Residental Areas

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In this day and age, wildlife threats problem has always been a

controversial topic to discuss with. One of the noticable issue is the

overpopulation of human, it affect the animals in many negative ways which
leads them to abandon their habitat to live near our areas. Today, we will be
discuss and explore about this major problem.

The human population growth is being increased over time, this

eventually pressures leading to more habitat loss of these wildlife creatures,
which forced them to live near residental areas. Moreover, if species lived with
human, all of them could be preys for mankind. For instance, bear killed by
human can be used as food, decoration and fashion -carpet, handbag, necklace,
etc- and the only way human approach this is through poaching.Illegal hunting
have serious impact on wildlife, esspecially when we life near the animals, it
will make many species became endanger or maybe extinct because the
restoration can't as fast as the consumption, biodiversity absolutely will be

This can cause an profound effect on many species and also the
ecosystem. Some remarkable causes I can tell u guys are loggin operation
activities, litters dropped my local residents and more… Let me add that,
speciments which will die when they dont have place to live . Biosystem could
broke due to alteration, not only that the animal quantity will drop dramatically.

In conclusion, we all have to agree that the wildlife animals are

getting affected critical in many ways. We, the human, should do
everything we could to protect and affect them as little as possible.

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