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KPI Jun-23
Type S No Quality Indicator Numerator Number Denominator Number Source of data
Productivity 1 OPD Per Month General OPD
1147 Register
2 Percentage deliveries Total number of deliveries Total number of expected Labour Room
conducted out of conducted during the month 90 deliveries for the month 314 Register

3 Percentage of deliveries Total number of deliveries Total deliveries conducted Labour Room
conducted in the night conducted during night time from Register
8PM to 8AM Inclusion: Normal,
assisted, forceps. Exclusion- C- 51 90
section conducted in OT

4 Percentage of MTP Total number of MTP conducted Total number of registered MTP Register
Conducted 0 clients for MTP 0

Efficiency 1 Percentage of stock out of Total stock outs occurred for Product of Total no. of Stock Register
vital drugs (RMNCH+A) essential commodities each day Commodities and days in the
added for the month month
Inclusion – List of vital 0 0

2 Percentage of High risk Total number of high risk Total number of high risk ANC Register
pregnancy/ obstetric pregnancies referred from the pregnancies registered at the
cases referred to FRU facility 1 facility 5

3 Percentage of clients Total number of clients accepted Total number of clients Family Planning
accepting limiting or long limiting OR long term contraception counselled for limiting or long Counselling Register
term contraception method of contraception term methods of contraception
methods of contraception 72 90

4 Drop out rate of DPT Total number of children missed Total number of children Immunization
vaccination DPT 3 dose after DPT1 0 received DPT1 0 Register
Clinical care 1 Percentage of High risk Total number of high risk Total number of estimated ANC Register
and safety pregnancies detected pregnancies registered at the 1 high risk pregnancies for the 0
facility month
2 Percentage of women Total number of cases where Total number of normal Labour Room
stayed for 48 hours after mothers stayed 48 hours after 34 deliveries conducted 90 Register
normal deliveries normal deliveries

3 IUCD rejection rate Total number of IUCD rejection Total number of IUCD IUCD Register
cases reported 0 inserted 0
4 Percentage of anaemia Total number of anaemia cases Total number of Anaemia ANC Register
cases treated successfully treated successfully cases detected during ANC
5 5
Inclusion:- ANC cases
5 Percentage of deliveries Total number of delivery cases Total number of deliveries Case sheet with
having partograph where partograph filled completely conducted Partograph/Labour
recorded Exclusion:- Partial or incomplete Inclusion:- Cases shifted to OT Room Register
filled partograph 86 90

7 Percentage of AEFI cases Total number of AEFI cases reported Total number of AEFI cases Immunization and
reported 0 detected 0 AEFI records
8 Percentage of DOT cases Total successfully completed TB Total new tuberculosis cases DOT register
completed successfully treatment, with or without registered under a national
bacteriological evidence of success 10 tuberculosis control 13

9 Percentage of children Total number of children treated Total number of children OPD Register
with diarrhoea treated with ORS and Zinc after diarrhoea 15 reported diarrhoea 15
with ORS & Zinc

Service 1 Left against Medical Total number of LAMA patients Total admission in the facility Admission
Quality advice (LAMA) Rate from the facility /Discharge Register
Indicator Exclusion:- Abscond and referral 0 140

2 Patient Satisfaction Score Sum of average satisfaction score of Total number of respondents Record of Patient
(OPD) each respondent Feedbacks
(Average satisfaction score = sum
total of scores of attributes/number 4.4 10
of total attributes)

3 Patient Satisfaction Score Sum of average satisfaction score of Total number of respondents Record of Patient
(IPD) each respondent Feedbacks
(Average satisfaction score = sum
total of scores of attributes/number 4.6 10
of total attributes)

4 Percentage of Women Total No. of women provided drop Total no. of deliveries Transport
given drop back facilities back each day added for month conducted at the facility Register/Labour
Exclusion – Referral transport to 80 including C-Section 90 Room Register
higher Centre
KPI Jul-23
Type S No Quality Indicator Numerator Number Denominator Number Source of data
Productivity 1 OPD Per Month General OPD
1147 Register
2 Percentage deliveries Total number of deliveries Total number of expected Labour Room
conducted out of conducted during the month 101 deliveries for the month 314 Register

3 Percentage of deliveries Total number of deliveries Total deliveries conducted Labour Room
conducted in the night conducted during night time from Register
8PM to 8AM Inclusion: Normal,
assisted, forceps. Exclusion- C- 36 101
section conducted in OT

4 Percentage of MTP Total number of MTP conducted Total number of registered MTP Register
Conducted 0 clients for MTP 0

Efficiency 1 Percentage of stock out of Total stock outs occurred for Product of Total no. of Stock Register
vital drugs (RMNCH+A) essential commodities each day Commodities and days in the
added for the month month
Inclusion – List of vital 0 0

2 Percentage of High risk Total number of high risk Total number of high risk ANC Register
pregnancy/ obstetric pregnancies referred from the pregnancies registered at the
cases referred to FRU facility 0 facility 8

3 Percentage of clients Total number of clients accepted Total number of clients Family Planning
accepting limiting or long limiting OR long term contraception counselled for limiting or long Counselling Register
term contraception method of contraception term methods of contraception
methods of contraception 76 102

4 Drop out rate of DPT Total number of children missed Total number of children Immunization
vaccination DPT 3 dose after DPT1 0 received DPT1 0 Register
Clinical care 1 Percentage of High risk Total number of high risk Total number of estimated ANC Register
and safety pregnancies detected pregnancies registered at the 8 high risk pregnancies for the 0
facility month
2 Percentage of women Total number of cases where Total number of normal Labour Room
stayed for 48 hours after mothers stayed 48 hours after 52 deliveries conducted 101 Register
normal deliveries normal deliveries

3 IUCD rejection rate Total number of IUCD rejection Total number of IUCD IUCD Register
cases reported 0 inserted 0
4 Percentage of anaemia Total number of anaemia cases Total number of Anaemia ANC Register
cases treated successfully treated successfully cases detected during ANC
8 8
Inclusion:- ANC cases
5 Percentage of deliveries Total number of delivery cases Total number of deliveries Case sheet with
having partograph where partograph filled completely conducted Partograph/Labour
recorded Exclusion:- Partial or incomplete Inclusion:- Cases shifted to OT Room Register
filled partograph 101 101

7 Percentage of AEFI cases Total number of AEFI cases reported Total number of AEFI cases Immunization and
reported 0 detected 0 AEFI records
8 Percentage of DOT cases Total successfully completed TB Total new tuberculosis cases DOT register
completed successfully treatment, with or without registered under a national
bacteriological evidence of success 0 tuberculosis control 15

9 Percentage of children Total number of children treated Total number of children OPD Register
with diarrhoea treated with ORS and Zinc after diarrhoea 25 reported diarrhoea 25
with ORS & Zinc

Service 1 Left against Medical Total number of LAMA patients Total admission in the facility Admission
Quality advice (LAMA) Rate from the facility /Discharge Register
Indicator Exclusion:- Abscond and referral 0 450

2 Patient Satisfaction Score Sum of average satisfaction score of Total number of respondents Record of Patient
(OPD) each respondent Feedbacks
(Average satisfaction score = sum
total of scores of attributes/number 4.2 32
of total attributes)

3 Patient Satisfaction Score Sum of average satisfaction score of Total number of respondents Record of Patient
(IPD) each respondent Feedbacks
(Average satisfaction score = sum
total of scores of attributes/number 4.4 31
of total attributes)

4 Percentage of Women Total No. of women provided drop Total no. of deliveries Transport
given drop back facilities back each day added for month conducted at the facility Register/Labour
Exclusion – Referral transport to 88 including C-Section 101 Room Register
higher Centre

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