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Module 1

Familiarization with Differential

MathPhys 2 Differential Equations

Allan Roy B. Elnar, MPhys

Cebu Normal University

Copyright © September 1, 2020 Allan Roy B. Elnar, MPhys

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Art. No xxxxx
ISBN xxx–xx–xxxx–xx–x
Edition 0.0

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Published by Cebu Normal University

Printed in Cebu City


1 Module Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1 Introduction 5
1.2 Focus of Module 6
1.3 Test Your Understanding 6

2 Formulating Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.1 Classes of DE’s 7
2.2 Some Examples from Physics 8
2.3 Test Your Understanding 10

3 More on Classifying DE’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.1 Order and Degree of DE’s 11
3.2 Linear and Non - Linear DE’s 12
3.3 Linearizing Non - Linear DE’s 12
3.4 Test Your Understanding 13

4 Some Generalities to Solving DE’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4.1 Analytic Method in Solving Differential Equation 14
4.2 A Step Forward to Numerical Methods in Solving DE’s 15
4.3 Summary 18

1. Module Overview

1.1 Introduction 5

1.2 Focus of Module 6

1.3 Test Your Understanding 6

Your attitude towards learning this module can be summarized in the following quote:
“Teachers open the doors, but you must enter by yourselves.” - A Chinese Proverb

1.1 Introduction
In the course of studying physical systems, very often we encounter equations expressing
a physical quantity, say, y, as a function of another quantity, say, x. Once the relationship
between these quantities is established and expressed in a mathematical statement, we need
to provide a solution to this equation in the form y = f (x). While this is straightforward,
some equations oftentimes involve derivatives with respect to the variable x. For example,
the equations
dy x
=− or y 0 = cos x (1.1)
dx y
are called differential equations because they include derivatives. The relation y = f (x) is
called the solution of the equation, which when substituted into the differential equation
turns it into an identity. A glimpse of what is meant by solving differential equation, let us
take the relation for example
y = sin x + C
is a solution to the differential equation

y 0 = cos x

This is so by taking the derivative of the above relation and substitute it to the differential
equation, gives the identity cos x = cos x.
Essentially, the relation shown above may seem too meaningless at first glance, however, if
we look closer into nature and find a match to this relation, then it becomes as beautiful as
nature is. Thus, our journey into solving differential equations goes beyond the mathemati-
cal statements and find meaning in them. This is our motivation at the least in understand-
ing nature itself through mathematical models.

6 1.2. Focus of Module

This module, then, is organized as follows: Section 2 presents how to derive differential
equations from a given problem and and formulate equations from familiar equations in
physics. Section 3 is focused on classifying differential equations as to order, degree and
type. The ability to classify differential equations provides impetus to how these equations
can be solved. Finally, Section 4 introduces generalities of solving differential equations. In
all, this modules covers weeks 1 and 2 of our course.

1.2 Focus of Module

While the module introduces the key terms that we will encounter in the entire course of
differential equations, this module uses ordinary differential equations (ODE’s) in introducing
these terms. In the same manner, the module dwells in providing solutions to this type of
differential equations.

1.3 Test Your Understanding

The simpler situation considered in this module involves equations with a single indepen-
dent variable, called ordinary differential equations (ODE’s). If the given DE can be written
in the following form,

an (x)y n + an−1 (x)y n−1 + · · · + a1 (x)y 0 + a0 (x)y = g(x) (1.2)

then, it is called linear differential equation. Now, consider the following,

a. dx + y 2 x = 2x b. y 0 + x2 y = cos x c. y 00 − e−3t y 0 + cos t y = 2t
t 2 +y 2
d. yt = y0 e. t 2 y 000 +4y 00 +y 0 +y = tan t 4 f. t 5 (y 000 )4 +4(y 00 )2 +y 0 +y = e−3t cos t

F Question 1. Are the above equations ODE’s?

F Question 2. Are the given ODE’s linear?
F Question 3. What are the orders of the ODE’s above?

Task 1. Fill in the table below following the questions above.

Table 1.1: Answers to the posed questions above

No. Question 1 Question 2 Question 3
2. Formulating Differential Equations

2.1 Classes of DE’s 7

2.2 Some Examples from Physics 8

2.3 Test Your Understanding 10

The secrets of nature once written in the language of mathematics has more beauty than the
eyes can behold. What, then, is a natural art?

2.1 Classes of DE’s

Let’s start out with the following definition.

Definition 2.1 An equation that includes a derivative is called differential equation

(DE). Differential equations expressed with a single independent variable are called
ordinary differential equations (ODE’s) while those that involve two or more indepen-
dent variables are called partial differential equations (PDE’s).

Ordinary and partial DE’s are the major classification of differential equations. In physics
for example, ordinary differential equations can often be encountered in one - dimensional
problems. For example, Newton’s law of acceleration can be expressed with a single indepen-
dent variable, t or in x when one describes linear motion, that is

dv d 2x dv dT
F = ma =⇒ F=m or F = m or F = mv = (2.1)
dt dt 2 dx dx

taking F and m as constant variables and T = 21 mv 2 is the kinetic energy of a particle. The
equation F = m dv
dt is in fact ODE because we can express it in the form of (1.2), that is

dv dv F dv
F=m =⇒ = =⇒ = C, for y = v = f (t) (2.2)
dt dt m dt
Whenever we progress in describing the motion of a particle from one - to two - or three -
dimensions, the differential equation formulated falls under the class of partial DE. We will
not pursue PDE’s for now as it is beyond the scope of the module. In the following section,
we will present some examples of physics concepts involving ordinary differential equations.

8 2.2. Some Examples from Physics

Task 2. Derive the equation F = dx from F = ma. Show your solution in the box provided

2.2 Some Examples from Physics

In this section, we introduce some problems in physics maybe familiar to you and derive
their corresponding differential equations. What we are necessarily doing in this section is
providing a mathematical model of a physical phenomena. Let us begin with simple rate of
change problem (i.e. this is our physical information) expressed with a derivative (i.e. this is
our mathematical form).

The common notion of rate of change is that it is expressed in terms of the independent variable, t,
however, this is not necessarily correct. A variable y that is dependent on x or t, the rate of change of y with
dy dy
respect to x or to t is given as dx or dt .

Dependence of Pressure with Altitude

To derive the mathematical model on the dependence of pressure with altitude, let us con-
sider a differential volume of the atmosphere as shown.

The area of the upper and lower face of the box be called, A.
The box is situated over the ground at a height, y, and the box
has a height, ∆y. The pressure on the upper and lower faces
are p(y + ∆y) and p(y), respectively; and the density of the air
be defined as ρ(y) at y.
We know that the force on a flat surface is given by F = pA,
where p is the pressure experienced when a force is applied
on it. From Newton’s law that difference between the forces
applied is equal to the gravitational force, then

Fupper − Flower = −mair g,

where g = acceleration due to gravity. So, Figure 2.1: A differential vol-

ume of the atmosphere
[p(y + ∆y) − p(y)] A = −mair g

We express the mass of air, mair = ρ(y)Vair , and the volume of the air, Vair = A∆y, then we
[p(y + ∆y) − p(y)] A = −ρ(y)Vair g = −ρ(y)gA∆y
Chapter 2. Formulating Differential Equations 9

Dividing the equation by A∆y, we have

[p(y + ∆y) − p(y)] A ∆p

= −ρ(y)g =⇒ = −ρ(y)g
A∆y ∆y

Finally, we apply limits as ∆y → 0, the desired differential equation is

= −ρ(y)g

To solve this equation, we may invoke the relation between ρ(y) and p from the equation
of state, pV = nRT . In realistic analysis of gauge pressure in the atmosphere, invoking the
application of limits, that is, knowing the behavior in the small change in p by allowing the
change y tend to zero is extremely important in mathematical modeling. For now, we will
leave this until the derivation of the DE solely for the purpose of this module.

Charging a Capacitor - RC Circuit

The charging process of a capacitor stores electrical charges

in its plates until its full capacity. For the RC - circuit below,
e.g. a capacitor is often accompanied with resistor in a circuit,
we formulate the differential equation governing the charg-
ing process. In the circuit, we identify the following quanti-
ties: voltage from the source, Vs ; voltage across the resistor R,
VR = IR; and voltage across the capacitor C, VC = Q C , where I,
Q, R, and C, are the current in the circuit, charge carried in the
circuit, resistance of the resistor, and capacitance of the capac- Figure 2.2: RC - Circuit
itor, respectively.

Now, the total voltage in the circuit must be zero according to Kirchoff’s Voltage Law (KVL),
that is
Vi = 0 =⇒ Vs − VR − VC = 0 =⇒ Vs − IR − =0 (2.3)

for the given voltages above. We note, further, that current is defined as the rate of flow of
charges Q, that is I = dQ
dt . Substituting this,

dQ Q dQ 1
Vs − R − =0 =⇒ + Q − Vs = 0 (2.4)
dt C dt RC

completes our derivation of the differential equation governing the charging process.
As a final remark in this section, whenever you encounter phrases in physics problems, such
as rate of change, decay rate among others, you can express these quantities as derivatives
and often they present a differential equation. There are, however certain class of physics
problems that are automatically expressed in the form of differential equations. We have
encountered them above specifically Newton’s Law of Acceleration, F = ma.
10 2.3. Test Your Understanding

2.3 Test Your Understanding

Task 2. Learning Theory
In the learning theory, the rate at which a subject is memorized is assumed to be propor-
tional to the amount that is left to be memorized. Suppose M denotes the total amount of a
subject to memorized and A(t) is the amount memorized in time t > 0. Determine a differ-
ential equation for the amount A(t). Show your answer in the box below.

Task 3. Falling Object in a Resistive Medium

The viscous force on a ball sinking in a fluid in laminar flow was introduced by Stokes and
is given by F = α · v, where the constant α is related to the viscosity of the fluid and v is
the speed of the ball. The ball experiences both gravitational force F = mg and buoyancy
Fup = ρf V g, where ρf is the fluid density. Derive the differential equation for rate of v(t).
Show your answer in the box below. [Hint. Start from Newton’s 2nd law].
3. More on Classifying DE’s

3.1 Order and Degree of DE’s 11

3.2 Linear and Non - Linear DE’s 12

3.3 Linearizing Non - Linear DE’s 12

3.4 Test Your Understanding 13

A problem can be solved efficiently and effectively if one has the ability to recognize its order,
degree, and type.

3.1 Order and Degree of DE’s

Recall in your Task 1, we have classified some differential equations as to order, degree and
type. Now, let us compare the following equations:

dy t2 + y 2
+ y 2 x = 2x, = y0, and t 5 (y 000 )4 + 4(y 00 )2 + y 0 + y = cos(t) e−3t (3.1)
dx yt
for purposes of defining these key terms. The first two equations included the first derivative
of the function y, while the third equation include first -, second -, and third derivative of the
function y. In your calculus class, the order of the equation refers to the highest derivative
appearing in it. Thus, the first and second equations are first - order differential equations
while the third equation is a third - order differential equation.

Definition 3.1 The order of a differential equation refers to the highest order derivative
appearing in it.

If we look closely to the third equation in (3.1), you will notice that the first term itself is
raised to the power 4. The highest power to which the highest order is raised refers to the
degree of the equation.

Definition 3.2 The degree of a differential equation refers to the highest power to which
highest - order derivative is raised.

Thus, the first and second equation has degree of 1 and the third differential equation has
degree of 4.

12 3.2. Linear and Non - Linear DE’s

3.2 Linear and Non - Linear DE’s

Strictly speaking, a differential equation is linear if it can be written in the form of Eq. (1.2),
otherwise it is a non - linear equation. Formally, we define,

Definition 3.3 A differential equation of order n is said to be linear if it can be written

in the form
an (x)y n + an−1 (x)y n−1 + · · · + a1 (x)y 0 + a0 (x)y = g(x)
where the coefficients an , an−1 · · · a0 and g(x) are arbitrary functions of x.

At this point, it is presumed that equations in Task 1 can now be easily classified. For further
clarifications, we note the following properties of linear DE’s:
F The variable y and its derivatives must be of degree 1.
F The variable y and its derivatives must not be expressed in form such as ey , cos dx ,
x+y .

F The equation must not contain products of variable y, its derivatives, and products of
y and its derivatives.
It is very clear then, that the first equation of (3.1) is linear, the second and third equations
are non - linear DE’s. The following examples are straightforward to give emphasis on the
differences between linear and non - linear DE’s.

Example 3.1 The equation

xy 0 − xy = y (3.2)
is linear because we can write it in the form
xy 0 − (x + 1)y = 0 =⇒ y0 − y=0

Example 3.2 The equation

y 0 + 2xy 2 = 0 (3.3)
is non - linear because the variable y is raised a power of 2.

Example 3.3 The equation

y 0 sin(x) = y ln(y) (3.4)
is non - linear because it contains ln(y) and involves a product y ln(y).

3.3 Linearizing Non - Linear DE’s

Can a non - linear equation become linear? If so, what mathematical sacrifice does the pro-
cess entails? We note here, that there is a good reason why the process of linearization is
Chapter 3. More on Classifying DE’s 13

invoke. One reason is that in most applications in physics often involve linear DE’s and they
are much easier to solve than non - linear ones. To show this, let us consider the problem on
simple pendulum.

Consider the simple pendulum shown in the figure. It consists

of a bob with mass m, a massless cord of length L. To set into
moving along the plane, the bob is pulled at some angle θ with
respect to the vertical. The effective force is that component of
the weight, Fx = mg sin θ. From Newton’s 2nd law, we have

ma = −mg sin θ =⇒ m = −mg sin θ (3.5)

The speed of the bob along the curve path is given as ds

dt where
s = Lθ is the arclength between two points in the path. The
equation above then writes,
dv d ds
= −g sin θ =⇒ = −g sin θ
Figure 3.1: Simple Pendulum dt dt dt

Finally, the differential equation for this system is

d 2θ d 2θ g
L = −g sin θ =⇒ = − sin θ
dθ 2 dθ 2 L
which is a non - linear DE because it contains the term sin θ. If one is interested with small-
amplitude oscillations, θ  1radian, where the approximation of sin θ ≈ θ holds, the equa-
tion reduces to
d 2θ g d 2θ g
= − θ =⇒ + θ=0
dθ 2 L dθ 2 L
which is now a linear DE. This process is called linearization. However, the solution of this
equation gets entirely wrong when the initial position of the bob is set at θ = π with respect
to the stable equilibrium point. In short, by linearizing the equation of the simple pendulum
system, we may have lost valuable information and possibility of discovering interesting
features of its behavior are surely missed.

3.4 Test Your Understanding

Explain why the following differential equations are linear or non - linear.
a. dx + (x − ey )dy = 0 b. y 0 + y tan(x) = 2ex c. dy + (2xy − xe−x )dx = 0
d. (x ln(x))y 0 + y = ln(x) e. dy = cos y − x tan(y)
4. Some Generalities to Solving DE’s

4.1 Analytic Method in Solving Differential Equation 14

4.2 A Step Forward to Numerical Methods in Solving

DE’s 15

4.3 Summary 18

There are infinitely many ways to describe a physical system at one’s own caprice, so does
killing a cat.

4.1 Analytic Method in Solving Differential Equation

The aim of solving differential equations is to find the unknown function or functions that
satisfy the equation. This is precisely put as follows:

Definition 4.1 A solution of a differential equation is any differentiable and contin-

uous function, y on an interval I that which when substituted into the differential
equation gives an identity.

Example 4.1 The relation

y = sin x + C
is a solution to the differential equation

y 0 = cos x

This is so by taking the derivative of the above relation and substitute it to the differ-
ential equation, gives the identity cos x = cos x.

Solutions to differential equations can be trivial, explicit, implicit and can be described as
family of solutions or general and particular solutions.

Example 4.2 (Initial-valued Problem (IVP)) Consider for example the differential equa-
tion dx = − yx , determine the particular solution given the initial condition y(4) = −3.

Chapter 4. Some Generalities to Solving DE’s 15

Solution: We rewrite the equation as

ydy = −xdx
x ydy = − xdx

y2 x2
= − + c, =⇒ x2 + y 2 = C 2
2 2
where C 2 = 2c. The solution is the standard equation of a circle. In this form, the
relation is a general solution or family of solutions because the arbitrary constant C
is not specified.
Applying the initial condition, that is, y = −3 when x = 4, we obtain the value of C,
(4)2 + (−3)2 = C 2 =⇒ C 2 = 25
Substituting the value of C 2 results to the particular solution of the IVP. This particu-
lar solution
√ determines the circle, x2 + y 2 = 25, from which we can obtain the function,
y = − 25 − x2 , in the interval, −5 < x < 5. In this case, the solution curve is the lower
semi - circle containing the point (4, −3).√Furthermore, the solution x2 + y 2 = 25 is also
called an implicit solution while y = − 25 − x2 , in the interval, −5 < x < 5 is called
explicit solution of dx = − yx . Now, whenever the value of x = ±5 results to y = 0. This
is the trivial solution of the IVP.

The general solution of the above equation involved only one arbitrary constant C since the differential
equation is of oder 1. Thus, for nth - ordered differential equations, there are n - number of arbitrary con-
stants, say, a second - order DE, requires two (2) arbitrary constants in its solution. To arrive a particular
solution, it is necessary that an initial condition must be supplied, otherwise the arbitrary constant or
constants remains unspecified. Lastly, the domain of the independent variable x is called the boundary

4.2 A Step Forward to Numerical Methods in Solving DE’s

The unprecedented development of fast technologies in the
present world, most sectors in the society rely on data anal-
yses and processing for decision making, policy development
even behavioral changes. A foreign currency trader, for exam-
ple, may need information on currency fluctuations to predicts
the outcome in the next 24 hours, may look into the behav-
ior of the forex plots during this time. Forex plots are born
from decades of modeling the economic phenomena such as
the one’s described in the figure. Models such as this may re-
quire skills in using coding platforms in MatLab, Python and
other computing softwares available to date (I think this needs your skill in MatLab learned
16 4.2. A Step Forward to Numerical Methods in Solving DE’s

in your CompuPhys 1). In this section, we will be provided an example of differential equa-
tion solved using numerical methods rendered in MatLab. However, one is not barred from
using any other coding software you might have the comfort to use. For now, we will use
simpler DE’s for purposes of discussions. You may be interested in the trading algorithm
and that might be a challenging task for this module, lest you look it up from the firmware
of MatLab (https : //www2.humusof insem12/002 demel.pdf ).

Example 4.3 The solution curve of the differential equation y 0 = t − y with initial
condition y(−2) = 1 is given by the function
y(t) = t − 1 + 4e−(t+2) , −2 ≤ t ≤ 2
Using the following code below, plot the direction fields for −2 ≤ t ≤ 2 and −2 ≤ y ≤ 2
and the solution curve above.

MatLab Code 1 (Keskin, 2019)

The code for this problem is shown below

and the solution curve is

Chapter 4. Some Generalities to Solving DE’s 17


Exercise 4.1 Using Example 4.3, make additional plots of the solution curves for the
following initial conditons y(0) = −2, y(0) = −1, y(0) = 0, and y(0) = 1, for 0 ≤ t ≤ 2, on
the same figure.

Exercise 4.2 For a falling body in a resistive air Fv = −kv, Newton’s 2nd law has
the form F = mg − kv. Derive the differential equation for this system when the ob-
ject has mass m = 0.1kg and the drag constant k = 1kg/s. Assume that the accelera-
tion due to gravity is g = 10m/s. Plot the direction field for this differential equation.
[Hint: The code is similar as in Example 4.3.]

Exit Quiz

Test your understanding. Answer the following items briefly and accurately. Answer them
in a separate sheet and submit them on the specified due date.

1. (5 pts) Do all differential equations have physical significance? Explain.

2. (15 pts) Are the following relations, y = ex , y = e−x or y = Aex + Be−x , solutions to the
differential equation y 00 = y? Provide your solution.

3. (5 pts) In Example 4.1, we have shown that the explicit solution is given by y = − 25 − x2
in the interval −5 < x < 5. Explain why the explicit solution has an open interval and
not a closed one.

Problem Set 1

Compile your solutions of the test your understanding/tasks in each section and the prob-
lems of numerical methods in the Exercises. Submit them 1 week before Midterm Exam.
18 4.3. Summary

4.3 Summary
What we have achieved so far in this module are the following:

You should be able to:

F define key terms emphasized in this module

F derive differential equations of a given problem

F identify differential equations as to order, degree, type, and the methods to solve them

F obtain the general and particular solution of a given differential equation

F solve differential equations with initial and boundary conditions

F generate numerical simulations by using a particular solution of a given differential


Key Terms to remember in this course:

1. Ordinary differential equations (ODE’s) are equations that involve a single independent

2. Partial differential equations (PDE’s) are equations that involve two or more indepen-
dent variables.

3. A differential equation is said to be linear if it can be written in the form an (x)y n +

an−1 (x)y n−1 + · · · + a1 (x)y 0 + a0 (x)y = g(x).

4. A non - linear DE may be difficult to solve, but it can be linearized to have a simpler

5. A solution to a differential equation is finding a relation between a dependent variable

and the independent variable, say y = f (x).

6. A solution that does not specify the constant of integration is called general solution, i.e
y = x + C.

7. When the constant C is specified, the solution is called particular solution. The constant
C can be obtained when initial conditions to a given DE is provided.

8. The interval of which a solution satisfies the differential equation is called boundary

9. A solution y = 0 is called a trivial solution.

10. Differential equations can be used to model physical system and/or phenomena. They
are written in mathematical statements relating physical variables describing physical
systems or events.

11. Differential equations can be verified and solved using numerical methods and simu-
late their behavior
Chapter 4. Some Generalities to Solving DE’s 19

Credits. Credits to the included figures, sample problems, and module evaluation pro-forma
are given to the following:

1. Figure 2.1 on the problem of altitude dependent pressure can be seen in

http : //

2. Figure 2.2 on the problem of Charging a Capacitor can be seen in https : //
https : //live.staticf 9b134eeeaz .jpg

3. Figure 3.1 on the problem of simple pendulum can be seen in https : //
https : // 37Zf gACH6akuo gAN −jSitvHpx0eCh4xsh
SU LN 93kU P oKBO−sW KltEKknJEW XqXdLGwjk8OU rv−K61o8F−L1QN 3742XXvRvtr
U W 2ktbw8f O1B278h − 5bbBvgR7Al9ChRrT yA

4. Figure 4.2 on forex trading graph can be seen in https : //www.f
f orex − trading − f or − beginners

5. Module pro-forma is adapted fromhttps : //

module − evaluation − f orm.docx


Arfken, G. & Weber, H. (2005). Mathematical Methods for Physicists. 6th Editon. USA:
Academic Press.

Boas, M. (2006). Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences. 3rd Edition. John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., USA

Dass, H.K., & Verma, R. (2014). Higher Mathematical Physics For the Students of BSc.
(Honours). S. Chand & Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Keskin, A. Ü. (2019). Ordinary Differential Equations for Engineers: Problems with Mat-
Lab Solutions. Springer Nature, Switzerland, AG

Rainville, E.D., Bedient, P.E., & Bedient, R.E. (2013). Elementary Differential Equations.
8th Edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ

Tahir-Kheli, R. (2018). Ordinary Differential Equations: Mathematical Tools for Physicists.

Springer Nature, Switzerland, AG

Zill, D.G. (2018). A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications.
11th Ed. Cengage Learning, Boston, MA: USA

Disclaimer. This module is intended for educational purposes ONLY. No reproduction of

contents and materials of the module as they maybe subject to copyright.
20 4.3. Summary

Module Evaluation

This module is a work in progress. We value your views for purposes of monitoring and for
further development. Please check the box appropriate to your experience with this module.
Provide comment/s in the space provided. Take note, that your views and comments will
be taken with utmost anonymity.

Course: Module No. Date:


1. I achieved the learning objectives of this module

Strongly Agree 2 2 2 2 2 Strongly disagree

2. I felt classes for this module were generally well-

prepared and organized
Strongly Agree 2 2 2 2 2 Strongly disagree

3. Adequate help was available when I needed it

Strongly Agree 2 2 2 2 2 Strongly disagree

4. I found the pace of this module

Far too slow 2 2 2 2 2 Far too fast

5. I found the coursework for this module

Far too easy 2 2 2 2 2 Far too difficult

6. I felt the amount of course work required for this module

Far too little 2 2 2 2 2 Far too much

7. Feedback on my progress in this module, so far, has been

Excellent 2 2 2 2 2 Non-existent

8. I found this module interesting

Strongly agree 2 2 2 2 2 Strongly disagree

9. I found the teaching and learning of this module

was engaging and intellectually challenging
Strongly agree 2 2 2 2 2 Strongly disagree

10. I came prepared to classes for this module

Strongly agree 2 2 2 2 2 Strongly disagree

11. Learning resources (books, journals, etc) for this module

Excellent 2 2 2 2 2 Extremely poor
Chapter 4. Some Generalities to Solving DE’s 21


12. Potfolio resources for this module were

Excellent 2 2 2 2 2 Extremely poor

13. IT resources for this module were

Excellent 2 2 2 2 2 Extremely poor

14. My required needs were met in this module

Strongly agree 2 2 2 2 2 Strongly disagree

15. What do you like best about this module?



16. What you change about this module?



Please use the space below to expand on any comments, or to add any other observations
you think would be useful. Thank you for your cooperation.
22 4.3. Summary

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