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Progression of Artistic Calculations

Generation of mathematician has passed, through-out of the century most of them exquisitely
left formidable lines about the two worlds of math and art. As Henri Poincare once said “Mathematics is
the art of giving the same name to different things”, in devises method and it’s result formed a beautiful
aspect for us youth to see and its perspective. Principles of Math such as fundamental of geometry
conceptualize either mathematics and art. Recognizing vividly algorithm from producing artistic patterns
that can be unknowingly aesthetically satisfying. Some era’s reveal the usage of shapes and
measurements to sort every detail of their masterpiece. This elaborate mathematics is also a form of art
with its distinctive proportion and symmetry artwork.

Furthermore, this also inspire other artist and mathematician to create new pattern and
thoroughly understand its complexity and calculations. That may turn out to be an interesting cognition
and the higher possibilities to answer the difficult problems surrounding us and lessen the conflicts. Not
to mention that it can be acknowledge for the next generation and draw us to be influenced in this type
of arts and sinking its concept making us more creative. Sufficiently face mathematics in its intrinsic
appeal with a proper process. Lastly create new theory as the result of mathematic and art that have
been seen through our surrounding environment.

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