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Intro. It should be simple but even some movies depict love as a complicated and
often prolonged business-neither side feeling confident to express what they are
feeling and everyone watching urging them to say those magic words. INSERT I
think we are addicted to Love.

While it is true that probably most men landing in Bangkok are old enough to
know better than to play with the Queen of Hearts, are they, really?
I do not want to disparage but there are lots of guys who have never found it easy
to get laid and certainly not with attractive women. That is not an indictment. My
friend of decades is a good guy and every one of my girlfriends, when we were
young, liked him. Trouble was, he was never confident enough to find a girlfriend
of his own. So, I maintain that a lot of guys even in their 50;s are as prepared for
the trials of Love as a baby.

Even when one has been in love, lost at love, won at the game and fucked dozens
and dozens of pretty girls, Thailand can easily throw you off your game because
the culture is so different and reading the signs of love, lust and lies is not easy.

Because of this I think there are a lot of relationship here based on lust, the guy’s
lust for Thai pussy and the girl’s lust for money and stability. These relationships
seem common particularly between western men and the bargirl/semi hooker types
from Isan. But nobody is immune and the moment you start thinking your Thai girl
who comes from a good family, has never been to a bar and would never lie to you
is when it happens.

I know we are all different but it seems that there are certain type of women who
we can lose our shit over-lust makes us lose all reason and we cannot wait to fuck
these girls or ladyboys again and again.
That’s lust, right-but it disguises itself as Love because of the physical intimacy we
share when we are really caught in a sexual feedback loop with a beautiful girl.

The problem with relationships based on lust (I have had soooo many) is that when
the lust dries up (and it will) there is nothing there-because you valued only her
beauty and again, I am not pointing fingers, just sharing my experience and many,
many mistakes.
But I think that in order to fall in love we have to see someone’s soul or their
vulnerability or something beyond a banging body. That’s difficult if the girl or
ladyboy looks like this------INSERT

What do you think? Let me know in the comments or by email/ LINE.

Some of these girls seem very easy to fall in real love with. That’s dangerous
because they seem like sweet girls who would not take advantage. But that’s a bad
assumption to make. Here I’d like to play the game of “Marry, Fuck and Dump” I
am as easily influenced as you so I really want to hear what you think! INSERT

The pitfalls of loving someone is that we do things for them in order to keep them
or make them happy that may not be wise decisions and often involve spending
money. It also means that often we are not true to ourselves because we do things
that we don’t want to do and once somebody starts doing that it is very difficult to
stop. Women and ladyboys are skilled emotional blackmailers and silence is their
weapon of choice.

However, the biggest problem with Love is that we don’t always know what it is.

Romantic love is difficult to find. Think back about your relationships over the
years and reflect. Did you imagine the most recent love affair to be the most
romantic, binding, passionate and those that went before to be merely pale versions
of the “real thing” there were times when I thought that.

Here's a question, could it be that there are just different versions of Love? And we
are simply tasting them all as we progress through life?

There is always an imbalance in love and I often wondered if it is better to be more

loved by another than you love them or vice versa?

What do you think?

I have only been the partner who loved my girl more than I felt she loved me a
couple of times and although in retrospect it absolutely sucked . . . it is addictive.
Why do we keep after them, trying to make them love us?
Some great lyrics have been written about this kind of love that is almost
obsessional . . .

I know someday you'll have a beautiful life

I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky, but why
Why, why can't it be, oh can't it be mine? Black, Pearl Jam

But most of this kind of love is a kind of romantic fantasy.

Where and when did you learn about “Love”

I had a very open and verbal mother and I have 2 sisters so I learned from them-my
Dad was pretty stoic.

Mans Love-Patrice

Women have a very different view and approach to Love than dudes.
And I have taken a long time to come to my conclusions about Love

Conclusions that may change next week cos experience and learning never ends.

2 kinds of Love, it’s as many as I can cope with.

All consuming fire—relate Sarah

The best friend in the world—Annie

Gouldian finches like all consuming lust/love-bright flashes of intense colour

Ironically animals don’t go in for that kind of love-they mate for practical purposes
Humans make the fantasy of love outta of the necessity of procreation-to make it
seem more than it is. Bit like religion, I guess, an embellishment on life to make
the slings and arrows of fortune sting a bit less cos our reward awaits us in heaven.

The first is lust and it will not last

Nobody can sustain that level of intensity-fucking six times a day relate story
I have never found the fantasy of my youth-taught to me by my mother, sisters, cos
for a man-it does not exist!

I have experimented, fucked my way around the world, fallen in love, been the
recipient of love far more often . . . .rolling stones song that I kinda lived by when I
had experienced the rough and tumble of love and lust a few times-------the tables
have turned, she’s under my thumb.

You all know, if you have had a life that a point comes during the hunt when the
doe becomes the huntress


Sport fisherman analogy Patrice

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