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Daily Learning Plan in Science 11: Physical Science

Second Semester: Final Term
Module 2: Why We Believe that the Laws of Physics are Universal
March 20 – 24, 2023

I. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding Aristotelian vs. Galilean

views of motion; How Galileo used his discoveries in mechanics (and astronomy) to address
scientific objections to the Copernican mode; Newton’s Laws of Motion; Newton’s Law of
Universal Gravitation; and Mass, momentum, and energy conservation.

II. Performance Standard: N/A

III. 21st Century Skills Integration:

 Communication  Collaboration
 Critical Thinking  Computing
 Creative Thinking  Career & Life Skills
Cross-Cultural Understanding

IV. Integration SMS Goals

 C – Christ-centeredness  I – Innovativeness and Confidence
 H – Honor and Leadership S – Service and Joy
 R – Responsibility and Excellence T – Temperance and Obedience

V. Values Integration through:

Scriptural Scriptural Message: Matthew 24:35
Message Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.
Fr. Al’s Message: Homily, August 11, 1991
Christ, in the Gospel, announces the Golden Rule with these words,
“Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. This is the
Fr. Al’s Message entire law and the prophets.” The meaning of these words is: this
golden rule of charity and brotherly love is everything. It contains all
the commandments, the precepts and the rules and regulations of
God. It is the most important and the most essential.

VI. Daily Learning Log:

Elements Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Recall essential Different notions Cite examples of Describe what Differentiate
concepts about of Aristotle and waves (FK-AK) happens when dispersion,
motion. Galileo (CK-AK) light is reflected, scattering,
Interpret d-t and interference, and

(FK-AK) Explain the refracted,

v-t graphs properties and transmitted, diffraction.

(CK-AK) propagation of and absorbed (CK-AK)

Enumerate light. and their
Newton’s laws (CK-AK) mechanism.
Differentiate (CK-AK)
Axioms from
Empirical Laws
A1:Recap A4:Giving of A7:Let’s Wave A10:Recap A13:Recap
Learning Activities

(Big Group Activity) Instructions (Big Group Activity) (Big Group Activity) (Big Group Activity)
Before - 7 minutes (Big Group Activity) - 7 minutes - 7 minutes - 7 minutes
- 2 minutes
A2:Quiz A5:Test Proper A8:Table A11:Moving A14:Demonstratio
(Small Group Activity) (Big Group Activity) Completion Experiment n with Discussion
During - 30 minutes - 40 minutes (Small Group Activity) (Small Group Activity) (Big Group Activity)
- 25 minutes - 30 minutes - 30 minutes
A3:Summary A6:Collection of A9:Summary A12:Summary A12:Summary
(Big Group Activity) materials (Big Group Activity) (Big Group Activity) (Big Group Activity)
After - 10 minutes (Big Group Activity) - 8 minutes - 8 minutes - 8 minutes
- 3 minutes
Evaluation Summary (FA) Test Questionnaire Summary (FA) Summary (FA) Summary (FA)




Week 5
Day 1 (Monday)
Topic: Concept Check on Motion
Specific Learning Competency. The learners are expected to recall essential concepts about
motion. (FK-AK)
Traditional paper, pen
Digital SMART Television, Laptop with PowerPoint Presentation
I. Before (10 minutes)
A. Daily Routine (3 minutes)
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance and uniform
3. Checking of cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom
B. A1: Recapitulation of the previous lesson (Big Group Activity) - 7 minutes
Ask a student to recall the topics discussed in Motion.
1. Motion based on Aristotle and Galileo
2. Motion Graphs
3. Newton’s Laws
4. Newton VS. Galileo and Newton
5. Conservation of Momentum
C. Motivation N/A
II. During (30 minutes)
D. A2: Quiz (Small Group Activity) – 30 minutes
Differentiated Instruction for Learners
Independent Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to independently
answer the activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper.
Instructional Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to answer the
activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper with their pair.
Intervention Instruction
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given a detailed instruction
on how the activity will be answered and overview of its part. Students will be given time
to answer the activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper with their pair.
Contents of the quiz are lifted from Physical Science Module 5 – Written Work 1
items 13 – 30 pages 32 – 39. After 20 minutes, checking will follow.
SMS Core Values: Responsibility and Excellence; Innovativeness and Confidence;
Temperance and Obedience
21st Century Skills: Communication; Collaboration; Critical-Thinking; Computing Skills
III. After (10 minutes)
E. Summary of the day’s activity A3: Summary (Big Group Activity) - 8 minutes
Students from the class will answer the following questions:
1. What are the 3 categories of motion? How did Aristotle and Galileo describe each
2. What are the 2 types of graphs? What does the slope of each graph represent? What
are the different types of slopes?
3. What are the 4 laws of motion based on Newton? Recite the maxim of each law.
4. How different are the ideas of Newton from Galileo and Kepler?
5. What is the formula of conservation of momentum? How was it derived?
F. Closing Routines (2 minutes)
Closing Prayer for the last subject in the morning and afternoon (Glory be….
Virgin of the Poor – pray for us…. Venerable Aloysius Schwartz – pray for us).

Day 2 (Tuesday)
Topic: Module 2 Summative Test
Specific Learning Competencies. The learners are expected to:
a. compare and contrast the Aristotelian and Galilean conceptions of vertical motion,
horizontal motion, and projectile motion; (CK-AK)



b. explain how Galileo inferred that objects in vacuum fall with uniform acceleration, and
that force is not necessary to sustain horizontal motion; (CK-AK)
c. explain how the position vs. time, and velocity vs. time graphs of constant velocity
motion are different from those of constant acceleration motion; (CK-AK)
d. recognize that the everyday usage and the physics usage of the term “acceleration” differ:
In physics an object that is slowing down, speeding up, or changing direction is said to
be accelerating; (CK-AK) and
e. explain each of Newton’s three laws of motion. (CK-AK)
Traditional paper, pen, calculators, test papers
Digital N/A
I. Before (5 minutes)
A. Daily Routine (3 minutes)
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance and uniform
3. Checking of cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom
B. Recapitulation of the previous lesson N/A
C. Motivation N/A
D. A4: Giving of Instructions (2 minutes)
II. During (40 minutes)
E. A5: Summative Test Module 2
Distribution of test questionnaires and answering of the test.
III. After (5 minutes)
F. A6: Collection of materials (3 minutes)
Answer sheets, test papers, and calculators
G. Closing Routines (2 minutes)
1. Closing Prayer for the last subject in the morning and afternoon (Glory be…. Virgin
of the Poor – pray for us…. Venerable Aloysius Schwartz – pray for us).

Module 3: How Light acts as a Wave and a Particle

I. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding How light acts as a wave
and a particle; and Electricity and Magnetism.
II. Performance Standard: N/A
III. 21st Century Skills Integration:
 Communication  Collaboration
 Critical Thinking  Computing
 Creative Thinking  Career & Life Skills
Cross-Cultural Understanding
IV. Integration SMS Goals
 C – Christ-centeredness  I – Innovativeness and Confidence
 H – Honor and Leadership S – Service and Joy
 R – Responsibility and Excellence T – Temperance and Obedience
V. Values Integration through:
Scriptural Message: Isaiah 40:22
Scriptural It is He who sits above the circle of the earth and its inhabitants are
Message like grasshoppers who stretches out the heavens like a curtain and
spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.
Fr. Al’s Message: Homily– Justice I
This is your role, your vocation, your calling. You practice justice; and,
Fr. Al’s Message
by your example and by your words, teach others in society to practice

Day 3 (Wednesday)
Topic: Light
Specific Learning Competencies. The learners are expected to:
a. cite examples of waves (e.g., water, stadium, sound, string, and light waves); (FK-AK)
b. explain how Newton and Descartes described the emergence of light in various colors
through prisms. (CK-AK) and

c. describe how Galileo and Roemer contributed to the eventual acceptance of the view that
the speed of light is finite. (CK-AK)
Traditional paper, pen, handouts
Digital SMART Television, Laptop with PowerPoint Presentation
I. Before (15 minutes)
A. Daily Routine (3 minutes)
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance and uniform
3. Checking of cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom
B. Checking of Summative Test (5 minutes)
Answers are found in the PowerPoint presentation.
C. A7: Motivation Let’s Wave (Big Group Activity) - 7 minutes
Which picture does not belong to the group?

II. During (25 minutes)

D. A8: Activity Table Completion (Small Group Activity) – 25 minutes
Differentiated Instruction for Learners
Independent Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to independently
answer the activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper.
Instructional Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to answer the
activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper with their pair.
Intervention Instruction
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given a detailed instruction
on how the activity will be answered and overview of its part. Students will be given time
to answer the activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper with their pair.
Table and answers are found in Physical Science Module 7 – A2. Library Research
pages 5 – 7. After 15 minutes, checking will follow.
SMS Core Values: Responsibility and Excellence; Innovativeness and Confidence;
Temperance and Obedience
21st Century Skills: Communication; Collaboration; Critical-Thinking; Computing Skills
III. After (10 minutes)
E. A9: Summary of the day’s activity (Big Group Activity) - 8 minutes
Students from the class will answer the following questions:
1. How did Newton and Descartes used prisms to understand light?
2. How did Galileo and Roemer that speed of light is finite?
F. Closing Routines (2 minutes)
Closing Prayer for the last subject in the morning and afternoon (Glory be….
Virgin of the Poor – pray for us…. Venerable Aloysius Schwartz – pray for us).

Day 4 (Thursday)
Topic: Properties of Light
Specific Learning Competencies. The learners are expected to:
a. describe what happens when light is reflected, refracted, transmitted, and absorbed;
b. describe how the propagation of light, reflection, and refraction are explained by the wave
model and the particle model of light. (CK-AK)

Traditional paper, pen, handouts, graphing papers

Digital SMART Television, Laptop with PowerPoint Presentation

I. Before (10 minutes)
A. Daily Routine (3 minutes)
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance and uniform
3. Checking of cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom
B. A10: Recapitulation of the previous lesson (7 minutes)
Ask a student to recall yesterday’s lesson.
C. Motivation N/A
II. During (20 minutes)
D. A11: Activity Moving Experiment (Small Group Activity) – 30 minutes
Differentiated Instruction for Learners
Independent Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to independently
perform the activity.
Instructional Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to perform the
activity with their quadrant.
Intervention Instruction
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given a detailed instruction
on how the activity is performed and overview of its part. Students will be given time to
perform the activity with their quadrant.
Procedure of each experiment are found in Physical Science Module 7 – A1. Moving
Experiment page 3 – 5. After 15 minutes, students will share their observation in
each experiment to the class.
SMS Core Values: Responsibility and Excellence; Innovativeness and Confidence;
Temperance and Obedience
21st Century Skills: Communication; Collaboration; Critical-Thinking; Computing Skills
III. After (10 minutes)
E. A12: Summary of the day’s activity (Big Group Activity) - 8 minutes
Ask a student to answer a question below:
1. How is light reflected?
2. How is light refracted?
3. How is light transmitted?
4. How is light absorbed?
F. Closing Routines (2 minutes)
Closing Prayer for the last subject in the morning and afternoon (Glory be….
Virgin of the Poor – pray for us…. Venerable Aloysius Schwartz – pray for us).

Day 5 (Friday)
Topic: Behavior of Light
Specific Learning Competency. The learners are expected to differentiate dispersion,
scattering, interference, and diffraction. (CK-AK)
Traditional paper, pen, handouts
Digital SMART Television, Laptop with PowerPoint Presentation
I. Before (10 minutes)
A. Daily Routine (3 minutes)
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance and uniform
3. Checking of cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom
B. A13: Recapitulation of the previous lesson/s (Big Group Activity) - 7 minutes
Ask a student to recall yesterday’s lesson.
C. Motivation N/A
II. During (30 minutes)
D. A14: Activity Demonstration with Discussion (Small Group Activity) – 30 minutes



Differentiated Instruction for Learners

Independent Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to independently
prepare for their demonstration.
Instructional Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to prepare for
their demonstration with their quadrant.
Intervention Instruction
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given a detailed instruction
on how to demonstrate and explain the behavior of light and overview of its part.
Students will be given time to prepare for their demonstration with their quadrant.
Procedure and explanation are found in Physical Science Module 7 – A3 – A4.
Demonstration with Discussion page 7 – 10. After 10 minutes, students will present
their demonstration.
SMS Core Values: Responsibility and Excellence; Innovativeness and Confidence;
Temperance and Obedience
21st Century Skills: Communication; Critical-Thinking; Computing Skills
III. After (10 minutes)
E. A15: Summary of today’s lesson (Big Group Activity) – 8 minutes
Ask a student to answer a question below:
1. How does light disperse?
2. How does light scatter?
3. How does light interfere?
4. How does light diffract?
F. Closing Routines (2 minutes)
Closing Prayer for the last subject in the morning and afternoon (Glory be…. Virgin of
the Poor – pray for us…. Venerable Aloysius Schwartz – pray for us).

A. Analytic Rubric
B. Table of Specifications

C. Test Questions in Test Format

Test questionnaire is found at the end of this document.


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