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Systems and Procedures

BIM Standards and Guidelines

Establish and document BIM standards and guidelines that align with industry-
recognized standards, such as the National BIM Standard (NBIMS) or other
relevant local/regional standards.

Define naming conventions, file formats, and version control procedures to ensure
consistency and compatibility across project teams.

Develop a BIM execution plan for each project, outlining the specific BIM
requirements, responsibilities, and deliverables for all project participants.

Regularly update and communicate BIM standards and guidelines to all

stakeholders involved in BIM projects.

BIM Technology and Tools

Evaluate and select appropriate BIM software, tools, and hardware to support
project teams in executing BIM projects effectively.

Provide training and education programs to employees to ensure competency in

BIM tools and methodologies.

Regularly assess and update BIM technology and tools to align with industry best
practices and meet project requirements.

Ensure compatibility and interoperability of BIM tools with other project-related

software and systems.

Collaboration and Communication

Establish a centralized platform for BIM collaboration, information sharing, and

document management.

Define procedures for sharing relevant project information, models, and

documents among project stakeholders.
Schedule regular collaboration and coordination meetings at key project
milestones to review and resolve any issues or conflicts identified during the BIM

Subtopic 1

Encourage open and effective communication among project teams through the
designated BIM platform.

Roles and Responsibilities

Appoint a BIM Manager responsible for overseeing BIM implementation,

providing training and support, and ensuring compliance with BIM standards and

Designate BIM coordinators and model managers within project teams to oversee
model development, coordination, and quality control.

Clearly define roles and responsibilities for all project participants involved in BIM
projects to ensure effective collaboration and accountability.

Continuous Improvement

Conduct regular assessments and evaluations to monitor the effectiveness and

efficiency of BIM implementation.

Collect feedback from project teams, stakeholders, and end-users to identify areas
for improvement and refine BIM processes.

Document lessons learned from completed projects and share them across the
organization to enhance future project delivery.

Continuously update and improve BIM systems, procedures, and training based
on feedback and lessons learned.

Compliance and Enforcement

Non-compliance with this BIM implementation policy may result in disciplinary

actions, as outlined in the organization's policies and procedures.

Regular audits shall be conducted to ensure adherence to BIM standards,

guidelines, and procedures.
By implementing this BIM policy and following the defined systems and
procedures, we aim to achieve improved project outcomes, enhanced
collaboration, and increased efficiency across all our projects. It is the
responsibility of every employee and project participant to comply with this policy
and actively contribute to the successful implementation of BIM.

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