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Computer-scanner, with poetry as our priority.

PHOENIX NEW LIFE POETRY we welcome poems on such themes as:
Peace, Freedom, Social-&-Political Justice, Social
SPRING 2019 No 71
Comment, Spiritual, Psychic & Religious
Phoenix New Life Poetry is the voice of Phoenix
Experiences, Communing With The Creator &
Poets, an international co-operative friendship
Creation, Healing Prayers & Invocations, ‘New
network of artists and writers worldwide, rather
romantic’ Interpretations of Classical Myths &
than a commercial literary journal and is open to
Legends (e.g. those of ‘Orpheus’ or the ‘Holy
all contributors.
Grail’) or whatever be your own dream!
Co-founding poets: David Allen Stringer & Dr.
All styles are welcome. There are no set limits on
Emmanuel Petrakis, Members of the “Planetary
the length of each poem. What matters is their
Council” of “The Universal Alliance” (“Phoenix
motivating spirit!
New Life Poetry” is a project of “The Universal
Poets are invited to send in, with their work, a
concise profile of themselves, their concerns or their
autobiographies and, if they so wish, we can add their
“Culture” is, anthropologically and strictly speaking,
addresses to their work, as printed, should they seek
a definition of the whole of the Way of Life of a
to be contacted by sympathetic souls!
Society, not only of a marginalized or sanitised and
We are especially interested in News and
unchallenging corner called “The Arts”. Since my
Information about Community Projects that
childhood, in the 1950’s, the “community integrity”
involve Education-for-Harmonious Living or shared
of especially Western society, of the “extended
Artistic Creativity. We, also, welcome free-
family” and the creative, self-reliant village/
exchanges of journals or of mutual publicity, by
neighbourhood has progressively disintegrated with
arrangement, with other ‘cultural periodicals’ such as
our many competing and isolated egoisms. “The New
feel that they share the essential spirit of our
Renaissance” is about much more than a literary-
initiative. Choice poems in other languages (French
artistic movement but for the overall healing and
or Greek) can be translated if we feel that they are of
reconstruction of our societies and their planetary
merit, otherwise poets in other languages (e.g.
environment as an interactive whole.
Russian) will, themselves, have to make their own
translations of their work into English to their own
Almost all the elements of this much needed socio-
economic and cultural re-creation have emerged in
Postal Subscriptions Inc. p & p: U.K £14, Europe
the spiritual, new age, natural health, community- 35 Euros Beyond £30 ($50 U.S.) or equivalents*.
creation and green movements since the 1960’s & Cheques & Money Orders payable to “The
70’s: however, poetry and the related Arts (such as Universal Alliance”, Postal Orders to David Allen
Music), liberated by surrealism and rock-n’-roll, Stringer. The US $ rate has been increased to make
from traditional conventions in the 1950’s & 60’s, up for changes in the $-£ exchange rate. For a single
since those decades of early promise, appear to have issue only, send us one quarter of the total annual
been either neglected, ghettoised or to have become subscription, as above indicated. Euros & dollars can
‘stuck’ in the ‘ranting’ or cynical ‘negativity’ of be best paid by sending currency notes, registered
knowing what one detests, but not knowing what one, mail to prevent costly bank Charges.*Due to recent
increases overseas postage rates, with the abolition
more positively, values & aspires to.
of “printed paper rates” by the British Post-Office!
In our magazine we will not react to this by seeking
Any profits made will go towards “The Universal
to ‘escape into a romantic faerie tale’, but will seek to
Alliance” to help us with our communications and
strike a wholesome balance between ‘angry protest’
other support for our poorer brothers & sisters in
and the beauty-&-beatitude of our divine creation
Africa, Asia & elsewhere and other projects. Free
that many lose sight of amidst crises, poverty &
copies can only be made available, otherwise, to
suffering! Now, however, in this dawn of the promise
those who undertake to copy the magazine to pass on
of the New Millenium is re-emerging the inspiration
to others, with the prior agreement of we, the editors.
for the New Renaissance movement in poetry, music
We wish to share our inspirations: but it must remain
and literature as currently manifest in The Partners
financially viable! Such Profits have been rare and
Writing Group (based in Middlesex, England),
have usually gone towards covering the cost of
together with our own, as above, with initial input
following issues, together with any donations that
from Shelley’s Hellas and Blake’s Albion. We, here,
help offset the cost of FREE COPIES overseas.
reach out, to the rest of the World, for your
Contact address: (International) David Allen
Stringer, Editor, “Phoenix New Life Poetry”
Visionary prose writings can be included, at our
Flat 1, 12 Place Road, Fowey, Cornwall PL23 1DR
discretion, as extracts, in our “Reviews” section and
we will, also, be able to use visionary paintings
Please enclose, with M.S.S. by post, as appropriate,
etcetera, as visual contributions to our pages via the
S.A.E./I.R.C.’s or send them by email. We do not pay
and do not run competitions as our purpose is not to millions is unique to that individual, even as every
satisfy the artistic egos of individuals, so much as to poem that springs from any one person, if one
help draw together those with whom we can work amongst many, is uniquely of that person, especially
creatively towards our common, cooperative ideals. if, like that hand-print, it is spontaneous in its
SPRING 2019 Editorial childlike simplicity, evocative of the essence that
Welcome to this Spring issue of our Phoenix! As you vibrates from within them, whether they be embodied
see we have moved our address yet again, so to be or passed to the spirit-world, which offers us yet
nearer the town centre, and use (again?) my painting another possible definition of the ‘immortality’ of Art
of the view from near here, over the town and that is more than the survival of the physical image
harbour, as appropriate to this Spring season of or structural form of the poem! Also, many diverse
renewal of all things! Some of the poets included do hand-prints on the sacred wall of the tribe express a
not have contact information as these have been shared participation of all generations in one earth-
copied from their posts as my friends on Facebook (if rooted culture, from man’s earliest beginnings, in
you want more on each, check out their names there!) itself, a collective immortality that lifts us above the
Many of my own poems are, by date, what some may mortality of our individual egos which, on their own,
call ‘old’, as if our communications were become but will disintegrate, as do all other fragments of Maya,
a transient & ersatz flow of words & images, like the in Buddhism, the illusion. It is curious how, like
changeable TV News or daily, short-term emails etc DNA sequences, the images & thought forms spring
as is the case for so many social media younger up, again & again, across otherwise non-
people, with short attention spans! The meaningful communicating generations and continents, even as
(& deeper) creator/creatrix knows better, that the does the image of the hands imprinted on the rock,
gems of the most value are as the long-lasting many of which now lack a named identity. What
diamond, however pretty transiently-formed ‘mineral matters is that each thought-form reincarnates in new
salt ‘crystals might be! A poem has life as long as it physical beings, not unlike the way that common
radiates back the energy (mental, emotional or sequences of notes recur in otherwise disconnected
spiritual) that fused into its creation, and is the re- musical compositions as if ruled by the invisible
evocation of the energies stored within it, in a divine guidelines of universal laws of harmonics!
constant, eternal here and now, a new Spring The first natural urge of any child is to draw rather
whatever the season in linear time, where dates are than write words, which acquired from a later
only of significance as footnotes of an historical imposed literate social culture, in poetry, come to be
value of interest, one’s own creative soul remaining used more as secondary images in art, at times often
eternal, even when disembodied (this does not losing that spontaneous simplicity of the original
invalidate ‘lesser’ verses of transient relevance, as visualised inspiration, one’s earliest verbal poems
alive, in their own ‘now’, as afterwards reevoking it). often beginning as descriptive narratives. Once the
Which are the poems of intrinsic lasting power and connection with the primal root is lost, ‘the poem’
which are but transient is for the reader/listener or the becomes an ‘Art for Art’s sake’ end in itself till it
longer-term judgement of time/history to decide, loses all emotional & spiritual inner vitality and,
rather than myself, and the relative ‘worth’ of the more a contrived mask rather than an expressive face,
former & the latter cannot be determined by their loses relevance to all but minority ‘clever people’!
degree of so called ‘literary/technical sophistication’! My own first secondary urge was to make music
The virtues of spontaneous simplicity in poetry. (learning the piano) till I found that it was easier to
On January 26th on BBC 2, I watched a documentary travel around with a pen & paper than with a piano!
about the exploration of the most ancient & primeval On the other hand, it can be said that words, whatever
roots of Art in the human race, from 10’s of 1,000’s their meanings, can have their own intrinsic musical
ago, in rock-cave art across the world from Iberia to beauty and resonance and inspired combinations of
Australia which ended up in the most complex (& words, as ‘thought forms’ can become symphonic
still contemporary) aboriginal sacred caves of the musical compositions. ‘All words and rhythms are
Kimberley, in Western Australia; what struck me as potential notes’ such as can make a poem into a piece
the most recurrent image was that of the simple of music (harmonious or dischordant) rather than
human hand pressed in ochres on the rock-face, some pieces of prose that just happen to rhyme, depending
more complex images being many hands forming on how close our language is to the innate rhythms of
patterns, it being the custom previously for elders to life and nature. I like both the simplifying forms of
take children there, through successive ages Paul Klee (see his “Notebooks” and the rich vibrance
generations to make their marks so, as reminders of of classical Italian renaissance & pre-raphaelite styles
their eternal & lasting roots in the earth & land there & perhaps, the ideal poem blends the virtues of both!
portrayed in so many animals, plants and humans. Namaste David Allen Stringer
This is far more than a ‘primitive painting technique!
If we think more deeply about these things, we know,
from forensic science, that every hand-print of
NO, (Continued over page)
(continued over page) A Symphony Of Flowers
RISING FROM THE DEATH (above Ashbourne, Derbyshire 1991)
OF OUR TOMBS OF MYTH Come, let us imagine
the symphony of a meadow,
The Troubadours take up the call each form of life has its own vibration,
Of the Inca Bird on the Celtic Hills, like a note or pattern of music;
The conquered by the sword of lust the delicate crescendos of grasse,
For wealth have won the driven souls rising from Earth to Sky;
Of the conquerors who need but to the passionate vibratos
acknowledge so, of reds of campions, poppies and clovers;
While Francis of Assissi heals, the strident fugues of tall, spreading oaks
Walks, talks with the birds interlaced with the delicate dancing stems,
And waits for us to follow him, the minute minuets of white umbelliferae;
Cathedral’s hymn, the Inca flute the spiritual blues, so soft and sweet, of clustered
Answering the angry drum periwinkles;
“The tribe is here, in my feeling you, the underlying rolling green,
You feeling me till all the drums rejoice, like base-notes of the linking theme.
Earth, Wer-old becoming one!”+ Take the patterns of trees and flowers.
Footnotes: *Mene Mene Telek Urpharsin – ‘Thou arrange them, in sequence, in their blossoming hours,
Art weighed in the balance and found wanting’ – see upon a scroll, a score to be unrolled,
in the Old Testament Book of Daniel. + ‘Wer-Old’, and music will, in all its rapture, unfold-
Anglo-Saxon, ‘The Sphere of Men” or ‘world’. to which birds dance their pirouettes
From my collection “England, Drum Flowers & Sun and ballets as they sing their trilled choral,
Songs” published in 1972. rising and falling on their graceful wings,
raising an anthem upon high.
“A Bridal Bouquet Of Flowers by the Wye”
I lift up mine eyes (dancing to blues that cries) All colour has vibration
unto the hills from whence as all sound,
(hot sun burns in nerve tense) the sounds of colour all around resound;
cometh my help, my help cometh we hear them with our eyes,
(yearning for tree-shaded earth) as in the soul of our being,
and clear river broader sweeps and know this to be the Greatest Symphony
(from where you give peaceful sleep) that ever could be felt in our inward, outward being-
carrying my mind on wings for Creation is an anthem without cease,
(blueness of violets by Wye and weir sings) at once from and to our Infinite Creator,
and gestures of flame and grasses its climax our inward, marvelling Peace,
make one ballet of wonder as they pass! changing with Seasons
And in the beginning/was the first drunkenness in each year’s cycle of movements;
which has passed/but ever will be/until we die! each flower or tree a different
I can see no shadows now the sunlight flows instrument in the Cosmic Orchestra!
except in some faces of sadnesses
in scarred landscapes, from which I must escape A Man Sitting in the Shadow - -
into the ever-running river of desire – for you? A Man and feels
But how to build a house by the stream sitting in the breezes
when is coolness, at last, makes me want the shadow of many
to drink its sweet-fruit dream of his mind gentle
in the darkness where nightmare no more speaks? that grew blessings - -
Flowers eat red-of-anger from the dust too many
and delights to feel the pangs of sadness, leaves of thought and step-
a woman talks of sheep and strawberries on the bus, and complex ing forth
high Summer comes with a storm-burst of fear living - - - opens up
that slept in the brain, waiting for your faerie finds a like a flower!
kiss in my solitary tower, leaving where it passed, clear space in
by the Wye, a Bridal Bouquet of Violets!* the sunlight
*inspired while thinking of a painting by Chagal. (in Old Sawmills Creek woods, Fowey, Cornwall)
(1968 – for Ruth, in Nottingham) David Allen Stringer

HOW LONG WILL YOU....? From the hollow hearts
Clinging around the acuate rocks To fill the vacuums
Through the mountainous paths When I shall succeed
How long will you crawl...? To put the fire out
How long, without looking Ablaze into my head
Into the dark depths I shall wait for you to appear
There, down there From the dust of my blood
Far below these, proud pointy tops After my flesh be fully consumed
Where the valleys are And my spirit be breathed
Hostages of long shadows Into your statuesque body
Where graves are not dug
For those who slip Will you be the
From the greasy heights extension of my existence?
I shall wait for you to occur
How long will you wait... With your entirety
For branches to lean Beyond me, within my being
To hold your trembling hand Aamir Abdullah
On a deadly turn Punjab (Pakistan)
To take you to their nest The princess Anangomohini Devi, daughter of
Maharaja Birchandra Manikya Bahadur, was born
Take a leap into the atmosphere exposed to the impact of the new
Take a long leap ideas and thoughts that had blown in from Bengal.
To hold the sky Noticing his daughter’s aspiration for education and
Before catches you being egged on by her desire for her poetic
The earth's magnetic clutch !! manifestation, Birchandra could not shut his mind to
the need of getting his daughter equipped with
“LET ME TALK TO………”) modern education, though women’s education was
Let me talk to honey bee not even thought of being introduced in Tripura. The
And ask about the gardens aim of Birchandra, while having arranged for
Where divine flowers grow Anangamohini to be given modern education, was
My lips, cracked and ruptured not limited to learning, parrot fashion, what was
Dying to kiss the sweetness taught at schools; but his aim was to steep her in
Eager to be baptized in fragrances Bengali language and literature. He employed a
I could never learn the charismatic art Brahmin pundit to home-teach her Bengali and
To turn the colors Sanskrit in the inner apartments. Birchandra also
Into ecstatic mellowness employed an English governess to acquaint
Anangamohini with the English manners and
Let me talk to honey bee
customs. The modern education helped her to change
And ask
and enrich her concepts of life and literature.
Why I feel her buzzing
Himself a poet, Birchandra Manikya inspired
Into my head
Anangomohini into writing poetry by having her
And the pain of her stings
watch him practise poetry in the privacy of his
Into my heart
chamber. In course of her watching her father writing
She, who knows the mysteries,
poetry, Anangomohini gradually developed a poetic
Can unveil at me
acumen and started writing poems at the age of
the secret to grow like flower
eleven. Unfortunately, the poems written at her
At the branch of my own being
immature age were not preserved and seem to have
I want to be sucked by her
been lost forever. Anangomogini was married to
And carried like perfumes
Gopikrishna Deb Barma, son of Shibjoy Thakur, a
To her heaven, her hive!!!
desendant from a Tripur ujir. Radhakishore Manikya,
son of Maharaja Birchandra Manikya, when he was
"I SHALL WAIT FOR........" crowned king after the death of Maharaja Birchandra,
When the sun will dissolve made Gopikrishna his ujir. After the marriage,
into a tear drop Anangomohini Devi entered on the conjugal life. The
And the stars melt pleasure with which she had spent her time at her
Into lustrous droplets father’s house did not diminish at her husband’s. The
When an emptiness will be thrown writing of poetry she had started at her father’s house
towards the skies continued unabated in the house of her husband.
(continued over page) religious consciousness streaked into her poetry.
(continued from previous page) ‘Preeti’ was her last poetry collection, published in
Gopikrishna, a well-known violin-player, fostered 1317 BE. That time she could not keep herself
her poetry writing. At his active co-operation, confined to herself and shut herself up within the four
Anangomohini had her first poetry collection walls and slid out of the confinement. She did not
‘Kanika’ comprising twelve poems, printed on 1 stay put in a particular place. She went out of home
January1902 at the Royal Government Printing Press, and visited many important places of India. She
Agartala under the supervision of Ishanchandra wrote a few poems, reminiscing of her experiences
Bhattacharya. Birchandra had died five years before during her pilgrimage. Among these poems the poem
the publication of her first poetry collection. which deserved to be mentioned is ‘ Chandranath’
Anangomohini dedicated her first poetry collection to published in ‘Pravashi’, the famous periodical of that
him in memory of how he had inspired her and time.
fostered her writing of poetry. Madanmohan Mitra, Anangomohini Devi published, as I have earlier
her first literature teacher, was still then living. He said, three poetry collections, namely, ‘Kanika’,
wrote an introduction to ‘Kanika’. ‘Prem Gatha’ and “Preeti’ that bear the stamp of her
A few years after he had married Anangamohini poetic excellence. Rabindranath himself
Gopikrishna married a second time. The name of his acknowledged his poetic talent. In consideration of
second wife was Navadurga Devi. She was not a the constraint on space I shall limit myself to dealing
princess, though. Anangamohini Devi did not take with a selection of poems I have translated into
umbrage at his second marriage, nor did she entertain English from her first poetry collection ‘Kanika’.
any enmity against her. Rather she kept on good Her first poetry collection ‘Kanika’ comprises
terms with her. She had grown up since her twelve poems dealing with human love, nature and
childhood. seeing her father and others having surroundings. As inspired into writing poems by his
married many princesses. In this connexion I should father Maharaja Birchandra Manikya Bahadur, she
like to quote Dhabalkrishna Deb Barman, dedicates this poetry collection to him. The
reproduced in my English translation, as saying: following lines of the dedicatory poem I have
The noon-time was her (Anangamohini’s) favourite translated into English speak of how deep esteem she
time holds her father Birchandra Manikya Bahadur in:
to indulge in composing poems. Whenever she felt I have come today, Father, taking my ‘Kanika’
herself expecting to place it at your feet.
inspired, she chose that time to sit down to But Alas! who knows where you are now,
composing a poem, illuminating the place.
no matter whether the inspiration occurred in This poetry collection begins with the poem
midnight or in ‘Dawn’. The poet speaks of the arrival of the dawn
other times. Sometimes she fondly called her co- looking gorgeous and clad in red garments. With the
wife arrival of the dawn the breeze is blowing soft and
Navadurga living next room to tell her funny stories. swift to cool the world and the bees, maddened by
Some day the cooling breeze, are humming to kiss the buds
she would play at dice with her, chewing at betel awake. The poet exhorts her companion to listen to
leaves.(March 2011: 141). the cuckoo in this dawn happily clad/ sing a lofty
Anangamohini Devi gave birth to a daughter, but strain and to behold the rose, queen of the flowers
she was short-lived. Navadurga gave birth to two blooming in delight, smile on her lips. The poem
sons, Brajakrishna and Radhakrishna. After having ends with the following lines that tell of the exquisite
given birth to the sons she died. Anangamohini beauty of the dawn:
brought them up as if they were her own children The birds are offering prayers to the dawn,
A few years later in 1906 Gopikrishna died. gladdened at this new life
Though his premature death upset The beauteous apparel of the dawn has charmed
Anangomohini’s individual life and her poetry, she this graceful woman into singing a morning song.
continued writing poetry to overcome this acute In the poem “Maheshweta’ the poet gives herself
bereavement. She published in 1313BE her second over to a spree of describing nature in its beauteous
twenty-four poem poetry collection ‘Prem Gatha’ in manifestation. The poem tells of a ascetic girl
which she reminisces of her husband and his love and worshipping at a temple to Lord Mahesh far from the
inspiration. She gifted copies each of his poetry madding crowd’s eternal strife.
collections ‘Kanika’ and ‘Prem Gatha’ to At the foot of the moonlit hill
Rabindranath Tagore and Tagore admired her poetic Stands, majestic, silent and sombre,
talent. the temple to Lord Mahesh,
The widowhood life of Anangomobini was bedecked with leaves and creepers.
monopolized by writing poetry and the pieces of A spring is cascading incessantly,
family work devolved upon her. In course of time singing so loud
as if the hill is crying at the maid’s sorrow. his eyes wetted by tears.
Though she dedicates herself to worshipping Lord In the poem ‘Pangs of Separation’ the poet tells of
Mahesh, she bears in her heart of hearts pamgs of the sorrow of Radha at being separated from Krishna.
separation from her lover. Her patience in Radha asks his friend to tell her how long she will
worshipping Lord Manesh is sustained on a divine live, enduring the sorrow and pangs in her mind
prophecy that she will be united with her lover. burning in the fire of separation. Krishna has gone
Hearing a divine prophecy from on high away, promising to return and Radha is staring across
she will be united with her lover, the path along which he will return. She has left
she is looking across the path, in keen expectation behind the social prestige and the shelter of her
day and night. family. Unable to bear the pangs of separation she
She knows not when her waiting for her lover ends decides to drown in the river Jamuna.
and the night of sorrow gives way to the day. Today, my Friend,
In the poem ‘Night Song’ the poet surrenders herself I shall mingle my thirsty heart
to a fit of describing the nocturnal beauty of a in the water of the Jamuna.
Hemanta night. She paints nature in vivid terms. In the poem ‘Union’ the poet describes in a vivid
Stillness pervades the Hemanta night and on this language the tryst of Radha with Krishna. The
night the world is flooded in moonlight and nature following lines create a brilliant situation in which
has fallen deep asleep. The forests and the gardens Radha is trysting with Krishna:
are besmeared with moon nectar and bathed in dew In the moonlight bathing the night
water and the northern wind is blowing away, the arbour stands splendiferous.
murmuring off and on, stealing the fragrance of the In the gentle wind are trembling softly
flower.The poet personifies nature in the following the trees blossoming into flowers.
lines: Various flowers, malati, bakul
Someone is crying in a melancholy tone, have bloomed in clusters.
exercising the Behag tune. Enlivened by the fragrance, the Jamuna is flowing
Yonder in the vast field crickets are singing on,
a mournful choral song. murmuring in delight.
Nature is singing a song of the quiet night, The last poem in this collection, entitled ‘Image of
her eyes sopping wet with tears. Divine Pair’ is really a beautiful poem. The poet
In the poem ‘Rainy Season’ tells of how nature seems to have unleashed her pent-up emotion on the
manifests itself in the rainy season. When this season depiction of the divine pair when they are sitting
has arrived in the poem, accompanied by a thunder it together, surrounded by their friends. There is no
cools the hot earth with rain falling, the skies stay sorrow, no grief. Everyone is all smile and nature
dark the whole day, cloud-covered and the sun is looks tinged with an eye-delighting hue and shares
canopied by a thick layer of the cloud. There is an their joy and happiness
abundance of beauty expressed in the drenching of
the cows by the rain, the farmer being wetted in the How beautiful the divine pair
green field as he is weeding the field, singing a rustic look in the bower garden!
song, the singing and dancing of a brother and s sister They sit together, Krishna with Radha,
on the portico of a farmer’s hut and above all in the on a seat flower-fragrant.
blooming of flowers. Once again the poet personifies Radha looks in the blue water of the Jamuna
nature in the following lines: as if she were a lotus plant.
It looks as if nature is weeping many tears, like a About Radha the poet says:
chaste woman
pining away for her husband away from her; She looks as if she were a lightning
as if she were a jar pouring a cascade of tears rumbling through the new cloud.
She looks lustreless as the moon at the end of the The golden hue of her youth
night. I shames the moonlight.
n the poem entitled ‘Recollection’ the poet finds Her arms are softer than the lotus-stalk
herself reminiscing of how she spent her life in the and her palms soft as white lotus.
company of her husband who died a premature death. About Shyam (Krishna) she says:
The following lines tell the readers of how she With a peacock’s tail on his head that outglitters the
abandons herself to a fit of reminiscing of him: rainbow
On the banks of the desolate river, he is playing his enchanting flute.
in the piping of a flute, The body of Shyam emerald-bright
I am visualizing today in trance is adorned with laces of pearls.
his face brilliant as the moon On the fragranted seat flower-bedecked
and, in the song of the river Radha and Krishna have sat.
murmuring by, set to music, About their friends she says:
(continued over page) feast,
(continued from previous page) soul! marvelous bell! now, now, resound!
Their dear friends with flowers fragrant Géza Béri
are decking out their bodies. (translated from Hungarian by Livia Varju)
Works Cited Géza Béri (1933-1979) poet, novelist, literary
March 2011: Sengupta,Swapan(Ed.); Anangamohini translator, was condemned to life imprisonment in
Devir Kavita Kavyalochana; Pounnami, Agartala, 1953.  Freed in 1956, he took part in the Freedom
West Tripura Fight against Soviet occupation in October of that
2012: Ghosh, Dr Mukul Kumar; Rajkumari year, which was crushed in the beginning of 
Anangamohini: Jivan o Kavya Maumita Prakashani, November.  Banned from publishing, life became
Agartala, West Tripura unbearable and he committed suicide at Christmas
Dr Bhaskar Roy Barman 1989.  At last in1990, at the end of Soviet
South Bank of Girls Bodhjung Dighi occupation, all his books appeared.
Itakhola Road, Banamalipur (Middle) His writings are difficult and show his desperate
Agartala 799 001, West Tripura, Tripura situation, forcing him to wrap his ideas in mystery
Mobile: 9774702162 and symbolism.  His son, who works with heart and
Email: ; soul to make his father's work known, just told me that his father wrote the poem Distorted in 1954, i.e.
BEAR while in jail.   
The ring cuts into my nose, BETRAYAL
on the crushed snow- the whistle and bagpipe slash - Place in me your trust, to see things as they are,
I place my quivering sole. Witness the betrayal, which leaves a mental scar,
No need for whip, prod, Abandoned by both parents, to walk the streets alone,
though my fur is worn Searching for a family, to take him as their own.
when my master waves: enough, come!
I trudge along on four feet. It occurs in every nation, throughout the world today,
Dry bread, corn Children with no future, simply turned away,
stable and bed of straw Rejected by society, considered to be wild,
in my nose a brassy ring, Few shall offer pity, upon a homeless child.
I lick my bloody face
One jerk and the brief pain
Paedophiles target them as children to abuse,
pushes me again on two feet,
Luring them with evilness, to satisfy their use,
the women, the many brats
Renting them to perverts, regarded as a toy,
snigger and look at my soles.
Forced into lewd actions, to give their masters joy.
open-mouthed crowd!
the sluggish men flock together - Sitting with their begging bowls, for the price to eat,
couldn't care less about my suffering, People seem embarrased when passing on the street,
I must dance on, Searching for excuses to look the other way,
the whistle and bagpipe slash, Hoping by thier ignorance, such problems go away.
on the trampled snow
I place my big stupid feet Freezing through the winter, with little they can wear,
at the will of my master. Seeking signs of pity,from behind a frozen stare,
Bear! Howl! Don't go on! Dying from starvation, as good food goes to waste,
where is your terrible strength? Would it not be better, to offer them a taste?
crush this evil skull,
trample your brain, Searching for a family, to take him as their own,
rage, rave furiously, inhale the smell of blood, Abandoned by both parents, to walk the streets alone,
still your revenge is not enough - Witness the betrayal, which leaves a mental scar,
you will see, at last the crack of a rifle Is this merely fiction ... or the way things truly
will bring you peace. are......
Resound soul, now, now resound once more! Flowers by a river, songbirds in a tree,
Crypts burst apart and the finger of the starwounding Witnessed in the beauty, nature shares with me,
trees clutches the firmament, Rocks create an image, of times so long ago,
the Earth laboured and gave birth to suffering at Remaining in position, to guide the waters flow.
distorted dead gather for joyful, beyond the living As I stand enchanted by this wondrous sight,
Shadows born of objects, appear within the light,
Refracted rays of sunlight offer different views, Walking on pathways covered in mud,
As I ask the question, which direction I should I notice that hedgerows are covered in bud,
choose. A sign that nature is working her art,
Taking extra care with every step I tread, In readiness for the growing to start.
Enticed by curiosity, of what may lie ahead,
The distant sound of livestock, drifting on a breeze, Taking a route through the valley of dreams,
Squirrels in a hurry, scaling ancient trees. Witnessing all the seasonal themes,
Walking where bluebells are known to appear,
Above the rivers surface, an instant flash of blue, Blessed by the sight of a solitary deer.
I turn to see a kingfisher, barely within view,
Heading to its haven like an exocet at speed, The sound of a motorist echoes around,
Delivering his victim to provide his daily feed. Not knowing the beauty of what I have found,
Racing through lanes at the break of the day,
Remaining in position, to guide the waters flow, Working for bosses, in earning his pay.
Rocks create an image, of times so long ago,
Witnessed in the beauty, nature shares with me,
Trees which take water by spreading their roots,
Flowers by a river ..... songbirds in a tree .....
Blessed by the sight of plants bearing shoots,
CRAYONS.... Graced by the splendor of all that I see,
Crayons mixed together within my pencil case, Witnessing shadows ... following me .....
Never seem to argue by their colour, or their place,
They simply cling together, offering their use, MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE
Never with resentment, on which one I shall choose. Transported along by a furious tide.
A curious bottle, with message inside,
Some appear more popular, dependant on my choice, Scribbled on paper and thrown to the waves,
Others wait more patiently, without an angry voice, Transported along by a furious tide.
Each one has a purpose, none are left unused,
Was it from people in fear of their graves.......
They fear no animosity, nor are they abused.
. Swept across oceans in search of dry land,
I see when they are resting, red is next to white, A method of sending a form of demand,
Yellow sits by orange, without the urge to fight, Maybe it tells of a man who’s marooned,
Green prefers the violet, yellow opts for blue, Knowing his future is otherwise doomed.
Every one contented, by what they have to do.
Dodging the rocks, hidden from sight,
Unnoticed by liners which pass in the night,
Would it not be perfect, if humans were like these,
Set on a course for lands faraway,
Everyone just thankful. to honour and to please,
Hoping the message will not go astray.
Instead of human conflict, living for a cause,
Sharing love and laughter, instead of starting wars. Facing the fury of storms out at sea,
A bottle containing a personal plea,
Could I just be dreaming, in hoping this were true, Continuing where His angels won’t tread,
Nations in agreement with everything they do, Places which summon up feelings of dread.
No blood spilt in the trenches, nor politicians lies,
A world that is united, beneath the morning skies. Finally carried by waves to a shore,
The ocean produces an almighty roar
They never cast resentment, over which I choose, Leaving the bottle, with message inside,
Each one has a purpose, dependant on my use, Delivered intact by the force of a tide.
Crayons mixed together, within my pencil case,
A family enjoying a stroll on the beach,
Never seem to argue, by their colour or their place...
Notice the bottle is safely in reach,
Drawn to the sight of a message inside,
WITNESSING STARS.... They recover the note to see what’s inscribed..
Witnessing stars at the dawn of a day,
Hoping the sunshine is not faraway, Completing a journey which took many years,
Blessed by the sight of plants bearing shoots, The message compounds their ultimate fears,
Despatched by a person from lands faraway,
A choir of songbirds offer their song, Simply advising no milk required today.....
Enchanted by all as I amble along, Rob Bristol (of Luxulyan, Cornwall)*
The sound of a river flowing at pace, NB Wherever we have added no contact information
Reminds me that life was never a race. this means that these poems were copied straight

from posts on Facebook, rather than received them But the love you are
by email (unless otherwise informed by the authors). The Dissolution
Temptress Now in full sail-
Overnight it happened. the chestnut’s green galleon,
I have become the temptress. and in a mere quarter moon
All it took was mascara and a all the trees’ bare limbs have
Coral lip gloss , and a pair been clothed in a green gown
Of turquoise hot pants and a Maian, Marian...
(continued over page) Yet within
(continued from previous page) this undying renewal,
Cigarette I pretended each expression individual
To smoke. to ending is a vassal.
At the party for good Catholic Once the thrown spear
Girls , I am become the pariah. Reach his zen,
The women avoid me. that its trajectory
The boys like moths to the flame. is then downward-
I pretend indifference, this makes is inevitable.
Matters worse. I am inflammatory Every flight comes down to earth,
Just by existing. every launch must ultimately fail
I am whispered about, a mass will be said to f all to what’s beneath.
For my soul, after I have been punished. And I’m feeling this, this day,
Reported by the saddest and unhappy ones. amid the ‘dance and general minstrelsy’
The ones who pray the most. of glad May
I am all of pans people rolled into one I’m feeling
I have only to wiggle my arse and your the pull of- gravity.
Days are numbered. No mere parable
I yawn with the readiness of it all, the parabola:
The easiness. the sabbatical
I sing on the way home , happy that comes to all
For the first time in years. that’s mortal- it’s real.
Helen Burke The Abbey close I’m writing in
Email: aged and venerable,
BUT THE LOVE YOU ARE of Henry’s dissolutions a survival mediaeval,
Not the love you give this monument magisterial,
Nor the love you love this human-hand-reared holy hill-
Not the love you have a near-miracle:
Nor the love you crave yet to the same sad end eventual
Not the love you feel come it will, and in
Nor the love you hail The Dissolution crumble.
Not the love you steal Abbey Close Sherborne 3rd May
Nor the love you dole The Lowly
But the love you are We understand well enough
Not the love you reap that we are the lowly
Nor the love you keep and never can aspire to
Not the love you hope the Mountains of the Holy.
For, for which you weep We know that we’ll be trodden on
Not the love you choose directly or discretely;
Nor the love you chase yes, we understand our station
Not the love you miss and our place completely.
Nor the love you waste Yet by the Highest One
But the love you are are we remembered,
Not the love that’s pain and in The Highest Mind
Nor the love you gain are we numbered.
Nor the love that’s gone Out from the Highest Throne
Not the love that’s done command is given: ‘Bring them’:
Not the love you like so though our voice be small
Nor the love you lock our praises still we sing them.
In, the love you look Since We Must Endure
For, the love you lack Since we must endure
both consciousness Until the vessel is broken
and un-consciousness; each red clay pot
since we must endure is filled with Light...
clear foolishness Saturn has made
and seeming cleverness, two slow, sad pilgrimages
modesty, around the sun
immodesty, since I was born;
passive aggression, that is the frequency
aggressive passiveness, of His vibration,
as well as pure aggression, dictating
passiveness; through sympathetic resonance
since endure we must the pitch and the duration
our brother’s nightlong howling dying, of this song,
our father’s prolonged final sleepwalking, twice twenty-eight
our sister’s terminal agony, earth revolutions,
our mother’s merciful vacancy, octave of the magic
and these mirrored, shared, enacted, tone of Nut,
so we bear false witness star-pored black
of a billion butcheries, Night Sky Mother,
casual slaughters, who through the scared young crucible
we carry in our brains, of one young woman
adding to the back then strained
butcheries billionfold, Mabon out of Modron:
we carry in our bodies, has before done, does so now,
we carry as our body’s by the billion
slaughters casual... through each frail earthly woman-gate
since we must endure frightened, individual,
torture’s laughter, seemingly isolate
laughter’s torture, yet ultimately allied
Wisdom proved a whore-chimera, to the vast collective tide
and no way in or out of ‘here’ that commands the Fiat
except that we become a Buddha- ‘Procreate!’
what then can be done summons the oceanic strength
as we dis- and re-appear needed for the storm
but to embrace and to abjure, that brings each fish-star in,
since we must endure? Life’s shore heavening.
The question remains-
Saturn Return Birthday Poem. ‘Why’?
Birthed bloodily bright- why this unceasing
the shining countenance round inundation human
of the Child of Light-erupting thus to violate
from Mother Night’s pristine Eden,
violent vulva convulsing, make desert of The Garden,
over the horizon Gaia’s splendid playpen ruin?
of becoming. With this observation
Give us each night of the returning return
our repeated plunge of Time itself
into death’s dawn, with day to its starting place
into life’s resurrection in the planetary dance
our return. comes no answer to the conundrum,
Our oscillation only further questioning...
between each one- Lying foetal, fretful,
the bagatelle in the dark
of proton, neutron electron, as I await my birthday dawn
that becomes I reflect-
mourning’s morn. perhaps the question
Filled with light is the answer,
is each red clay pot, the answer the question
until the vessel’s broken. Dean Carter
8 Dairy Flats, Coldharbour, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 the good daddi
4AQ Email: for “Sound Baths” or the bad daddi
see She said she like the good one
Phoenix Notices but at times 
1/The copyright of all works published remains with I think she preferred the bad
their authors 2/ We do not alter the punctuation, THE IN AND OUT
grammar etc of any work published except when it is The man in the locker room
vital to clarifying the meaning 3/ responsibility for moved his stuff for me
controversial views remains with their authors. and for some strange reason 
JOAN COLLINS he said it was always the in and out.
During the break I got some more red wine "You are spot on everything is about the in and out
and went outside. if only I could do the in and out all day life would be
A woman came over to me and said  great."
I wished they would ask better questions I don't know if we were talking about the same thing
what would you ask her but I was sure what I was talking about.
I would ask her about the bitch and the stud
and tell her I had a wet dream about her. LONELY OLD BASTARD
She said she had a dream about one of the Dingles's  The young woman in the coffee shop
from Emerdale farm shagging her up the ass asked me if I wanted anything else with my green
and I suddenly realized I wasn't here to see Joan tea.
Collins at all I was here to meet her. I told her a friend would be nice 
I asked her if she liked it up the ass. someone to talk to.
She said she had never tried it. She let out a sympathetic sigh
She asked me if I had had many good lovers. and I went and sat down by myself.
She asked me if I was not very good at it. GIFT A MAN CAN POSSESS
I told her I was exceptional it was them that weren't If she had asked 
always that good. I would have said 
Probably the best conversation I had had in twenty I want some kind of happiness
years not long
I left her to go back into the show  a week
but I don't think I will ever forget her. a day
My lovers long gone memories an hour
but not her just something
BREXIT just something to know
I was in the sauna with two men it was still possible
they both started to complain about the Romanians. but of course 
And we got the old immigrant conversation going. she never asked
One of them was a pollack and the other a South THE FUTURE AND THE PAST
Afrikan. I walked backwards on another man's footprints on
Of course I carried on agreeing with them the beach
the irony must have got to them in the end just before the sea swept them away.
one left and then I left with a little smile on my face  I thought I could have his past 
as I headed to the jacuzzi with three women in it. instead of mine
They were all pure English girls he was welcome to mine.
SCREWBALL I didn't want it
I felt good but really I knew I could never lose it
full of something  that albatross 
and then life threw something at me that clung around my neck pecking at me
I don't know how I screwed it up as I walked through the future.
but I was fairly  sure I did Just like  writing you know it has to be this way
and soon after life showed me you can even write your own future 
that I had but still the past remains
and I was back to just being same old me again There is a ten foot snowman outside
and the kids scream as if they have never seen snow
I gave her a kiss I lay in bed writing this
and asked her who she liked best for who
I really have no idea. could be! So I thanked him and was glad to see
Still it comes down  where I was going a little more clearly.
blankets of it The old gentleman asked me why I was out alone and
and I have no idea why I am still here at such a late hour and I explained that I was on my
I hear sleds  way home from a concert and had missed the last
more screaming ‘bus. ‘What is Bus?’ he asked ‘Do you have no
I know I will die soon carriage, young lady?’ I laughed. ‘No, I can’t afford a
the kids don't know or care car and anyway, I don’t have a garage.’ I told him: he
but why would they. tutuited, ‘Does not your father send one of his
the sky is brilliant white and the trees shake just a grooms to meet you and to escort you home?’
small bit. I wondered what he meant. ‘I don’t live with my
They know about me parents’ I told him ‘and I’m not married, nor even
and I know about them. engaged.’
There is always solace in the end of things He stood still, quite suddenly, and I could just see his
sometimes it leads to a beginning but not here face in the lantern light. He looked worried. ‘This is
the beginnings have ended not good!’ he exclaimed ‘It is not good at all! Young
god bless you children you have your whole lives to ladies should always be properly escorted!’ And he
come began to walk on, and I went with him. His coat was
Marc Carver rather odd: it had a big collar, and lots of those cape
Email: things that you see in pictures of Sherlock Holmes.
Encounter in the Smog. I thought he was rather eccentric, but he was kind
Walking through London, late one winter night, I was and seemed harmless, and his lantern was a great
quite alone and had no torch with me. And as bad help. ‘What concert did you attend?’ he asked me.
luck would have it, there was a power cut, so there ‘The Academy of St. Martin’s in the Fields.’ I replied
were no street lights or lights shining from any ‘I love their music! There was so much applause that
houses along the street. Oh for the days of gas lights there were three encores, and that’s how I was too
and lamp-lighters! late for the last ‘bus, and have to walk home.’ ‘All
Then the slight mist became fog, and that soon turned the way from St Martin’s in the Fields?’ he asked me,
into a ‘pea-souper’. tututting again, and again I said yes, but that I didn’t
At close to midnight it was pitch dark and even the mind the walk until the smog came. I told him ‘I am
stars could not shine through the modern smog. grateful for your lantern,’ And he gave me a sort of
I was still a long way from home. Normally if a funny little bow and said that I was entirely welcome
concert were to run very late I would take a taxi and that he was ‘at my service’!
home, but there were none about that night. Probably The gentleman asked me what music had been played
that was because of the weather; it must have been at the concert that evening, and I explained that it
even harder to drive in the smog than to walk about was a programme of music by Haydn, and that the
in the thick, yellowy-grey stuff! ‘London Symphony’ and ‘the Clock’ were my
I will admit to feeling nervous for I so rarely walk favourites. He suddenly stood still again, so I had to
about alone at night, and the smog made it worse. I stop, too. ‘None of my music?’ he asked, and he
very much wished that I had worn flat pumps instead sounded a bit sad.
of my smart high-heeled shoes, which tapped along
the pavement as I walked, sounding like a rather So I joked ‘Not unless you are Papa Haydn’ I told
frantic drummer. But I tried to make as little noise as him. ‘I am not’ he said firmly ‘But I also write music,
possible! and usually I write to order. You must come and hear
A bulky shape loomed up beside me and I saw there my work.’ I told him ‘That would be lovely. I would
was a small, bright light to my left. I glanced quickly like that very much. I like modern music! He
sideways and saw that the light came from an old sounded pleased. ‘Well then, dear young lady’ he
fashioned lantern. That surprised me, but I thought said, ‘you must come to my next concert. I shall send
that it was an excellent idea, in the dark and the fog, you an invitation!’
if you haven’t a pocket torch. Then the bulky shape By this time we had reached the block where my flat
spoke to me ‘Good evening Ma’am, will you allow is, so I thanked him for his company and for lighting
me to escort you with my lantern? Are you going to my way home. ‘Now, my dear young lady,’ he said
Mayfair, where I also am bound?’ The lantern was ‘you must tell me your name, so that I may send you
lifted higher, to light my way. the invitation to my next concert’.
Surprised by the lantern, and the rather old fashioned I told him my name ‘I am Mary-Anne Jones’ and this
phraseology, I felt very grateful for the light. The where I live.’ I said He took off his funny hat, and
voice was that of an elderly gentleman, and it bowed as he had done before.
sounded kind. If he got ‘difficult’ I could easily slip ‘And I am Handel’ he said ‘George Frederic Handel’
off my shoes and run, for I’d be much faster than he and he and his lantern disappeared into the darkness.
An Old Irish Song. * My cheek cannot remember
I’d give every flower in my garden, the warm curve of your shoulder –
petal by petal by bloom, your hand would not know my body, older,
to know who will be chosen, drooping breast, sagging belly, rippled thigh –
if I am to wed, as my groom. this thing, no longer beautiful is not the I
your body knew so well,
(continued over page) but it it has borne the swell
(continued over previous page) of all your children.
My coffer is full of fine linen, But now that love is dead
my workbox is full of good silk, that used to pillow ,soft, my sleeping head,
I have a dozen red oxen, hands straying to my breast
and twenty five cows, all in milk. finding their comfortable rest
until the morning:
But how shall I know if I love him –
now I am mourning;
the man who is chosen for me,
my cheek is damp with tears,
it can’t be as easy as picking
no longer with your sweat
the best apple from all of the tree!
from our sweet loving –
I don’t know who I shall marry, that time is gone, long gone,
who’ll have my linen and cows, to my long regret –
but there is a young man so handsome, regretful longing.
he makes my face blush like a rose! Sylvia Audrey Charlewood
I’d give every flower in my garden, the body
petal by petal, by bloom is aging
to know if that handsome young gallant your 'beauty'
were chosen to be my bride-groom! is fading
you stand revealed
Shelley’s Hair. (confronted)
Shorn locks encased: in moments of truth
golden brown curls the head
cut when he was is forgiving
just thirteen; pain you are
I wondered if re-living
they’d spare a few the heart remembers
stray hairs for me. (with reluctance)
After seventy eight those sins of your youth
years of loving him, call it karma
his works, his poetry, call it fate
essays and letters, everyone here
here under glass, lay can relate:
Shelley’s boyhood curls – this party is filling up
ut I dared not ask! with like souls
if they could spare the beaten
for me one stray hair: the abused
I knew they’d crumble, the abandoned
were they taken out. the confused...
I was never closer than take your number
I was just then, although there is a lucky
I’ve met him, heard his voice. door prize
The photographs I took do not wait
were poor, the rooms so dark. step on through
It was just more than the one
one hundred years who did it to you
from his sad death when is over there
I first knew of him. by the mirror
But now I have a picture he leans
of his boyhood curls. if you move
in a straight line
you will be To stop the plunder,
just fine: To ease the pain,
ambush him Renew the wonder.
as he observes
his reflection No worthy knight
your eyes Shall remain interred.
they are stranger And though I only
you recognise Have the word,
danger Purpose shall be
in the black hole My steed, and I
(deep down) Will be ready when
where love disappears My lords ride by;
yet you say it For the soul of Camelot
so well Shall remain
in these stories Longer than land
you tell... Or sea or sky.
scream to silence
the room with your fears. This was the treasure no one knew
(2) Save he who placed it underground
this, I believe: Not in the earth but in man’ heart,
the mythology of the body Safe, till the day it might be found.
is never just about the body... Where is there now so great a knight
it is about the emotional mind. That he might lift that holy thing
let's face it: Into the light of consciousness –
flesh. skin. some hair here What revelations might it bring?
and there
does not require much So deep it lies that even yet
effort of concentration. Seekers of true sincerity
so: Serve it by their sense of loss,
when sex is not an issue; Nor guess the place where it might be.
when all that you have ever had
is all that you will ever really need... The Arimathean understood
reflect on this: Who buried but symbol in the earth,
any more Knowing someday Man would evolve
is not as great a blessing... And bring a greater Age to birth;
as a single heartfelt kiss.
For we are all but symbols too
Michael Gerrard Collins
Nor shall gain knighthood till we can
IT IS LIVING YET Raise up the Grail of love within.
It is living yet,
It is the task of Everyman.
That place apart
Whose shadows touch MAGRANNE’S TALE
And move the heart; I have seen how the brash world’s whimper
The castle on Calls up the forgotten brave,
Its windy plot How the hour of direst danger
Among the fields Empties the kingly grave.
Of bergamot,
The sorrow and I have stood on the borders of knowing
Surviving joy Where the air grows rare and thin
Which still, which still And the being awakes to the future time
Are Camelot. Of Arthur and his kin.
And when the wind Through clouds of purple thunder
Is in the west I have watched their approaching steed,
Travelling the hill’s Flashing sparks from flying hooves
Bare modern crest, The lightning of their nee;
Again I hear
The hooves a-thunder For I still live in the valley
As knights ride out Of Galahad’s font and start

And the steps winding down from Camelot attached to my skull with an earwig`s kiss.
Are rooted in my heart. My skin is white and mottled blue,
THE PIPE OF PEACE not so pretty now, it`s true ..
There will come a day, but what`s a vengeful girl to do?
As Great Elk has foretold, he murdered me, found someone new.
This will be, he said, Do you wonder why I`m askew?
When people and their lands I need to visit his new lady,
continued over page) just to warn her that he`s crazy
(continued from previous page) that if he thinks she`s overstepped the mark,
Will nevermore be sold. she`ll be joining me in the Memorial Park.
But not by greed or rage, Just a short chat, girl to girl,
When by his growing pains All my wisdom will be unfurled.
Man has come of age. When I warn her not to be me,
Do you think she`ll be pleased to see me?
Then shall the fiery sun Marian Finch (Lady Marian)
Of a warring epoch set, (Dreamscapes & Nightmares Poetry)
And everyone will come
To smoke the calumet. JOURNEY TO FIND A DREAM
Not yet fifteen, my avid mind pulled me into local
libraries to browse, perchance to dream, and there,
Let us come to the table
one day I found a book that clicked some kind of lost
Of world love and sharing;
or latent memory: “The Lost Horizon” by James
Let us meet and exchange
Hilton and soon discovered this was just the story
At the banquet of caring.
dreamed in childhood about a place kept secret by the
Even as our ancestors mountains, where I must somehow visit to assuage
Met in thanksgiving the longings of my soul. This was a story how a
To the Great Spirit group of diverse origin people, perhaps some tourists
Whose Self is all-giving. in a Charter plane were bound for Delhi and
Peshawa; or so I thought, until those still awake did
And we, in perceiving notice icy mountains looming rather close, and one
Our fellowman’s plight, who knew the route expressed alarm, “Surely this
By gratitude’s power can’t be right”. Being a small space, the pilot heard
May set the world right. and said:-“Be not afraid, you will be safe, though
may not reach the destination you had hoped, just
Come sister, come brother, have a free drink and relax”, this spoken in Tibetan.
Come rich and come poor; Luckily one of the passengers knew enough to
Arrive at the Feast understand. As they flew on, the snow bound peaks
Through the heart’s open door; reared up so close that the passengers feared they’d
crash, but somehow this clever pilot steered the tiny
For then you shall find
plane between them, while some brave guys began to
In this true way of giving
see it as some exciting trip and wondered where they
Abundance for all
were bound? At length, they flew into a very narrow
Is the new way of living.
gorge where is sheer cliffs reflected the roar of the
Pamela Constantine engines - - Then, the defile widened into a green
The Lodge, 11 Shannon Way, King’s Park, Pevensey
footed valley, with flanking cedars and pines. Slowly
Bay Road, Eastbourne BN23 6UA
their craft descended, the touched down upon a
Grave Warning.. (Dark Poetry) bumpy grass runway. A guy ran out to meet the pilot
Rise up from my stagnant mulchy bed as he opened the plane door to unfold a short ladder
Leave behind all rotten things long dead, to descend, shaking the guy’s hand then smiling
strike out with stumps through dampened soil, greetings to the passengers, we gingerly stepped
So weak. Digging is hard toil. down to reach the welcome ground, where the two
No fingers, scratch furiously as I did, guys politely ushered us towards a fine stone group
through rotten wood of the coffin lid. of pylons in Tibetan style. We ascended a staircase
My corpse is soft and putrified then entered a beautiful Grand Hall hung with richly
Deteriorated since I died, woven tapestries, golden colours found the slanting
bits of me were left inside beams of sunlight from high placed clerestories. At
when I decided to revive. the head of the Hall a monk in gold and red robes sat
My gorgeous hair is now just wisps, shakasana smiling warmly. As we moved towards
him, he opened his arms in greetings, then brought
his hands together in Namastay, bowing his head. the entrance to the lost valley Shambala. This porter
The captured people knew he must be some kind of had met a very old Tibetan Monk a few years back
Buddhist Lama. Strangely, the individuals who had who was known in this Hemis region as a story teller.
vigorously called for explanations and one crying One time the porter, Tashi, went to his story-telling
woman, we now silent, resigned to what Fate had session. He was fascinated to hear one story about
brought them. this lost valley that described this wonderful green
wooded valley and its only known entrance from a
crevasse in a very high cliff North East of Hemis.
The Lama then arose and beckoned them The Tibetan porter looking towards the crevasse went
towards a wide door into another smaller room, into a silent meditation for a while, to project his
furnished with carved wooden chairs and Tibetan higher spirit into the Valley. Emerging from this, he
cushions. Once settled the quietly, the Lama spoke in said it was possible to enter the Valley through a
English, the French, begging forgiveness for the deep cave via this crevasse. He suggested they camp
inconvenience of their abduction, and saying they here tonight, as it was likely to be a very difficult
would be kept here for ten days then free to board the climb tomorrow.
plane to fly them back to Delhi, or to stay here, as his Using a small oil stove the porters were able to cook
guests for as long as they wished. Then he related at dahl, rice and veggies for their supper. In the
length his story how he was a monk in a Catholic morning after a tasty breakfast of Mukti Roti, Dahl
Monastery in France and found in the library an and fruits, they set off towards the great crevasse
ancient book describing a “Shambala” hidden valley with fresh energy of hope. Climbing steadily they
in a remote area of the Himalayas. He was fascinated needed to be roped up once inside the gap, where
and determined to try to locate this place. But Tashi took off as lead climber, using ice-pick and
although there was a rough map in the ancient tome, crampons. After about two hours, we hauled over a
its coordinates seemed vague. However, in the text giant step to be confronted by a dark gap in this rock
eventually it said one must visit the Monastery of about six feet high. Feeling a bit tired but excited, we
Hemis found in the far northern mountains of Tibet. rested and drank water with some Tibetan sweet
After a year of careful abstinence, he saved enough to biscuits, then proceeded into the cave. After about a
catch the turbo-prop from Paris to Delhi, and then a dozen yards, the air felt warmer, we needed head
train to Sullandur from there coaches to Kulu and torches to slowly ascend carefully. Reaching a high
Manali staying in rest-houses en route to eventually point, the tunnel cave started to descend and make
board primitive buses over the high Himalayan some windings. In relief we trudged on for about a
passes to Leh. After one week stay in a Monastic quarter mile with good hopes as it continued.
hostel there and many enquiries, hiring two donkeys Eventually we saw bats in the vault, who flew around
and two local Ladakhis, to make the perilous rocky us as our lamps caught them and welcomed their
ascending to reach the remote Monastery of Hemis. presence as herald to life beyond. We felt excited
The Tibetan Buddhist Monks there were astounded to relief as the tunnel gradually became lighter and then
see him, warmly greeting him and showed him to a we all cried out in joy as a small circle of daylight
comfortable room reserved for honoured guests. appeared like a salvation. With quickening pace we
Exhausted, he gladly rested a couple of days before soon reached the entrance and found a very rocky
asking to see the renowned library where he hoped to path winding down into a belt of silver birch and
find references about Shambala, but with little other trees veiling terracotta and deeper blue-greens
success. On enquiring with the Monks, the old head beyond. A flock of exotic birds suddenly flew over as
Lama had heard of such a mythical place, but had if to welcome them. The Catholic Priest knelt down
never been. He advised asking a local porter, as to thank God for deliverance into what appeared to
possibly one might know about this lost valley? be a paradise. They continued to descend., entered
Eventually he did find a porter who knew of such a the Birch grove and the priest was amazed to see
place, but had nor been there himself. He described deep green Cedars giving their stately presence lower
exotic birds flying out of a sheer rock face in a very down. Eventually the ambled through this cedar belt
remote district about 30 miles from Hemis. So our to emerge to more open scrub where they could enjoy
ever adventurous priest asked the porter to take him a river view right down the valley to green fields
to that place, along with another porter and gave him surrounded by what appeared to be fruit trees. After
a generous advance. twenty minutes walking the priest saw a wigwam and
After two days, they set off, packing lots of rations cried out “There must be someone living here!”.
and climbing equipment & bidding joyful farewells They quickly walked on, soon reached the hut
to their kind hosts in Hemis Monastery After much covered in cedar tiles. Knocking on the wooden door,
winding over minor passes, the small party came in after about five minutes a man with a long white
sight of a very high cliff and began to traverse the beard opened and with a warn smile greeted them
lower ice-bound skirts. After several hours the older with folded hands of “Namastay”. He seemed to be a
porter spotted a big crevasse that he thought might be Tibetan, so the Tibetan older porter could ask him
questions. Apparently this venerable old Buddhist valley, perhaps half-a-mile across, enclosed by sheer
monk had lived here since his mother had brought cliffs surmounted by very high ice-covered
him as a baby child. She cared for him till about mountains. The stream ran down to a lake reflecting
eighteen years old, but tragically then died of some more silver birch coppices beyond. The valley
strange disease. As her husband had been a Lama, seemed to end in smooth sheer cliffs hundreds of feet
she had a strict Tibetan Buddhist training and was high, the priest guessed might be limestone. Nearby,
(continued over page) there seemed to be a cave in the cliff face about ten
feet up, with wedged cantilever steps up to the
(continued from previous page) entrance. The Lama said that inside were a set of
able to bring her son up in a routine of early morning ancient stone tablets carved to describe some of the
and evening meditations. There were some apple and history of the valley in Sanskrit. He promised to take
various nut-trees including Sweet Chestnut, Beech, them into it the following day. (to be continued)
Pinenut and Walnut, all useful proteins to make tasty Jeffrey Gale
dishes combined with a range of vegetables grown 16 Whiteley Avenue, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5PQ
from seeds wisely carried with her from her Lamas’s Email:
Monastery. So she knew how to grow potatoes, See:
onions, spinach, leeks, sprouts and runner beans. A “A Poet’s Wish”
Himalayan breed of olive trees provided a fine oil for A life in service of the Muse; spent
many nutritious dishes to make up a well-balanced planting dust from imaginary stars
vegetarian diet. So the old Lama ushered them into in fecund, conceptual earth, from
his simple home to sit on cushions while offering which grows poetry like the
them liquorice tea, with biscuits made from crushed twisting vines of clustered, climbing roses.
nuts and olive oil. The Tibetan porters chatted For that, it seems
merrily with the Lama who was clearly very pleased is pretty much how it’s done.
to see them as he hadn’t seen anyone for about A life in which passion's burning
twenty years. After two hours of talking, the Catholic blood is the most tepid
Priest said they could share some provisions with the to which one aspires.
venerable Lams and help make a good meal. He And from that blood fall drops
readily agreed, so we complemented his cooked of glowing fire, along the winding road.
vegetables with our lentils, brown rice and dried Spots of light, to guide a traveller
fruits, the former being difficult to grow were a rare too long locked in search.
treat. Spots of light for me to follow on that
After a delicious meal, we had much to offer as news darkest night and find
of the greater world beyond the valley that the my own way home.
Buddhist Lama was fascinated to hear. Our Catholic A life which ends
Priest related how his religion had become far too in sunset spilt like shining blood
materialistic and corrupt, inevitably drifting away on western skies.
from Christ’s humility and self-denial. He felt he had A night which with her cool
to get away from his Catholic Monastery to find a sparkling blessing
completely different way of life. Then he heard about bids both farewell to one
Shambala in a book about ancient Asian religions of and joyous welcome
Buddhist origins so he decided he must try to find to another day.
this. The Ladakh Monastery of Hemis was mentioned “The Poet”
where the very old scroll library held significant I am the poet. I live
secrets, so he made a plan to go there via Hungary & the holy nightmare.
Moscow on railway routes. The latter part of this I travel the ecstatic transition.
journey is related earlier in this story. After a hearty For me, the light bends differently.
meal they all felt tired, so the Lama showed them to The rainbow radiates a vibrant symphony
another tipi shaped hut, with blankets sufficient to in the key of red-orange
keep warm combined with those brought with them. or some other hue.
The awoke to the pleasant sounds of exotic birds and Magnificent choirs resound from within
a stream nearby to which they joyfully descended to the vast tumble of clouds, hanging
wash in the clear icy water. The old Lama invited in the morning sky, changing
them to join in for short meditation prior to a with the shifting light; harmonically sifting
breakfast they all helped to make with fresh hot the colors as the sun rises and echoes
chapattis, chai and mixed spice friend vegetables. brilliantly off the far mountains.
The Lama offered to show them round the vicinity of I am the poet. Verse grows
the Camp; so they walked through a grove of great within me, pulsating with life.
Himalayan Cedars, then a splendid view down the Greedy for its own existence.
And forth it comes, skipping gaily or even if you run.
strutting murderously, as I
in sweet agony of creation, give birth. It's best to take time
I am the poet. A blink whenever you may
in the wrong direction takes me because before you know it
to places which are not earthen lands, but it has run away
vistas where hope is a particular shade of light.
And rage is a cool breeze on an autumn Airport Window
afternoon under blazing, red flames of dead leaves. Silver drops chase down the glass,
I am the poet. I see race each other, flowing fast,
divinity in snowflakes, and civility falling from the darkened sky,
in blood-red rivers of rebellion. catch the light as they go by.
I throb yet, from a love a thousand years past.
Taking form, a brief escape,
And your hot breath across my throat
Fleeting drops, change their shape,
still haunts me.
recaptured by the ground and then
And burns.
rise up to the sky again.
I am the poet. The ordinary
and the fantastic sit side by side at a table Spring Patterns
in a falling raindrop. Spring crochets leaves onto branches,
A lifetime is lived in a pointed blade stippling blue sky with green lace.
of grass that floats for a moment Pursed tulips await rain until sunshine
on the wind, and then encourages petals to invite sun and bees.
rushes downstream to rot
on some foreign Umbrella in hand, I shade my eyes
shore. There, to begin again.– looking at the sky in speculation.
Michael Graves
For more poetry, download my FREE eBOOK: “A Birds crisscross skies cloudy to bright and back.
Glimpse Beyond.” It downloads in Kindle, iBooks Spring is a both/and time of year.
and other formats. It's simple. Here's how: 1) Click
this link.
Spring Portrait
Maple leaves agape…/messages-bottle-
stretch wide open toward the sun
paperback/2) Click on the red button that says: Free
grasping for each ray.
E-Book “A Glimpse Beyond”. 3) And follow the
directions from there. My publisher: Hugo House, Birches and Aspens
will send a free copy of “A Glimpse Beyond” to your tremble their fragile new leaves
email address and you can open it/save it on your beckoning the light.
computer or smart phone with your eBook reader of
choice (Kindle, iBooks, etc. or as a .pdf file.), More Flowering Dogwoods
of Michael Graves’ poetry is at the following link: bark brightly at Magnolias drooping to the ground.
About Time
Oh you can't keep time, Pink petals above
though it seems to fit in clocks, make lacy shadows below
and it's easy to lose breezes waft between.
even if you have locks. Everywhere to see
Maybe you can steal time her beauty embraces all
if you're very stealthy Spring is wide awake.
but you can't buy time What I Want to Know
even if you're wealthy. I want to know where the time goes.
It slips through me like a tear
You might beat time, or a blink, and is gone with a wink
though it wouldn't be kind; but where? If only I knew
and should you waste time I would seek it out, find it and
you'll be left behind. Put it back where it belongs.
To be behind time The slippery moments won't stay
just isn't much fun, Not even in my memory, sometimes.
and you can't gain time Then when I breathe, or sigh
To my surprise I find a moment that over there.
escaped the net that sweeps it Must be something
All away when I have not paid attention. somewhere.
Nothing found.
I cherish my time. I even try to hoard it. So cry for now.
Yet that does not work; it still escapes Gordon Hoyles Email:
(continued over page) Red Lotus
(continued from previous page)
oh the immaculate red lotus
into that mysterious somewhere
the queen of flowers
I cannot discover, no matter how I try.
the seat of Buddhas
I have sought it in vain, only
tell me this grown-up foetus
to have it elude me time and time again.
the secret of your excellent status
I wish somehow I could make time in spite of the trotting trend
I'd keep it safe and sound and just for me. that you grow in the muddiest pond
So then I'd always have enough. in the stinking ground
If only the recipe were available. oh the flawless red flora
Then where might I discover the ingredients, the crown of vegetation
Perhaps in some mysterious, hidden tome. the seat of Buddhas
how is that neither mud
The clocks I watch count my moments, nor the filthy fluid
even as they pass beyond my grasp. from which you derive your nourishment
I want to find time so as to have it touch not your tender petals
to get done what remains undone because nor corrupt your fragrance?
I could not lure the moments from Henry Victor Isaac
wherever it is they hide themselves from me. Note: The red lotus standing on the sewage-pit is my
Tasha Halpert grandson Justin when 5+ years old!
Cat Lover Where would men be
There had been a struggle without women
Using stealthiest manoeuvres to influence our characters
Which resulted in a climax. and point out our weaknesses
men would be uncivilized
Now satisfied and purring closer to animals
Having sorted out the juggle who only want to sleep and eat
It was nice to just relax. we would still be in dark caves
But as with moonlights passage wearing skins and scratching ourselves
The whole would be recurring, women give us inspiration
These are Tiddles natural acts. women give us aspiration
women tame the wildness in our hearts
Thus Alice proudly boasted without women
Of her lovely spunky pussy. men would be savages
(2) and hungry.
I wake up early hours
She’s snoring like a tractor DIVORCE
I have a piece of chocolate Divorce is like
To help induce a dream. an ice berg
Later after breakfast foreboding
For a sweet consoling factor prone to sudden cracks
I have a piece of chocolate
It was such a lovely dream.
The Visiting Babies moves slowly
Yo-yos without strings. rearranges geography
Going, coming back you never know
and round and round. what is really going on
Nothing found. underneath the ice
Going, coming back its nature is deception
and round and round. you do not know
Over here,
where it will end up or if they will collapse on stage
or who it will like driving by an accident
break apart there is curiosity about a train wreck
and sink. people want to see for themselves
rock stars whose skinny jeans are no longer skinny
their feet no longer steady
still they pine for recognition
I CANNOT IMAGINE the spot light does that to them
I could not imagine they get so used to the light
my parents being young the swooning
they were old the day I met them the ovations
and remained old till the day they died it's not about the music
but I often wonder it's about the fame
how they would have been they cannot give it up
as young people they are addicted and high on past glory
as young lovers the screaming fans
I wonder how they met the fawning press
and if they kissed on their first date once a rock star
or kissed at all always a rock star
until they tied the knot in the museum of their minds.
the whole idea of sexuality
seemed so foreign to them BLACK BIRDS
it was a strict and structured world they lived in Black birds on a line
with formalities and rules that had to be followed like polished pearls
would they recognize the world today strung along a high wire
when hooking up is common on first dates their feathers gleam
and racy photos run around middle schools boast brilliance in the sun
when children are abused suddenly there is a signal
and babies left in dumpsters and all at once they rise in air
I have to say they would be shocked and saddened to form a cloud of blackness
and I am glad they passed before the world changed a dance of feathered wings
before they had to witness a mass of moving parts
the ugliness of what we have become. all mutually agreed
to reach some chosen place
ACROBATS a place where all regather
Spiders spin as one coherent flock
their spidery nets one united family
Precarious they are who decides the destination
and yet who decides who will lead
who cannot wonder aloud
How they perform this marvel to behold
their high wire acts this magic act of mystery
this flight of feathered souls.
Leave us in awe
like acrobats. BOYS & BOOKS
Give a boy a book
AGING ROCK STARS and he'll be hooked
Aging rock stars for life
exhibit no shame his whole world
forever on stage shifts dramatically
their skin wrinkled suddenly there are words
their faces sliding downhill that he can relate to
their hair thinned out books enter his life
their stomachs paunchy to become best friends
still they go on every book an adventure
pretending they are still relevant one page leads to the next
they love the adoration of the fans curiosity flourishes
who come to see them one book just the start
wondering if they still have the moves of a romance with words

knowledge becomes the gift see the paths trodden by time
laid before his very eyes worn away from persistent homage. 
he turns each page with hunger  
he learns he is not alone. I sit in quiet space,
David Knape ignore the flash of cameras
Email: and other voices.
HAUNTED FEAR My stillness is within.
Steel body and hard souls I have been here before
Can they search real life goal ? and before and before.
Sense of my spirituality may be cowardice ?  

But humanity is missing from human being I am called to return often.

For materialistic comfort killing The wild horses come too.
Are they intellectual ? They frolic in this space,
Are they not suffering on salty land ? bring their foals
From that partition brutality is on its zenith to be familiar for the future.
Forgetting all love songs We are all content
And listening only sound of machines in this open wilderness.
That eating only human beings The stones still sit silent
My mind ,shivering from that fear with a vibration some feel
O! God bestow us wisdom and resonate with.
For morality and spirituality This is peace,
In the midst of modern war wild and elemental.
What results may be only God knows ? I will return and remember
The place may be heap of ruins that I was always here.      
And unexpected loss of human
Horrors of war terrifying my MYSTIC soul Hand made
How can we see spreading tears everywhere ? My grandmother knitted, did crochet,
embroidered and stitched beautifully by hand.
Where will be the ego of ours
She eventually updated to a treadle Singer sewing
When there would be only heaps of ruins
And my heart is haunted with this fear
As a child she made many of my clothes,
Eyes are blind to see dead bodies
and I never appreciated the time and love she gave
O! God come and see your beautiful land
And the creation of yours
Now I understand the joy and preciousness of hand
Before my tears dried !
My heart is calling you for such loss
So many skills now lost to mass consumerism.
MYSTERIES OF HUMAN LIFE I can knit but I rarely do and I do sew by hand.
Ah !Ah ! beautiful and hilarious life Sewing machines and I do not get along.
Love ,life and death I’ve owned two and broken them both quickly.
Mysterious strife Perhaps I have Luddite blood in my veins,
O! Man love each other as friends which will be spilled when I prick my finger.
Fascination of nature RE SEWING
Opened windows calms My grandmother sewed beautifully.
Truth always pays I can still hear the sound of the treadle
God's creation amazed me on her Singer sewing machine.
Good God make us punctual It’s steady rhythm exciting because
Angel's with strong wings it meant something was being created.
To be millionaire or to be wise For her, it seemed like a meditation.
Wisdom of human mind Lost in her art of stitching.
ASHOK KUMAR She stitched the family together too.
HOD ENGLISH DEPARTMENT No rip or rift was beyond repair.
LORD MAHAVIRA ACADEMY Grandma would try to fix everything.
BARAUT BAGHPAT UP 250611 INDIA She was as strong as she was gentle.
ANCIENT LAND Not always approving but always loving.
The land is ancient, You could tell her anything without fear.
no more ancient than any other She embroidered over many of my mistakes,
but here, you can feel it, and never reminded me of the stitches.
Tea ceremony BEST "NEW" AFRICAN POETS 2018
I love tea ceremonies, ANTHOLOGY edited by Tendai Rinos
where ever, when ever.
Mwanaka, Nsah Mala
Tea and conversation
Best “New” African Poets 2018 Anthology follows
are a healing brew,
volumes in 2017, 2016 and 2015. In this fourth
one the elixirs of life.
volume of these continent-wide anthologies of
The kettle boils and
African poetry we have work from 154 African poets
the water releases
from over 30 African countries and the African
the juice of dried leaves.
Diasporas. There are poems in English, French,
All else flows from this moment,
Portuguese, Sepedi, Shona, Yoruba, and Asante Twi
and the sharing begins.
languages. In 2018 there was a notable increase in the
Tea and sympathy.
number of entries with memorable novelties
Tea and laughter.
regarding poetic experimentation: some of the poets
Tea for all seasons.
have daringly sliced up words playing around with
Drink deep because
the spatial and structural patterns of their texts on
the simplest of rituals
paper. This may be described as both textual and
hold great magic.
visual poetry. Reading the poems becomes a journey
Alex Krysinski with many paths, where the reader walks according
Email: to poetic rhythms and the hesitating breaks of action
A BIT POLITICAL verbs and enjambments.
With black flags, African Books Collective: Best "New" African Poets
We must shrink wrap, 2018 Anthology
Government bodies, DREAMING FLOWERS
Which lie in States, Dreaming Flowers kept dropping down
Before they bury us, From lovingly caressed branches of hopes
All in unmarked graves. In the spring valley of deafening blasts and choking
Leaving it to lazy left banks,
With vultures shedding opaque tears that evaporate
Only earns the thanks of those,
before touching the wistful, wilting, thirsty petals.
Shelling out on right-wing think tanks,
Was pushing my dinner this eve down the throat
Can’t make your Marx,
But...finally... sipping salty drops dripping from the
Without working at losing,
red eyes of my hardened coat.
Chains to the past.
It was almost early dawn
We’ll have no truck with burning tyres and that a shower of summer rains drenched my drowsy
barricades, roofs
Socialists sozzled on Pinot Grigio not champagne, With sobs and sighs of the starless, moonless,
Taking back our streets in reality-celebrities names, scowling sky,
Sausage-rolls and union jack hats in place of Slamming my doors n windows in their emotive
grenades! coup,
Our lords and masters only good for, Hitting hard my empty vows... and all...that I do lie...
Passing water-logged poor laws, Amidst the last post sounded
River Thames awash with dirty secrets, Reverberating through the icy atmosphere
Fallen fowl ducked down witches! Candle light processions taken out
To illumine their path to heaven, oh dear--
A history of mustn’t grumble misery mumbles, It's high time that we struck the enemy at its root
Shrug and stumble along apathy avenue cobbles, Trounced it, made it lick our boot...
Twirling mobile of sheep, Tore it apart into pieces beyond recognition
Chasing scape-goats in their sleep, Keeping all other useless jobs, till then, under
Cradled prince of pain, suspension.
Giggling and gurgling beneath, Basudev Mallik (Bhudabeswar, India)
Waits as each spin, The Window
Swings us closer to his reach! Do you see the creepy
Mark Laing Crawling meandering
13a Ethelbert Rd. Canterbury, Kent CT1 3ND Creatures under my
Email: Window, I see them
Feel them set them
Free, life down that

Tree creeps up the Say the sages, who know,
Bark, branches, leaves That it is a unique
Openly, the bodies Gem – a ‘Blue Sapphire’, the
Heave and pull, drool Sight of which makes one swoon.
Under a wrenching
Sun, sometimes I The sight is not of the
See colours fluttering Eye, but astral and turned
Setting the breeze Inward and the swoon is
Alight. The leaves Not physical, but a trance
Fall with a design (continued over page)
(continued from previous page)
Of the spirit, dipping
Like rainbow over a
one, now ‘Pure Awareness’
Cloud, the clouds
(“Chit”), in a stream of ‘Bliss’
Close in tandem
(“Aananda”), and the ‘Blue
Covers the Sun
Like mother covering Sappphire’ is the ‘Truth’ (“Sat”);
Her sleepy son. Now flashes in the mind’s
Apu Mondal Eye, the Supreme Spirit’s
Hearts Alive Form – “Sat-Chit-Aanand
Hearts alive, singing and dancing Pedapudi Rama Rao
Laughing and playing, rejoicing springtime If someone is interested
Fairies dancing amongst snowdrops to know about me
Frog jumping whilst crocuses uncoiling I should have to speak
Emerging, out, out, warming soils about my first love
Sunlight’s gifted, unclouded skies. "The Land"
where I was born
Love permeating throughout airwaves I should have to speak
Infectious uninhibited, natural urges about the first kiss of the rising Sun
Springing and prancing, dancing about the paddy-fields
Rapturous waves of irrefutable exuberance’s and about the farmers
Springs arrived, a cycling season I should have to speak
Evolutionary connotations ripen today. about the songs and stories
listen by me in little-age
Daffodils blooming, imitating sunshine from my grandmother
Warming hearts and souls alike
Alive, alive, a joy to be alive If someone is interested
Sap rising, whilst birds are singing to know about me
Up, up, upon high, birds’ eyes I should have to speak
Viewing natures unfolding, beauty unbounded. about the festival Bihu
I should have to speak
Feathers pruned, in place perfections about my father
Courtship dancing, awash, in harmonious who was a Brahmin, farmer of faith
Ceremonial delights, paraded who used to spent days with hanger
Flower buds breaking out and pray always to the God
Reaching up, up into heavenly blue skies to fulfill the wishes of the People
Blooming, nurturing, embracing lovers sweetening in the interest of people
exploding hearts - everywhere! in return always take the blame
Clive Norman as Cheater
The Blue Sapphire
The golden chamber of If someone is interested
One’s secret heart conceals to know about me
From the senses and the I should have to speak
Mind a crystal casket. all the things
for which
The casket shines like the I learn to fight with time
Full moon, bright and placid, and learn to grow as soldier....
And the Mystery of
Mysteries lies within.

Note down Email:
I've no identity Haiku From La Gomera
without love This island is one of the remotest and less
without love commercialised of the Canary Islands. It has a wide
I'm a tree variety of habitats from the mountainous areas with
without leafs their extensive wet laurel forest to the beaches along
without love which are most of the main settlements. The set of
I'm a sea haiku, known as haikai, follow on from the longer La
without shining sun Gomera poems in the previous edition. 
without love
I'm just the darkness of my living-room Clouds drifting across 
breathless From behind the dark mountains 
in the search of the Moon-light Sunrise pink and gold. 
Note down
I've no identity Through stygian gloom 
without love Of the wet laurel forest 
I will have to die one day Inside our warm bus. 
like the yellow leafs
A shrouded forest 
before that
Tree garlands of Spanish moss 
I must have to fly and sing
Filters of sunlight. 
like the Spring-Bird's
before that Suddenly it rains 
I must have to bring Out comes bright waterproof gear 
the heavenly-peace Challenging soft green. 
to the bleeding earth
See the rounded rocks 
Note down As winter rain tumbling down 
I've no identity Erodes the edges. 
without love....
Don't tell me Passage of white gulls
how much love you have Across the dark bare mountains
for me And through a rainbow. 
will be happy much-more
to read that love So still among rocks 
in your eyes You can hear lizards moving 
in your comfort and happiness Across sunlit paths. 
Don't tell me
Inside the pet shop 
how much love you have
Birds in cages sing sweetly 
for me
Sing for their freedom. 
will be happy much-more
to feel that love The little egret 
in the silence of your lips Tries to stab its reflection 
in the smoothness of your touch Gets a fish instead. 
Don't tell me Two minutes from land 
how much love you have for me Already plugs in her ears 
am waiting here Music drowning waves. 
to read your silence
to feel your silence Dolphins all around 
as I read the language of rose Black fins slicing through white waves 
as I read the language of stars and sky Following our boat. 
waiting here in the garden dear
to read your silence Irrigation day 
Don't tell me Water tumbling down channels 
how much love you have Frog chorus at night. 
for me....
Spiralling upwards 
Achintaya Krishna Sarma
Then a sudden level flight 
   Rupnagar, Swasti Path House no : 5 Guwahati-
The grace of a dove. 
781032 Kamrup(Metro), Assam India.

Sudden whining gusts  Cradled in each other’s warmth,
But the kestrel dips and swings  with not even a keyhole
Surfing waves of wind.  for Winter’s cold winds
to draught through.
Flickers of white wings  Melting Welsh Shirgar Butter
Through the after sunset sky  upon Bara Piglydd (Pikelet) hearts.
As gulls head to roost.  Tender as the back of a earlobe,
soft and delicate
Across the dark beach 
as the top of inner thigh.
Dancing with music and fire 
All is warmth and comfort,
She casts ancient spells. 
within these Castle Walls,
Richard Stewart. constructed of protective shoulders,
'Valezina', 112, Westerfield Road, Ipswich, IP4 2
and outward facing backbones.
XW. Email:
Circled in upon themselves,
The Winnowing Widow they speak in close smiles,
On Autumnal, clear skied, and womb-float, together,
full mooned nights. in natural rhythm
She can still be viewed … to the beating and pulse,
atop Poacher’s Slope. not of war drums,
Slightly to the right-hand side but, of the passion and security
of the derelict windmill. of their Granite Bond.
An echo of something lost The Griever & the Antelope Make Friends
yearning for remembrance.
At the bottommost slope
Wailing melancholy
of Life-Fractured Hill,
to the rhythm of thrashing arms
deep within the Northern Territories
separating the wheat from the chaff
of the Desolate Wastelands.
and the past from the present.
He finally lifted up
Her Early Afternoon Sepia Face that face, screwed on rigid
There is still a deep, dusty frost with pain, reached out
on the overgrown lawn outside, a trembling, unsure hand,
yet, the Winter sunshine and touched gently
is dazzling and blindingly bright. the Antelope’s suede-smooth
As she perches, with feet up bowed head.
upon the left bay window seat, Sick of the ragged,
between the heavy, velvet drapes twisted bark and brambles
and breath-misted glass. scripture-constricting
This is her ‘Quiet Hour’, his trouble-furrowed brow.
she shares only with strong coffee, He let the innocent warmth
cigarettes and nostalgia. seep down his battle-weary arm,
She’s contemplating the ‘Circles’ into his stone-cold chest…
which keep tripping her up where miraculously
from the straight and narrow. it germinated a ‘Seed’
How to evade emotions -which unknown to him-
and still be contented is the thing? she had carefully left hidden
Reining in affection before crossing into the Hereafter.
and keeping desires in check… Paul Tristram
simply seems unnatural, wrong 1, Hunkin Close, Truro, Cornwall TR1 3SD
and against the grain of everything Email:
that the ‘Beating Heart’ should stand for? Karma
She’s sat here every day for centuries, You fried a big fish
hair and eye colour changing, swallowing a plastic bag
along with her earthly name. and choking on your sins - -
Pondering, worrying and debating with herself The difference
a delightful/deplorable Riddle Religion and deep
untouched by science, uncharted by maps… spirituality are
which like a Victorian Penny Arcade very different.
is all down to luck, chance and guess work. Simple
The answer is oh
so simple, we must always Fading in and out
love one another. Like a bad movie
Gandhi-like I set Worn down depressed
an example, I will not I struggle in the morning
fight your evil war. To get out of bed
Guns Cursed with an arthritic neck
There is no need for Waking two-three times a night
them. Not one. This human race To go to the bathroom
needs true advancement. Trudging down three flights of stairs
Peter Geoffrey Paul Thompson To retrieve the morning paper
17 Walmer Close, Collier Row, Romford,
Essex RM7 8QH In and out of doctor offices
REMEMBERING MY GRANDMOTHER Taking pills like candy
Oh how I hated that Third Street Hotel Seeing my grandmother
My grandmother old and wrinkled In the dark gloom of that
Sitting in the lobby Third Street Hotel
With withered men and women Death crouched low like a track sprinter
Reclining on worn couches Waiting on the starter's gun
Staring off into space
With eyes like death warrants
The smell of funeral parlors I will not be among those watching you speak
Filling the lobby Your hatred disinformation and lies
I cannot pledge allegiance to a racist
Who stands behind the flag whose
My grandmother pale and sickly
Principles you defile
Her voice shaking like
An earthquake tremor
Rising slowly to hug me I will not bow down to Corporate America
Wearing her years like rosary beads And the far religious right
I cannot accept your moral bankruptcy
Oh how I hated those visits Your greenback God selling lives
Watching those old people On the stock market exchange
Shuffle in and out of the hotel I will not bow down to a country where
On the way to a Sunday walk Immigrants are treated like criminals
Or a meal at Compton's cafeteria And justice is for the privileged
Looking like wasted corpses A country whose papal church
On a 24-hour pass from the morgue Has its own bank where
Living behind drawn shades Ka-ching ka-ching is the new holy mantra
In single light bulb rooms
Sealed like tombs America you have become
Walking in endless circles like One big insane asylum
A mad conductor wandering Your manic depressive innkeepers
An abandoned railway yard Waging war on the masses
Your henchmen stand proud
Oh how I hated those Sunday visits On your purple majestic mountains
Seeing my own mortality Kiss the cold stone faces on Mount Rushmore
In my grandmother's eyes Where you measure your inclusion
The old hotels are gone now Looking like a Mafia Don with
Torn down in the name of progress The Cold kiss of death on your breath
But they will live forever
In the back of my mind RESTLESS GHOSTS
My grandmother walking whispers of fog seek refuge
The corridors of my skull on my window sill
Reaching out to me with ghosts from my past...
Bone cold hands make love to my brain cells
These transitory images like a moth undressing a lightbulb
That won't leave me alone Criss-cross my veins
take root in my heart
explore my bones like above the “222” Club
an undertaker dressing the dead 7 months pregnant
ignore the blackbirds forced to give head
strung-out like bowling pins for soup and bread
on my neighbor's picket fence
competes with the sun for my attention No heat one washcloth
awaken my senses one yellow stained wash basin
march like fire ants up and down my spine hope bled dry
my body a century-old tree bends with time immigrant without visa or status
leaves me a rag doll an illegal aught in a legal trap
on an invisible deathbed
Feels the baby move stir inside her
worn tossed aside like left-overs
Leadbelly plays downstairs in tavern
from a holiday feast
as she heads for the door
(continued over page)
hears the night manager whisper Whore
Suspended in silent grief
(continued from previous page)
flats face down in the bowels
I an aging philosopher
of the American dream
a shadow within a shadow
an old Model "T" Ford CHASING THE BLUES AWAY
cranked-up for one last ride On my way home from a Sunday afternoon
each breath measured like Jazz concert, I pass the park where
a gourmet recipe as a kid I used to play ball
my memory bank The field is dry
a broken grandfather clock the grass uncut
its hands stuck at noon the baseball diamond deserted
stares into empty space just two teens standing around
dead comrades serenade me one with a boom box
words abound float aimlessly at sea the other with; headphones stuck
the sweet smell of orchids take up in his ears
residence in my nostrils
a secret chamber where ladies of the night I stop off at Maratha’s coffee shop
fan my fevered brow as unwritten poems for a cup of hot chocolate
pass through my eyelids one-half hour before night fall
take up residence in the attic of my mind and a decade sine my mother's death
deadly storms devour my dreams feeling more alone than any time in my life
bind to me like glue
demons spit at me spill over Soon I'll head home
like an over-heated radiator flip a TV dinner in the microwave
centuries of ancestors pile up turn on the TV and watch the news
like bones in an elephant graveyard before slipping into the bedroom
an armada of Viking funeral ships and sliding between the sheets
sets a fiery course
Turn on some jazz
a rainbow kisses the sky
Miles Davis or Charlie Parker
on its way to nirvana –
try to fill he empty space
with notes that cry out to the dead
An old man stands in the doorway
of an abandoned building
The shrill cry of dead jazz greats
shoulders stooped
ring out in the night
Jesus beard, ragged clothes
glide on dark storm clouds
hand outstretched
begs for his supper Jazz notes loud as thunder
a tote of wine burst the eardrum
His prayers unanswered like artillery fire
spittle on his chin the four-walls close in like
holes in his shoes a police dragnet
Walt Whitman's forgotten child
JAZZ ANGEL Jazz luminaries beautiful butterflies
She sits alone spread their wings
in her small hotel room reshape the stars the universe
cosmic matter waiting to be reborn Louie is Pops and Pops is tops�
CHASING THE BLUES AWAY First black man to speak on the radio
On my way home from a Sunday afternoon In the deep South
Jazz concert, I pass the park where First pop artist to have
as a kid I used to play ball A Top Ten hit (Mack the Knife)
The field is dry With virtually no air time
the grass uncut DJ's saying it was too violent
the baseball diamond deserted But who played it regularly
just two teens standing around When white singer Bobby Darin
one with a boom box Three years later made it
the other with; headphones stuck A smash hit
in his ears  
I stop off at Maratha’s coffee shop Subjected to racism at home
for a cup of hot chocolate In restaurants and hotels
one-half hour before night fall Yet invited by the State Department
and a decade sine my mother's death To be their Goodwill Ambassador
feeling more alone than any time in my life Who had the courage to tell them
To go to hell
Soon I'll head home This in the era of Jim Crow
flip a TV dinner in the microwave
An avid baseball fan
turn on the TV and watch the news
Who lived near Shea Stadium
before slipping into the bedroom
Who frequented the Met's ball games
and sliding between the sheets
Admitting to friends he longed to sing
The National Anthem there
Turn on some jazz
Too proud to ask and baseball brass
Miles Davis or Charlie Parker
Too dumb to ask him
try to fill he empty space
Who now plays to a higher audience
with notes that cry out to the dead
Blows his horn with the Angels
His long white silk handkerchief
The shrill cry of dead jazz greats
Kissing the retreating air
ring out in the night
Must bring a smile
glide on dark storm clouds
To God's face
Jazz notes loud as thunder Al Winans (San Francisco)
burst the eardrum LISTENING TO THE SONGS
like artillery fire SENTIENCE IS UNIVERSAL
the four-walls close in like Listening is rare. To hear the wails within waves
a police dragnet To feel harpoon and spear. Japanese say "Research"
Inuit quote "Tradition" Ask each whale why they
Jazz luminaries beautiful butterflies sing-
spread their wings it is for Freedom. Dolphin in a can. Turtle in a soup.
reshape the stars the universe To hear each song that echoes out/sonar. Radar.
cosmic matter waiting to be reborn Asdic. Response is everything.
Catch and Release. Unhook each hunter from the
Born in New Orleans
Those eyes that live in oceans/and all the songs they
Grew up in segregated America
First soloist who took jazz to new heights
If only we could hear them. If only we would listen...
Who blew notes deep from the gut
Notes that soared high as an eagle
Jazz angel who defined the word genius YORRO YORRO
Duke Ellington knew it "TIME HAS NO BEGINNING.IT HAS NO END."
Billie Holiday knew it When the heat of the hunt smooths to siesta of sleep
All of jazz knew it When the flood of water dries to hard bone drought
  When the migration of animals and birds is observed
In later years cranky about as patterns we have learned and adopted and adapted
Be-Bop, but as Dizzy Gillespie said, Then linear time flowers in Seasons, Ages, Events ,
He can say whatever he wants because Emotions

It sprouts seeds of secondary circumstances/tertiary To spill into all darkened areas
tunings To illumine skies with historic spectacles
Waves wash over shorelines of  ancient modernisms To spark a clash between LIFE and ART
You have been here before. You have not been here To reach to the deepest spaces in us
before. And to cleanse what dross remains
What seems familiar -a face, gesture, story, saga, By sharing intensities-and lifting vibrations
song/repeats All Art imitates Life, sometimes, vice is verse
until that dream is remembered as rich as Egypt And flowers rise to the kiss of sunlight
with boomerangs in the pyramids. You are older/an Moonflowers to the moon of reflected light
elder. We are always here, beaming.
Time is a child ,wanting to learn and follow We rise like sunflowers before Night
You smile, slip out the window to new stars. comes to dim our primal generators
Thom World Poet Replace our candle prayers with constructed
Art, mimesis, must add to our Visions ) obvious!
DARNESS HAS A PURPOSE When Art fails, we reach to Life itself
IN PRAISE OF DARKNESS/WHICH The only question is, do we put our lives
WITHDRAWS US/TRANSFORMS US in the hands of stars...or Light itself..
In praise of shadows, which reshape us/in manners
and in forms different to/yet still following
Our black outline Doppleganger. Our moving
Even rented spaces can be freed
Shape-shifting companion/backlit
for native species to bloom bright and brilliant
always less than our full shape/always drunkenly
Let those plants and flowers that were from this area
distorted/weaving where the Light goes
proliferate in the garden of their choice
leaving us @night to join the Greater Darkness/to
So that hardy species might endure
rejoin when morning light
beyond the lifespan of domestic imported ones
allows awakening and new beginnings.
Let plants and flowers seek both water, earth and sun
Your shadow is your friend.
enough to keep them linked together as one
Your one and only uniqueness/bent into shape by
rising in the Light of the sun of mortal day
sunlight/or a globe
And never having artificial imports
that frames your face in shadows noir/to make this
dilute their natural origins and powers today!
Polaroid world
a movie made for one. You-and your shadow... EYE APPROACH THE SACRED MYSTERIES
When winter comes, we move inside. Transform WITH ALL EYE AM AND FEEL AND SEE
inside. It is not that i bow to a Rock-more rejoice
Meditate and contemplate future harvests. Hide. that i am allowed to Be-And Zen-when all is calm
from cool winds and wild weathers. When we are in and deep and Bright
darkness Eye turn ON the light
we can disconnect from the spinning world of fast And learn to fly again.
splash and grow still pond. Deep. Dark. 2
Here is where we fish for dreams/spin stories with GAVE HIM GOLDEN
willing ears. Bright broad smiles
Still Silence enters, takes a chair, and listens. Gave her Moon-glow
Winter is deep. Dark. Transformative, Green gold Gardens
Before sun can come to claim his shining throne Gave you Starlight
again/we must change Brought back wings
That is why we withdraw. Into sleep. Into dreams. 3
Where dragons question us as to why we pilgrimage. I came to see all stars splash across a silent sky
Stay(they say)Wait awhile. You smile/ knowing I came to hear cicada silence
the lie of dragons. within the call of star splashed night
You change. Worlds outside await Your Personal I came as a Pilgrim-another one to join
Transformations.. Sentinels for the Unknown
(In Praise of Shadows: Ancient Japanese Aesthetics
and Why Every Technology Is a Technology of... EYE COME FROM SILENCE & FROM STARS
“Were it not for shadows, there would be no beauty.” BIRD TREE WIND SILENCES|By Maria Popova) Punctuated by planes and helicopters
RERUM NATURAM Star skies with flashing spy satellites
IT IS IN THE NATURE OF LIGHT Nothing is ever as it was. The path is banned
No one to walk nor climb upon her face
We perambulate around, solitaries and in pairs
Each one a monk of silence with mask cowl
Each one on a separate and similar Quest
To defeat death via entering silence
and to see uncountable stars-as proof
that we are more than dust ,and Rocks remain
longer than any human time frame
Thom World Poet
Austin, Texas, USA
For full details of Thom’s life, work & videos see:


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