internal identifications that affect the
agement perspective: (1) related to the concept on change, where the result will give direction
change process; (2) related to contexts and un- and how much the change to be done.

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(5), 2017

Figure 2. Change management through continuous improvement and environmental management review

Context of the Organization from externals, or often called environment. Or-

ganization is responsive to the change happening
Clause 4.1 and 4.2 procedure for determining in its environment.
context of the organization are non mandatory Therefore, an organization seldom makes a
document that can be used for ISO 14001:2015 big change without a strong encouragement from
implementation and it is the first requirement of its environment. Meanwhile, internal factors are
the standard and how they affected the EMS. It the change causes coming from inside the orga-
is decided to approach the requirement with a nization. Some of the organization change caus-
SWOT analysis, and depicted in table 1. ing factors that belong to external factors are the
change of ISO 14001 environmental management
List All Interested Parties system standard used by copper ore mill and the
government regulations related to environmental
In a broad line, the causing factors of change management. Both external and internal inter-
can be categorized into two, i.e. external factors ested parties that will affect this change manage-
and internal factors (Wallace and Szilagyi, 1982). ment. List all interested parties as a part of deter-
External factors are the change causes coming mining the organization depicted in table 2.

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(5), 2017

Table 1. Approach requirement of the EMS standard

Strength Weakness
• Environmental issues awareness
• Competent and experiences employees • ISO 14001 certification according to old version
• Long-term contracts of work (CoW)
Opportunities Threats
• Alignment with sustainability policies to the ICMM
• Violation to Environmental Impact Analysis commitment
Sustainable Development Principles
• Failing ISO 14001:2015 certification
• Increasing competitiveness by getting ISO 14001:2015

The Scope of the Environmental Management the organizational units; functions and physical
System (EMS) boundaries (in terms of how copper ore mill actu-
ally operates); processes activity and products; to
Since the standard was implemented, the orga- assess the impact within the organizational scope.
nization was considering expanding its business to The EMS cannot be effective without con-
concentrating and/or milling processes, so they are trol of its components, and demonstration of
included in the scope of the EMS. Scope is defined any influence over the external aspects. The ISO
as the area or range covered by activity and its use 14001:2015 advises that the scope should be
within the ISO 14001:2015 in clause 4.3 encourage maintained and be available to interest parties as
to consider all potential effects that performance of mandatory documented information and records
the EMS. And consider all factors such as inter- required. The scope of EMS allowing organiza-
nal and external issues; compliance obligations; tion to make a critical information available to

Table 2. List all interested parties

Interested Parties
External Party Needs and Expectations
 Green Supply Chain
 Consumers  Buyers  Sustainability Reporting Initiatives
 Business to Business (B2B)
 Compliance with environmental protection
and management legislation
 Ministry of Environmental and
 Compliance with occupational health and
safety regulations
 Ministry of Energy and Mineral
 Compliance with chemical management
 Regulators Legislators Resources
 Minstry of Industry
 Compliance with industrial health regulations
 Ministry of Health
 Compliance with hazardous wastes
 Environmental Impact Control Agency
management regulations
 Compliance with waste water regulations
 ISO 14001 certified
 Shareholders  Owners
 Eco-friendly image
 Local
 Community  National  Environmental disclosure
 International
 Special interest group  NGO  Environmental disclosure
 Media  Mass Media  Environmental disclosure
Internal Party Needs and Expectations
 ISO 14001 certified
 Eco-friendly image
 Efficiency uses on resources
 Top Management  Board of Directors  Efficiency uses on raw materials
 Reduce a company’s costs
 Advantage in global market
 Reduced insurance premiums
 Reducing the amount of potentially
 Vendors
 Suppliers hazardous substances
 Contractors
 Advantage in global market
 Employee  Workforce  Safer internal environment
 Workplace safer and they are could
 Union  Union
contributing to the environmental effort

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(5), 2017

shareholders, stakeholders, and external parties, 4. Change in the workload assigned to the organi-
also allow an organization to continually review zation as a whole or certain component of the
and improve the scope of EMS itself. Compliance organization.
at audit time will also be a problem if the organi-
zation cannot demonstrate that the scope has been In ISO 14001:2015, leadership as part of con-
properly considered, defined, and documented. text of the organization is illustrated in Figure 3.
The transitional change on the implementa- Change in the field of organization leadership
tion of ISO 14001:2015 at copper ore mill can be occurs with or without a change in organization
categorized into technological change where it structure. In the scope of environmental manage-
includes new products and process. This change ment system, it covers:
varies which covers items related to the establish- 1. Planning, this is related to the sensitivity and re-
ment of new tools and ways in various production sponsiveness on the changes that occur in various
process. Besides being categorized into techno- field outside the organization whose influence is
logical change, the transitional change can also be felt in organizational functional task execution.
categorized as externally environmental change, These changes have implications on the quality,
i.e. change on the international standards. Mean- type and form of information needed to develop a
while, organization’s internal change covers strat- plan which in turn may require a change.
egy and environmental policy changes. 2. Furthermore, the analysis and formulation of
the policy that is derived into Environmental
Leadership and Review of the Environmental Policy that states several objectives comply
Policy in all material respect with applicable envi-
ronmental laws and regulation, which volun-
Organization component that often becomes tary commitment to which it subscribe; seeks
one of the organizational change targets is organi- means to prevent environmental pollution;
zation structure that consists of: seek continuing improvement by implement-
1. Formulation in certain formula or aspect on the ing a management system that sets objectives
defined objectives. and targets, which are based on valid data and
2. Change in mission to accomplish. sound science, by reviewing targets sets in the
3. Change in the formulation, nature and type Environmental Management Plan and Envi-
of operational main tasks, assignments and ronmental Monitoring Plan and by regular in-
activities. ternal and external audits.

Figure 3. Context of the organization in ISO 14001:2015.

Source: ISO, 2015.

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(5), 2017

3. Ensure that environmental considerations are understanding significant critical risks and op-
an integral part of all planning, engineering portunities in terms of environment; status of
and operations; work with community near organization compliance with the interested par-
our operations by applying mutual respect and ties; and various elements from environmental
developing active partners; promote energy ef- management system. Making regular contacts
ficiency and responsible 3R (reduce, reuse and with project leaders as well as evaluating their
recycle) and disposal of products used in the progress and, if necessary, giving a guidance at
operations; contribute to conservation of bio- the right time and providing necessary resources.
diversity and integrated approaches to land use In addition, giving information on the operations
planning. Ensure a policy is documented, com- condition through internal audits, which at the
municated to all employees and persons work- same time, can emphasize the importance of en-
ing on behalf of the organization, and made vironmental issues for the employees.
available to all interested parties. The role of the leaders in change process can
4. Support and Operation, this involves a change be regarded as the source of change process suc-
in work procedures in decision making pro- cess, where the direction and the objectives of the
cess. Similar with policy formulation process, change are usually determined by the leaders to
decision making process is also related to the be executed by the whole organization members
management and the leadership style of the or- later on. Furthermore, leadership strategic func-
ganization leaders. In decision making process, tion is to influence organization’s culture (Metcalf
the nature and the form of involvement from and Metcalf, 2005) so that it always integrates en-
various parties need to be formulated strictly vironmental factors as part of management func-
and clearly, including every necessary change tion, developing vision, conducting change on the
for work efficiency and effectiveness both in environmentally-oriented practices in every pro-
individual level and organizational level. cess in copper ore mill (Yukl, 2002).
5. Performance Evaluation, this is a form of
monitoring function in an effort to improve Align EMS Objectives with the Company’s
work efficiency, effectiveness and productiv- Strategy.
ity. Eliminating or reducing the deviation of
the previously stated plans, for example, is an Involvement of the top management in defin-
effort to gather facts and operational data with ing environmental objectives, target and program
information technology can improve monitor- (OTP), the company must also define plans for
ing efficiency that later on will improve orga- achieving those OTPs. Environmental Section
nization efficiency. developed the framework for planning achieve-
6. Improvement, organization shall accept the ment of the OTP. The plan included defining the
change that will occur when a faith arises from responsible person (PIC, personnel in charge), a
themselves that the change will be an advan- set of activities that would lead to achievement of
tage or disadvantage for them. Furthermore, OTP, necessary, resources and datelines.
organization leaders need to always search
and find new procedures that re beneficial for Assess Risk and Opportunities
the organization and provide ease for their
members. In identifying and determining the environ-
mental aspects and impacts, referring to risk as-
In clause 5, i.e. leadership, a change leader sessment method (Jr. Bird and Germain, 1996)
must be able to be a champion: (1) able to social- with four-cells risk assessment matrix, and cal-
ize the vision and to encourage every individuals culating the life cycle according to the clause
in the organization to achieve the vision; (2) able in clause 6.1.2 of ISO 14001:2015 environmen-
to play the role not only as a knowledge worker tal management system standards (ISO, 2015).
but also as a knowledge broker; (3) able to spread Meanwhile, life-cycle assessment or usually
the knowledge towards other members. known as life-cycle analysis is the continuous
Top management has a final responsibility and interrelated stages in product system and/or
for the function of environmental management services, starting from material procurement or
system for the ones mentioned in clause 5.1, by making from natural resources to the final dis-
making an active effort and getting involved in posal (ISO-a, 2006; ISO-b, 2006).

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(5), 2017

This risk assessment method considers nor- Compliance obligation

mal, abnormal and emergency conditions that
Compliance obligation consists of law regula-
can possibly happen, and becomes a part in
tions and other requirements, which regulate the
the method (ISO, 2015). Normal condition re-
obligations that must be complied by copper ore
fers to the regular or expected condition from
mill, i.e. key parameters stated in the environmen-
an organization activity or plan operation, while
tal documents such as Analysis on Environmental
abnormal condition refers to the unplanned or
Impacts, environmental permits etc.
unexpected condition that is not part of the orga-
nization operation plan, and emergency condi- Operational Planning and Control
tion refers to an unexpected or serious, urgent
and sudden situation that requires immediate In order that the environmental aspects are in
action. Environmental management system is a line with their objectives, copper ore mill shall
system that is dynamic and able to follow the conduct monitoring and measurement from the
dynamics or development on the related parties, operation activities, through monitoring on the
therefore organization has to be able to follow standard operating procedures (SOP) compliance,
the development by proofing that the environ- abnormal operation condition, operation imple-
mental aspect list is always updated, either when mentation to the incompetent personnel, etc.
there is a development from external factors like
environmental regulation change or when it is Identify and Evaluate Environmental Aspects
done regularly to accommodate changes in the
organization. According to clause 6.1.2 in ISO 14001:2015,
According to clause 6.1.2 in ISO 14001:2015, copper ore mill is required to conduct identifica-
copper ore mill must guarantee that the aspects tion of environmental aspects from its operations.
related to their important aspects are considered The identification of environmental aspects and
in defining environmental objectives, and keep impacts is one of the initial processes in environ-
paying attention to the followings: mental management. Based on the identification
1. Considering life cycle in determining envi- results, the important aspects in a process on each
ronmental aspects and impacts by considering activity unit in copper ore mill can be defined, so
changes including planned development, pro- an environmental control and management plan-
cess and whenever there is a modification. ning program, as well as the follow up actions in
2. Considering normal, abnormal and emergency the important aspects handling.
conditions that may possibly happen. The identification result is a list of environ-
3. Determining the method to define important en- mental aspects and impacts that cover the whole
vironmental aspects so that copper ore mill can environmental aspects comprehensively, in nor-
make follow up programs and actions on the mal, abnormal and emergency conditions, as well
results of environmental aspects and impacts as all components explained per part of produc-
identification that have been done previously. tion activity etc. Environmental aspect is defined
as part of activity that interacts with the environ-
In ISO 14001:2015 standard implementation ment while the impact is the result of an aspect.
performance and indicators, there are several In other words, there is a cause-and-effect relation
parameters and indicators of environmental between environmental aspects and impacts.
management system performance stated from For example, kiln operation in lime produc-
several items illustrated in Figure 4. tion activity, where this lime is used as the ma-
terial for production process to improve mineral
Significant environmental aspects recovery, is one of the main activities in the lime
Copper ore mill shall identify environmental plant consisting of sub-activities that interact
aspects from its operational activities according with environment or create impacts such as dust
to the requirements and determine the environ- emission. Gas emission resulted in the calcina-
mental aspects that significantly give impacts on tion such as SOX, NOX and mainly particulate is
the environment. And to ensure that the control environmental aspect that can create impacts in a
has effectiveness and efficiency in achieving tar- form of air pollution. Meanwhile, other aspects
gets, monitoring and measurement have to be from lime production activity, i.e. used oil and
conducted. diesel oil usage as lime production fuel mixer that

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(5), 2017

Figure 4. Indicators and performance of environmental management system

can create impact such as oxidation gas emission environmental impacts are not from normal ac-
(Susanto et al, 2016). tivities, i.e. used oil and grease spills, used spare
Another example from these aspects is labo- part disposal, chemically contaminated waste,
ratory activity in a form of metallurgy analysis etc. Meanwhile, emergency condition contributes
that has sub-activity or environmental aspect like environmental aspects in the form of particulate
chemicals addition, fire assay waste generation ‘blow up’ to the air due to operational tempera-
(Susanto et al, 2013; Susanto et al, 2015), which, ture that is too high, which may exceed threshold
if the impact creation process is examined, these values stated in the environmental permits. These
activities are categorized as the environmental three conditions (normal, abnormal and emergen-
aspects that create land and water pollution im- cy) must be listed and differentiated between the
pacts from hazardous waste generation and air two conditions, where emergency condition is a
pollution from the potential of exhaust dust re- beyond-normal condition that gives sudden huge
lease which can potentially become a hazard on impacts and cannot be prevented except to reduce
occupational health. It can also be seen here that the impacts aftermath.
several aspects can cause one or several types of The identification must be done not merely
environmental impacts, i.e. air pollution, water limited to the operational activities related to the
pollution and/or land pollution. largest waste source, but reaching the aspects of
Aspects in abnormal condition of activity can their products. The examples that have been men-
exist when, for example, machinery and equip- tioned above are aspects that appear from produc-
ment maintenance activities are conducted so the tion main activities. While aspects from products

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(5), 2017

have wider coverage, such as overview on the respective and related parties with the environ-
products when pumped from mill tower through mental management system where organization
concentrate pipeline system, dewatering process, must comply and/or dan choose to adopt, for ex-
dry concentrate storage in barns, and concentrate ample agreements with community of non-gov-
product loading to the transporting ship. This pro- ernmental organization; agreements woth public
cess can cause impacts to the environment. Land authority or customers, voluntary labelling or en-
and water pollution appear from the potential of vironmental commitment; agreements that exist
pipeline leak, air pollution from concentrate par- based on contract agreements with organization
ticles and gas emission from the oxidation of used and relevant organization standards.
oil and diesel fuel mix (Susanto et al, 2016). Parameters of impacts and costs represent
Various types of impacts can clearly be caused economic interest or company business, so ac-
by those aspects and have risky category, so this is cording to the ISO 14001:2015 objectives that
an example of product aspect classified as signifi- there has to be a balance between economic in-
cant aspect. After it is clear for identification cov- terest and environment. The final product of as-
erage, copper ore mill can conduct evaluation on pect evaluation stage is the list of environmental
the whole aspects to determine the aspects classi- important aspects, which may be listed from the
fied as important aspects, or the ones that will get most important to the less important, based on the
handling priority based on their risk study. This achieved score as described in table 3.3. It shows
stage is a critical stage and strongly determines that the company has succeeded creating priority
the success and effectiveness of environmen- of many works and is the objective of clause 6,
tal management system implementation. In ISO i.e. Planning on ISO 14001:2015.
14001:2015 environmental management system Identification of environmental impacts is
standard, it does not require a certain risk assess- the implementation of clause 6.1.2 from ISO
ment method and evaluation, including whether it 14001:2015 environmental management system
has to be with qualitative or quantitative method, where the comprehensiveness of system, cover-
however what needs to be made is a method that age compliance and work priority are resulted
is appropriate with the complication level of the from this standard clause. The success of a sys-
organization activity itself. tem very depends on a good understanding on the
environmental aspects and impacts. The result of
Compliance Obligation Evaluation risk assessment can be used as a reference and
data information in operation control determina-
Compliance obligation refers to two items, i.e. tion and administration control to minimize the
law regulation and other requirements. Law regu- risks related to the impacts of environmental as-
lation requirements covers: (1) requirements from pects in copper ore mill.
government body or other relevant authorities;
(2) international, national and local law and regu- Operational Control
lations; (3) requirements stated in the permits; (4)
orders or regulations from law bodies; (5) court or Copper ore mill already had some opera-
administrative court decisions. Meanwhile, other tional controls, and since the reassessment of
requirements are the requirements identified by environmental aspects was conducted required

Table 3. Mandatory documents and records required by ISO 14001:2015 in Copper ore mill
Documents Records
 Scope of the EMS (Clause 4.3)
 Environmental Policy (Clause 5.2)
 Compliance obligations records (Clause 6.1.3)
 Risk and Opportunities (Clause 6.1.1)
 Records of training, skills, experience and qualifications
 Criteria for evaluation of significant environmental aspects
(Clause 7.2)
(Clause 6.1.2)
 Evidence of communication (Clause 7.4)
 Environmental aspects with associated environmental
 Monitoring and measurement results (Clause 9.1.1)
aspects (Clause 6.1.2)
 Internal audit programs (Clause 9.2)
 Significant environmental aspects (Clause 6.1.2)
 Results of internal audits (Clause 9.2)
 Environmental objectives and plans for achieving them
 Results of the management review (Clause 9.3)
(Clause 6.2)
 Results of corrective actions (Clause 10.1)
 Operational control (Caluse 8.1)
 Emergency preparadness and response (Clause 8.2)

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(5), 2017

by ISO 14001:2015, the list operational controls mation management is an organizational, social,
needed to be updated with current risk assessment cultural and strategic factor that needs to be paid
method as described above. Some operational attention to in improving information in organiza-
controls were discarded because the correspond- tion (Robertson, 2005).
ing environmental aspects were no longer con-
sidered significant and there was a need for ad- Measuring and Reporting
ditional operational controls for new significant
environmental aspects. Change management, through continuous
Copper ore mill have to considered cost ef- improvement and environmental management
fectiveness to be one of the most important char- review model is depicted in figure 2. The results
acteristic of the operational control, and tried to of management review have to be demonstrated
apply this new approach when developing new in meeting the requirements of ISO 14001:2015.
and updating old operational controls. Its includ- The process of change into ISO 14001:2015 en-
ed every process owners to defining operational vironmental management system passes through
controls for their own processes. And it was ben- a transition period from current situation towards
eficial because they knew exactly what would be the expected situation to be achieved in the future.
the most effective control, and how much training Transition period needs specific management
would be needed for the employees who would be structure and activities (Cummings and Worley,
applying these controls, also awareness is consid- 2009). This transition period needs: activity plan-
ered to be one of the key success factors in apply- ning and commitment planning. The planning
ing the operational controls. is explained until the most specific things. As a
result, organization members have a clear direc-
Environmental Performance tion on the objective and priority of the works to
be done. After the planning is done, a develop-
Copper ore mill wanted to have a system of ment of strong commitment from all organization
monitoring and measuring that could provide members is needed to make a change, so that the
information on the overall condition of EMS. change can be done successfully. After the change
Internal audits was perceived to be a robust and is done by the organization, the next item to be
complicated approach because took too much done is to keep improving the spirit to change, so
time and effort, and they needed some informa- that it does not lose the momentum to keep doing
tion on these topics as a more frequent pace. That change so that ISO 14001:2015 implementation
is why copper ore mill have to develop keys envi- can fulfill the need and objectives of copper ore
ronmental performance indicators for each opera- mill in its environmental management.
tional control to determine its performance. Maximum result achievement in an organiza-
And the top management required reports on tion must be followed by change management.
the operational controls performance to be pro- The change can be done continuously to serve
duced on a monthly basis. This is not a require- the needs from organization management or con-
ment of the EMS, but it had proven to be a useful sumers, depending on the factors affecting them,
tool for getting a clear picture on what was going either internal or external factors. Thus, organi-
on in the standard. zation performance measurement can be seen
from the management success in managing their
Control of Documented Information organization. The success of environmental man-
agement system depends on the leadership by the
Information management includes develop- top management; commitment from all levels and
ing and applying information and strategy policy; functions; integrating the environmental manage-
data creation and management; information pro- ment system into the organization, and putting
cessing; storage and transfer; and information in environmental management into management
use (Maceviciute and Wilson, 2002). Technically, system as a whole.
information management covers all system and Strategic step in implementing change man-
processes such as document management; record agement in developing organization can be done
management; technical infrastructure used to sup- with a change at organization level where ISO
port information management programs (Reddy 14001:2015 implementation is adaptive upon the
et al, 2009). In management point of view, infor- change of international management system stan-

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 18(5), 2017

dards to establish excellence and to achieve the of transition process should be 15 September
objectives in environmental management. Clause 2018. Transition is an opportunity and what cop-
6.1.4, i.e. planning action on identifying risks, op- per ore mill needs to do is to:
portunities and compliance obligation, has added 1. Take a completely look at the EMS;
a column on environment, legislation and regula- 2. Highlight the key change as opportunity to
tion aspects, where organization can show if there improvements;
are problems that can be procedurally controlled 3. Make changes to documentation as part of in-
(in the form of operational procedures or in- formation management by web based applica-
structions). Organizationally, they are controlled tion to reflect new structure;
through trainings, consultations, new employee 4. Implement new requirements on leadership,
trainings, awareness, etc. and control through su- risk and context the organization; assume ev-
pervision (inspections, checks, measurements, re- ery control may have changed and carry out an
cords) or technical control is managed. Clause 10, impact assessment.
i.e. continuous improvement, is a part of change
management that includes a list of all corrective
actions that can show the steps related to the risk REFERENCES
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