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ID No: 1202693




MARCH, 2023

To: Marketing Management Department

Subject: BA Research Submission

This is to certify that the BA Senior Research entitled An Assessment On

Service Recovery In Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia In Ambicho Branch
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
art in Marketing Management Department the Under Graduate program of the
Department of Marketing Management Department and has been carried out by:
Name ID

1. AYNU AGEZHI Wcu1202693


I hereby declare that this Bachelor of Art Senior Research is my original work and has not
been presented for a degree in any other university, and all sources of material used for this
Senior Research have been duly acknowledged.
Name ID Signature

1.Aynu Agezhi Wcu1202693 __________

This BA Senior Research has been submitted for examination with my approval as BA Senior
Research advisor.


Name: Mr. Abel mezegebe

Signature: _________________

I hereby declare that this Bachelor of Art Senior Research is my original work
and has not been presented for a degree in any other university, and all sources
of material used for this Senior Research have been duly acknowledged.
Name ID Signature

1. AYNU AGEZHI Wcu1202693 __________

This BA Senior Research has been submitted for examination with my approval
as BA Senior Research advisor.



Signature: _________________

Table of Contents
Content page
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................1
1.1.Background of the study...............................................................................................1
1.2.Statement of the Problem.............................................................................................1
1.3. Research question........................................................................................................2
1.4. Research Objective......................................................................................................3
1.4.1. General Objective.............................................................................................3
1.4.2. Specific objective.............................................................................................3
1.5. Significance of the study.............................................................................................3
1.6. Scope of the study.......................................................................................................3
1.7. Limitation of the study................................................................................................4
1.8. Organization of the Paper............................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO........................................................................................................................5
Review of related literature........................................................................................................5
2.1.Defining service...........................................................................................................5
2.2.Service characteristics..................................................................................................5
2.3.Service quality......................................................................................................8
2.3.1.Quality Vs satisfaction......................................................................................8
2.3.2.Service quality dimensions................................................................................9
2.3.3.Customer expectation and perception of service quality.................................10
2.3.4.The SERVQUAL approach.............................................................................11
2.3.5.Criticisms’ of SERVEQUAL..........................................................................11
2.4.Customer satisfaction.................................................................................................12
2.4.1.What determines customer satisfaction?.........................................................13
2.4.2.The measurement of satisfaction.....................................................................13
2.5. The gaps modern of service quality..........................................................................14
Research Methodology.............................................................................................................15
3.1.Research Design.........................................................................................................15
3.2.Research Type /Approach..........................................................................................15
3.3.Target population, The context and units of analysis.................................................15

3.1.1.Sampling Method............................................................................................15
3.1.2.Sampling Size..................................................................................................16
3.4. Source of Data...........................................................................................................16
3.5 .Data Collection Method............................................................................................16
3.6. Method of Data Analysis...........................................................................................17
Chapter four..........................................................................................................................
4.1 data presentation analysis and interpretation ................................................................
4.2 questionaries’ for the customer .....................................................................................
4.2.1 Demographic information ................................................................................
4,2,2 expectation section............................................................................................
4.2.3 Perception part...................................................................................................
4.2.4 Service quality gap analysis ............................................................................
4.3. Interview for the manager
Chapter five ..................................................................................................................
5. summary conclusion and recomendation ................................................................
5.1. summary of finding...............................................................................................
5.2. conclusions …………..………………………………………………
5.3. recommendation ………………………………………….
5.4. bibliography …………………………………………………………..

List of Table
Table 1 Age distribution of respondent………………………………….
Table 2 Sex distribution of respondent…………………………………
Table3 Education level of the respondent……………………………..
Table4 Work occupation of the respondent……………………………
Table5 Expectation part……………………………………………………..
Table6 Perception……………………………………………………………..
Table 7 Service quality gap analysis……………………………………..

First of all, I would like to thank my Almighty GOD for his invaluable cares
and supports throughout all stages of my life. My special gratitude goes to my
families for their encouragements and moral support.
I would like to express my special appreciation to Mr. ABEL MEZGEBE (MA)
my advisor, for his patient guidance, encouragement, and excellent advice,
active and professional guidance.

Service quality is a basic and integral part of business Management. For business to be
successful all its individual parts must be successful. It is impossible for any organization to
achieve its full potential with out successful service quality activity in the long run. The
central theme of this study is to assess the service quality and its effect on customer’s
satisfaction in the case of Abyssinia bank Mebrat haile branch.
To collect the relevant data, the student researcher would use both primary and secondary
source of data.
Primary data would include the interview of the manager, question air, and observation.
Secondary source of data would include different documents and books, websites and
magazines as well. Data would be analysed using descriptive analysis
techniques.Organization (Structure) of the research paper
This research paper is organized in five chapters. Chapter one gives an introduction to the
study. In chapter two a detailed review of related literature would be discussed. In chapter
three would discuss about the research methodology.
In chapter four would be discuss about data presentations, analysis and interpretation and in
chapter five would be discuss about summery, conclusion and recommendation.



1.1.Background of the study

In today’s competitive environment delivering high quality service is the key for sustainable
competitive effect on organizations profitability satisfies customers are the foundation of any
successful business because customer’s satisfaction leads to repeat purchase, brand loyalty
and positive word of mouth,In appropriate and unwise giving of service management of
service is necessary (Kottler, 2009.)
Service quality is the result of the comparison that customers make between their
expectations about a service and their perception of the way the service has been performed.
Customer satisfaction is a person feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from
comparing a products perceived performance or out comes in relation to his /her expectation.
If the performance falls short of expectations, the customers are dissatisfied. If the
performance matches the expectations, the customers are satisfied. If the performance
exceeds expectations the customer is highly stratified or delighted (Kottler, 2009).
Most researchers agree that satisfaction is an attitude or evaluation that is formed by the
customer comparing their pre-purchase expectations of what they would receive from the
product to their subjective perception of perform once actually receive. (Oliver, 2008)
(Kottler, 2009) defined that satisfaction is a person feelings of pleasure or disappointment
resulting from complaining products perceive a performance or out come in relation to
his/her expectations.
Customer satisfaction and service quality are interrelated the higher the service quality the
higher customer satisfaction many agree that in banking sector there are no recognized
standard scale to measures the perceived quality of a bank service (Kottler, 2011).

1.2.Statement of the Problem

In competitive market place understanding customers’ needs become an important factor.

Companies have move from a product form a product. Centric to customer centric
satisfactions is also of a great interest to practitioners because of its important on customer

retention considering the high cost of acquiring new customers. It is very important to study
the determinants of customer satisfaction(previous research Abel Abte, 2011). The number of
bank especially privately owned is increasing from time to time in Ethiopia. On the arrival of
privatization, different banks are highly competing over through, diversifying and improving
the quality of their service and opening their branches at different areas of the country
including Hossana town. Hence Abyssinia bank in Hossana Mebrat Hail branch is facing a
challenge in a competition for customer’s share of wallet to gain customer product portfolio
in order to enhance and maintain long term profitability (previous research Abel Abte, 2011).

Customer retention is directly influenced by customer satisfaction retention is a major

challenge particularly in one service provider to another at lower cost.
Considering the high costs of acquiring new customers and the apparently high customer
turnover of many banking service.
It is very important to study the determinates of customer satisfaction zeithmal Bitnerand
Gramler (2006). The research indicate that the service quality how been increasingly
recognized as a critical factor in the success of any business. There is a multiple attitude scale
called SERVQUAL for measuring service quality in five dimensions as reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible. Therefore, service quality measurement is
considered as first step to understand the achievements of business performance to gather
with the excellence of the delivery of service quality.
Quality of customer service experiences are driving force behind customer retention and
customer satisfaction.

1.3. Research question

1. What would be the basic dimensions of service quality that are important to customer’s
2. What would be the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction?
3. What would be the gaps between customer expectation and perception towards the level
of service quality?
4. Is the bank trying to satisfy customers?

1.4. Research Objective

1.4.1. General Objective

The objective of this study is to assess the influences of service quality on customer
satisfaction and to show the way of solving the observe problem in appropriate manner.

1.4.2. Specific objective

1. To identify the basic dimensions of service quality that are important to customers
2. To verify the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction
3. To identify the gaps between customer expectation and perception to words the level of
service quality.
4. Identifying whether the bank tries to satisfy customers or not.

1.5. Significance of the study

The result of this study would help the bank to develop better service quality in order to meet
customer needs and their satisfaction. The study would used as a guideline by management to
improve, design and administers the service quality system so as to satisfy customers more.

It would help the student researcher to have a know how about conducting research and
serves as a corners stone for future career.
It would help as on input for other researchers who conduct research on the same issue.
It gives deep understanding for researchers about service quality and its effect on customers
satisfaction in Bank of Abyssinia.
It helps researcher to get his BA Degree in marketing management from the university.

1.6. Scope of the study

To find the research would be more faithful, if it would be conduct widely by other similar
branches like that of Mebrat Hail branch that is found in the town.
My study would be limited to Abyssinia bank Hossana branch.

The study also only focuses on service quality on customer satisfaction. It would does not
include other variables such as pricing, place, promotion, and product because they would
make the scope wide which in turn is difficult for assessment.
Methodological the study would be delimited on questionnaires and interview. Depending up
on data analysis and presentation, the study be delimited on the way of descriptive that has
acquired by using the degree of agreement which would be presented using table.
Time scope .The time scope of study would over a period of month of January to June 2023.

1.7. Limitation of the study

This study is based on gap 5(five) the SERVQUAL model that is about the difference
between expected and perceived service quality. The SERVQUUAL model consists of totally
five different gaps that can occur within the service business.
In addition to the five variables of service quality dimensions there are several variables
affecting customer satisfaction like consumer behaviour, environmental factor, etc...Which is
study does would not cover.
The study be conducted on assessing service quality and its effect on customer satisfaction in
case of Abyssinia Bank,Hosssana branch because there is constraint in Budget and
time,shortage of time ,unwouldingness at respondent to give proper information etc.

1.8. Organization of the Paper

This paper is organized in to five chapters:-

Chapter one contain introduction part that include background of study and organization,
statement of problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and
limitation of the study.
Chapter two contains review of related literatures.
Chapter three is a part which describes the methodology using while preparing this
Chapter four is about data analysis, presentation and interpretation.
Chapter-five contains about summary, conclusions and recommendations.


Review of related literature

2.1.Defining service

A service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another which is essentially
intangible and does not result in the owner ship of anything. The advance economies of the
world are now dominated by the services and virtually all companies view services as critical
to retaining their customers to day and in the future. Even manufacturing companies that, in
the past, have depend on their physical goads for their existence but now their come to see
and recognize that service provided one of their few sustainable competitive advantages
(previous researcher Abel Abate 2011).
Different authors give different definitions for service previous researcher Abel abate (2011 )
defines service as follow:
“Service is any act or performance that one party can offer to another that in essentially
inerasable and does not result in the owner ship of anything. Its production may or may not
be tied to a physical product.
(Gramler 2006) defines service as;
Service is deeds, processes, and performance provided or coproduced by one entity or person
for another entity or person.

2.2.Service characteristics

A company must consider five main service characteristics when designing marketing
programs: in tangibility, inseparability, variability, perish ability, and lack of owner ship
(Kotler, 2009, pp-647).
A. Intangibility

Service intangibility means that senders cannot be reading displayed, so they cannot be seen,
tasted, felt, and heard, or sine lied before they are bought. Because, service offerings lack
tangible characteristics that the buyer can evaluate before purchase, uncertainty is increased.

To reduce uncertainty, buyers look for “signals” of service quality. They draw conclusions
about quality from the place, people, equipment, communication material and price that key
can see, (Kennath E. clowDevid L. Kurta 2003)
Therefore, the service provider’s task is to make the service tangible in one or more ways.
Whereas product marketers try to add intangible (e.g, fast delivery, extended warranty, after
sales service) to their tangible offers. Service marketers try to add tangible cues suggesting
high quality to their intangible offers. Consider about that wants to conveyance idea that its
service is quick and efficient. It must make this positioning strategy tangible in every aspect
of customer contact. The bank’s physical setting must suggest quick and efficient service; its
exterior and interior should have clean lines; internal traffic flow should be planned carefully;
and waiting lines should see short. The bank’s staff should be busy and properly dressed. The
equipment computers, copying machines desks- should look modern.(kotler,2009)
The banks advertisements and other communications should suggest efficiency, with clean
and simple designs and carefully chosen words and photos that communicate the banks

B. Inseparability

Service inseparability means that service cannot be separated from their providers, whether
the providers are people or machines. If a person provides the service then the person is a part
of the service. The other or feature of the inseparability of services is that other customers are
also present or involved. The implication for management would
be to ensure at all times that customers involved in the service do not interfere with each
other’s satisfaction.
C. Variability

As services in valve people in production and consumption there is considerable potential for
variability. Service variability means that the quality of services depends on who provides
them, as well as when, where and how they are provided. As such, service quality is different
to control. Even the quality a single employee service varies according to his or her energy
and frame of mind at the time of each customer contact. For example, two services offered by
the same solicitor may not be has identical in performance.
Service firms can take several steps towards quality control. First they can select and train
their personal carefully.

Second, they can motivate staff by providing employee incentives that emphasize quality,
such as, employee to- the mouth- a words or bonuses based on customer. Feedback third, they
can make service employees more visible and accountable to consumers car dealership can
let customers talk directly with the machines working on their cars. A firm can cheek
customer satisfaction regularly through suggestion and complaint system. Customer surveys
and comparison shopping. When poor is found. It is corrected.
Fourth, service firm can increase the consistency of employee performance by substituting
equipment for staff (example, vending machines, automatics cash dispenser), and through
heavy enforcement of standardized as well a detailed job procedures (Kotler, 2009).
D. Perish ability

Service perishes ability means that service cannot be stored for later sales or use. The perish
ability of services is not a problem when demand is steady. However, when demand
fluctuates, service firms often have difficult problems. Service firms can use several
strategies for producing a better match between demand and supply. On the demand side,
differential pricing- that is charging different prices at different times- would shift some
demand from peak periods to off, peak periods. On the supply side, firms can hire part time
employees to service peak demand.
Peak time demand can be handed more efficiently by rescheduling work so that employees do
only essential tasks during peak periods. (kennth E. clow and David l. Kurzt, 2003)
E. Lack of owner ship

Service produces lack that quality of ownership. The service consumer often has access to the
service for a limited time. Because of the lack of owner ship, service providers must make
especial effort to reinforce their brand identity and affinity with the consumer by
offering incentives to consumers to use their service again.

Table2.1 Service Characteristics

No Characteristics Resulting implication
Intangibility  Services cannot be inventoried
1  Service cannot patented
 Service can not readily displayed or recommended
 Pricing is difficult
Heterogeneous  Service delivery and CS depends on employee action

2  Service quality depends on many up controllable at
 There is no sure knowledge that the service delivered
matches what was planned and promoted
 Simultaneous production and consumption
Inseparability  Consulters participate in and affect the transaction.
3  Customers affect each other
 Employees affect the service outcome.
 Decentralization may be essential mass production is
4 Perishable  It is difficult to synchronize supply and demand is with
 Service cannot be returned or resold.

2.3.Service quality

Service quality is company personnel need a common understanding in order to the able to
address such issues as the measurement of service quality, the identification of causes of
service quality short fall and the design and implementation of corrective actions, (lovelock,
Parasuraman et al. (2008) define service quality as: “the difference between customers”
expectation of service and their perceived services. If the expectation greater than the service
performance, perceived quality is less than satisfactory and hence customer dissatisfaction
Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (2008) described service quality as serviced by consumed
starting from a comparison of how they feel firms should perform on this dimension with
what they actually perceive. It in the gap between a customer’s expectations and perceptions
that determine service quality. The smaller the gap, better the quality of service and the
greater the customer satisfaction.

2.3.1.Quality Vs satisfaction

Kotler (2006) summarizes current thinking on satisfaction as follows;- satisfaction in a

person’s feeling of pleasures or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s
perceived falls short of expectation, the customers is dissatisfied, If the performance exceeds
expectations the customer is highly satisfied or delighted.
Satisfaction is depend on produce or service quality.
Quality is the totality of features and charactestics of a product or service that bear on its
ability to satisfy stated or employed needs.

2.3.2.Service quality dimensions

Service quality dimension represent how customers organize information about service
quality in their minds (Zeithaml, Bitner, 2003) on the basis of exploratory and quantitative
research. These fives dimensions were found relevant for banking, insurance, appliance repair
and maintenances.
A. Reliability: delivering on promise

Reliability is defined as the ability to perform the promised service dependably and
accurately. In its broadest sense, reliability means that the company delivers on its promises,
promises about delivery, service provision, problem resolution, and pricing, customers want
to do business with companies that keep their promises, particularly their promises about the
service out comes and core service attributes.

B. Responsiveness: being woulding to help

Responsiveness is the wouldingness to help customers and to provide prompt service. These
dimension emphasizes, attentiveness and promptness in dealing with customer requests,
questions, complimented and problems.
Responsiveness is commentated to customer by the length of time they have to wait to for
assistance, answers to questions or attention to problem.
Responsiveness also captures the notion of flexibility and ability to customized the service to
customer needs.

To excel on the dimension of responsiveness a company must be certain to view the process
of service delivery and the handing of requisites from the customer point of view rather than
from the company’s point of view.
To truly distinguish them service on responsiveness, companies need well- staffed customer
service departments as well as responsive font-line people in all contact positions.
C. Assurance: inspiring trust and confidence

Assurance is defined as employee’s knowledge and courtesy and the ability of the firm and
its employees to inspire trust and confidence.
This dimension is likely to be particularly important for service that the customer services as
involving high risk and /or about which they feel uncertain about their ability to evaluate out
comes. Trust and confidence may be embodied in the person who links the customer to the
company. In such service contexts the company seeks to build trust and loyalty between key
contact people and individual customers. The personal banker concept captures this idea:
customers are assigned to a banker who would get to know them individual and how well
coordinate all of their banking services.
D. Empathy: Treating customers as individual

Empathy is defined as the caring individualized attention the firm providence its customers.
The essence of empathy is conveying, through personalized or customized service that
customers are unique and special customers want to feel understood by and important to
firms that provide service to them.
E. Tangibles: representing the service physically

Tangibles are defined as the appearance of physical facilities, personal and communication
materials. All of this provides physical representation or images of the service that
customers, particularly new customers, would use to evaluate quality.

2.3.3.Customer expectation and perception of service quality expectation

Customer expectation are believes about service delivery that faction as standards or
reference point against which performance is jugged. Because customers complain their
perception of performance with its reference points when evaluating service quality,
through knowledge about customer expel action is critical to service marketers. Knowing

what the customer expects is the first and possibility most critical step in delivering
quality service. Factors that influences customer expectation

Because expectations play such a critical role in customer evaluation of service company
needs and wants to understand the factors to shape them. These are
 Personas needs and
 Philosophy perception

Customer perceives services in terms of the quality of service and how satisfied they are over
all with their experiences.
This customer oriented terms quality and satisfaction have been focus of attention for
executives and researchers unlikely.

2.3.4.The SERVQUAL approach

The SERVQUAL approach has been applied in service and retailing organization
(parasuraman et al, 2006 and 2008). Service quality is a function of pre-purchase customers,
expectation, perceived process quality, and perceived output quality. Parasuraman et al
(2006) define service quality as the gap between customer’s expectation of service and their
perception of the service experience.

2.3.5.Criticisms’ of SERVEQUAL

Not with standing its growing popularity and with spread application, SERVEQUAL has
been subjected to a number of theoretical and operational criticisms which are detailed
1. Theoretical
 Paradigmatic objections; SERVEQUAL is based on a disconfirmation paradigm rather
than an attitudinal paradigm; and SERVEQUAL fails to draw on established economic,
statistical and psychological theory.

 Gaps model: there is little evidence that customers assess service quality in terms of P-E
 Process orientation: SERVEQUAL focuses on the process of service delivery, not the
outcomes of the service encounter.
 Dimensionality: SERVEQUAL’s five dimensions are not universals; the number of
dimensions comprising SQ is contextualized; items do not always load on to the factors
which one would a prior expect; and there is a high degree of enter correlation between
the five RATER dimensions.
2. Operational
 Expectations: the term expectation is polymeric; consumers use standards other than
expectation to evaluate SQ: and SERVEQUAL fails to measure absolute SQ expectation.
 Items compassion: four or five items cannot capture the variability with in each SQ
 Moments of truth (MOT): customers’ assessments of SQ may vary from MOT to MOT
 Polarity: the revised polarity of items in the scale causes respondent error.
 Scale points: the seven point likert scale is flawed.
 Two administrations: two administrations of the instrument cause boredom and
 Variance extracted: the over SERVEQUAL score accounts for disappointing proportion
of item variances. Parasuman et al. (2006) have claimed that SERVEQUAL: provides a
basic skeleton through its expectations/ perception format in compassing statements for
each of the five service quality dimension. The skeleton, when necessary, can be adapted
or supplemented to fit the characteristics or specific research needs particular

2.4.Customer satisfaction

Satisfaction is generally recognized as a pleasurable out come a desirable and state of

consumption or patronization. Precise definitions of satisfaction very, but common them as
emphasized that it is a customer judgment of the consumption experience formed through
some kind of physiological process that involves some form of comparison of what was
expected with what was received. Similarly, consumers may from satisfaction judgments
about specific attributes of a service (example, the responsiveness of staff the amount of

information provide, branch opening hoarse, etc) or about the service over all. Different
authors define customer satisfaction differentially. Kotler (2009) defines customer
satisfaction as follows;
“Satisfactions a person’s filings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from cop ring a
product’s preserved performance ( or outcome ) in relation to his /her expatiation”.
Consumers from judgments about the value of marketing offers and make their buying
decision based up on these judgment (kotler, 2009; pp- 475)

2.4.1.What determines customer satisfaction?

The followings are some of the determines of customer satisfaction (Zeizhaml, Bitner, p-87,
Product and service features: customer satisfaction with a product or service is influenced
signification by the customer’s evaluation of the product or service features.
In conducting satisfaction studies, most firms would determine through some means (often
focus groups) what the important feature as well over all service satisfaction.
Customer emotion: customers’ emotions can also a fact their perceptions of satisfaction with
product and service.
These emotions can be stable, preexisting emotions.
Example: Mood state or life satisfaction.
Attribution for service excuse or failure: attributions are the perceived causes of events,
influence prospection of satisfaction as well. When they have been surprised by an out can
(the service is either much better or worse than expected), Customers tend look for the resins
and their assessment of the resins can influence their satisfaction.
Prospection of equality or fairness: customers ask them service did other treated fairing
compared with other customers? Did other customers get better treatments, better price, or
better quality service? Did I pay a fair price for the service?
Notion of Fairness are central to customers’ prospection of satisfaction with products
Other commerce, family members and coworkers: in additions to products and service
features are one’s own individual felling and believes, commerce satisfaction is often
influenced by other people.

2.4.2.The measurement of satisfaction

Both employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction may be relevant as performance

Customers satisfaction: individual measures must form a view on the nature of satisfaction
for their own organization with regard to facts such as the need being fulfilled, the degree
and variety of computations, segment variations, and how the resultant data well be using. As
a rule, customer satisfaction is measured by the use of some form of quantitative survey.
Owning to the nature customers satisfaction useless that is made of its data, the survey is
required to be statistically reliable and robust. The starting point for any customer satisfaction
survey most is the identification of relevant business oriented objectives that well produce
clear, unambiguous results. A useful starting point is deciding which business decisions need
to be made and require knowledge recording customer satisfaction. Thus customer
satisfaction should form an integral part of senior management information follows.

2.5. The gaps modern of service quality

Service quality, according to parasureman et al (2006, p- 202), is the degree of discrepancy

between customers normative expectations for the service and their perceptions of the service
performances. A conceptual model of service quality which inquired five gaps is proposed by
parasuraman et al (2008) and Zeithaml et al (2006). This conceptual modal is useful in that it
is easy for practitioners to understand service quality components
The gap modal positions the key concepts, strategies, and decisions in service marketing in a
manner that begins with the customers and build the organizations tasks around what is
needed to close the gap between customer expectation and customer perception point. The
Sentara focus of the gaps mole is the customer gap, the difference between customer
expectation and perception.
Firms need to close this gap between what customers expect and resave in order to satisfy
these customers and build long term relationship with teal. To close this all in pact customer
gap, the model suggests four other gaps- need to be closed.
Gap1: Difference between consumer expectations and management perception of consumer
Gap2: Difference between management perceptions of consumer expectations and service
quality specification.

Gap3: Difference between service quality specifications and the service actually delivered.
Gap4: Difference between service delivery and what is communicated about the service to
the consumers.
Gap5: Difference between consumer expectations and perception.


Research Methodology

3.1.Research Design

In this research descriptive survey method would be use. The researcher would use both
quantitative and qualitative method. This method help for exploring and understand the
meaning individual or group ascribe to asocial or human problem which involve relatively
small number of participate and it would lead researcher To know the effectiveness of the
service quality and recommended way of improving it.

3.2.Research Type /Approach

The researcher would be use descriptive type of research because this type of research is less
expensive and described thing neutrally as they occur.

3.3.Target population, The context and units of analysis

The target population of this study includes customers of Abyssinia bank at Hossana branch.
In addition, Manager of the bank would be using as a supportive source of data.Total
population of study would be 35,000 of study would conducted

3.1.1.Sampling Method

The sampling technique using would be using systematic random sampling, because this
method is based on the concept of random selection. In this type of sampling all members of
population have equal chance of being included in the sample and it using together
information from the respondent. (Boyd, 2002).

3.1.2.Sampling Size

According to the total population of the study the research would develop the sample size
with 90% confidence level and 10% sample error.

n= 2
1+ N ( e)
Where, n = sample size
N =Total population
e= sample error
n= 2 N =Total population

n= e= sample error



3.4. Source of Data

The student researchers would be using both primary and secondary data. The primary data
source by using of personal interview, questionnaires. The secondary data sources by using of
different related books, website,etc….

3.5 .Data Collection Method

The major data collection tool would be questionnaire and researcher would use close ended
questionnaire types. In addition, the student researchers would be using personal(face-to-
face) interview as an additions tool of data collection.

3.6. Method of Data Analysis

This study would be analysing using descriptive method of analysis which includes both
quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis would include tabulation,
frequency, percentage and chart.
Qualitative method of analysis would be using to analyse open ended questionnaires and
interview with the manager.

Typing Page 40=Appendix 5

Pen No 5 20

Note Book No 2 60

Photocopy paper No 70 4

Flash disk GB 1 350

Bag No 450 450

Ruler No 3 25

Printing Page 70 4

internet monthly 135 MB 35

Chapter 4

4.1 data presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

Delivering quality service is one of the most important elements that help an organization to
server and compete in the competitive business environment. Customers always look for
services with better quality.
The significance of evaluating the quality of service and customer satisfaction has become a
prominent issue for companies. Many researchers have applied SERVQUAL model to assess
the quality of service delivery and customer satisfaction. By using this model customer’s
expectation and perception about the quality of service, and the gap between the two can be
determined and the gap can be computed and so that customer’s level of satisfaction to
dissatisfaction with the service delivered to them can be determined. In this study, the
standardized SERVQUAL question was used and it is constructed from twenty two (22)
service quality attributes, which from five service quality dimensions tangible, assurance,
reliability, responsiveness, and empathy.
The study was analyzed customers expectation and perception about the quality of Abyssinia
bank mebrat hail branch Bank; saving account service. It also indentified the gap between
customers’ expectations and their perceptions about the delivered service and their by
customers satisfaction or dissatisfaction was determined. This chapter also presents the
4.2. Questionnaires for the customers
In this part of the study first I select the sample size was 99 customers questionnaire
distribute to the bank’s customers. The customers take to questionnaire successfully 37
questionnaires. So I select the research questionnaires 37 based on collect to questionnaire.
4.2.1. Demographic information
I. Age Distribution of respondents
Tables 1: Age distributions of respondents
Age Number of respondents Percentage
Under 20 1 2.70
21-30 22 59.46
31-40 7 18.92
41-50 5 13.51
Above 50 2 5.41

Total 37 100%

The above table clearly indicate that the age distribution of 37 respondents. 1 x20.70% are in
the underage of 20, 22(59.46%) are between the age 21& 30,7(18.92%) are between the age
of 31-40, 5(13.51%) are between the age of 41 & 50, 2(5.41%) are above the age of 50. This
indicates that large numbers of respondents are found in the age between 21-30.
II. Sex distribution 7 respondents
Table 2: sex distribution of respondents
Sex Number of respondents Percentage
Male 31 83.78
Female 6 16.22
Total 37 100%

Source: from questionnaire

I can been seen from the above table, the number of male is greater than the number of
female with the ratio of 31(83.78%) to 6(16.22%).
III. Education level of the respondent
Table 3: education level of respondent
Education level Number of respondents Percentage
Below grade 12 2 5.41
12 complete 4 10.81
Certificate 1 2.70
College diploma 4 10.81
First degree 21 56.76
2nd degree and above 5 13.51
Total 37 100%
Source: from questionnaire
As can be seen from the above table 2(5.41%) are below grade 12 level, 4(10.81%) are at
grade 12 complete level, 1(2.70%) are certificate level, 4 (10.81) are at college diploma level,
21(50.76%) are at 1st degree level, 5(13.51%) are at 2nd degree level this. Percentage
indicates that the large number of respondents have first degree education level.
IV. Work Occupation of the respondents
Table4: work occupation of the respondents
Work occupation Number of respondents Percentage
Government employee worker 9 24.32
Private company employee worker 6 16.22
Students 16 43.24
Self-employee worker 6 16.22
Total 37 100%
Source: from questionnaire
I could see from the above table 9(24.32%) are government employee worker, 6(16.22%) are
private company employee work, 16(43.24%) are students, 6(16.32%) are set employee
work. This percentage indicates that the large number of respondents have students of work

4.2.2. Expectation section

There were 22 items from five dimension were available in the expectation section. The table
below showed the summary of the percentage score of each of an expectation statement.

Dimension Measurement
No Tangible Strongly agree Agree Moderate disagree Strongly
1 The bank has up to date equipment’s 13 10 10 2 2
2 The physical facilities (office layout, furniture, etc, of bank would be visually
appealing ) 11 14 8 3 1
3 The employees of the bank are well dressed and appear neat 9 12 6
3 7
4 The equipment and materials would be in line with the type of service provided 9
16 10 2 0
Total 42 52 34 10 9
Average 10.5 13 8.5 2.5 2.25
Reliability Strongly agree agree Moderate
Disagree Strongly disagree
5 The staff can provide you the services as promised 9 8 10 5 5
6 The staff provide to you accurate information 7 9 12 5 4
7 The staff perform the service right at the first time 3 15 10 5 4
8 The staff offer you some help 6 12 10 5 4
9 Keep record accurately 9 12 10 4 2
Total 34 56 42 24 19
Average 8.5 14 10.5 6 4.75
Responsiveness Strongly agree agree Moderate
Disagree Strongly disagree
10 The staff tells you exactly when services would be provides 5 7 15
8 2
11 The staff gives your prompt service 8 15 7 7 0
12 The staff are woulding to help you 4 13 7 6 7
13 The staff respond to requests properly 5 10 8 7 7
Total 22 45 37 28 16
Average 5.5 11.25 9.25 7 4
Assurance Strongly agree Agree Moderate
Disagree Strongly disagree
14 The staff product knowledge of bank information 10 5 14 6 2
15 The staff have required skill to perform services 7 14 12 13 1
16 The staff speak with you by suing an appropriately 10 6 10 7 4
17 The staff are trust worthy 9 15 8 2 3
Total 36 40 44 28 10
Average 9 10 11 7 2.5
Empathy Strongly agree agree Moderate
Disagree Strongly disagree
18 The staff make you feel safe 6 13 7 5 6
19 The staff are able to communicate effectively with you 7 12 12 3
20 the staff shows personal attention to you 11 8 10 3 5
21 The staff knows your specific needs 5 9 5 7 11
22 The staff use convenient time management 8 11 11 7 0
Total 37 53 45 25 25
Average 7.4 10.6 9 5 5

Source: from questionnaire.

(Zeithamal and Betener, 2003) defines customer expectations as beliefs about service
delivery that function as standards or reference points against which performance is judged.
So, from the above table one can understand that the expectation that the respondents have
towards the service of the bank. Their expectation for the five service damnations were
collected from the respondents and discussed as follows. Under tangible dimension as the
measurement indicates respondents strongly agree (10.5%) and agree (13%). This shows that
respondents expect towards the tangibility dimension is high. Furthermore, they consider
tangibility to evaluate service quality of the bank. On the “reliability” dimension the
respondents expectation was relatively” lower than of tangibility and it measures (14%) agree
and (10.5%) moderate this would implies the according to their expectation they have less
trusts on service that related with this dimension. The customers also have medium
expectation of service delivery on the dimension of “Responsiveness.” When I saw the
customer expectation averagely it would measures 911.25%) agree and (9.25%) moderate.
This implies that they have a doubt on this dimension.
Towards the all dimensions of service quality, respondent’s expectation the highest
expectation was from the “Empathy” dimension which scorn (10.6%) agrees and (9%)
moderate. This indicates that from all dimension the customer have a greatest trust on this
dimension and they also consider getting really on the service delivery process of the bank.
Generally, to increase customers’ expectations towards Assurance, reliability, and
responsiveness dimension the bank should promote variables that are located under those
dimension and improve the area of service quality related to those dimensions to transfer the
customers expectation from agree to strongly agree and to minimize the moderate to those

4.2.3. Perception part

There were 22 items from five dimension were available in the perception part. The table
below showed the summery of percentage score of each of each of apperception statement

Dimension Measurement
No Tangible Strongly agree Agree Moderate disagree Strongly
1 The Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch has up to date equipment 5 16 11
5 0
2 The physical facilities (office layout, furniture, etc, of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail
branch would be visually pealing ) 7 14 9 6 1
3 The employees of the Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch are well dressed and appear
neat 8 9 10 6 4
4 The equipment and materials of a Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch would be in line
with the type of service provided. 8 9 11 5 4
Total 28 48 41 22 9
Average 7 12 10.25 5.5 2.25
Reliability Strongly agree agree Moderate
Disagree Strongly disagree
5 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch can provide you the services as
promised 4 16 10 4 3
6 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch provide to you accurate 4 19
4 6 4
7 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch performed the service right at the first
time. 7 14 11 4 1
8 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch offer you some help 7 15
8 3 4
9 Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch Keep record accurately 10 14 5 6
Total 32 78 38 23 14
Average 6.4 15.6 7.6 4.6 2.8
Responsiveness Strongly agree agree Moderate
Disagree Strongly disagree
10 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch tells you exactly when services would
be provides 6 12 12 3 4
11 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch give your prompt service 9 12
6 9 1
12 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch are woulding to help you 5 16
12 1 3
13 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch respond to requests properly 5
14 11 3 4
Total 25 54 41 16 12
Average 6.25 13.5 10.25 4 3
Assurance Strongly agree agree Moderate
Disagree Strongly disagree
14 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch product knowledge of bank
information 9 11 10 5 2
15 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch have required skill to perform services
4 17 9 4 3
16 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch speak with you by suing an
appropriately 6 9 11 5 6
17 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch are trust worthy 12 14 6
3 2
Total 31 51 36 17 13
Average 7.75 12.75 9 4.25 3.25
Empathy Strongly agree Agree Moderate
Disagree Strongly disagree
18 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch make you feel safe 9 12 11
4 1
19 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch able to communicate effectively with
you 5 9 13 4 6
20 the staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch shows personal attention to you 6
15 13 0 3
21 The staff of Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch knows your specific needs 4 10
11 5 7
22 The staff o Abyssinia bank mebrat hail branch use convenient time management 13
10 11 2 1
Total 37 56 59 15 18
Average 7.5 11.2 11.8 3 3.6

The above table indicates the perception of customers get from the bank from the five
services quality dimensions. Under tangibility dimension, as the average indicates, the
respondents perception is agree (12%) and a moderate (10.25%). This implies that what
customers perceive from tangibility dimension is god levels. Among the five dimension of
service quality the highest perception related to “the staff of Abyssinia bank use convenient
time management” “that is from the empathy” have (13%) respondents. The second highest
perception from the respondent (12%) was related to “the staff of Abyssinia bank are trust
worthy”, which is the Assurance. From the above explanation the two highest perceptions
were identified from empathy and assurance dimension. This implied that in Abyssinia bank

at mebrat hail branch customers feels best and effective convenient time management and
feels customer trust worthy.
In addition to the highest perception the respondents also have a lowest perception. The lost
was the statement related to “the staff of Abyssinia bank have required skill to perform
service” from the Assurance dimension (4%) and “the staff of Abyssinia bank knows your
specific needs” from the Empathy dimension (4%).

4.2.4. Service quality gap analysis

Table: distribution of service quality value between customer expectation and perception
No Dimension Measures Expectation average score Perception advantage
score Gap score
1 Tangible Strongly agree 10.5 7 -3.5
Agree 13 12 -1
Moderate 8.5 10.25 1.75
Disagree 2.5 5.5 3
Strongly disagree 2.25 2.25 0
2 Reliability Strongly agree 8.5 6.4 -2.1
Agree 14 15.6 1.6
Moderate 10.5 7.6 -3.1
Disagree 6 4.6 -2.6
Strongly disagree 4.75 2.8 -1.95
3 Responsiveness Strongly agree 5.5 6.25 0.75
Agree 11.25 13.5 2.25
Moderate 9.25 10.25 1
Disagree 7 4 -3
Strongly disagree 4 3 -1
4 Assurance Strongly agree 9 7.75 -2.75
Agree 10 12.75 2.75
Moderate 11 9 -2
Disagree 7 4.25 -2.75
Strongly disagree 2.5 3.25 0.75
5 Empathy Strongly agree 7.4 7.5 0.1
Agree 10.6 11.2 0.6
Moderate 9 11.8 2.8
Disagree 5 3 -2
Strongly disagree 5 3.6 -1.4

Service quality gap shows he whether customers are dissatisfied satisfied or delights by
purchasing service from services organization. As indicated in the above table respondent’s
perception towards tangible is lower than what they expect from the bank. This does not
mean that the respondents are dissatisfied from the service of the bank. Even if their
expectation is greater than what they perceived, one can conclude the respondents are
satisfied, because the average respondents towards reliability dimension is strongly agree
(7%) and agree (12%) which shows their perception is high. Furth more, it is important to
reference zone of tolerance at which respondents accept service (Parasuaman, Bitner, 1994).
Sometimes, customers, expectation is very high science they set their expectation based up on
different criteria, so that what they expect is greater than what they price based on this it is
difficult to say that customers are dissatisfied because there is a level at which they desired
service adequate service. Therefore, the highest gap shows that the aspect is not delivered
properly the bank has supposed to pay more attention to the aspect.
Generally, what bank should do is that increase customer expectation and increases their
perception and also delights them by providing more than what customer expect from the

4.3. Interview for the manager

In this part of the study the researcher concerned with the analysis of data obtained from the
manager of the bank questionnaires on service quality and its effect on customer satisfaction
in the case of Abyssinia bank in mebrat hail Branch.
• What looks like the relationship that the bank has with its customer?

It is more or less we have good relationship with our customer.

• How the bank can collect and solve the customer complains and feed bank?
We collect thecomplains and feed banks of customer by using different mechanism like:
suggestion box, survey and this complain can solve by the top manager and whit other
subordinates respectively and collectively.
• How can the bank administer its employee?

The bank employee have their own union and collective agreement with the employee so
based on this agreement we punish the employee who made a mistake and we also awarded
the employee who perform best.
• What are the techniques applied to measure satisfaction and service quality of the
To measure our customer’s satisfaction and the service quality of our banks we made survey
annually, in addition we also see some indicators like:
 If the customer can get a service quickly
 If the customer can demand to work with us always

Summary Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 summary of finding
The SURVQUAL instrument is conceptualized as the yielding gap scores that can inform the
service provider as when their service exceed or fall below customers’ expectations along the
five dimensions which are tangible., reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. This
study also addressed the significant elements of customer perception and expectation
influencing their overall satisfaction with the banking services provided at bank of Abyssinia
at mebrat hail branch. Positive gaps are seen as indicating customer’s satisfaction. Negative
gap indicted dissatisfaction. This means perception fall below expectation and suggest service
quality aspects that may need improvement or change.
5.2 Conclusions
The following conclusion are drawn from the findings
As the customer demographic information shows most of them are young and they are mostly
male customers. Most of the time customers at this age need more worker by their money. In
addition to this the greater number of customers are first degree education level. This implies
that those customers have potentially to save money in the bank.
Do to the work occupation the greater number are the students. Most of the time the student
are more secure on their money.
Based on the above analysis the higher number of respondents expectation was from the
dimension of reliability (14%) respondents (11.25%) assurance (11%), Empathy (10.6%) and
tangible (10.5%) respectively and also the lower number of respondents expected from the
dimension of tangible.
On the other hand in the perception part the higher number of respondents perceived on the
reliability (15.6%) dimension and the lower number of respondents precise on the dimension
of empathy (11.8%).
Due to these the respondents expectation and perception relatively balanced on the
dimension of tangibility and responsive but other have a wide gap.

5.3 Recommendation
Customer satisfactions are ensured by quality services. That means if there is equality
service, customer become satisfied.
Those customers who are dissatisfied in switch warn their friends and relations. So that the
bank should improve the quality of service to satisfy those dissatisfied customers in
continuous manner to ensue consistence quality service.
 According to the manager interview can saw the bank can collect and solve the
customer’s complaints. So the bank would use better communication for the customers and
the clients.
On the customer expectation and perception part there was a gap on the dimensions for
example: from the five dimensions the only dimension that shows satisfaction was
“Empathy” but on the other dimension it was very recommendable that the bank should be
avoids a poor service design. Know the culture of the customer, not promised the service that
cannot delivered at a time, and improve the work hand to minimize the gap and increase
customer satisfaction.
 Since the customers is suggestion or complain is one method of improving quality
service and solve customer problem. The bank should initiate customers to given suggestion
by providing forms, critical incidents studies to get the real intention of the customer instead
of waiting annual survey.
 It is better for the manager to insure and motivated the employee to provides and
deliver quality service every time to every customers.
 The fast delivery of service in preferable: as a result the bank should improve the
length of time a customer’s spent until he/she gets the intended service.
 Even if, the employees have good relationship with customers, the bank should
improve the employee relationship continently by using different mechanism.

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This questionnaire is part of a study for Bachelor Degree at wachemo university. The
objective of the study is to evaluate customer expectation and perception levels towards
service quality and thereby to evaluate customer satisfaction level in Abyssinia bank in
mebrat hail branch bank’s service delivery. I would like to invite your participation in this
survey by filling up this questionnaire. All information would be treated with the strict
confidentiality. Since your frank response is vital role for the success of the study please
put”” mark or circle for those questions that you think right.
Part I: General information
1. Gender A. male B. female
2. Age A. under 20years B. 21-30years C. 31-40years
D. 41-50 years E. Above 50years
3. Educational status? A. below grade 12 B. 12grades complete
C. certificate D. college diploma E. first Degree
F. 2nd degree and above
4. Employment A. public/government organization B. private organization
C. unemployed D student
E. self employed
Part II. Survey of your expectation and perceptions towards service quality of Abyssinia
bank in Mebrat Hailbranch.
This survey deals with your opinion about Abyssinia bank in Mebrat Hail branch service
quality. Please show the extent to which you expect and perceive the bank’s offering services
should possess features described by each statement. Based on this please put a tick () in
the bottoms which mostly explain your attitudes. The score levels are;
1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Moderate 4. Agree 5. Strongly agree

Expectation part

Dimensions Measurement
Strongly agree Agree moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
Tangibles 5 4 3 2 1
1 The bank have up to date equipment
2 The physical facilities (office layout, furniture, etc.) of the bank would be visually
3 The employees of the bank are well dressed and appear neat.

4 The equipment and materials would be in line with the type of service provided.

5 The staff can provide you the service as promised
6 The staff provide to you accurate information
7 The staff perform the service right at the first time
8 The staff offer you some help
9 Keep record accurately
10 The staff tells you exactly when service would be provides
11 The staff give your prompt service
12 The staff are woulding to help you
13 The staff respond to requests properly
14 The staff product knowledge of bank information
15 The staff have required skill to perform services
16 The staff speak with you by using an appropriately
17 The staff are trust worthy
18 The staff makes you feel safe
19 The staff are able to communicate effectively with you
20 The staff shows personal attention to you
21 The staff knows your specific needs
22 The staff use convenient time management

Perception part

Dimensions Measurement
Strongly agree Agree moderate Disagree Strongly disagree
Tangibles 5 4 3 2 1
1 The Abyssinia bank Mebrat Hail branch has up-to date equipment.

2 The physical fairies (office layout, furniture E etc.) of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail
branch would be visually appealing
3 The employees of the Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch are well dressed and
appear neat.
4 The equipments and materials of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch would be in
line with the type of service provide.
5 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch can provide you the service
6 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch provide to you accurate
7 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch perform the service right at the
first time.
8 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail offer you some help

9 Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch keeps record accuracy.


10 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch tells you exactly when service
would be provides.
11 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch givesyour prompt service.

12 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch is woulding to help you.

13 The staffs of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch respond to requests properly.

14 The staff of Abyssinia bank atMebrat Hail branch product knowledge of bank
15 The staffs of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch have required skill to perform
16 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch speak with you by using an
17 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch are trust worthy

18 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch makes you feel safe

19 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch able to communicate effectively
with you.
20 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch shows personal attention to you.

21 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch knows your specific needs.

22 The staff of Abyssinia bank at Mebrat Hail branch use convenient time management.

Thank you for your cooperation

ዋቸሞ ዩኒቨርሲቲ



ይህ ትምህርት ጥናት በአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ የቁጠባ ሂሳብ ደንበኞቻችንን አግልሎት

አሰጣጥ ጥራትና እርካታ ለመመዘን መረጃ ለመሰብሰብ ያለው ሲሆን አላማዉም በዋቸሞ ዩኒቨርሲቲ

የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ መርሃግብር ክፍል የማሟያ ፁሁፍ ለማዘጋጀት ነው፡፡

እባኮዎን የቀረበለዎትን ጥያቄ ካለመታከት ይሞሉ ዘንድ ስጠይቅ ከምስጋና ጋር ነው፡፡

ክፍል አንድ፡ ጠቅላላ መረጃ

1. ፆታ ሀ. ወንድ ለ. ሴት

2. እድሜ ሀ. ከ 20 በታች ለ. ከ 21-30 ሐ. ከ 31-40 አመት

መ. 41-50 አመት ሠ. ከ 50 አመትበላይ

3. የትምህርት ሁኔታ ሀ. ከ 12 ኛ ክፍል በታች ለ. 12 ኛ ክፍል የጨረሰ/ች ሐ.

ሰርተፍኬት መ. ዲፕሎማ ሠ. የመጀመሪያድግሪ ረ. ሁለተኛ ድግሪ እና ከዚያ በላይ

4. የስራሁኔታ ሀ. የመንግስትተቀጣሪ ለ የግልድርጅትተቀጣሪ ሐ. ተማሪ

መ. የግልሰራተኛ

ክፍል ሁለት፡ ከዚህ በታች የቀረቡት ጥያቄዎች ከአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራትሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ያገኙትን

አገልግሎት ይመዝናሉ፡፡ በጥያቄው ትይይ ከሚገኘው መመዘኛ አንፃር እንዴት አገኙት፡፡ የ”” ምልክት

በማስቀመጥ ይጠቀሙ

1. . በጣም አልስማማም 2. አልስማማም 3. . መካከለኛ 4. . እስማማለሁ 5. በጣም


Expectation part

መመዘኛዎች መለኪያዎች

በጣም አልስማማም አልስማማም መካከለኛ እስማማለሁ

1 2 3 4 5
1 አንድ ጥሩ ባንክ ዘመናዊ ቁሳቁስ ይኖሩታል

2 አንድ ጥሩ ባንክ ለአይን ማራኪ ና ምቹ የሆኑ መገልገያ መሳሪያዎች ይኖሩታል፡፡

3 አንድ ጥሩ ባንክ ሰራተኞች ፅዱ ና ለአይን የሚማርኩ መሆን ይኖርባቸዋል፡፡

4 የባንኩ አገልግሎት መስጫ ቁሳቁሶች ባንኩ ከሚሰጠው አገልግሎት ጋር ይጣጣማሉ፡፡

5 የአንድ ጥሩ ባንክ ሰራተኞች ቃላቸውን በሰአቱ ይፈፅማሉ/ ያከብራሉ፡፡

6 አንድ ጥሩ ባንክ ሰራተኞች ግልፅ የሆነ መረጃ ያቀርባሉ

7 አንድ ጥሩ ባንክ ለመጀመሪ ጊዜ ለመጣ ደንበኛ ጥሩ አገልግሎት ይሰጣል፡፡

8 የአንድ ጥሩ ባንክ ሰራተኞች ለደንበኞች አስፈላጊውን እርዳታ ያደርጋሉ፡፡

9 አንድ ጥሩ ባንክ መረጃን በአግባቡና ጥራት ባለው መልኩ ይይዛል

10 አንድ ጥሩ ባንክ የባንኩ ሰራተኞች አንድን አገልግሎት ምቹ እንደሚፈፅሙ በደንብ አድርገው

ለደንበኞች ያሳውቃሉ፡፡

11 አንድ ጥሩ ባንክ የባንኩ ሰራተኞች ፈጣንና ክስተት ፅዱ የሆነ አገልግሎት ይሰጣሉ

12 አንድ ጥሩ ባንክ ሰራተኞች በቅን ልቦና ለመርዳት ዝግጁ ናቸው፡፡

13 አንድ ጥሩ ባንክ ሰራተኞች ለደንበኞቹ ቅሬታ/ ጥያቄ ምላሽ ለመስጠት መቸም አይታክቱም፡፡

14 የአንድ ጥሩ ባንክ ሰራተኞች ስለባንኩ ትክክለኛ እና በቂ እውቀት ኖሯቸው ተግባራዊ ያደርጋሉ፡፡

15 የአንድ ጥሩ ባንክ ሰራተኞች አገልግሎት ለመስጠት የሚያስፈልጋቸውን እውቀት አሟልተዋል፡፡

16 የአንድ ጥሩ ባንክ ሰራተኛ እርስዎን በሚገባዎት ቋንቋ ያስተናግደዎታል፡፡

17 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች ታማኝ ናቸው፡፡

18 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች ስጋት እንዳይሰማዎት ያደርገዎታል፡፡

19 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች ከእርሶ ጋር በደንብ መግባባት ይችላሉ፡፡

20 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች ለእርሶ ትኩረት ይሰጣሉ

21 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች የእርሶን እያንዳንዱን ፍላጎቶች ያውቃሉ፡፡

22 የባንኩ ሰራተኞች ምቹ የሆነ የጊዜ አጠቃቀም ይጠቁማሉ፡፡

Perception part

መመዘኛዎች መለኪያዎች

በጣምአልስማማም አልስማማም መካከለኛ እስማማለሁ

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1 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራትሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ዘመናዊ ቁሳቁስ ይኖሩታል

2 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ለአይን ማርኪና ምቹ የሆኑ መገልገያ መሳሪያዎች


3 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኞች ፅዱና ለአይን የሚማርኩ መሆን


4 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ አገልግሎት መስጫ ቁሳቁሶች ባንኩ ከሚሰጠው

አገልግሎት ጋር ይጣጣማሉ፡፡
5 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኞች ቃላቸውን በሰአቱ ይፈፅማሉ /ያከብራሉ፡፡

6 የአቢሲኒ ያባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኞች ግልፅ የሆነ መረጃ ያቀርባሉ::

7 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ለመጣ ደንበኛ ጥሩ አገልግሎት


8 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኞች ለደንበኞች አስፈላጊውን እርዳታ


9 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ መረጃን በአግባቡና ጥራት ባለው መልኩ ይይዛል

10 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ የባንኩ ሰራተኞች አንድን አገልግሎት ምቹ

እንደሚፈፅሙ በደንብ አድርገው ለደንበኞች ያሳውቃሉ፡፡

11 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ የባንኩ ሰራተኞች ፈጣንና ክስተት ፅዱ የሆነ

አገልግሎት ይሰጣሉ

12 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኞች በቅን ልቦና ለመርዳት ዝግጁ ናቸው፡፡

13 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኞች ለደንበኞቹ ቅሬታ/ ጥያቄ ምላሽ

ለመስጠት መቸም አይታክቱም፡፡

14 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኞች ስለባንኩ ትክክለኛ እና በቂ እውቀት

ኖሯቸው ተግባራዊ ያደርጋሉ፡፡

15 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኞች አገልግሎት ለመስጠት

የሚያስፈልጋቸውን እውቀት አሟልተዋል፡፡

16 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኛ እርሶን በሚገባዎት ቋንቋ


17 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ታማኝ ናቸው፡፡

18 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ስጋት እንዳይሰማዎት ያደርገዎታል፡፡

19 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኞች ከእርሶ ጋር በደንብ መግባባት ይችላሉ፡፡

20 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኞች ለእርሶ ትኩረት ይሰጣሉ

21 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኞች የእርሶን እያንዳንዱን ፍላጎቶች


22 የአቢሲኒያ ባንክ መብራት ሀይል ቅርንጫፍ ሰራተኞች ምቹ የሆነ የጊዜ አጠቃቀም ይጠቁማሉ፡፡

ጥያቄውን በአግባቡ ስለሞሉልኝ አመሰግናለሁ!!

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