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The business community has always played a major role in Pakistan's economy. Since 1947
the major development seen is due to the energizing decision of the leading businessmen of
Pakistan. Major industries like Telecommunication, IT, Manufacturing , Power & Energy are
developed by private sector in Pakistan. Leading banks were also established by the efforts
of the business community.

We believe that security is one of the cause of the downfall in the economy of Pakistani
business community can also help the Country to solve this problem as well.

It has become impossible for the bureaucracy to handle the challenge of security in
Pakistan .
Now we have to use deserving leadership with a corruption free environment to curb the
security problem.

The day the security issues are controlled, we can see boost in the economy and the per
capital income as well and rise in foreign investments will be seen surprisingly.

Private sector has zero percent corruption due to a practical HR system with proper benefits
to human resource and a strong check on leakages. Comparatively we don’t see such
measures in the bureaucracy with a very low salary to the HR and economy all the aspects of

Broadly speaking the Government should take all the major stake holders of the business
community who own the major share in the industrial sector. Strict measures can be
exercised to prevent the security challenges involving technology to minimize security


Muhammad Noman Saigal

Chef Executive
N. S. Group
Former Minister for
Health, Environment & Information Technology

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