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Data Privacy Agreement


Republic Act No. 10173, also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA), aims to
protect personal data in information and communications systems both in the government
and the private sector. It covers the processing of personal information and sensitive
personal information and sets, as its basic premise, the grant of direct consent by a data
subject before data processing of personal information is allowed. The law requires all
government and private entities or organizations processing personal data to establish
policies and implement measures and procedures to ensure and guarantee the safety and
security of personal data under their control or custody, thereby upholding an individual's
data privacy rights.

The <Name of School>, in its commitment to uphold, respect, and value data privacy
rights hereby adopts this Data Privacy Agreement in compliance with the Data Privacy Act
of 2012, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and other relevant policies, including
issuances of the NPC.

I. Introduction

This Data Privacy Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between <Name
of School> (hereinafter referred to as the “School”) and all stakeholders, including students,
parents or guardians, faculty, staff, and any other individuals whose personal data is
collected and processed by the School.

This Agreement aims to inform and protect the rights and privacy of data subjects in
accordance with the provisions of the Philippines Data Privacy Act of 2012 (Republic Act
No. 10173) (hereinafter referred to as the “Data Privacy Act”).

II. Scope

This Agreement applies to all personal data collected, processed, and maintained by
the school in the course of its operations. Personal data includes but is not limited to,
information such as names, addresses, contact details, identification numbers, academic
records, health data, and other information that directly or indirectly identifies an

III. Purpose of Data Collection

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The School collects and processes personal data for various legitimate and specified
purposes, including but not limited to:

1. Admission and Enrollment: Processing personal data to facilitate the admission and
enrollment process of students. This includes posting class lists whether online or
offline including bulletin boards or other places within the school premises.
2. Academic and Administrative Processes: Maintaining academic records, facilitating
communication with students and parents, and providing necessary administrative
3. Extra-Curricular Activities: membership in student organizations, leadership
positions, and participation and attendance in seminars, competitions, programs,
outreach activities, tours, and other activities related to the School.
4. School Publication: publication with journalistic content such as school publications
and media sites.
5. Safety and Security: Ensuring the safety and security of students, faculty, staff, and
visitors on school premises.
6. Research and Development: Conduct of research and statistical analysis to improve
educational programs and services.
7. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Complying with applicable laws, regulations, and
government requirements.

IV. Consent

The School recognizes the importance of obtaining informed consent for the
processing of personal data. By signing this Agreement or by continuing to use the School’s
services, all stakeholders acknowledge their consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of
their personal data for the purposes specified herein. Individuals have the right to withdraw
their consent at any time, subject to legal and contractual obligations.

V. Data Security

The School implements reasonable and appropriate organizational, physical, and

technical measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, disclosure,
alteration, or destruction. Access to personal data is restricted to authorized personnel who
have a legitimate purpose for accessing such data.

VI. Data Retention and Disposal

Personal data shall be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for
which it was collected or as required by applicable laws and regulations. Once the retention
period has elapsed, personal data will be securely disposed of or anonymized to prevent
unauthorized access.

VII. Rights of Data Subjects

Under the Data Privacy Act, data subjects have the following rights:

1. Right to be Informed: Data subjects have the right to be informed about the
processing of their personal data, including the purposes, methods, and scope of

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2. Right to Access: Data subjects may request access to their personal data held by the
School and obtain a copy of the information.
3. Right to Rectification: Data subjects can request the correction of inaccurate or
outdated personal data.
4. Right to Erasure or Blocking: Data subjects may request the erasure or blocking of
personal data under circumstances as provided by law.
5. Right to Object: Data subjects can object to the processing of their personal data,
subject to lawful grounds.
6. Right to Data Portability: Data subjects may request the transfer of their personal
data to another organization, if applicable.

VIII. Data Sharing and Third-Party Processors

The School may share personal data with third parties, including but not limited to
service providers, government agencies, and educational partners, for the purposes specified
in this Agreement. Such third parties are required to implement appropriate data protection
measures and are prohibited from using personal data for purposes other than those
specified in this Agreement.

IX. Complaints and Inquiries

For any concerns, inquiries, or complaints regarding the processing of personal data
by the School, data subjects may contact the School Head. The School shall promptly
address and respond to such concerns and inquiries.

X. Amendments to the Agreement

The School reserves the right to update or modify this Agreement from time to time
to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Any changes to this Agreement
will be communicated to stakeholders through appropriate means.

XI. Acknowledgement

By signing this Agreement or by continuing to use the School’s services, I,

____________________________________________ (parent/guardian/student/alumni), of
___________________________ (student’s name if minor) a stakeholder acknowledges that
the School has explained/I have read and understood this Data Privacy Agreement and
consent to the collection, processing, and protection of my/his/her personal data in
accordance with the provisions of the Data Privacy Act and this Agreement.

_____________________________________________ _______________________
Printed Name & Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

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Acknowledgment (Stakeholder’s Copy)

By signing this Agreement or by continuing to use the School’s services, I, a

stakeholder acknowledge that the School has explained, I have read and understood this
Data Privacy Agreement and consent to the collection, processing, and protection of
my/his/her personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Data Privacy Act and
this Agreement.

_____________________________________________ _______________________
Printed Name & Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

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