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The main product is a cabbage wrapper that is mainly used with three (3) varieties.

The three variety where cabbage is used as a wrapper is combined with vegetable variety,

tuna mayo variety, and minced meat variety.


Since there are three (3) varieties where cabbage is used as a wrapper the price of

each food product are not the same. The vegetable cabbage wrap cost P80.00 pesos, the tuna

mayo cabbage wrap cost P99.00 pesos, and the minced meat cabbage wrap cost P129.00

pesos. Based on the result of the survey, the majority of the respondents preferred the lowest

price that the ingredients price that were used in each variety are still being considered.

To promote the product of the cabbage wrapper the enterprise used social media

marketing. Social media marketing are a cost-effective way of spreading the business

message and engaging the customer to buy. It includes information about the product’s

ingredients and price. Sellers may attract the customer to purchase their food product by

giving such attractive social media post.


The enterprise chose Lemery Night Market as the business location because that place

can engage more customers that will buy the food product we sell.

The business employs a total of four (4) individuals. The proponents collaborate as a

group to maintain the product’s development. Each of them had a task to do and duties to

fulfill in order to keep the food product on the market longer and improve sales.



The market is where the proponent faced difficulties when they first started their food

product business. As their food product business is executed, the firm has a positive and

negative impact on the community and environment. One of the food product advantages is a

low cost comparison to other food products. These common factors the proponents can

ensure to make the business successful:

 Ensure the quality of the ingredients that will be used.

 Prioritize the food quality together with its food presentation to gain customers trust

and likeness.

 Following the food ordinance and qualification to maintain good image to your


 Offer low cost to attract customer that still considered the prices of each ingredients.

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