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Додаток до білетів 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27

Read the text below. For questions (1 – 10) choose the correct answer
(A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Custom Window Designers

Every house needs windows, so why not get 1) … ? Make your windows 2)
… with custom designs from Living Portals! Most window designs 3) … like
squares or rectangles. Do you prefer something more 4) … ? We’ll tilt it to the side
to make a diamond, or we'll curve it into an 5) … . Do you want something really
bold? Let us know at least 6) … in advance and we can create a custom polygon –
like a triangle – to fit your design needs. And who says that 7) … must have
straight sides? Check out 8) … of circles and ovals. These smooth, round designs
are beautiful 9) … practical. You’ll have no more difficult corners to clean and 10)
… are the same as for our square windows!

1 creative funny stupid crazy
2 special flat curvy straight
3 are named are shaped are bought are controlled
4 foolish interesting bad good
5 elegant elegant elegant arch elegant ant
elephant antelope
6 second two seconds a week three seconds
7 lanes rivers ponds windows
8 his selection her selection their selection our selection
9 and but except only
10 the slogans the flags the reasons the prices
Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (1 – 5). There are three
choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer

Unusual Shapes

The cuboids are the most popular building shapes. Flat, simple faces make
them easy to design and build. The interior space is 1) _________ easily numerous
cubes. However, great architects create buildings with virtually any 3-D shape.
Architects have used creative shapes 2) __________ . The ancient Egyptian
pyramids are an excellent example. Another example is the cones a top early 3)
_______ . Today, unusual shapes make urban environments more exciting. «The
Gherkin» in London is a cylinder. Its rounded surface adds 4) ________ to the
cityscape. Spheres and sphere-like shapes have a similar effect. Many sports
stadiums are topped with domes, which are breathtaking from 5) __________ .

A silk dress
B expensive car
C for thousands of years
D European churches
E the interior and the exterior
F visual interest
G divided into
H Italian farmers

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