Problems For Activity 3

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Solve the problems below.

1. In an industrial process, a gas confined to a volume of 1 L at a pressure of 20 atm is

allowed to flow into a 12-L container by opening the valve that connects the two
containers. What is the final pressure of the gas?
2. A car tire filled with air has a volume of 100 L at 10°C. What will the expanded volume
of the tire be after driving the car has raised the temperature of the tire to 40°C?
3. The glass tube shown above has cotton plugs inserted at either end. The plug on the
left is moistened with a few drops of aqueous ammonia, from which NH3 gas slowly
escapes. The plug on the right is similarly moisted with a strong solution of
hydrochloric acid, from which gaseous HCl escapes. The gases diffuse in opposite
directions within the tube; at the point where they meet, they combine to form solid
ammonium chloride, which appears first as a white fog and then begins to coat the
inside of the tube.

The reaction is NH3(g)+HCl(g)→NH4Cl(s)(1.6.6)

a. In what part of the tube (left, right, center) will the NH 4Cl first be observed?
b. If the distance between the two ends of the tube is 100 cm, how many cm from
the left end of the tube will the NH4Cl first form?
4. What is the vrms of a nitrogen molecule at 300 K?
5. What will have a larger speed distribution, helium at 500 K or argon at 300 K? Helium
at 300 K or argon at 500 K? Argon at 400 K or argon at 1000 K?
6. A 10.0 L cylinder contains 500 g of methane. Calculate its pressure to two significant
figures at 27°C using the
a. ideal gas law.
b. van der Waals equation.
7. Convert 539 torr to atm.
8. 25 liters of gas A is pumped into a container at 25 oC and 760 torr with 20 liters of gas B
at 25oC and 700 torr. Calculate the total pressure when both gases are pumped into a
tank with 10 liters at 25oC.
9. A 1.00 mol sample of gas at 25°C and 1.0 atm has an initial volume of 22.4 L.
Calculate the results of each change, assuming all the other conditions remain
a. The pressure is changed to 85.7 mmHg. How many milliliters does the gas
b. The volume is reduced to 275 mL. What is the pressure in millimeters of mercury?
c. The pressure is increased to 25.3 atm. What is the temperature in degrees
d. The sample is heated to 30°C. What is the volume in liters?
e. The sample is compressed to 1255 mL, and the pressure is increased to 2555
torr. What is the temperature of the gas in kelvins?

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