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QUESTION ANSWER BOOKLET CSE PUBLIC ADMIN. (MAIN) 2022 PAPERTI TEST -1 ‘Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 250 (STRUCTIONS Candidates should attempt Questions No. Land § which are compulsory, and any three of the [remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section. The number of marks carried by each question ty indicated at the end of the question Starting Time:- \o! 18 Closing Time:-|:9.3 Inyigilator’s Signature OLD RAJINDER NAGAR CENTER CLASS ROOM CENTRE | SECOND FLOOR (ABOVE SUBWAY NT) OLD RAJINDER NAGAR DELHI-60 eM ate te en ean cast sta ere} OUR kaE aaa sec aa SPACE FOR TEACHER’S REMARKS Below Average | Good Better | Outstanding ee for Teacher's/Evaluator's Remarks: puede to hewn |S sere 7 ‘ LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1] yearsofits establishment aethearet a ee sit #38 wus ‘A’ — Section ‘A’ fer lates, ee Answer the following in about 150 words each: must nt Prater Ye wale a ar 150 wet ¥ Gay Asie) 1O.X5's50:i irri 4. (a) | ster series ar arene Rex Reger ott father ete oT ver | wifes wei ae The scope of public administration is ever-expanding and diversifying. Elaborate. aes sa ets ENDL TE Punic Admivistaation in Hee actin die eas, dhe deo he apne change in Beaks a checeges i, Soe antentel tue {ob Yer quernance, h LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1 yearsofits establishment site 1. (b) | sarttoren, Potter site Geter 9 ches vere at eure vei afte afbefe arn Peer 8) LER, ean a ae LPG have made public administration flatter and outward-looking. Comment. _|,, "=" ne a ee a a a ee Wm ne world « LF yaad yea ies welawerd ber-bling oS & ie Be SY, Gout axeroaoed - Oo Ye ws het now ee es LUKMAAN IAS _-Celebrating 1 years of itsestablishment 7 1, (c) LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of ts establishment ore werent ater sity weiefe chai 8) as ag Renda when ag 8) (ba Real) faery avis wt Public administration is both public and administrative. It is not a unidirectional _ force. (Camilla Stivers) Elaborate. 10 vistbie pet 4 tue Werte Ht ss pilivery epee ee eee ee = ew fie 2 an feet wie Candidates rust not write on snus margin LUKMAAN IAS ¢ Celebrating 11 years of itsestablishment eer a LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years ofits establishment Aa cil Wat cattent a vara crabs ar arfey) wert am fags There should be effective implel 1. (d) FINE ge ai aay sev yw NPM had 2h mt Concant Seach usa gent OS art ae we be _answertblee U veel Yat carmen ay gee eonfter urteh . LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1 years ofitsestablishment ‘ LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 yearsofits establishment 1. (e) | “rer wa Pawar & site ore eh PB vac a ae an are at oR a ETE A get ape 8) ae Ga eh ofiver & SRY Paw Gentes aA creer eich Br afaeMe qui wY) | rates mustek “Governance is a continuum and not necessarily unidirectional: it do write on automatically improve overtime. It is a plant that needs « ye —— SSS ae pg PATEL RCH ae ateuctures , “a wedotn a gap sepeet 12 LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1 years ofitsestablishment LUKMAAN IAS_~_ - Celebrating 11 yearsofits establishment seen 2a) | er che emer aft adtaer ava geo oN HR a weer A eT a et ay ade | ORS See EN eine aoe eo Gt aan Se oe “The newness of New Public Administration is in the way f wover, not | ,,"er, necessarily in tl iat are used and the(newrfess is in arguments as to the proper use of[the fabri Sroweter shrestloarey (Gaetan Frederickson) Elucidate. & 20 NPA ee Viet MET toluse typllle, critiqued api oat fog h by Bote Cees = Ca MA- rl © as GC delunsnn Newnes? bo not yee ena = ao wet aNq sutures aa been. “iret aie eget _nmye cant oes a gees Io goayte 4" Ge ee ste ee poo Geb a gp Wy Partner Puc aatutiors Were atve Sa) ~Deceuetartie do Rahnee Concent ete SR e i by Unaiel 2 Gution ; 2.(b) LUKMAAN IAS)“ Celebrating 11 years of itsetablishment ‘fears ay Pa HeMRIT oT oReAET eTOrAR Se genet a yore oie onfeerrsereT gary A faaw & 2) gai & aha spar 8) year ae Wilson’s essay, The Study of Administration vacillates between the two poles of thought regarding the separability and inseparability of administration from politics. Evaluate. ss polities Eve this marge, LUKMAAN IAS (Celebrating 11 years ofits establishment 7 LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1 years ofitsestablishment LUKMAANIAS © Celebrating 11 yearsofits establishment ral a Ph on wr Ardler: 1990 a cera S Poet mem fm 8? ine sie Discuss how globalization of today is different from that ofthe 1990s? 15 | “anliaes nae — = = we on inmorsn 2.(e) Guebatiantin etwetad tin toe 20 LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years ofitsestablishment ool camped | i eeiias a prt ted ao wm wet = UA, REGO vseelh) sha LUKMAAN IAS meelebrating 11 yearsof itsestablishment 3.(a) KMAAN IAS » Celebrating 1 years of itsestablishment ate cers sore after wa @ atemeon ania ae wart were 2 ot atest a agral 24 oe srraea® wy a WI HY AEM a rUTG Hee ep We BY PH ge) afer fra ee ae ofaa e1 The Public Choice Approach essentially questions the hegemony of bureaucracy that seeks to promote sel-aggrandizement and unnecessarily inflate government. Examine to what extent its view is justified. 20 23 setern) al xa ity 4 et frac wre) wear ‘his marin, sik mi voce i Candidates, ot LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years ofitsestablishment 25 write on thie ma * LUKMAAN IAS =e Celebrating 1] years of its establishment ‘ ee 3.(b) | athe vores 4 arg feat & faarit & ary ay teat ge, ae ches meres Ge ys agile | te He remy Renker wea ata & a qe €? aveieur a Candiates’ rust ct Given the influx of scholars from many disciplines into public administration, is public administration closer or farther away from developing a core theoretical 15 base? Analyse. 26 ener LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1 years of its establishment Candidates vite oF this margin, 27 LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of its establishment 28 auteasa ot ra safe ¥ af fer ate) Candidates ‘must not she margin. - LUKMAAN IAS = Celebrating 11 years ofitsestablishment Bc) | ae va aite—atral aoa a agrey eer 81 (re TOTES) eT mE jake Globalization promotes a ‘corporate-coercive state’ (Ali Farazmand) Comment, | “lates 15 | ton smug 29 LEE MAAS A488 LUK IA Ss LUKMAAN 1AS Celebrating 11 years ofits establishment 4.(a) ARIA H) SIAN ci I MET way H Ret f1 wal wey The conceptualization of good governance is locatedin the ‘governance peter of public aiministratitry plecuss:) pe BERNE ee NBS 1 ee ee martes Ys _leprlnn ng Lv lot Cat Se oo gh, Se Con ae Sie: \yowernance pared gun’ Gurbani. besadigun atone eit (40s amd a gemonded ba LUKMAAN IAS «Celebrating 11 years ofits establishment proved! ©) Gonenaana. psallgon -somited ae yt vane yok OS BRM AA AAS 4.(b) é LUKMAAN ‘IAS Celebrating 11 years ofitsestablishment Giemsa 4 Tea & WH! HH) Bwana H] fated Gey aet ay S AaEaTK) VAT EIT ain vi gatfeat oi? gab sea, wet we fe gm coe oy um aeta corife fem & Hie ‘aat aeit 7g? What were the challenge behavioural school of thought that marked the heginning of crisis of i ae Th public administration? Also, discuss whyat this stage one schoo! of thou ent close to political science: 15 ue Widnes tame dinttes © a ‘A atiainiaantetn "San Maso pe Cha i ahi rae ge AG) CA Pose GK 0a te)? tne tele in jase tonsende jue ond g Nadi ty aan 2 iy termam Rebarcenlet fhe Maye wtio critieteed Ph de B acdivchng rane cies ninten pees dud guealool SP Qpenp etgnawittl and J falar . ea 35 write on this marge LRM AAP ANS \@ Perrd — uae aramked 2 a LURKMAAN IAS- Celebrating 11 yearsofitsestablishment 4.(c) Although Minnowbrook-lI marked the continuity of the legacy of Minnowbrook- | ,, "9% _|, but it'also sought to establish its oWn-distinctive identity. Discuss. 15 LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 yearsof its establishment wet araift Priga—ferha 9 Pretgecwee of eerie aff Precreen wt After Ren, Serer get | SOS A ort fre gears went aes at ah aT a) gal ay | ii Momaddarrh tonite? yur lakd a Ag Hi ete abt Oe Ew tre te hh tet = ee 38 LUKMAAN IAS . Celebrating 11 years ofitsestablishment MET ectaiioed lamtcty 9 von | age ieee. ceed US fae GS MeCE ie EE trek a re i We aref Hon MSOF and LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years ofits establishment 5.(a) LUKMAAN IAS (Celebrating 11 years ofits establishment ws ‘B’ Section ‘B’ Answer the following in about 150 words each: frafeatad 4S vets or orn ts0 wal F say diftry) ee aot fina & wa A oe WE } Seu 4A UTE SH ae GGT a sal we) Discuss the factors which contributed to the emergence « of public administration as a separate discipline. ni a 10X 5 =50 ‘write on this marge, “he boasts Adminis anion wap i a bey woldorn cin, det by WH Coe” 41 1 years of its establish 5.(b) LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years ofitsestablishment Rell eres eretuifre dered) oh vemos a any A facet cite Gay af fier erat B | fee mI Wilson and Weber share a common concern about establishing an efficient aa 10 I Public bureaucracy| Commeny. ioe Re pee ye ee wortact 3 te Med Fook ae ie ee Oud plouviowd SS cre d 2UW) Wien 43 seer ete ity tw farm so Candidates ‘wite on ‘his margin LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of its establishment Ruroancea LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of itsesiablishment aie a5 SUPT pr siete one we 8 fer Piel eta exer & oe MRE re 1 Ted LT 2 aa gS DEE ay aera of the Public Choice Approach is that the private sector wri aurebrted es ab, tank eit gagitinntge bor A 9eslEOs. LUKMAAN ‘IAS Celebrating 1] years ofitsestablishment cco, gett iastined OTR eos top Of Mey se, | 5.(d) globatization, Critically examine. p sloriization: Critica lyvevams LUKMAAN IAS é _.Celebrating.11 years of its establishment aetoer & ufone faerie ote fren eet A wrt el we 21 faeries eel wt aefow arm 8 aaa sh oe eB) Wrererncrm oer wy) The conse: es of © mein the LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years ofitsestablishment 5.(e) LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1 years of eae wae a ae brett 6.(a) ‘LUKMAAN IAS’ Celebrating 11 years of itsestablishment ‘SedrReT are Mara feng Ty rere ar yh wae Ges } few, Toy ar oa aro oreAT ah wr wel & fey wep ae feof yen 9 oa Fi sera 2) (Sciggh) ses aT fagerrey Be In order to make the full use of the opportunities provided by globalization, the state needs to emerge in a new ‘linking-pin’ role to mitigate its social costs. (Bertulucci) Analyses the statement. 20 eta wim erty an fra wit) Candidates waite on this margin, EVEN AM 158 LUKMAAN IAS tablish ‘ LUKMAAN IAS =a Celebrating II years of itsestablishment ste aed often ats (NPM) cia veinete aie sedert ob Ferg adi Ghewien ah) yep aeaet ol eiahic | ee Te ‘wen @ Gl 1990 ene me teh A ae | Gleray aly we) ener The New Public Management (NPM) refers to a series of novel approaches to ae public administration and management that emerged in a number of countries in the 1980s. Elaborate. 15 6.(b) 54 LURKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of itsestablishment TAA Ne 6.(c) « LURKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1! years of itsestablishment agave wares ob faq fees ach am apt arene ae err fe atk were @ ard Pt eet @ SAP OD) Careers Wey ae | The basic premise of Wilson’s argument for an efficient administration was that the affairs of public administration were synonymous with those of private 15 administration. Critically examine. 57 sete! oe ty 8 at fect =m Canlates hit marsh LUKMAAN IAS tablistin Celebrating || years ofits eatablishment 539 ity 4 aft freon ety Candidates write on / LUKMAAN IAS = Celebrating 11 years ofitsestablishment Pia Rats dere ger, que ob fry ew fey ut fram wit) Candioates rust nt tite oF providing a durable and consistent /} , we or juccess and failure. Discuss, 20 |" LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1 years ofitsestablishment 2 “tom _ Hh pee ouankita te ‘LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 yearsofits establishment MPM hao a ouiaed greed wp! / LUKMAANIAS «Celebrating || years ofitsestablishment. ‘ mre 7.(b) Coupee ae es UBL faery A ome eer er Canaan public ee Network res new mode of Superseding both bureaucratic sipeateerc nero ang market Soles era Network C2 ha been aforen by tonne 8" Teele . Oe Boo post NPM uectel tubal ae EE MAAS A886 2 orien Nis. anata wwodop “LUKMAAN IAS .-Celebrating 11 years ofits establishment zt ae SNEED D doer allow piarttl po ane | ite @ fronts wiser vert camnet” 7.(0) LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of ts establishment anthenr - Manes fait we Hoof freer @ aie Gt area A cae Ae aad dhe vw are aee gin side eter & | waretrerreray feeetwor a | Cardigates Thereseems to be a wide gulf bet iat good governance teaches intheory | ‘won and what is actually practiced, Critically analyse. a5) eer Good gamsnumch 0 am ‘deg a ered wha tre Wwertd Bank J 192 on bub —Sahsran voumtslts . WF War fm miler Blaney Eien 4hted tp Ce was . YD & +o & adder hod srnetues | 66 LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1 years ofitsestablishment 8.(a) LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years ofitsestablishment aim wares fama a) ada fale a der ae Discuss the current status of the discipline of public administration. 69 wetter] au sity 4 0 freer ee 20 | candidates write on this margin, BURMA ANS LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of itsestablishment setae me i Hoe frees sre write on this marin. 8.(b) LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of its establishme acterert eoyst stenenier rert & omer ae oe weer a op omy sere ach The Blacksburg Manifesto was an attempt to reposition public administration on the foundation of democratic governance. Elaborate. 15 confit eA GT We TT 2 ta fy 8 at freon ar Candidates rust net LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1 years of itsestablishment 73 usher’ al ie fy 9 38 rer wre 06 hie marge 8.(c) LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1! yeansofitsestablishment aa oer wri oh are oh lise ob oerer Se cere & Pe ites were Gem a fT a corer #8) fewoh we) The emergence of post-NPM models shows that public administration remains in search of a new paradigm. Comment 75 15 sete ee ty tft ‘corn wire Candidates ‘must not ‘this margh, ‘ LUKRMAAN IAS Colebrating 11 yearsofits establishment 16 soteand im iy 5 an oon wR Candidates ‘site om this mara eae Mains Test Series 2022 ni Cagis INS TEST SERIES AT LUKMAAN IAS ARE FACULTY-BASED S. ANSARI RATHER THAN ONLY MENTOR BASED / Brute-force for Mains Test Series doesn't work. ~ Writing Mains Test Series without specialized faculty-based guidance may not work for the most of the candidates. ~ Now there is a new trend that how many test series are written by a candidate rather than how good the test series is for the candidate, ~ A good answer is known by its content and perspective which comes Hier oe pov enaty understanding and specialized faculty-based pita TOTAL TEST 10: 60 AM yi3 | BY S. ANSARI & TEAM itera RAV LEMME he Ba Tle telat lle} in GS test series and the changing pattern of UPSC TOTAL SELECTION: 150+ IN CSE 2021 TOP RANKERS SINCE 2011 01, 02, 03, 05, 07, 08, 09 & 10 PR Or) vie QR — ENROLL Now Address; 60/17, 2nd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Dethi-110060 | €)@lukmanias

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