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Section B-5

IssueDate: March,2006
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1 General Instructions
A. AToolbox Talk must be held before starting the task and ensure that the work force
is fully instructed on the correct procedures to be followed and the safety precautions
to be observed.

B. Never slip and cut the drilling line with the drill string in the open hole or with the
drill string out of the hole.

C. Under all circumstances, visual inspection of the drilling line must take precedence
over the predetermined slip and cut procedure.

D. After completion of cutting the drilling line, ensure that a minimum of 9 full wrapsof
drilling line remain on the drawworks drum, with the elevators at the rotary table.

E. Prior to lowering the top drive system or rigging down, ensure that sufficient wraps
of drilling line remain on the drum.

F. Safety harness must be worn by all personnel working on the traveling block or the
top drive.

G. The drill floor must be cleaned of all personnel not associated with the task.

H. Always slip and cut the drilling line with the drill string in the cased hole and the bit
is at or near the casing shoe.

I. Ensure that all hanging devices (shackles, strops, etc.) have been inspected and
are of the correct size.

J. All tools and equipment must be in a clean and serviceable condition.

K. The dedicated hang-off line must be inspected prior to operation.

L.When the drilling line is completely removed from the drawworks drum, the Lebus
grooves must be carefully inspected for any wear or damage.

M.The front drawworks guard should be put back in place when the operation is

N. The driller is to record the slip and cut operation in the tour book.

2 Procedure
2.1 Procedures of slipping the drilling line

A.The driller sets the drill string in the slips (or on the elevator).

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Section B-5
IssueDate: March,2006
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B. The driller lifts the elevators clear and the floormen install the Kelly cock in the open
position on the tool joint at the rotary table.

C. The floormen unwinds sufficient drilling line (about 15 meters) from the storage spool.

D. All extra personnel clear the rig floor.

E.The derrickman or a floorman, secured with a safety harness, attach the dedicated
hanging line to the traveling block and the top drive.

F. The driller slowly hangs off the traveling block and top drive in accordance with the
derrickman’s or floorman’s signal.

G. Utilising the socket torque wrench, the floormen loosen the six nuts on the dead line
anchor clamp.

Note: the clamp is not totally removed.

H. Thefloormenloosentheclampsof theweightindicatordiaphragms,sotheyareableto slide

the drilling line as it is being reeved on the drawworks drum.

I. Three floormen at the dead line anchor, feed the drilling line through the dead anchor

J. The driller engages thedrawworks inforward drive and slowlyspools the correct length
(based onTonmilecalculations) ofdrillingline ontothedrum,whilethefloormencontinue to feed
the drilling line through the dead line anchor clamp.

K. Upon the driller’s instruction, the floormen tighten and torque the nuts on the dead line
anchor clamp with the socket torque wrench.

L. The driller slowly picks up the traveling block or top drive and the derrikman or a
floorman release the dedicated hanging line and tie it back safely away.

M. The floormen tighten the weight indicator diaphragm clamps back on the dead line.

N. Check the spacing of the dead line sensor on the dead line anchor. The gap between
the top and the bottom cells should be 16mm (5/8 inch) with the traveling block or top
drive hanging on its own weight.

O. The driller restores thepower to the crown-o-matic safetydevice, and teststhe braking

P. The floormen remove the Kelly cock from the drill string.

Q.The driller resumes normal drilling operations.

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2.2 Procedures of cutting the drilling line

A.The driller sets the drill string in the slips.

B.The driller lifts the elevators clear and the floormen install the Kelly cock in the open
position on the tool joint at the rotary table.

C. All extra personnel clear the rig floor.

D. The derrickman or a floorman attach the dedicated hanging line to the traveling block
and the top drive.

E. The driller slowly hangs off the traveling block and top drive in accordance with the
derrickman’s or floorman’s signal.

F.The floormen remove the front cover of the drawworks first.

G.The driller counts the wraps of drilling line from fast line and marks this length
corresponding to the specific length for the slip and cut program.

H. Two floormen secure the fast line on one side of the drawworks.

I. The driller engages the drawworks in reverse drive and sets throttle at minimum speed.
And engages the low clutch and slowly un-spools the drilling line off the drawworks drum.

J. At the same time, the floormen guide the drilling line until the mark on the drilling line
reaches the floor.

K. The driller disengages the drum clutch and secures the drawworks.

L. The driller ensures that the drilling line is wrapped with the soft wire or tape at both
sides of the mark before cutting the drilling line with the hydraulic line cutter.

M.After the drilling line has been cut, the floormen pull remaining fast line cut of the way.

N.The driller engages the drawworks in reverse drive and the floormen guide the
remaining drilling line on the drum down the v-door.

O. The driller disengages the drum clutch when there is 1 or 2 wraps left on the drum.

P.The floormen remove the drilling line from the anchor clamp and dispose of the old
drilling line.

Q.Afloor man cleans the end of the newly cut drilling line (fast line) with a wire brush

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R. Install newly cut fast line into the drawworks drum and fasten the clamp with the
torque wrench.

S. The driller engages the drawworks in forward drive and sets the throttle at minimum
speed. And engages the low clutch and slowly spools the drilling line on the
drawworks drum.

T.Ensure that the drilling line is in tension at all times. Slack in the drilling line can not be

U.The driller slowlypicks up the traveling block or top drive and the derrickmanor a
floorman release the designated hanging line and secure it safely out of the way.

V. The drilling line must be snug-tight in grooves of the drawworks drum.

W. The floormen reinstall the guards over the draw works drum.

X. Thedrillerrestoredthepowertothecrown-o-maticsafetydevice,adjusts,andteststhe
breaking system.

Y. The floormen remove the Kelly cock from the drill string.

Z. The driller then resumes normal operations.

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ZP Arabia Drilling CompanyLtd.

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