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KPI Month- 11.July.2023

Type S No Quality Indicator Numerator Number Denominator Number Source of data
Productivity OPD Per Month General OPD
1 2057 Register
Percentage deliveries Total number of deliveries Labour Room
2 conducted out of conducted during the month 80 Total number of expected 189 Register
expected deliveries for the month

Percentage of deliveries Total number of deliveries Labour Room

conducted in the night conducted during night time from Register
8PM to 8AM Inclusion: Normal,
assisted, forceps. Exclusion- C-
3 34 Total deliveries conducted 80
section conducted in OT

Percentage of MTP MTP Register

Conducted Total number of registered
4 Total number of MTP conducted 0 0
clients for MTP

Efficiency Percentage of stock out Total stock outs occurred for Stock Register
of vital drugs (RMNCH+A) essential commodities each day
added for the month Product of Total no. of
1 Inclusion – List of vital 0 Commodities and days in the 0
drugs(RMNCH+A) month

Percentage of High risk Total number of high risk ANC

pregnancy/ obstetric pregnancies referred from the Total number of high risk Registert/traise
2 cases referred to FRU facility 1 pregnancies registered at the 1

Percentage of clients Total number of clients accepted Family Planning

accepting limiting or long limiting OR long term contraception Total number of clients Counselling
term contraception method of contraception counselled for limiting or long Register
3 methods of contraception 10 11
term methods of

Drop out rate of DPT Total number of children penta 3 Total number of children Immunization
4 vaccination dose after DPT1 0 0 Register
received DPT1
Clinical care Percentage of High risk Total number of high risk Total number of estimated ANC Register
and safety 1 pregnancies detected pregnancies registered at the 4 high risk pregnancies for the 12
facility month
Percentage of women Total number of cases where Labour Room
2 stayed for 48 hours after mothers stayed 48 hours after 0 Total number of normal 80 Register
normal deliveries normal deliveries deliveries conducted
IUCD rejection rate Total number of IUCD rejection Total number of IUCD IUCD Register
3 cases reported 1 inserted 1
Percentage of anaemia Total number of anaemia cases ANC Register
cases treated successfully treated successfully Total number of Anaemia
4 0 0
Inclusion:- ANC cases cases detected during ANC

Percentage of deliveries Total number of delivery cases Case sheet with

having partograph where partograph filled completely Partograph/Labour
recorded Exclusion:- Partial or incomplete Total number of deliveries Room Register
5 filled partograph 80 conducted 80
Inclusion:- Cases shifted to OT

Percentage of AEFI cases Total number of AEFI cases Total number of AEFI cases Immunization and
7 reported reported 0 0 AEFI records
Percentage of DOT cases Total successfully completed TB Total new tuberculosis cases DOT register
completed successfully treatment, with or without registered under a national
8 bacteriological evidence of success 5 10
tuberculosis control
Percentage of children Total number of children treated OPD Register
with diarrhoea treated with ORS and Zinc after diarrhoea Total number of children
9 0 0
with ORS & Zinc reported diarrhoea

Service Left against Medical Total number of LAMA patients Admission

Quality advice (LAMA) Rate from the facility /Discharge Register
Indicator 1 Exclusion:- Abscond and referral 0 Total admission in the facility 120

Patient Satisfaction Score Sum of average satisfaction score Record of Patient

(OPD) of each respondent Feedbacks
(Average satisfaction score = sum
2 total of scores of 4 Total number of respondents 10
attributes/number of total

Patient Satisfaction Score Sum of average satisfaction score Record of Patient

(IPD) of each respondent Feedbacks
(Average satisfaction score = sum
3 total of scores of Total number of respondents 0
attributes/number of total

Percentage of Women Total No. of women provided drop Total no. of deliveries Transport
given drop back facilities back each day added for month conducted at the facility Register/Labour
4 Exclusion – Referral transport to 57 including C-Section 80 Room Register
higher Centre
1. Out Door Patient Department

Type S No Quality Indicator Numerator Number Denominator Number source of data

1 OPD Per Day 1602 OPD Register
2 IUCD inserted per 1000 Total number of IUCD insertion Total eligible female= Total General OPD
eligible female during the month eligible female in defined Register
geographical area of the PHC
Definition:- Currently married
females aged between 15 and
1 49 years who were in need of 10
family planning services are
referred to as eligible female

3 Total number of Log Book of

Ambulance visits/trips 141 0 141 Ambulance

4 Adolescent OPD per Adolescent OPD

month 31 31 Register
5 Children attended in OPD Children OPD
per month 3 3 Register

6 Patients attended after Emergency

OPD hours 140 140 Register
0 0 0 Register
8 ANC conducted per ANC Register
month 101 101

9 Minor Procedure Emergency

conducted per month 9 0 9 Register

10 Number of children Immunization

immunized per month 76 80 Register
Type S No Quality Indicator Numerator Number Denominator Number source of data
1 Total number of doctors
available in the hospital
Inclusion: Regular,
Total number of patients contractual, Part Time
OPD Per Doctor 2057 Exclusion:- Doctors not 2 OPD Register
attended in OPD
engaged in OPD like MOIC

2 Percentage of missed out Total number of missed ANCs Total ANC visits ANC Register
ANC's 0 101
3 Percentage of follow up Total old cases visited the OPD Total OPD attendance OPD Registration
patients for Follow up 205 Inclusion:- Old and New 2057

4 Percentage of clients Total number of clients accepted Total number of clients Family Planning
accepted limiting out of limiting method of sterilization counselled for limiting Counselling
total counselled 0 methods of sterilization 0 Register

5 Percentage of drop out of Total number of children missed Total number of children Immunization
DPT vaccine DPT 3 dose after DPT1 0 received DPT1 0 Register

1 Percentage of Anaemia Total number of anaemia cases Total number of anaemia ANC Register
cases treated successfully treated successfully 3 cases detected during ANC 3
at PHC
3 Percentage of pregnant Total number of pregnant women Total number of anaemia ANC Register
women therapeutic dose received IFA tablets cases detected during ANC
of IFA 80 3

4 IUCD rejection or Total number of clients reported Total number of IUCD IUCD register
Complication rate complications after IUCD 0 insertions 0
insertion including rejection
Clinical care and 5 Percentage of high risk Total number of high risk Total number of ANC visits ANC Register
safety pregnancy detected pregnancies detected 4 101
during ANC
6 Percentage of AEFI cases Total number of AEFI cases Total number of AEFI cases Immunization
reported reported 0 detected 0 Register
7 Percentage of children Total number of children treated Total number of children OPD Register
with diarrhoea treated with ORS and Zinc after diarrhoea 0 reported diarrhoea 0
with ORS and Zinc
Type S No Quality Indicator Numerator Number Denominator Number source of data
8 Percentage of children Total number of children treated Total number of children OPD Register
with Pneumonia treated with antibiotic after pneumonia 0 reported Pneumonia 0
with antibiotic
1 Patient Satisfaction Score Sum of average satisfaction score Total number of respondents Record of Patient
of each respondent Feedbacks
(Average satisfaction score = sum
total of scores of 10 10
attributes/number of total

2 Waiting time for Waiting time at Consultation will Time Motion Study
Consultation be the moment patient entered
in Queue to finally being 5 5
consulted by MO

3 Waiting time at Drug Waiting time at drug distribution

Service Quality distribution counter counter will be the moment
Indicator patient entered in Queue to 5 5
finally being received medicines

4 Average Consultation Average waiting time at Time Motion Study

time in OPD Consultation will be the moment
patient entered in Consultation
room to finally being consulted by 10 10

5 Waiting time at ANC Waiting time at ANC clinic will be Time Motion Study
Clinic the moment patient entered in
Queue for ANC to finally being 15 15
consulted by MO
2. Labour Room

Type S No Quality Indicator Numerator Number Denominator Number source of data

Percentage of Deliveries Total number of deliveries conducted Labour Room Register
1 conducted at night during night time from 8PM to 8AM 0 Total deliveries conducted 80
Inclusion: Normal, assisted, forceps.
Number of deliveries Total number of deliveries conducted Labour Room Register
conducted out of during the month Total number of expected
2 80 189
expected deliveries for the month

Proportion of cases Total number of cases referred to higher Transfer Register of

referred to higher centre Including cases with or without any Total number of delivery cases Labour Room
1 facilities management or intervention in labour 13 80
attended in labour room

% of new-borns required Total number of new-borns required Labour Room Register

2 resuscitation out of total resuscitation after birth in labour room 0 Total live births 80
live births
Percentage of Total number of complicated deliveries Labour Room Register
Efficiency complicated cases managed at the facility
managed Inclusion:-Severe Anaemia ,PPH,
PIH/Eclampsia/Pre Eclampsia, Retained
Placenta, HIV Positive Pregnant women,
3 Septic Cases, Obstructed labour including C- 1 Total deliveries conducted 80
Exclude:- Referral without any interventions

Proportion of cases Total number of delivery cases where Case sheet with
where partograph is partograph filled completely Total number of deliveries Partograph/Labour
1 maintained Exclusion:- Partial or incomplete filled 80 conducted 80 Room Register
partograph Inclusion:- Cases shifted to OT
Clinical care
and safety
Percentage of high risk Total number of high risk pregnancies ANC Register
pregnancies detected reported Total number of deliveries
2 1 80
3. Indoor Patient Department

Type S No Quality Indicator Numerator Number Denominator Number source of data

Productivity 1 Bed occupancy rate Total Patient bed days Mid night census
(Midnight head count of each
day added for the month of all Product of total number of
patients) 6 functional beds and days in 6
the month

2 Number of admission IPD register

with fever cases 6 6

3 Number of admission IPD register

with Diarrhoea cases 17 17

Efficiency 1 Discharge Rate Total number of discharges Discharge &

Inclusion:- LAMA, Referral, 12 110 Admission Register
Abscond, Deaths Total admission in IPD of IPD
2 Referral Rate Total number of patients Transfer Register of
referred from IPD Total admission in IPD IPD
0 110
Exclusion:- LAMA, Abscond

Clinical care 1 Average length of stay Total Patient bed days Total number of discharges Mid night census &
and safety (Midnight head count of each Inclusion:- LAMA, Referral, Discharge Register
day added for the month of all Abscond, Deaths
patients) 47 47

2 Percentage of women
stayed for 48 hours 0 0

Service 1 Patient Satisfaction Sum of average satisfaction Record of Patient

Quality score score of each respondent Feedbacks
Indicator (Average satisfaction score =
sum total of scores of Total number of
0 0
attributes/number of total respondents

2 LAMA Rate Total number of patients left Admission

against medical advice from IPD /Discharge Register
Exclude- Abscond, Referral
cases 0 Total admission 95
Type S No Quality Indicator Numerator Number Denominator Number source of data
3 Percentage of drop Total No. of women provided Transport
back given to mother drop back each day added for Register/Labour
month Total no. of deliveries Room Register
Exclusion – Referral transport conducted at the facility
12 including C-Section 80
to higher Centre
4. Laboratory

Type S No Quality Indicator Numerator Number Denominator Number source of data

Total Population= Total

Number of test done per Total number of tests done in
1 261 population in defined 88976 Lab Register
100 patients the laboratory
geographical area of the PHC
Total number of HB tests
Lab Register
Number of HB test done done in the laboratory for
2 118 Total ANC Done 118 and ANC
per ANC ANC cases

Number of stock out

Efficiency 1 incidences of Reagents 0 0 Stock Register
and Kits

Number of Hb reported Lab reporting

1 0 0
less than 7gm% register
Clinical care and Number of rapid
safety diagnostic kits discarded
2 2 2 Lab Register
because of unsatisfactory
5. National Health Programme

Type S No Quality Indicator Numerator Number Denominator Number source of data

Total Population= Total
Number of AFB examined Total number of AFB examined population in defined
1 per 1000 population during the month 37 geographical area of the 88976 Lab Register

Total Population= Total

Number of blood smear Total number of blood smear
population in defined
2 examined per 1000 examined during the month for 0 88976 Lab Register
geographical area of the
population for malaria malaria cases

Number of water sample

Productivity 3 tested per month
0 0 0 0 Lab Register

Number of school visited School Health

4 under School Health 0 0 0 0 Program
Program Register

Total Population= Total

Number of HIV test done Total number of HIV test done population in defined
5 155 88976 Lab Register
per 1000 population during the month geographical area of the

Number of women HIV

Total number of pregnant women HIV testing
6 Positive out of total detected HIV positive after testing 0 Total ANC registration 102 Register

Percentage of DOTS cases

1 5 0
completed successfully

Failure rate including

2 death and default under 0 0

Number of children Referral
referred to higher centre register of
3 11 0 11
under School Health School Health
Efficiency Program Program

School Health
4 Number of refraction 0 0 0 0 Program
error detected

Number of diabetic and OPD Register

5 hypertensive cases 28 28 and IPD
detected register
Percentage of suspected Total number of TB cases reffered Total number of
1 0 0
TB cases reffered for HIV for HIV testing suspected cases of TB
Monthly blood
2 0 0 0 0
examination rate
Multidrug treatment
Clinical care 3 completion rate
0 0 0
and safety
Number of babies
followed up after delivery Total number of deaths
at 6 week, 6 months, 12 Number of death audits with
Death audit
4 0 audited (All deaths to be 0
preventable cause of death Record
months and 18 months audited)
under NACP
6. General Administration

Type S No Quality Indicator Numerator Number Denominator Number source of data

Stock out percent of
supplies for RMNCH+A
2 Non availability of nursing Attendance
days 0 4 4 Register
3 Non availability of Attendance
doctors days 0 4 4 Register

4 Non availability of
Support services 0 9 9

1 Sum of average satisfaction score Record of Staff

of each respondent Satisfaction
(Average satisfaction score = sum survey
Service Quality Staff Satisfaction Score total of scores of 4.2
Total number of
Indicators attributes/number of total respondents

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