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Class 10 - English Language and Literature

Sample Paper - 11 (2022-23)

Maximum Marks: 80

Time Allowed: : 3 hours

General Instructions:

1. 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.

2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE.
3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Section A
1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
1. Have you every failed at something so miserably that the thought attempting to do it again was the last thing you
wanted to do?
2. If your answer is yes, then you are "not a robot" Unlike robots, we human beings have feelings, emotions, and
dreams. We are all meant to grow and stretch despite out circumstances and our limitations. Flourishing and trying to
make our dreams come when you fail despite all of your hard work? Do you stay down and accept the defeat or do
you get up again and again until you are satisfied? If you have a tendency to perserve and keep going then you have
what experts call, grit.
3. Falling down or failing is one of the most agonising. embarrassing, and scariest human experiences. But, it is also
one of the most educational. empowering, and essential parts of living a successful and fulfilling life. Did you know
that perseverance is one of the seven qualities that have been described as the keys to personal success and
betterment in society? The other six are: curiosity. gratitude. optimism, self-control social intelligence, and zest.
Thomas Edison is a model for grit for trying 1000 plus times to invent the light bulb. If you are reading this with the
lights on in your room, you know well he succeeded. When asked why he kept going despite his hundreds of failures,
he merely stated that what he had were not failures. They were hundreds of ways not to create a light bulb. This
statement not only revealed his grit but also his optimism for looking at the bright side.
4. Grit can be learned to help become more successful. One of the techniques that helps is mindfulness. Mindfulness is
a practice that helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his/her experience without judgment
with this practice of mindfulness, individuals have the ability to stop the self-sabotaging downward spiral of
hopelessness, despair and frustration.
5. What did you do to overcome the negative and self sabotaging feelings of failure? Reflect on what you did, and try to
use those same powerful resources to help you today.
i. 'Grit can be learned to help become more successful. The underlined word can be substituted with the word
________ from the passage.
ii. Choose the statement from the following that is NOT APPROPRIATE according to the passage.
a. Grit can not be learned to help become more succesful.
b. Practising our dreams come true is great when life is going out way.
c. Mindfulness can be learned to help you become more successful
d. Reflect on what you did and try to use those same powerful resources to help you.
iii. Select the sentence from the following that reveals Thomas Edison's grit.
a. Did you know that grit is one of the seven qualities that have been described as the keys to personal success
and betterment in society?

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b. We are all meant to grow and stretch despite our circumstances and out limitations.
c. They were hundreds of ways not to create a light bulb.
d. Thomas Edison is a model for grit.
iv. According to the passage, falling down or failing is one of the most ________, ________ and ________ human
v. What does the phrase 'keep going' refers to in the line-'If you have the tendency to reserve and keep going'?
a. to walk
b. get wild
c. moving in a certain direction
d. Continue doing something difficult
vi. Select the appropriate option to complete the given sentence.

The word 'gratitude' refers to the quality of being ________

a. regretful
b. thankless
c. arrogant
d. thankful
vii. Choose the option that makes the correct use of 'model', as used in the passage to fill in the blank space.
a. They allowed me to ________ it on stage.
b. Jone Auston was regarded as the ________ of grit in fiction.
c. The first woman up was not certainly a ________
d. The business ________ must work because of its novelty.
viii. Which of the following can stop the self-sabotaging downward spiral of hopelessness, despair and frustration?
a. mindfulness
b. growth
c. gratitude
d. hard work
ix. Failure is the most frustrating emotion felt by a person who is regularly trying. (True/false)
x. Complete the given analogy correctly with a word from the passage.

Despair : disdain :: ________ : Positivity

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papers with their own name and logo.
2. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

1. E-learning is the process of acquiring knowledge through electronic technologies and resources. A rise in the number
of internet users has increased the market demand for sophisticated online learning courses. According to the Office
for National Statistics, nearly all adults in the age group of 10 to 44 years in the UK were recent internet users (99
%) in 2019.

The availability of enhanced network connectivity coupled with the convenience offered by on-demand courses, will
drive the market size.

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2. According to the World Economic Forum, around 1.2 billion children are out of classrooms with schools shut down
globally due to COVID-19 pandemic. Electronic Learning Management Systems such as Google Classroom is
helping classes to connect distantly. communicate efficiently and stay organized. Large scale national efforts to
leverage technology to the market players in support of distance education, remote, and online learning during the
covid-19 pandemic are emerging and evolving rapidly.
3. The virtual classroom technology in the e-learning market is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual
Growth Rate) of 11% during the forecast timespan. A virtual classroom is a digital environment that enables live
interaction between a tutor and a learner. Videos conferencing and online white-board for real-time collaboration are
the most common tools used in a digital teaching space. Synchronous and collaborative virtual classes allows active
participation of students, reacting an environment similar to a physical classroom.
4. The technique is gaining traction with an increasing number of corporate and academic sectors deploying it for
enhanced training sessions. Multilateral organizations and world bodies, such as WHO and G 20, are also deploying
e-learning modes to teach healthcare professionals.
5. Content providers segment accounted for around 60% e-learning market share in 2019 E-learning providers share
content on a varied range of topics by collaborating with domain experts that help them to develop the learning
content. They focus on offering specific and customized content as per the end-user requirements.
i. Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
1. According to the World Economic Forum, around 1.2 billion children are out of classrooms.
2. Schools are shot down due to COVID-19 pandemic.
a. (1) is the result of (2).
b. (1) is the reason for (2).
c. (1) is independent of (2).
d. (1) contradicts (2).
ii. Multilateral organizations and world bodies are ________ to teach healthcare professionals.
iii. Select the option that lists the INCORRECT statement from the ones given below.

(I) E-learning is the process of acquiring knowledge through electronic technologies and resources.

(II) All adults in the age group of 16 to 14 years in the UK were recent internet users (99%) in 2019.

(III) A rise in the number of internet users has increased the market share physical classroom.

(IV) Content providers segment accounted for around 60% e-learning share in 2010.
a. (III)
b. (IV) and (II)
c. (II) and (I)
d. (l)
iv. State the common tool used in digital teaching space.
v. What is the process of acquiring knowledge, through electronic technology and resources?
vi. Select the appropriate option to fill in the blank.

________ is gaining attention in the academic sectors.

a. Paperback
b. Virtual classrooms
c. E-books
d. Offline classes
vii. Pick the option that gives the correct meaning of the following statement from the options given below.

The online market of learning is supposed to be maximized by 2026.

(I) Nearly all adults in the age group of 16 to 44 years in the LK were recent internet users (99 %) in 2018.

(II) A virtual classroom is a sophisticated environment that enables live interaction

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(III) The E-Learning market size is expected to reach $357 billion by 2026.

(IV) Video conferencing and online whiteboard are the most common tools used in the World Eonomic Forum.
a. (I)
b. (IV)
c. (II)
d. (III)
viii. E-commerce providers share content on a varied range of topics. (True/false).
ix. What percent of e-learning market share was segmented by the content providers in 2019?
x. According to the World Economic Forum, how many students were out of classrooms as an effect of COVID-
3. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the following.

Neeta ________ the whole project and it had to be cancelled.

a) botch down
b) botched down
c) botch up
d) botched up
4. Report the dialogue between a mother and her son, by completing the sentence:
Son: Can you give me some money, mom?

Mother: Where have you spent your pocket money?

On being asked for money, the mother questioned the son that ________.
5. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line, from an article on Global Warming.

The greenhouse effect is when the Sun’s rays penetrate the atmosphere, but when that heat is reflected off the surface
________ escape back into space.
a) can
b) must not
c) cannot
d) should
6. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a report from the News for Kids site and supply the correction.

Bee bus stops are a small step toward supporting important pollinate insects.

Use the given format for your response.

error correction
7. Look at the drunken driver at the end of street! He_____ an accident.
a) has
b) is having
c) is going to have
d) will have
8. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of a letter:

Dear Madam

This is with reference to posters ________ (bear) the message of ‘crash diet’ being posted around our school premises.
9. Report the dialogue between a mother and her daughter, by completing the sentence:

Mother: When will your exams start?

Daughter: Next month, Mother.

In response to the question about her exams, the daughter told her mother that ________.
10. Identify the error and supply the correction, for the following:

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Make yourself, your family and your city secure of corona

Health Department, Chandigarh Administration
Use the given format for your response.
error correction
11. The boss asked the new joinee Aisha a few questions on her first day. Report the question the boss asked.

Do you like working in sales?

12. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the conversation between Jim to Della.

________ you prepare a cup of tea for me, please?

a) Will
b) Could
c) Can
d) Would
13. Choose the correct reported speech of a given sentence:

"Don't play on the grass, boys," she said.

a) She tells the boys not to play on the grass
b) She told the boys not to play on the grass
c) She told the boys not to played on the grass
d) She tells the boys not to played on the grass
14. Identify the error in the given sentence, from a report from the News for Kids site and supply the correction.

The advertising company Clear Channel has working with The Wildlife Trusts and city governments to set up bee bus
stops in cities across the UK.

Use the given format for your response.

error correction

15. The authorities have been claiming that the roads in your town have been relaid and repaired but there is no visibility of
such a work. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper expressing your disappointment at the present situation and
giving suggestions to resolve the problem. You are Shweta/Sham of 24, Pushp Nagar.


You are Neeraj. You are a Sales Manager of DBM School, Gwalior. You need educational toys and play equipment for
kindergarten students. For this, you searched google Maps as below and found that Kirti Nagar, New Delhi is one of the
best markets for educational toys. After discussing over a call, you have selected Quality Toys company to place your

Write a letter to the Manager, Quality Toys, Kirti Nagar, Delhi placing an order.

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16. The line graph shows the number of books that were borrowed in four different months in 2014 from four village
libraries, and the pie chart shows the percentage of books, by type, that were borrowed over this time. Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.


The graph below proves that even in the 21st century the status of women is not equal to that of men when it comes to
occupying high positions in various occupations. Read the graph carefully and write its interpretation.

17. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

'Perhaps it requires such depths of oppression to create such heights of character. My country is rich in the minerals and
gems that lie beneath its soil, but I have always known that its greatest wealth is its people, finer and truer than the purest
i. Which country is referred to here?
a. South Africa
b. USA
c. Australia
d. India
ii. The ________ of the country is its greatest wealth.
iii. With what have the people been compared to?
a. Gold
b. Diamonds
c. Trees
d. Oils
iv. What, according to the author, is required to create such heights of character?
v. Who is the speaker of the given lines?
a. De Klerk

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b. Thabo Mbeki
c. Nelson Mandela
d. Zenani


Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

However, during the third lesson, he’d finally had enough. “Anne Frank, as punishment for talking in class, write an
essay entitled - Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox.”

The class roared. I had to laugh too, though I’d nearly exhausted my ingenuity on the topic of chatterboxes. It was time
to come up with something else, something original. My friend, Sanne, who’s good at poetry, offered to help me write
the essay from beginning to end in verse and I jumped for joy. Mr. Keesing was trying to play a joke on me with this
ridiculous subject, but I’d make sure the joke was on him.
i. Anne's friend helped her to write the essay in:
a. paragraph
b. verse
c. dialogues
d. other languages
ii. Who was trying to play a joke on Anne?
a. Sanne
b. Anne's sister
c. Mr. Keesing
d. None of these
iii. The word ________ from the extract means ability or creativity.
iv. Why was Anne punished?
v. Why did the whole class roar with laughter?
a. Because Anne was making funny faces
b. Because Anne had cracked a joke
c. Because the topic of the essay given to Anne was funny
d. Because Anne was being absurd
18. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favour fire.

i. Both ________ can be the cause of the world's destruction.
ii. According to the poet, fire refers to ________.
a. violent desires
b. passions
c. jealousy
d. all of these
iii. What does ice symbolise?
a. Indifference
b. Love
c. Sympathy
d. Passions
iv. What message does the poet want to convey through this poem?

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a. Everything is transitory
b. Life is unpredictable
c. Death is inevitable
d. Both Everything is transitory and Death is inevitable
v. The poet would favour the ones who say that the fire would be the cause of destruction because he is


Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

He stalks in his vivid stripes

The few steps of his cage,

On pads of velvet quiet,

In his quiet rage.

i. Pads of velvet means:
a. tiger's skin
b. tiger's whiskers
c. tiger's soft soles
d. none of these
ii. Who is he in the above lines?
a. Tiger
b. Poet
c. Zoo keeper
d. Lion
iii. Where is he?
a. In the jungle
b. In a small cage
c. In a circus
d. None of these
iv. ________ is the literary device employed in quiet rage.
v. Why does the tiger walk only few steps?
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papers with their own name and logo.
19. Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each.
i. Grief is often seen as a measure of love. Do you think the Buddha's sermon undermines a mother's love? Justify your
ii. The forest undergoes tremendous transformation overnight. Discuss with reference to the poem The Trees.
iii. What details did Valli pick up about the bus journey? How did she pick up these details?
iv. Do you think the I in the poem is the poet or an observer? Give a reason for your choice of response. Answer in the
context of the poem The Ball Poem.
v. What was Lomov’s opinion about Squeezer?
20. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each.
i. How would you describe the pampering and overfeeding of Tricky by the rich woman Mrs. Pumphrey?
ii. Discuss, briefly, the reasons owing to which Fowler was interested in meeting Ausable. 
iii. Which project of Ebright was placed first in zoology division and third overall in the County Science Fair?
21. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words.

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i. Tiger in a zoo just overheard from the visitors that Nelson Mandela became the first black president fighting for
freedom. He writes a letter to Nelson Mandela appealing Mandela to set the him free.

You may begin like this.

Dear Mandela,

I just heard from the visitors that you became the first black president fighting for freedom. I wanted to write to you
ii. What advice might chatterbox Anne (Frank) have for the quietly imaginative Amanda? Present this as a
conversation between the two.

Anne: Gosh! You do run off into some strange worlds, don't you?

Amanda: (nods) Well...

22. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words.
i. Why did Bholi at first agree to the unequal match? Why did she later reject the marriage? What does this tell about
ii. Mention one of the most pleasurable things, according to you, that money can't buy and support your choice with an
appropriate reason. Answer in the context of the lesson The Necklace.

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Class 10 - English Language and Literature

Sample Paper - 11 (2022-23)


Section A
1. i. Perseverance
ii. (c) Mindfulness can be learned to help you become more successful
iii. (a) They were hundreds of ways not to create light bulb.
iv. agonizing, embarrassing and scariest
v. (d) continue doing something diffcult.
vi. (d) thankful
vii. (b) The term 'model' is used as an 'example' in the passage. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
viii. (a) mindfulness
ix. True
x. Optimism
2. i. (a) (1) is the result of (2)

Explanation: It is clearly given in paragraph 2 of the passage that according to the World Economic
Forum, around 1.2 billion children are out of classroom as schools are shut down due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Hence, (a) is the right answer.
ii. Deploying e-learning modes
iii. (a) (III)
iv. Online whiteboard
v. E-learning
vi. (b) Virtual classrooms
vii. (d) (III)
viii. False

Explanation: E-learners providers share content on a varied range of topics, not e-commerce.
ix. 60%
x. 1.2 billion
3. (d) botched up

Explanation: Ruin or spoil something.

4. where he had spent his pocket money.
5. (c) cannot

Explanation: cannot

6. error correction
pollinate pollinating
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material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (main), NEET-UG and NDA exams. Teachers can use Examin8 App to create similar
papers with their own name and logo.
7. (c) is going to have

Explanation: is going to have

8. bearing
9. that it/they would start in the following month.

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10. error correction

of from
11. The boss asked Aisha if she liked working in sales.
12. (b) Could

Explanation: Could
13. (b) She told the boys not to play on the grass

Explanation: She told the boys not to play on the grass.

Request, negative: not to + rest of the sentence (don't are dropped here)

14. error correction

has working is working

15. 24, Pushp Nagar

New Delhi

March 5, 2018

The Editor

The Hindu

New Delhi


Subject: Dilapidated Conditions of Roads

Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I'd like to draw the attention of the Public Works Department and the
municipality towards the poor condition of the roads in our area. The roads here are in terrible conditions, and the
authorities have been claiming that the roads have been re-laid and repaired, but there is no visibility of such work.

Such dilapidated roads not only make commuting difficult but also put us to shame. There are huge pits in the roads and
they are also broken for long stretches. The potholes on the roads are a major cause of concern, as they cause several
accidents and the rains make it worse. Adding to the misery, huge garbage dumps can be seen lying here and there,
giving an open invitation to both accidents and diseases.

The authorities should immediately pay attention to the problem and roads should be repaired at the earliest under strict
supervision so that the condition of the road does not pose any problem further. It is a matter of great concern which
needs urgent attention.

I would be grateful to you if you could help us in bringing this problem in front of the concerned authorities so that such
a situation could be controlled soon. Kindly do the needful at the earliest.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,



DBM School


Feb 15, 20XX

The Manager,

Quality Toys,

Kirti Nagar,

New-Delhi - 82,


Subject: Placing Order

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Thank you for the catalogue that you sent along with the latest price list. After going through it, we would like to place
an order for DBM school for the following items:
Product Code Quantity

Baby slides ab234 02

Block Puzzles fb136 07
Stuffed Toys gh45 08
Along with these, kindly send some educational games and toys as well which will be suitable for kindergarten students.

Attached herewith is a draft of 25% advance payment. Rest of the payment will be made on delivery. All the items
should be new and in the best condition. It should be packed properly with foam-covering. Please note that we shall not
be responsible for any damages during transportation.

Thanking You

Yours sincerely,

16. The line graph depicts the number of books that were loaned out from four libraries over a four-month period and the pie
chart illustrates the proportions of books borrowed in terms of genre. It is immediately apparent that the borrowing
patterns for each library were quite varied, and that fiction was by far the most popular type of book.

The borrowing of books at Sutton Wood and Ryeslip began fairly high, at 250 and 300 per month in June respectively.
However, while book borrowing at Ryeslip fell steadily to around 175 at the end of the period, borrowing at Sutton
Wood followed a much more erratic pattern. It plummeted to 100 in August, before then rising steeply to finish at 300,
which represented the highest level of borrowing of the four.

Borrowing at West Eaton and Church Mount, meanwhile, followed very similar patterns, with both starting quite low at
50 per month, but then gradually increasing to finish at 150.


Women in National Parliament While more woman than men are being elected to parliament around the world,
equality is still a long way off, and the current progress is far too slow. The bar graph clearly illustrates that even in the
21st century the status of women is not equal to that of men when it comes to occupying high positions in various
occupations. The lowest number of women in National Parliament can be seen in Arab States where it is only 3.6%. The
percentage is a bit better in Sub Saharan Africa where it is 11% though it is again very low. The number of women in
National Parliament is not very encouraging in the World and Pacific where it is 13.8% and 13.5% respectively. While
the percentage in America, Asia and Europe (excluding western countries) is 15.3,15.3 and 14.1 respectively. It is only
the western countries where the graph shows a picture of 38.1% women in the Parliament. Overall, the status of women
does not come at par anywhere when it comes to occupying high positions in various occupations.

17. i. a. South Africa
ii. people
iii. b. Diamonds
iv. According to the author (Mandela), it requires such depths of oppression to create such heights of character.
v. c. Nelson Mandela


i. b. verse
ii. c. Mr. Keesing
iii. ingenuity

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iv. Anne was punished because she's been talking continuously in the class.
v. c. Because the topic of the essay given to Anne was funny
18. i. Both Fire and Ice
ii. d. all of these
iii. a. Indifference
iv. d. Both Everything is transitory and Death is inevitable
v. aware about the fiery desires/having an experience of desire


i. c. tiger's soft soles

ii. a. Tiger
iii. b. In a small cage
iv. Oxymoron
v. The tiger can take only a few steps because the cage is small and it is not easy to move in it.
19. Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each.
i. Grief is a measure of love for those who are not enlightened and are still trapped in this materialistic world. A
spiritually enlightened person can understand and accept that the physical life is only temporary, just a stop where the
soul stays temporally, before the transition.
ii. The roots of these trees are engaged into the cracks of the veranda floor. At night, these roots try to free themselves
from the cracks. The leaves try to move towards the glass. Twigs become harden and the boughs try to expand under
the roof.
iii. The details that Valli picked up were the distance that the bus travelled, the duration of the trip and the fare. She
gathered this information by hearing the conversations of her neighbours and the people who took the bus. She also
asked discreet questions to people to know more about their journey.
iv. The 'I' in the poem, is the poet as in a few lines the poet says that he doesn't want to intrude on the inconsolable boy.
Instead he wants to leave the boy alone to develop a new sense of responsibility.
v. According to Lomov, Squeezer was inferior to Guess, his own dog. Lomov considered it an overshot as Squeezer’s
lower jaw was shorter than his upper jaw. Lomov felt that Squeezer was not good at hunting as he went after sheep
instead of the fox that had to be hunted. Hence, Lomov ridiculed and abhorred Squeezer. 
20. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each.
i. Mrs. Pumphrey behaved in a very silly and thoughtless manner by over pampering and overfeeding Tricky. It was
totally a waste of money. And indirectly, she was responsible for his ill health. As a result of her over-pampering, she
overfed Tricki and gave him no exercise at all. This made Tricki fall seriously ill.
ii. Fowler had come to gather necessary material for his book on secret agents. Also, like all people, he too was interest
in meeting a real secret agent. He had formed quite a romantic picture of secret agent as represented in books and
iii. Ebright intended to prove the theory that viceroys look like monarchs because monarchs don’t taste good to birds.
Viceroys, on the other hand, do taste good to birds. So the more they look like monarchs, the less likely they are to
become a bird’s dinner. His project was to see, whether, in fact, birds would catch monarchs. He found that a starling
would not eat ordinary bird food. It would eat all the monarchs it could get. This project was placed first in zoology
division and then overall in the County Science Fair.
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material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (main), NEET-UG and NDA exams. Teachers can use Examin8 App to create similar
papers with their own name and logo.
21. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words.

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i. Dear Mr. Mandela,

I just heard from the visitors that you became the first black president fighting for freedom. I wanted to write to you
to express my gratitude for your efforts in fighting for equality. I also wanted to let you know that I am still fighting
for my own freedom. This news gave me hope that one day I, too, might be freed from my captivity.

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you to help set me free. I have been living in a small cage for many
years where I am constantly watched by people. I long to be free in the wild. I know that you understand what it is
like to be oppressed, and I hope that you will see fit to help me in my own fight for freedom. I know that you are a
busy man, but I hope that you might be able to help me.

Please, Mr. Mandela, help me to be free.


The Tiger in a Zoo

ii. Anne: Gosh! You do run off into some strange worlds, don't you?

Amanda: (Cnods!) Well... I do.

Anne: Is there anything wrong with you?

Amanda: No, I just want to be left alone. I want to be on my own.

Anne: Are you crazy? Children pine to be with their parents, friends and neighbours? Think of those orphans who
have never enjoyed the love of caring mother and loving father.

Amanda: I don't know. But I don't like my mom consistently nagging me for my mistakes. I'm fed up of being
watched by my parents continuously. I want to enjoy my freedom. I'm frequently scolded for eating too many
chocolates as this may cause pimples.

Anne: I do understand that this constant nagging has made you so sad that now you have even stopped to imagine
yourself as someone else. But my dear, have faith in your parents. They want you to grow up as a responsible adult.
They bear a great responsibility. It is their duty to teach you the rules of social conduct. I think, you need to talk to
them regarding this.
22. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words.
i. Bholi at first agreed to the unequal match because she was a very simple and innocent girl. She did not want to make
her parents unhappy. She knew that a common man would not marry her as she was neither beautiful nor intelligent.
She thought that her parents would not think bad for her. They would take a good decision for her. She agreed for
marriage but only to make her family happy. Inside her heart, she knew it was wrong. At the time of marriage, she
refused to get married because Bishamber demanded five thousand rupees from Ramlal and threatened not to marry
Bholi if he did not get that amount. Ramlal pleaded him too much. But Bishamber neglected everything. At last
Ramlal gave him five thousand rupees and Bishamber agreed to marry Bholi. This shocked  Bholi’s mind and heart,
she threw the garland into the fire and rejected the marriage. She refused the marriage by saying that she could
live with her parents instead of a man who did not love her. She could not live with a greedy man. This tells about her
that now Bholi was no longer timid and changed into a confident and courageous girl.
ii. Money can buy us everything but satisfaction and peace of mind one should always be happy with what one is
having and not think of what there's to have. You as a person should always be happy in the situation God has kept
you. He always thinks the best for you. The more contended you are, the more happy you would be. It is not the
luxuries in life which make you a better person. You become better only by your good deeds and actions. So try to be
a good human being first rather than complaining one. In Matilda's case she always complaint of more money, more
comfort what she got in the end was totally opposite to what she expected out of life. So never expect only go with
natural flow in life.

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