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Task 1

The line graph provided illustrates the energy consumption by six different fuels in

the United States from 1980 to 2030, measured in quadrillion units.

Overall, petrol and oil have been leading the market by far by far the market-led

throughout the period. While coal and natural gas have had similar numbers to have

competed against each other, the remaining fuels have been recorded to consume provided

low amounts of energy.

Initially, petrol and oil was the highest unit at precisely thirty-five units in 1980;

however, it suddenly dropped to around thirty in five years later. Afterwards, there was a mild

variation between thirty-five and thirty until 1995. From that point, In 2010, it soared to

approximately forty in 2010, then experienced a marginal rise to just under forty-five in

2020. Moreover, it is expected to reach a peak of about fifty in the last recorded year.

The remaining fuels have lower energy consumption than those of petrol and oil. Coal

and natural gas have seen similar energy consumption in many years. In 1980, the latter was

higher than the former for five quadrillion units (we need to know the numbers for where

they started). Nevertheless, they consumed the same amount of energy from 1985 to 1990.
Coal, which overtook natural gas at slightly under twenty-five in 1995, grew continually, and

it is predicted that it will peak at well above thirty in 2030 (what about gas?). Even though

energy consumed by nuclear, solar or wind, and hydropower commenced with the equivalent

number at slightly under five, hydropower experienced a downward trend after that (where

did it finish), all of which will eventually stabilize at below ten (more specific data is

needed for solar/wind and nuclear).

T.A. 6.0 C.C. 7.0 L.R. 7.0 G.R. 7.0

Task 2

Some people think that computers are more of a hindrance than a help in today's society.

Others believe that they are such indispensable tools that they would not be able to live or

work without them.

Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.

Recent decades have seen a worldwide discourse over an advancement of technology.

While numerous people believe that its drawbacks outweigh the advantages, some people

claim that we could not live without technology (Be careful! The essay is not about

“technology”; it is about computers!. Technology, although having been necessary,

contributes to an inactive lifestyle.

Two major upsides of technology are its convenience and global connection. Firstly,

scientists have developed technologies to facilitate public welfare. These technological

innovations made our lives easier and more comfortable. Electronic money, for instance,

has been invented to enable people to go without their wallets. (how does this make

easier/comfortable?) not to carry their money. These technological innovations made our

lives easier and more comfortable. An additional benefit of technology is that citizens are

able to contact and connect with each other more easily wider when compared with the past.
The old generation used to send letters to the recipients in order to communicate, which was

time-consuming (why); however, the introduction of technology allowed people to send

messages online within a few minutes. These electronic devices play a pivotal role in

people’s lives, whereas people overlook its adverse impacts. (a reminder–the essay needs to

be about computers, not just technology)

The negative consequences of heavy reliance on technology are a sedentary lifestyle

and a lack of social skills. Should people overuse facilitating technology, namely mobile

phones, computers, or television, they will would be less active (why?). Consequently, not

only does it lead to obesity, but also poor posture (why?). Furthermore, people would no

longer associate with each other in real life. Currently, people prefer communicating via the

internet rather than face-to-face activity (what is the proof that people prefer this?).

Psychologists contend that this behavior is a blockage of obtaining the inhibits valuable

social skills that are essential in cooperation (why?), which should be discouraged. Thus,

people should emphasize the downsides of technology and adjust themselves at the same


Notwithstanding the controversy, technology should not be underestimated as its

effects are detrimental. Despite how indispensable technology is being indispensable never

changes, electronic users should ponder the results of relying on it.

T.R. 6.0 C.C. 7.0 L.R. 7.0 G.R. 7.0

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