Tlevi 3rdpt A4 Palali

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur
Santa Lucia District

Third Periodical Examination


Name:_________________________________________________Date: ________________

Grade/Section: _______________________________ Score: _______________

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer to the space provided before the number.

1. These are the things, ideas, or qualities by an individual or a family.

A. decisions B. goals C. resources D. values
2. Out of family resources, these are considered the most used of the family.
A. time, energy, and money C. skills, attitudes and knowledge
B. water, electricity and hospitals D. recreational center and sports facility

3. It is the money that flows into the family to be used in exchange for goods, services and energy
A. income B. investment C. properties D. salary

4. An amount allocated for the payment of school fees, allowances, uniform, books and other
school supplies.
A. clothing B. education C. medical and dental D. social obligations

5. It is the allocation of budget for the family who attends personal events like birthdays,
anniversaries and wedding.
A. clothing B. savings C. shelter D. social obligations

6. Your older sister is planning to have a small business. If she has sewing skills, what kind of
product can she produce?
A. flower vase B. longganisa C. pillow case D. poultry products

7. The sewing tool that goes on your middle finger tip to protect while you push your needle.
A. ripper B. ruler C. scissors D. thimble

8. They are used to cut the fabric and thread.

A. needle B. scissors C. tape measure D. thimble

9. Pupils were asked to prepare a project plan for a pillow case. All the following are parts of the
plan EXCEPT one.
A. finished product C. name of the project
B. materials and tools D. objectives

10. It is the part where you list all instructions you must follow in order to accomplish your project?
A. List of Materials B. Objectives C. Procedure D. Project Title

11. A kind of fabric suitable for making bedsheets.

A. cotton B. linen C. ramie D. silk

12. John wet to the market to buy fish, beef, chicken and pork. What is the best method he should
do to preserve the foods he bought?
A. freezing B. pickling C. salting D. sterilizing
13. May is washing camias fruits to be used in her candied camias. She washes them in running
water and drain. What utensil should she use to drain the fruits?
A. colander B. grater C. pan D. peeler

14. Janet brought a pair of kitchen scissors, chopping knife and vegetable peeler for their cooking
activity in school. What kind of tool did she bring?
A. cutting tools B. weighing tools C. measuring tools D. mixing tools

15. What are the materials to complete PPE in cooking/ preserving foods?
A. stone, match, casserole
B. boots, gloves, hairnet, scissors
C. gloves, apron, mask and hairnet
D. old newspaper, knives, chopping board

16. Packaging materials for preserve product should be creative, attractive, durable and non-
hazardous. Which of the following does not show a good packaging material?
A. use colorful wrappers
B. use of sterilized bottles
C. packaging materials should be easy to dispose
D. damaged container can be used to preserved food

17. Labels provide important information about the preserved food products. Which of the
following is not included in the label of food preserved products?
A. name of the product C. Weight and list of the ingredients
B. address of the supplier D. name of the tools and equipment used

18. Mr. Cruz saves money to buy a new house. They want a bigger one because their children
grow older. What kind of resources they need to have to meet the needs of their family?
A. intangible resources C. natural resources
B. human resources D. non-human resources

19. The following are safety habits to practice to avoid accidents while sewing EXCEPT one.
A. Do not play with the treadle.
B. Handle the scissors with care
C. Place needles between your lips
D. Use a thimble while sewing by hand

20. The following are steps in pattern drafting EXCEPT one.

A. pin the pattern on the cloth and start
B. carry the cloth and stand while cutting
C. start with a sketch into the desired size
D. cut the pattern to achieve the actual size and shape

21. New technology has promoted most business to engage in its use especially of selling or
promoting products. Which of the following does not use technology in advertising linens and
other products?
A. blogging B. direct selling C. e-mails marketing D. online selling

22. People tend to preserve fruit specially if they are in season. The following are reasons why we
preserved foods EXCEPT one.
A. to increase family income C. to multiply microorganisms present in the food
B. to lengthen the shelf life of the food D. to prevent spoilage
23. To start making preserved food, the following are factors to be considered in choosing and
preparing the right ingredients EXCEPT one.
A. wash by putting them in running water
B. peel fruits into desired shapes and sizes
C. choose unripe or overripe main ingredients
D. sort out ingredients to determine the quality of food

24. We need to keep records of transactions for purchase of material and sales. Which of the
following does not show reason of record keeping?
A. to throw all the unsold products
B. to improve the quality of the products made
C. to know if there is an increase of your income
D. to determine if your products are marketed well

25. Why is it important to conduct research in determining market trends and demands in
preserved or processed food?
A. to noticed by your competitors
B. to let other people that you have all the resources
C. to compete with other put up businesses in the community.
D. to be aware of or actually participate in order to know more about the business one
would like undertake.

For 26-27. Mrs. Mendez budget is Php. 25,000.00 a month. If she allots 35% of her budget for
food, (10.) how much will she spend?
A. P 8, 750.00 B. P 8,850.00 C. P 8.950.00 D. P 9.950.00

27. If the eldest son of Mrs. Mendez is in college and spends 25% for his education, how much
should be allotted?
A. P 6, 250.00 B. P 6, 350.00 C. P 6, 450.00 D. P 6,550.00

28. Mrs. Reyes went to the supermarket to buy their supplies for the daily needs. If her budget is
Php. 32,000.00 in a month and she allocate 10% for it, how much will she spend?
A. P 3, 200.00 B. P 3, 300.00 C. P 3, 400.00 D. P 3, 500

29. May is always using her shears and scissors in her sewing works. How should she take good
care of her sewing equipment such as the shears and scissors?
A. apply some oil on it occasionally
B. remove the screw if not in use
C. soak in water
D. wash it after use

30. You have two pillow cases. The cost price is Php. 100.00 each while the selling price is Php.
120.00 each. How much will be your profit?
A. P 40.00 B. P 50.00 C. P 60.00 D. P 80.00

31. Shiela has skills in sewing. During her free time, she sews pillowcase. After few days, she
noticed that she made dozens of pillowcases already. How will she sell her products in faster
A. rent a stall inside the mall
B. use online-selling strategy
C. post flyers on walls of houses
D. carry the products and sell in the community

32. Ripe tamarind fruits were scattered in your backyard. You cannot sell them in the market
because tamarind is in season. What should you do in order to prevent spoilage or wastage?
A. let them scatter in the ground C. sell them in high price
B. make some tamarind candies D. throw them in the compost pit
33. How can we be sure on the measurement of ingredients needed in preserving food?
A. chop and cut all ingredients
B. use plastic bags in measuring them
C. use weighing scale and measuring cups
D. cook the ingredients first before measuring

For number 34-35

Below is the record of the daily sales of De Vera family. Complete the profit and total profit
to complete the table.

Date Items Cost Price Selling Price Profit Total profit

April 03, 2023 4 jars of Php. 95.00/jar Php.
pineapple jam 120.00/jar

34. How much is the profit for a jar of pineapple jam?

A. Php. 25.00 B. Php. 30.00 C. Php. 35.00 D. Php. 40.00

35. How much is the total profit?

A. Php. 100.00 B. Php. 120.00 C. Php. 140.00 D. Php. 160.00

36. Mrs. Rivera includes miscellaneous and emergency expenses in preparing her family budget
plan. Fifteen percent (15%) of her family is allotted for these. Why do you think so?
A. to be used for recreation
B. to be used for purchasing vehicles and gadgets
C. to be used for events in the family like attending party
D. to be used for unexpected events in the family like disease that needs help

37. Which of the following does not show good management of family income?
A. set family guidelines on spending money
B. certain amount should be saved regularly
C. spends all your income for the whole month
D. member of the family must contribute to their family needs

38. Why is it important to save some of the family’s income?

A. to buy toys and gadgets for kids
B. to have an extra money to buy a car
C. to have a lot of money to be shown to your relatives
D. to have an extra money to spend in case of emergency

39. Why do modern families are thinking of ways to increase their income?
A. Because they want to impress other people
B. because they want more money to buy all their wants
C. because their fixed income is not enough to maintain their needs
D. because they become more extravagant which cannot be supported by their income

40. Alea’s group prefer to do jam. Her teachers said in doing it, use the best root crop found in the
locality that is ube rather than using pineapple bought from Baguio City. Why do you think her
teacher suggested that?
A. Pineapple is more delicious than ube.
B. Pineapple sand ube are both cheap in price.
C. Ube can be found in the locality and is cheaper in price.
D. Pineapple is more preferred because it came from Baguio City
41. Research should be conducted to determine the new trends in preserving food products. It
may be in a form of interviews of resource persons engaged in food preservation or a
questionnaire to survey target customers. The following questions maybe included in your
survey EXCEPT one.
A. the profit gain by the company
B. the taste and flavor of the product
C. how long it takes to preserve fruits
D. the kind of preserved food that customers buy

42. Why would we use the modern ways of endorsing our products?
A. to impress other businessman
B. to compete with other products
C. to have lower sales of products
D. to be updated on the latest trends in market

43. Why creativity in making a package is important in promoting a product?

A. to get rewards only
B. because you like it only
C. for display purposes only
D. to attract costumers to buy the product

44. Quality is important in product. Why?

A. Customers likes to buy cheap product
B. Customers likes to buy expensive product
C. Customer likes to buy products that are trending in the market
D. Customer likes to buy product with affordable price and of high quality

45. In making banana chips, how will you assess the quality of the banana chips?
A. By looking at the packaging only if it if attractive to consumers.
B. By considering its crispiness and taste.
C. The price is affordable to consumers.
D. All of the above

Test II. Essay.

Instruction: Answer the question in three sentences. Please be guided by the given criteria

46-50. As a Filipino, why do we need to know the different types of food preservation methods?
5 Points 3 Points 1 point
Content Thoroughly Ideas explained Ideas somewhat
explained ideas explained or little
explanation of

Good Luck! 😊

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Master Teacher 1


Principal IV
Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur
Santa Lucia District

Third Periodical Examination



1. D 26. A
2. A 27. A
3. D 28. A
4. B 29. A
5. D 30. B
6. C 31. B
7. D 32. B
8. B 33. C
9. A 34. A
10. C 35. A
11. D 36. D
12. A 37. C
13. A 38. D
14. A 39. C
15. C 40. C
16. D 41. A
17. D 42. D
18. D 43. D
19. C 44. D
20. B 45. D
21. B 46-50. Answer may vary
22. C
23. C
24. A
25. D

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