Interaction & Bank Effect

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Behaviour of ships in close proximity of another ship or obstruction is called

interaction. It happens due to hydrodynamics based on Bernoulli’s theorem.

Interaction takes place between one ship and another body due to complex
distribution of dynamic pressure acting on the ship’s hull.

When the pressure fields around the hull change in any way due to the
presence of another vessel or transverse/vertical obstruction an imbalance of
pressure results in net forces (interactive forces).

Bank Effect

The problem in its most simplistic form is the boundary layer of water that
surrounds a ship when it is making headway. Forward of the pivot point a
positive pressure area builds up whilst aft of the pivot point the flow of water
down the ship's side, creates a low pressure area, figure 1. This area extends
out from the ship and in deep open water clear of other traffic is not a problem.

Figure 1 Pressure distribution with headway (simplified) Interaction

If, however, the ship commences to close a vertical obstruction, such as a shoal
or canal bank, the area experiences some degree of restriction and the ship will
be influenced by the resultant forces which build up. It is often thought that the
positive pressure at the bow is the main problem, probably because of the
tendency to relate most channel work to the bow and heading. Looking at figure
2 it can be seen that whilst pressure at the bow is important it is only working
on a short turning lever forward of the pivot point. The low pressure or suction
area is, on the other hand, working well aft of the pivot point and consequently
is a very strong force.

Figure 2 Bank effect


As a result of the two forces which have developed, the stern of the ship is likely
to be sucked into the bank. It can be very difficult to break out of its hold, the
ship requiring constant corrective rudder and power, sometimes hard over, in
order to control heading. Excessive speed, yet again, is a crucial factor in
creating a 'Bank Effect' problem, because the magnitude of the forces varies
with the square of the ship's speed or water flow.

Ship to Ship Interaction

It is clear thus far that a great deal of caution needs to be shown when
operating in narrow and shallow waters. It almost goes without saying, that
extreme care is needed if it is now intended to bring another ship into the same
situation by getting involved in an overtaking or passing situation as well.

Figure 6 Bank configuration - steep sided

Figure7 Bank configuration - shallow shelving



In the interests of both simplicity and clarity the sequence of events during a
'meeting end on' manoeuvre are contained in figures 8, 9 and 10.

1. Maintaining a centre of channel approach

Figure 8 Passing - Phase 1


Figure 9 Passing - Phase 2

Figure 10 Passing - Phase 3

The overtaking operation is shown in figures 11, 12 and 13.

Figure 11 Overtaking - Phase 1


Figure 12 Overtaking - Phase 2

Figure 13 Overtaking - Phase 3


The following general points should be noted.

a) Prior to the manoeuvre, each ship remains in the centre of the channel for a
long as possible. Failure to do so, could expose either ship to bank effect,
leading to a sheer across the path of the oncoming ship or grounding.

b) Speed should be low to reduce the interactive forces. There is then, plenty of
reserve power for corrective 'kicks ahead'.

c) If the ships pass from deep to shallow water, at any time during the
manoeuvre, the forces will increase drastically and extreme caution should be

d) The smaller of two ships and tugs, are likely to be the most seriously
affected. Large ships should be aware of this and adjust their speed

e) Figures 8 to 13 illustrate the anticipated sheers that may develop throughout

each manoeuvre and the maximum corrective helm that may be required, in
this case 35°.

f) The engines should be brought to dead slow ahead for the manoeuvre,
particularly turbine or fixed pitch propeller ships, so that power is instantly
available to control the ship with 'kicks ahead'.

g) On completion of the manoeuvre each ship should regain the centre of the
channel as quickly as possible to avoid any furtherance of bank effect.

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