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Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

What's New in 21st Century Academic Libraries:

Redesigning Libraries From?
“Place” to “Platform”
Sanjiv K. Sain Asha Negi
Research Scholar, Himalayiya University, Dehradun, India Research Scholar, Department of Library & Information
Department of Library & Information Science Science Himalayiya University Dehradun, India
Librarian, DIT University, Dehradun, India Library Assistant, DIT University, Dehradun, India

Abstract:- In the 21st century, academic libraries are has reshaped the way users engage with information. Users now
undergoing a significant transformation, shifting from expect seamless access to information from anywhere, at any
being physical spaces focused on storing and providing time, and libraries are striving to meet these expectations.
access to information to becoming dynamic platforms that Academic libraries are recognizing the need to go beyond their
facilitate knowledge creation, collaboration, and physical boundaries and embrace a virtual presence. They are
innovation. This abstract explores the concept of leveraging digital technologies and online platforms to expand
redesigning libraries from "place" to "platform" and their reach and engage with users in new and innovative ways.
highlights the key aspects of this transformation. Libraries Libraries are becoming more than just repositories of
are embracing digital technologies, expanding their online information; they are evolving into platforms that facilitate
presence, and offering virtual services that go beyond the knowledge creation, collaboration, and interactive learning
physical boundaries of their buildings. They are embracing experiences. The research paper highlights the importance of
the concept of makerspaces, digital labs, and innovation rethinking library spaces and services to align with the needs of
centers to facilitate hands-on learning, exploration, and the today's learners. It emphasizes the role of technology in
development of digital literacy skills. Additionally, libraries transforming libraries into hubs for innovation and creativity.
are forming strategic alliances with other academic Libraries are embracing emerging technologies such as virtual
departments, community organizations, and industry reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence to enhance
partners to leverage expertise, resources, and funding. user experiences, provide personalized services, and offer
Overall, this paper highlights the shift from a traditional immersive learning opportunities. Moreover, the paper
library model centered on physical collections and spaces to emphasizes the collaborative nature of this transformation.
a more dynamic and flexible platform that leverages Libraries are forging partnerships with faculty, researchers,
technology, fosters collaboration, and promotes innovation. students, and external stakeholders to create interdisciplinary
It emphasizes the need for academic libraries to continually spaces and foster a culture of innovation. These collaborations
adapt and evolve to meet the changing needs of their users enable libraries to tap into diverse expertise, resources, and
in the 21st century. perspectives, enhancing their ability to support teaching,
research, and scholarly activities. In the end, this research sets
Keywords:- Place, platform, traditional, digital, the stage for exploring the shift from a library as a physical
transformation, digital technologies, virtual services. place to a library as a dynamic platform. It highlights the
motivations, challenges, and opportunities driving this
I. INTRODUCTION transformation and lays the foundation for the subsequent
In the 21st century, academic libraries are undergoing a discussion on the key aspects of redesigning academic libraries
profound transformation as they redefine their roles and adapt in the 21st century.
to the digital age. Traditionally, libraries have been viewed as II. WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH LIBRARIES
physical spaces where books and other resources are housed, SOCIETY?
and users come to access information. However, with the rapid
advancements in technology and the changing needs of users, Libraries play a vital role in society as information hubs,
libraries are reimagining themselves as dynamic platforms centers of learning, and community spaces. While I don't have
rather than static places. This paper delves into the concept of access to real-time information, I can provide an overview of
redesigning libraries from "place" to "platform" and explores some general trends and developments that have been shaping
the motivations behind this shift. It highlights the challenges libraries in recent years:
and opportunities faced by academic libraries in the digital era  Digital Transformation: Libraries have been adapting to the
and sets the stage for discussing the key aspects of this digital age by embracing digital technologies, online
transformation. The digital revolution has significantly resources, and digital services. They provide access to e-
impacted how information is accessed, shared, and created. The books, online databases, and digital archives, expanding their
proliferation of digital resources, online databases, and e-books collections beyond physical materials.

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Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Information Access: Libraries continue to prioritize materials, allowing users to retrieve information remotely
equitable access to information. They strive to bridge the and at any time.
digital divide by offering internet access, computer facilities,  Virtual Libraries and Online Services: Libraries have
and digital literacy programs to underserved communities. embraced virtual platforms and online services to expand
their reach and enhance accessibility. They provide virtual
 Collaborative Spaces: Libraries are evolving into research assistance, online reference services, and virtual
collaborative spaces that foster knowledge sharing, library tours, enabling users to engage with library resources
creativity, and community engagement. They offer flexible and support remotely.
spaces for group work, study rooms, makerspaces, and  Collaborative Spaces and Learning Commons: Academic
technology labs, encouraging interactive learning and libraries have transformed their physical spaces into
innovation. collaborative hubs and learning commons. They offer
 Community Engagement: Libraries are becoming flexible seating arrangements, group study rooms, and
community hubs, hosting events, workshops, and programs multimedia facilities, fostering collaborative learning,
that cater to the diverse needs and interests of their interdisciplinary interactions, and knowledge creation.
communities. They serve as meeting places, cultural centers,  Data Management and Research Support: Academic
and venues for public discussions and exhibitions. libraries play a crucial role in supporting data management
 Lifelong Learning: Libraries are expanding their role in and research initiatives. They assist researchers with data
lifelong learning by offering educational programs, curation, data storage, and data management plans, ensuring
workshops, and classes for people of all ages. They support the availability and preservation of research data.
formal education, professional development, and personal  Information Literacy and Digital Skills: Academic
enrichment through a range of resources and services. libraries prioritize information literacy and digital skills
 Digital Literacy: Libraries are actively promoting digital development. They offer workshops, training sessions, and
literacy skills to help users navigate the digital landscape instructional materials to help users navigate information
effectively. They provide training on internet usage, online resources effectively, evaluate sources critically, and develop
safety, digital tools, and information literacy to empower digital literacy competencies.
individuals to critically evaluate and use digital information.  Open Access and Open Educational Resources (OER):
 Information Preservation: Libraries continue to preserve Libraries promote open access publishing models and
and provide access to historical and cultural materials. They advocate for the use of open educational resources. They
digitize rare books, manuscripts, and archival collections, support faculty in adopting open educational materials and
ensuring their long-term preservation and accessibility to facilitate the dissemination of scholarly research through
future generations. institutional repositories and open access journals.
 Collaborative Networks: Libraries are increasingly  User-Centered Services: Academic libraries focus on user-
collaborating with other libraries, educational institutions, centered services, tailoring their offerings to meet the specific
community organizations, and government agencies to share needs and preferences of their users. They gather feedback,
resources, expertise, and best practices. Collaborative conduct user surveys, and engage in user experience design
networks enable libraries to offer a broader range of services to continually enhance their services and resources.
and expand their impact.  Technology Integration: Libraries incorporate emerging
technologies into their services and operations. They utilize
It's important to note that libraries face challenges such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics to
budget constraints, changing user needs, and evolving improve library operations, enhance discoverability of
technology landscapes. However, they continue to evolve and resources, and provide personalized recommendations to
adapt to meet the needs of their communities and remain users.
relevant in the digital age.  Collaboration and Partnerships: Academic libraries
collaborate with other campus departments, faculty, and
III. WHAT'S NEW IN 21ST CENTURY ACADEMIC students to enhance teaching, learning, and research. They
partner with teaching faculty on information literacy
In the 21st century, academic libraries have been instruction, collaborate with researchers on data
experiencing significant transformations to meet the evolving management, and work with student organizations to create
needs of students, faculty, and researchers. Here are some innovative programs and initiatives.
notable developments and trends in 21st-century academic
These developments reflect the evolving role of academic
libraries as dynamic spaces that facilitate learning,
 Digital Resources and Access: Academic libraries have collaboration, research support, and access to information in the
shifted from primarily housing physical collections to digital age. Academic libraries continue to adapt and innovate
providing extensive digital resources. They offer access to e- to meet the changing needs of the academic community they
books, electronic journals, databases, and other digital serve.

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Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. HOW WE CAN REDESIGNING LIBRARIES By adopting these strategies and embracing the shift from
FROM? “PLACE” TO “PLATFORM”? "place" to "platform," libraries can transform into dynamic and
accessible spaces that empower users, foster collaboration, and
To redesign libraries from "place" to "platform," several facilitate knowledge creation in the digital age.
key strategies and considerations can be implemented:
 Embrace Digital Technologies: Libraries can leverage V. HOW ACADEMIC LIBRARIES UTILIZED AS
digital technologies to expand their reach and transform their “PLACE” TO “PLATFORM”?
services. This includes offering online access to resources,
developing virtual platforms for engagement, and utilizing To transition academic libraries from being a "place" to a
digital tools for research and collaboration. "platform," several key approaches can be implemented:
 Foster Collaboration and Co-creation: Libraries can serve  Digital Infrastructure: Academic libraries should invest in
as collaborative platforms that encourage interdisciplinary robust digital infrastructure to support online platforms and
interactions and co-creation of knowledge. This can be services. This includes developing user-friendly websites,
facilitated through the creation of collaborative spaces, implementing integrated library systems, and leveraging
makerspaces, and innovation labs where students, faculty, cloud-based solutions for storage and access to digital
and researchers can collaborate on projects and share ideas. resources.
 Enhance Digital Literacy: Libraries can play a crucial role  Online Access and Resources: Academic libraries should
in promoting digital literacy skills among users. They can prioritize expanding their digital collections and providing
provide training and support to help users navigate digital seamless online access to resources. This includes e-books,
platforms, critically evaluate information, and utilize e-journals, databases, multimedia content, and open
technology effectively. educational resources (OER). Users should be able to access
 Curate and Promote Open Educational Resources these resources remotely, at any time, from any device.
(OER): Libraries can actively curate and promote open  Virtual Engagement: Libraries should establish virtual
educational resources, which are freely available digital platforms and services to engage users beyond the physical
materials that support teaching and learning. By integrating library space. This can include virtual reference services,
OER into their collections, libraries can provide access to online chat support, webinars, virtual workshops, and
high-quality educational content that supports diverse interactive online learning modules. Virtual engagement
learning needs. ensures that users can access library services and expertise
 Facilitate Data Management and Research Support: irrespective of their location.
Libraries can offer services to assist researchers in data  Collaborative Spaces: While physical library spaces remain
management, data analysis, and data visualization. This important, redesigning academic libraries as platforms
includes providing access to research data repositories, involves creating collaborative spaces that facilitate
offering workshops on data management best practices, and interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge creation.
supporting the dissemination of research outputs. These spaces can include group study rooms, makerspaces,
 Create Community and Engagement: Libraries can serve and technology labs where students, faculty, and researchers
as community platforms that foster engagement and can collaborate on projects and explore new technologies.
collaboration. They can host events, workshops, and  Digital Literacy Programs: Libraries should offer
exhibitions that bring together members of the academic comprehensive digital literacy programs to support users in
community and promote knowledge sharing and dialogue. navigating and utilizing digital resources effectively. This
 Develop Strategic Partnerships: Libraries can establish includes providing training on information literacy, digital
strategic partnerships with academic departments, research research skills, data literacy, and critical evaluation of online
centers, and industry partners to enhance their services and information.
resources. Collaborating with stakeholders can lead to  Data Management and Research Support: Academic
innovative programs, shared resources, and a more libraries can play a crucial role in supporting research
comprehensive support ecosystem. activities by providing resources and services related to data
 Personalize Services: Libraries can utilize data analytics and management, data analysis tools, and research data
user feedback to personalize services and recommendations repositories. Libraries should offer workshops, consultations,
for users. By understanding user preferences and needs, and support for researchers in managing and sharing their
libraries can deliver tailored resources, assistance, and research data.
recommendations.  Community Engagement: Libraries should actively engage
 Continual Assessment and Adaptation: Redesigning with their academic communities by organizing events,
libraries as platforms requires ongoing assessment of user exhibitions, and seminars that promote knowledge sharing,
needs, technological advancements, and changing intellectual discourse, and interdisciplinary collaboration.
educational landscapes. Libraries should be agile and These events can be both physical and virtual, enabling
adaptable, continually assessing their services and making broader participation and interaction.
necessary adjustments to meet evolving demands.

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Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with other academic  Flexibility and Convenience: The platform model allows
departments, research centers, and external stakeholders can users to access library resources and services at their
enhance the library's platform capabilities. Libraries should convenience. Whether it's accessing an e-book, participating
establish strategic partnerships to share resources, expertise, in a virtual workshop, or seeking research assistance, users
and innovative ideas. This can include collaborations on have the flexibility to engage with library offerings according
research projects, joint programming, and leveraging external to their own schedules and preferences.
expertise to enhance library services.  Global Reach and Collaboration: Libraries as platforms
 User-Centric Approach: Libraries should adopt a user- enable global connectivity and collaboration. Users can
centric approach by actively seeking user feedback, connect with scholars, experts, and peers from around the
conducting surveys, and analyzing user behavior. This world, expanding their networks and fostering international
information can be used to tailor services, resources, and collaborations. This global reach facilitates cross-cultural
platform features to meet the specific needs and preferences learning and diverse perspectives.
of the academic community.  Continuous Learning and Skill Development: Libraries
can play a crucial role in supporting lifelong learning and
By implementing these strategies, academic libraries can skill development through their platforms. They can offer
transform from being primarily physical spaces to dynamic online courses, tutorials, and digital literacy programs that
platforms that offer a range of digital resources, virtual empower users to enhance their knowledge and acquire new
engagement opportunities, personalized services, and skills in a self-paced manner.
collaborative spaces. This transformation allows libraries to  Community Building: Libraries as platforms provide
adapt to the changing needs of users, extend their reach beyond opportunities for community building and engagement. Users
physical boundaries, and serve as key players in the digital can connect with fellow students, faculty, and researchers
academic ecosystem. through virtual forums, discussions, and events organized by
the library. This sense of community fosters collaboration,
intellectual exchange, and a supportive academic
The transition of libraries from "place" to "platform"  Cost Savings and Sustainability: The shift to digital
offers several benefits: platforms can lead to cost savings in terms of physical space,
 Increased Accessibility: By embracing the "platform" maintenance, and printing costs. It also promotes
model, libraries can extend their services and resources to a sustainability by reducing the environmental impact
wider audience. Users can access digital collections, online associated with traditional print collections.
services, and virtual engagement opportunities from  Adaptability to Technological Advancements: Libraries as
anywhere, at any time, breaking the barriers of physical platforms are well-positioned to adapt to emerging
location. technologies and advancements. They can integrate artificial
 Enhanced Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics to improve
Libraries as platforms facilitate collaboration among users, discoverability, personalize recommendations, and enhance
researchers, and educators. Users can connect with each user experiences.
other, share ideas, and collaborate on projects through online
By embracing the "platform" model, libraries can
platforms and virtual spaces provided by libraries. This
leverage technology, expand their reach, and offer a wide range
fosters interdisciplinary interactions and knowledge
of digital resources, personalized services, and collaborative
spaces that meet the evolving needs of their users in the digital
 Expanded Resource Availability: Libraries can offer a vast
array of digital resources through their platforms. This
includes e-books, electronic journals, databases, multimedia VII. WHAT ARE THE DISADVANTAGES OF
content, and open educational resources. The shift from a LIBRARIES AS “PLACE” TO “PLATFORM” ?
physical collection to a digital repository enables libraries to
provide a broader range of resources to support teaching, While transitioning from "place" to "platform" offers
learning, and research. numerous benefits, there are also some potential disadvantages
 Personalized Services: Libraries can leverage user data and to consider:
analytics to deliver personalized services and
recommendations. By understanding user preferences and  Limited Access for Digital Divides: The shift to a digital
needs, libraries can tailor their offerings, suggest relevant platform assumes that users have reliable internet access and
resources, and provide targeted support to enhance the user necessary digital literacy skills. However, there are still
experience. communities and individuals who lack access to technology
or face barriers in utilizing digital resources. This can
exacerbate existing inequalities in access to information and

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Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Loss of Physical Space and Community Engagement: VIII. LIBRARY’S CONTRIBUTION TO LEARNING
Shifting focus to the digital platform may result in a reduced
emphasis on physical library spaces. This could lead to a Libraries play a crucial role in supporting and enhancing
decline in in-person interactions, community engagement, the learning process. Here are some key contributions libraries
and the serendipitous discovery of resources that often occur make to learning:
in traditional library settings.  Access to Resources: Libraries provide a vast array of
 Dependency on Technology: Relying heavily on digital resources, including books, journals, databases, multimedia
platforms makes libraries vulnerable to technical glitches, materials, and digital collections. These resources support
system failures, and cyber security threats. If the platform various disciplines and subjects, enabling learners to access
experiences downtime or disruptions, it can hinder users' authoritative and diverse information for their research,
access to resources and services. assignments, and personal enrichment.
 Potential Loss of Privacy: Digital platforms often require  Information Literacy Instruction: Libraries offer
user data collection and analysis to deliver personalized information literacy programs and workshops to help users
services. While libraries prioritize user privacy, there can be develop essential skills for finding, evaluating, and using
concerns about the security and potential misuse of personal information effectively. These programs equip learners with
information in the digital environment. critical thinking, research, and digital literacy skills necessary
 Digital Resource Limitations: Despite the growth of digital for academic success and lifelong learning.
resources, there are still limitations in terms of availability  Research Support: Libraries provide research assistance,
and access to certain materials. Some publications may not helping learners navigate complex information landscapes,
be available in digital formats or may be restricted by locate relevant sources, and develop effective search
licensing agreements, limiting the breadth of resources strategies. Librarians are skilled in assisting with citation
accessible through the platform. management, data retrieval, and research methodologies,
 Digital Preservation Challenges: Maintaining long-term contributing to the development of strong research skills
access to digital resources presents unique challenges in among learners.
terms of digital preservation and ensuring content remains  Collaborative Spaces: Libraries offer collaborative spaces
accessible and usable over time. Libraries need to invest in where learners can work together on group projects, engage
ongoing preservation efforts to safeguard digital collections in discussions, and exchange ideas. These spaces foster
for future generations. teamwork, creativity, and peer-to-peer learning, promoting a
 Skills and Training Requirements: Shifting to a digital collaborative and interactive learning environment.
platform requires libraries to invest in staff training and  Technology and Digital Skills: Libraries provide access to
development to build expertise in digital technologies, data computers, internet connectivity, and software applications
management, and user support. This can be a significant that support learning and research. They also offer
undertaking in terms of resources and time. technology training and workshops to help users develop
 Potential Loss of Physical Collections: As libraries focus digital skills necessary for academic and professional success
on digital resources, there may be a reduced emphasis on in a technology-driven world.
maintaining physical collections. This could lead to  Lifelong Learning: Libraries are committed to lifelong
challenges in preserving and providing access to unique or learning, offering educational programs, workshops, and
rare materials that are not easily digitized. events for learners of all ages. They support continuing
 Digital Divide within the Library Profession: Libraries education, personal growth, and professional development by
themselves may face challenges in adopting and adapting to providing access to educational resources and facilitating
digital platforms due to limited resources, budget constraints, learning opportunities beyond formal academic settings.
and varying levels of technological infrastructure. This can  Cultural and Community Engagement: Libraries serve as
result in a digital divide within the library profession itself. cultural centers, organizing author talks, book clubs,
exhibitions, and other events that promote reading, literature,
Intellectual Property and Licensing Issues: Digital and the arts. These activities contribute to a vibrant
platforms may introduce complexities related to copyright, intellectual and cultural community, fostering a love for
licensing agreements, and fair use of digital resources. Libraries learning and exploration among library users.
must navigate these legal and ethical considerations to ensure  Personalized Support: Libraries strive to provide
compliance and fair access to information. It is important for personalized support to learners, tailoring services and
libraries to carefully address these challenges and mitigate resources to meet individual needs. Librarians offer one-on-
potential drawbacks to ensure a balanced approach that one consultations, research assistance, and recommendations
combines the benefits of digital platforms with the preservation based on specific interests and goals, enhancing the learning
of physical spaces, equitable access, privacy protection, and the experience for each user.
promotion of community engagement.  Inclusive Learning Environment: Libraries are committed
to creating inclusive and accessible learning environments
for all users. They provide resources in various formats,
accommodate diverse learning styles, and ensure physical

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Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
and digital spaces are accessible to individuals with Redesigning libraries from "place" to "platform" should
disabilities, thus fostering equitable access to learning not overlook the importance of creating welcoming, functional,
opportunities. and inspiring physical spaces. By combining the strengths of
 Integration of Emerging Technologies: Libraries embrace physical and digital environments, academic libraries can create
emerging technologies and explore innovative ways to a comprehensive and inclusive ecosystem that meets the diverse
enhance the learning experience. They integrate virtual needs of their users in the 21st century.
reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and other
technologies into their services, providing learners with new X. CONCLUSION
and immersive learning experiences.
In conclusion, the redesign of 21st-century academic
Overall, libraries contribute significantly to learning by libraries from "place" to "platform" represents a significant shift
providing access to resources, instruction in information in how libraries operate and serve their users. This
literacy, research support, collaborative spaces, technology and transformation is driven by the changing needs and
digital skills training, lifelong learning opportunities, cultural expectations of the academic community in the digital age. By
engagement, personalized support, inclusive environments, and embracing the platform model, academic libraries can enhance
integration of emerging technologies. Their role extends accessibility, collaboration, and engagement while adapting to
beyond mere repositories of information, making them technological advancements and evolving user preferences.
indispensable partners in the learning journey of students, The transition to a platform approach offers numerous benefits,
academics, and the broader community. including increased accessibility to digital resources, expanded
collaboration opportunities, personalized services, and global
IX. IT IS THE EXPERIENCE OF PHYSICAL SPACE reach. Academic libraries can leverage technology to provide
THAT IS IMPORTANT seamless access to digital collections, virtual engagement
opportunities, and tailored support for teaching, learning, and
While the shift from "place" to "platform" in academic research. They can foster interdisciplinary interactions,
libraries brings forth significant advantages and opportunities, facilitate knowledge exchange, and contribute to lifelong
it is essential to acknowledge the continued importance of the learning and skill development. However, it is important to
physical space and the experiences it provides. The physical address potential challenges and disadvantages associated with
library space has long served as a hub for learning, research, the platform model. Libraries must consider issues of digital
collaboration, and community engagement. Physical library divide, privacy, technological dependencies, and the
spaces offer unique benefits that cannot be fully replicated in a preservation of physical collections. They should also ensure
digital platform. They provide a quiet and dedicated equitable access to resources and services, navigate copyright
environment for focused study, research, and reflection. The and licensing complexities, and invest in staff training and
physical space allows for serendipitous discoveries, chance development to support the transition effectively. Overall, the
encounters, and spontaneous interactions among users, redesign of academic libraries from "place" to "platform"
fostering a sense of community and intellectual exchange. represents an exciting opportunity to reimagine the role of
libraries in the 21st century. By embracing the digital landscape
Libraries as physical spaces also play a vital role in and leveraging technology, libraries can redefine their purpose,
supporting different learning styles and preferences. They offer extend their reach, and continue to be vital contributors to the
various resources, such as printed books, journals, archives, and academic community. The platform model enables libraries to
specialized collections, which may not be readily available in adapt, innovate, and meet the evolving needs of users,
digital formats. Additionally, physical spaces often host events, positioning them as dynamic and indispensable institutions in
workshops, exhibitions, and guest lectures, creating the digital era.
opportunities for in-person engagement and face-to-face
interactions with experts and peers. REFERENCES
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