A Realistic Plan For Family Engagement in My School.

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A realistic plan for family engagement in my school.

I believe that its possible although not easy to promote parent engagement in my school. This is

because I may encounter several obstacles, such as lack of cooperation among the learners,

parents, teachers and the school board or management. I believe that creating a positive

relationship among these players strengthens students’ learning, social competencies, and

emotional well-being. However, there are particular attitudes between parents and teachers that

may create barriers to working together. First, parents’ work demands and lack of time. Many

parents are unable to participate in their child’s school life and events because they are busy

working extra hours to cater for all needs. Second, cultural differences. The role of parents in

education vary across cultures, whereby teachers are obligated to make important decisions

without involving parents. Third, previous negative school experiences which prevent parents

from playing active roles in their children’s life.

It is also important to note the three major parent attitudes that may become barriers to family

engagement. First, lack of awareness or communication regarding opportunities. This occurs

when the parents don’t fully involve their children to understand their roles and benefits. Second,

time limitations due to work demands and other needs. Third, childcare needs whereby parents

are unable to provide a conducive environment for their child growth.

The three emotional responses from parents and teachers that might impede family engagement

include anger, frustration and fear. Sometimes, parents and teachers experience these three

emotions despite being expected to play a vital role in child’s life. The three external factors that

might undermine parent relationships include, first, developmental history, beliefs, knowledge

about parenting. Second, parent's age, gender identity, and personality. Third, child development

and mental and physical health. I believe that most of the barriers described in this plan can be

dealt with by creating and maintain a welcoming and responsive atmosphere. This means that

parents and teachers have to play their roles effectively where applicable. I believe this can

improve teaching and learning because children will feel wanted and realize their potentiality.

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