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QUESTION ANSWER BOOKLET ICSE PUBLIC ADMIN. (MAIN) 2022 PAPER I TEST -1V Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 250 NSTRUCTIONS Candidates should attempi Questions No. 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one guesiion from each Section. The mmber of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. Name: TRliAt Sth GEG... ‘ oe QNo. ‘Marks E-mail:.. Date of Exam.:.2% 441 2023 Mob. No,: Starting Time: (y+ 0 pou Closing Time:- >. - Zo pew Invigilator’s Signature © \ OLD RAJINDER NAGAR CENTER eee SPACE FOR TEACHER’S REMARKS Categories Below Average | Good Better | Outstanding average Space for Teacher's/Evaluator's Remarks: to wefc on fareg fui LBA SAN USS L. (a) LURKMAAN IAS Celebra ofits establishment arg ‘A’ Section ‘A’ Answer the following in about 150 words each: Prfeftar YA wet ar oerey 160 Tel A sae ATE! 10X 5 =50 | urteon as melon) friar & il alee: sears wl septa ote Reena ait PreffRer aver By ery | NE mn we | It is the executive control which ultimately determines the nature and characteristics of administration. Examine. re natant 9 Caractertetier 4 Ad abet Cthoctoy, Ray Vejen anh trenitive contre] oende Ao Responsive bmeiea ee — @ ec sausutig by Pruo for conan! ib EPieeiere Lavcteok seduce 4 LUKMAAN IAS rating 1 years of its establishmer aud teads & aolhuenct © Arley 2 Ving 161 tunds cb fertter —tanedoes anf & a Tanghl, SoLvE , MOGITY petals \B DSten —eateutire Lever? yy weak Mt beeods AA hen « GA, etch LL ‘MAAN IAS aif ves weep} ote ¥ ara 2") er we “Public policy is a purpaseful decision which hg citizens accept as saline” Examine. wu fF apr eer & site fo arte a es legally coercive LUKMAAN IAS @D Gut tnpoud ron cmoler Alpactir Leuk eplceunieh tet ive walang te a certden bined coesell deetsiem ats xg ag) ee LUKMAAN IAS 2. (c) | erga metsite WAIT HoT a fer wR] “Rule of Law and Droit Administratif shouldn't be staged inferior to one another. A well fomogenized gractice of both Is the most optimum solution for the © efficient-dis "Analyse. 10 1 gem wary Ree ermary 2" | feleerar ar arah age 8 are aT eR this margin. LUKMAAN TAS ok nnetd hernogeuised — ipsnt pan para Tounsly ghee tr pot 223418 Pie: rire Tweet uod fale aa Rat oe Pibunal have 6 worn “aus uermomtrived frnetite as So bomliIn + LURKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1 years of L.(a) | Aifeer a fea—wiaten @ one a armitat at afi anf 2) Runt a Media brings an active engagement of citizenry in day-to-day governance matt 10 medls is teHtin, Lonsihoced Ye eS fe ny ep fn LUKMAAN IAS LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating || yea Praen wity Candidates this mare, Seat varrersivern cor alee ay | rarer ay P amy ah The nature of control for upholding accountability has changed from the traditional ic if i supply side system of control cabrecarrerisian denne cee system o corse, Examine its effectiveness. > Content eS eae LY Feous on ced up Fecud om mathods ane etLeal 14 ee Berg go SD Ynaditicrnl mechaciems af aes D they have th Chap ction? LUKMAAN IAS OEE en het dee, Bee Celebrating | ils establishment LUKMAAN IAS 2.(b) } eeon—ame wate ©) cisticr Hie verert A abedier Rey a it ee B 1 pert as_come to occupy centre stage in the statement. LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1 years ofits 2 aye Socletie fledny gept what gat i OE tetas sss, faashane bai ene 18 LUKMAAN IAS prating. 11 years of is establishrnent fe & LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 year tablishment 2.(e) | semen furs erterttreer are fren eifte et oftafta ex fern @ | wareherier weer wR Delegated legislation is a usurpation of legislative powers by the executive. | ritically examin a 15 Dele Oe Ee mithavemn where fae ore wade wm PERE foie, hay Leap teline anh 6, venti fey eatsaat A satan Known ao xubortinaie A 20 LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of is establishment Hse: Leegictetare — paku lawe —s Eaneutee pat, ——— \ u es Shreaioe St % derd Howard casted Et daepere ax toe i Silla, toot (pata rere eats te 6 dang Diblbiation @ a ageinth enanhel: 4 demteraip- © a4 Belo! _ aemankied ot Aub aa Wy ° inp wade ror Yorlaws tical made rnnse—Pan lobe? aa Dee See — me 3.(a) LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of its establishmen Ren ert gore & wa arr oe Pee Heel 2, fewro ae gamer oy hart far at oe fora wen EreAPT vate cei The efficacy of legislative control over administration depends upon the overall | |, witeor functioning of theTegislative system, which has(seen,p diminishing trend C oh 20 comment. spe 23 LUKMAAN IAS ig ec eens ite — » OS OES TERRE ASERIY Si te houaes LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 1 years of ils establishment TET facet eee, eee Bred tur pucdawens have Se ee ee eee — ICT fas seduced dliepetroy TAM. tnt fre 887: LURKMAAN IAS Celebra iF ae ah aay we he a t.(b) | 9a sree atv arre # soo 4 shetat siife Ue sree azarae fear & | lary ahr ae — Social audit as @ concept and practice has brought a(paradign) shift in the way * 15 | me meeh, accountability of the state should be upheld. Elaborate. 26 AMON LAS Tretbdeoretye gauorunabralty elev, twoao tien ana retootep | ie ty hi am ao afftnort cat ae qt oa ag Gs en Bees, ee ee ea practise hoo wot uattnweted 9 bara ee ee ¢ ee any kaa Wahel 4 Avtlal 1 ds insecttibuna tine 2 nt 8 Ie Peale 9 plane ote Shae > ME, my Conferene® aremmmenstad 8 On” por ott Seelap A egy 28 LUKMAAN IAS 3.(c) “ee pet nied LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of itsestablishiment 4.(a) gare at cite ae wee) ETAT sitet fe * fees das e") oe iat 8 orate a @ fog Re earet eivori a) yl aE ABCIT et oT | candidates 2) fermi reset this mar, “Elections equal to democracy and victory at the ballot box is a blank check to rule without interference”. It is in this context, the role of CSOs becomes very important for an accountable governance. Comment. 20 32 LUKMAAN IAS eat A al LUKMAAN IAS clebrating 11 years ofits establishinien “ 4(b) | ek w seam cater Fea, gard oie aaah afta & RT HT Wee eT | Fao | wie 4 wy Candiaates Dror’s optimal rational model is an act of integration of incrementalist and | "new rationalist paradigm. Comment. 15 seen 35 —— LUKMAAN IAS LURKMAAN IAS Celebrating | years ofits establishment m 4.(c) ET wr Steere yeth uve’ & fare Refs ter wear & ot Pe aaa | rai | ime x nf | Candidates, Right to information creates conditions for ‘open government’ which is the | jun foundation of democracy. Discuss. 15 earn 38 LA aS aaa 5.(a) LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of ils establishment fh fea Candidates wug ‘B’ Section ‘B’ Answer the following in about 150 words each: Prafattaa 4 a wets or erprr iso wel F sae SHforg 10X5=50 | viteon “aie Ae ae 2 Gt ava al ariRat & we alte wer fe ai ae 4 fawmet vec | he mein B) Rerdiewreot ak) “Public policy is what governments do anf fail to do to apd for their citizens”. Elucidate. 10 = LUKMAAN IAS Celebra of its establishrt (atlas _fonesnaiart: Lita pesiiles Boke IAM Hilt Ghondtiak Aude Lenn as Cotes erm py aeoare. x emrmuptior ) tock tnenieg— (Bde on mutate” whe eae ag eas, CSOs daa) tie re fa: asad back 4 eee aves Rides | Adie PAL aie ror notence whe acope leaped pete, LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating | years af its establishment 5.(b) fi e oet gra at ae affect area wt | Explain the typolagy of public policy given by\Theodore Lowi fistributive, regulatory, redistributive and constituent policy. 10 ae ee pas hee fa aa, frame, ater site wea Ha ah we Wusderte low! hao give ctacet fea tir LURMAAN TAS Celebrating 11 ablis! - - FeAP ew Neoo —fEMh dev i doiestwn (2 D] Roakela Derive. Tae Fant Sin om AED ® 44 LUKMAAN IAS (Celebrating 11 years of its establishmen 5.(e) yal oy fe for wane fa Discuss how vario: olicy? policy: 1 we cla fe a equa o) wana wea 2B) pes of intrest groups influence in the emergence of public Aaa LB edd th Uiangto to pall aor me 3 © (> LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of its establishment i.(d) T Oe Waa Hoe Ae APT GI adr & Judicial control cher sArnISatiR may not be considered an effective system of checks and bi it is indirect and intermittent. Examine, 10 ieee eee eee — pn euc&ed unda Art 13, 52,226, 136 he Few mat effects ao it we fudisect 4 Sntunettont 7 LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating | | years ofits establishment LUKMAAN IAS ils establishment je) | ferret fara zi em fa @ aa A foam wySt } serebsferaot ® ward a aah wy) What do you understand by policy think tanks? Discuss the effects of the transnationalisation of think tanks in the field of public policy. 10 = Fertig tubnk) Hawkes —— Ett unt @ pri ae Be SRA «ts 9 ag Roe nk — Aatere Fauniloction fy halts ramanationatiaation §) fala tons std, cle oo aunagey F Mitet “ently “otek wes. ©) ee LURKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of itsestablishment 6.(a) LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of its establishment wa thd eet oie wake A carte da at ayaa soneh ot nie wn waiter fay & ford wor a “net a wy 4 ear | vad ey dare far ven a, 4 fy artesian" | fer we The rolling back of the state and agencification model have seriously affected the traditional system of accountability mechanisms which were devised keeping in mind the state as “doer’, not “steerer”. Comment. 20 een Fife 51 Freaen ity Canaicates this mar pat pe SARGERAS JAS LUKMAAN IAS Celebriiting [1 years of its establishment ag fe —PrHioy vita a ater db) | aie ereiser, “fe aia & ead wos veqall 4a we vel Pan or wm 8) Geict S wey are a Policy implementation is one of the most difficult aspects of the policy process, which cannot be separated from policy-making process. Explain with illustrations, 15 54 fe Con write on this margin. LAMAR AAS aioe 6.(c) LUKMAAN IAS g 11 years of tis establishment Celebrat seinaiin =araeerwy ob Rena A navarfetens oh) xeaetae wl HAY foe 8 | MATA, faveriy a The growth of administrative tribunals has undermined the independence of the 15 judiciary. Critically analyse. thie mare rh i LLM AAR IAS LUKMAAN IAS street wont at m Ferg ony = W fee rar arent 81 ga Ga & ow Hare 1 aT, ey | The practice of the ombudsman system if a. commitment of the governmentand is also a promise made to its citizens for delivering ap accountable governance In the light of the statement, examine the role of i Loken nd 20 Ointment cies A> pedares 4 Deane a4 74a) ths marin. 60 LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of its establishment Ws ast Winblny wetter VE ee cmvctrol eR 0B) ty Lente win bao tid go ctizen cubic, ee ee 61 LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 tablishry BE apie ta apt rls oka SN ete eae ee A Wwedin aco: 62 7b) LUKMAAN IAS cating 11 years of its establishment aoa Pra, grata Peta ste aang Pera efter 2 | ayearé) sore amen we tem consists of value judgement, reality Vickers’ model of the appreciative sys 1s —— judgement and action judgment. Explain. sifeee rorder ke dn ws baci fora eto 63 wt re nifty nf from wey ‘canaicates ‘write on this margin ao =_ by He echt anakeer . | Sie LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of its establishment 7.40) LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating |} years of its establishment ae amy ga fea Geena & A rdaita aie cw dev-aierfers ane 8? oper a ard Aft —Ptator a ea ah Ree a cieat ¥ site aul wy Do you agree with the view that public policy is a rte driven exercish? Elaborate | ™"t inthe Context ofthe evolution of the field of public policy-making in Indig. 15 — | man 66 LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating, | years of itsestablishment fubite Mein im Tatlin. hao been Lovett eneauibe 19 opie RE a d et aa, ge panefoovitacleen LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating || years ofits establishinent B [teas ~ ly = ee ae LURKMAAN IAS 1. (e) | aeeRion A stan) Raf 1 ae, AM HR “Transparency has a th 1 tradition si1d)ofb i lly examine. 10 CAM AAR IAS Bul Prams as indired Aue er (A Cabral Lawn & gbenelrny See BA Cheuctunal ast. Qlia LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating 11 years of its establishment me Frere amt wanftcr axe & of Pata frator a fare camer’ | atte 4 an after & fare a uRtereuer weer By Ret we | ce Lindblom’s incremental model rejects the idea of ‘root’ and projects the idea of | ™"™ ‘branch’ approach to decision-making. Comment. 20 this margin 69 ae LUKMAAN IAS LURKMAAN IAS Celebrating | 1 years ofits establishment 3.(b) | seria ote octet Frater wi ara aur aiee #? GutsT Pte ¥ ofa free wh avrart ah arat | ete ve 5 from wi #1 Candidates What are the differences between public opinion and agenda-setting? Discuss | ™#n John Kingdon’s contribution to agenda-setting. 15 Seine 2 LL Ade JAS Ae LUKMAAN IAS Celebrating | | years of its establishment coors Bie) | era Foote & ra aay err €? em ere oh eB RD AR a so orefeaemr | oe 4 & Rg aye yd—ae abet #2 aA af, at aa, ote wi ae, ah at aah Candidates What do you understand by policy failures? Does it mean there are some pre- ae conditions for effective implementation of policy? If yes, then why, and ifno, | “sr then why not. a5 75 er a LUKMAAN IAS Editorial Discussion THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE AND HOLISTIC or CURRENT AFFAIRS CLASSES Admission Open 5 | QUINT Enroll Now ED IS HELPFUL FOR ALL THE THREE STAGES Prelims Mains _—_ Interview KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT INSIGHT, UNDERSTANDING AND PERSPECTIVE IS NOT ADEQUATE FOR THE UPSC TOP RANKER SINCE 2016 05 07) 14/31 41)59/74) ERTS EPL Osea ale CICS APA Bama Ea ml eB I\s1t) Online/Offline Mode BY - S. ANSARI & TEAM discussions Wie Ansari Sir Thouke & Regards Aeuinay I. fans WpRuimod MR IY LPSC CoE 2621 ABHINAV J. JAIN G24 Utkarsh Dwivedi Ishita Rathi Preetam Kumar 14 6OO4=- Yasharth Shekhar PriyamvadaA.M. — Abhinav J. Jain Mehak Jain Sree Tat lea eee Tete) § 9654034293 | @s8506099919 | @)@lukmanias Address: 60/17, 2nd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Open Enroll Now’ My LURMAAN TAS Ethics BATCH-I ee ae By S. Ansari Objective is to enhance your level of preparedness so that you are quite confident in attempting such questions in the CSE 2022. Total Selection: 150+ in CSE 2021 = TOP RANKERS SINCE 2013 = COUPE AUC LS F helacvAoKy vse @s506099919 CCU ue Te a Ueto 60/17, 2nd Floor, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delthi-110060 PENT RY Admission) [ins MARKS — RANK 117 05 117 49 116 | 53 114 | «11

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