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ZIMSEC Grade 7 General Paper Past Exam Paper 3 Set 18

Section A

Answer question 1 and any other two questions from this section.

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

One day Bongani was sent to the local grocery shop by his mother to buy some
groceries. He bought the items at a cost of $25. He paid $30. However the
shopkeeper mistakenly gave him $10 change instead of $5. He took the change,
counted it carefully and put it into his pocket. He was very pleased with himself
for being so lucky. When he arrived home, he gave his mother $5 and kept the
other $5 for himself.

a) What shows that Bongani obeyed his mother? (1)

b) What wrong did Bongani do? (1)

c) What was Bongani supposed to do with the extra change? (1)

d) What problem is likely to be faced by the shopkeeper because of this? (1)


2. a) (i) What sin did Ananias and Sapphira commit? (1)

(ii) How were they punished by God? (1)

b) What does the story of Ananias and Sapphira teach us? (2)

c) Name one form of punishment used at school. (1)


3. a) (i) Hindus worship in a ________. (1)

(ii) Hindus do not eat ________. (1)

b) ________ is the Supreme Being for the Hindus. (1)

c) The Holy book for African Traditional Religion is ________. (1)

d) What is the name of followers of African Traditional religion? (1)


4. a) (i) What was the other name for Dorcas? (1)

(ii) What does it mean? (1)

b) What is Matthew Rusike famous for? (2)

c) Where is Matthew Rusike’s orphanage? (1)


Section B

There are five questions in this section. Answer any three questions.

5. a) Name any two international organisations to which Zimbabwe is a member.


b) State one advantage a country has by being a member of an international

organisation. (1)

c) (i) In times of floods, which organisation can best assist the victims? (1)

(ii) What kind of assistance can be given by this organisation to the flood victims?


6. a) What is the staple food for the people of Zimbabwe? (1)

b) State two long-term methods of preserving food. (2)

c) Give two examples of energy giving foods. (2)


7. Study the map below.

a) Name the towns marked

(i) X (1)

(ii) Y (1)

b) Name one factor that influenced the growth of town X. (1)

c) State two forms of transport used between town X and Y. (2)


8. a) The diagram below represents the three arms of government

(i) Fill in the missing one in the middle. (1)

(ii) What is the main role of the Legislature? (1)

b) Study Zimbabwe’s Coat of Arms below and answer questions (i) and (ii).
(i) State the motto for Zimbabwe’s Coat of Arms. (1)

(ii) What does the Zimbabwe bird on the Coat of Arms stand for? (1)

c) Explain what a multi-party state is. [5]

9. a) Study the example given and complete the table below.

Material Source
Wool Sheep
(i) Silk ________________
(ii) Leather ________________

b) Give two examples of natural clothing materials. (2)

c) Give one reason why people wear clothes. (1)


Section C

There are four questions in this section. Answer any three questions.

10.a) Name two water-borne diseases. (2)

b) State two ways through which gut worms enter the body. (2)
c) Why is it important to boil water from an unprotected source before drinking
it? (1)

d) Give two examples of protected sources of water. (2)


11. Study the diagram below to answer question (a).

a) Briefly explain what is happening in the diagram. (2)

b) Why is clear water not always safe water for drinking? (1)

c) Suggest one way of conserving water in a country like Zimbabwe. (1)

d) State three ways by which our bodies lose water. (3)


12. Below is a diagram of a domestic electric plug. Study it and then answer
questions (a) and (b).
a) What colours are usually used for the following conducting wires?

(i) Live

(ii) Earth

(iii) Neutral (3)

b) Which wire carries electricity to the ground if there is a fault in the circuit? (1)

c) Name two forms of energy. (2)

d) Name one use of electricity. (1)


13. Study the diagram below and then answer question (a).
a) (i) What happens to the water level in B if the piston is pressed down at A? (1)

(ii) Where does friction take place? (1)

b) Give two examples of friction. (2)

c) How can you reduce friction? (2)

d) Give one form of useful friction. (1)


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