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1. Homonyms same spelling but have different meanings

2. Synonyms words that have the same meaning

3. Antonyms words that have opposite meanings

4. E.g. "for example"

5. I.e. that is, in other words

6. Empathy ability to understand ones struglle

7. Sympathy feeling bad for someone but with no actions

8. Noun A person, place, thing, or idea

9. Proper Noun a SPECIFIC person, place, thing, or idea

10. Common Noun A general name for a person, place, or thing

11. Pronoun A word that takes the place of a noun (I, You, He, She)

12. Verb An action word

13. Adjective A word that describes a noun (color, size, texture, shape)

14. Adverb describes a verb (ends in -ly and answers the question

15. Conjunction used to connect sentence (if, but or and)

16. Conjunction a word that connects two or more words or sentences

17. Preposition used to state location

18. Interjection used to express emotion

19. Punctuation the use of marks such as commas and periods in writing

20. Modifiers Words that describe a noun that can include adjectives,
verbs and nouns themselves
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21. Simple Sentence A sentence consisting of one independent clause

22. Compound Sen- a sentence with two or more coordinate independent

tence clauses, often joined by one or more conjunctions

23. Complex Sen- dependent clause followed by an independent clause that

tence requires comma.

24. Alliteration repetition of the beginning sounds of words

25. Assonance Repetition of vowel sounds

26. Hyperbole exaggeration

27. Irony opposite of what is expected

28. Metaphor comparison between to unlike things

29. Onomatopoeia A word that imitates the sound it represents.

30. Oxymoron two contradictory terms used together

31. Personification A figure of speech which gives human qualities to non-liv-

ing things or ideas.

32. Simile A comparison using "like" or "as"

33. Synecdoche a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the

whole or vice versa

34. Understatement the presentation of something as being smaller, worse, or

less important than it actually is.

35. Analogy A comparison of two different things that are similar in

some way

36. Phrase a group of words (on the bed, under the table)

37. Clause consists of a subject and a verb

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38. Voice indicates whether the subject of the verb performs or
receive the action.

39. Active Voice DOER of the action

40. Passive Voice RECEIVER of the action

41. Simple Present s-form and base form

42. Simple Past was/were + past participle

43. Past Perfect had + past participle

44. Present Perfect has/have + past participle

45. Future Perfect will have

46. Past Progressive was/were + -ing verb

47. Present Progres- is/are + -ing


48. Future Progres- will be + -ing


49. Poetry A type of literature that expresses ideas, feelings, or tells

a story in a specific form (usually using lines and stanzas)

50. Rhyme Repetition of sounds at the end of words

51. Rhythm Pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables

52. Meter organization of voice patterns, in terms of both the

arrangement of stresses and their frequency of repetition
per line of verse.

53. Iamb/Iambic unstressed, stressed

54. Trochee/Trochaic stressed, unstressed

55. Anapest unstressed, unstressed

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56. Dactyl stressed, unstressed, unstressed

57. Spondee stressed, stressed

58. Essay a short piece of writing outlining the writer's perspective or


59. Article word used to modify a noun, which is a person, place,

object, or idea.

60. Definite Article The word 'the'; the article that precedes names of specific

61. Indefinite Article a and an

62. Short Stories prose form / started in oral storytelling

63. Myth A traditional story about gods, ancestors, or heroes, told

to explain the natural world or the customs and beliefs of
a society.

64. Fables stories of animals, things, or natural forces that are given
human characteristics which usually give a moral lesson.

65. Speech expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feel-

ings by articulate sounds.

66. Literary Criticism the art or practice of judging and commenting on the
qualities and character of literary works.

67. Textual Criticism Scripture study that looks to the various early manuscripts
of the biblical texts.

68. Inference A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and rea-



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