05 Chapter 02-Electromagnetic Wave Propagation - Part 1

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Sag taal MLA Laken ped Electromagnetic Waves Chapter 10 ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE PROPAGATION 2 Now assume Uniform Plane wave in which E” has Some divection, M9. and phase over co- ex}ent Planes which are orthogonal to the direction of A Propagation, Ape rection Cirer Let phe wave be propagaring in 2- direction CI" Oy = & ) ark lee Ca Exe UF hes one component only) . >vnt se 5 us ater » VE, ve 26 1 BE _o axe dy* per Now, € depends on 2 only since uoi form Plane wave a Ex PE Lo > Sur ay? , 4-0 Scalar Wave equakon Bai Porm Plane waves are nor really realisne , however, far Prom the Eransmitting anjenna, waves do behave like uniforin plane wave since a receiving antenna will see a small Park of a huge spherical wove + + Such waves are alled Transverse Electr magne c CtTEem) j = TEM) waves since the Component of Elena 7) lie in @ transverse plane ( perpindicalar be He direchion of prep agakon) + Band DF have no Components in the longitudinal direction Oy « —— Op. E = 0 and Ow « H =O o Ex ) ot ex az wr art in phasor form » $i ee , we & =0 Ta ww ae w& Le pte, -O » Pe &- wlPEe 7 ae 7 - dpe - Ip a a a et + & e é r 4 comple ¥ con shanks orlakiats j — direction Pe foeword haveing wave C+ve % ) e : (ve & direction) or s backed 7 . * & . Ey “aoe Re} B® en” { _jge jue = re} et pr { . vipe jw = te {lel oe RD { = let) cos (ut- Pe 40) , p= phese ef Eo* Poe simplicity, fee b=0 => Cte) 2 * > & w= Tel Cog Cut- pe) v —T~ ampli bade Phase of Ha wave Crad) P= phase constmt (vad {m) w= radiation Angular Frequency, Crad| sec) = axf + Similac - wiley, Ezy lel os Cutt B2) The forward Trwelling Waves The forword Travelling Wave 1 Es (ea = Fo* Gs Cot-pe) “e- amplitude Creal) Fix band phe vs. 2. f Az wavelength Jn welers BAe 26 2 2k a Te period in Secands @ + Wavelength: the distance between uo planes when Fhe phase difference between them at ory given time Is 2K Yadians . Ne 2%, 2% ao & 2uT B ole F ue de = “Re Veer krove! ave to -uT (te takes time T for te distarce )- & P eso = The Figure Shows E.” Coslut-pe) AS @ function of 2 for Several instmts ; . wert “oe bP + Nore phat each Point moves fe the 1 oe Tight as fime progresses, ie, Et \ = Ervels in +2 decor: » Simlorly , Ey7 auels In the -2 g ute 2 direction . + Take point P, a point of Constant phase (equi- phase port) Re P: Cos Cue -pa)y = Constar => HE Be = conser Z must increase as & WNtreases fp insure A Conk tent Prase . ® * Ae Ony time b= be, phe Constant phase andition Swes Zo whe = MN CM is Constant) which vepresents & Plane ak 2%. Thus Constant: Prase surfaces ave planes L eivection of PrPagarion, + Phase velocity (up) is the speed of 2 Gnstant phese- Plane . Frm wee P2 = constant c 2 — de Dw Lye Bee 2 ee ann ae”:t*«* rer Vert, Nope that Up is hot a function of Prequency . Te depends on G ad fF only. + Non- dispersive medinm is phe one ia which Up is net a Fanction of Prequene, Cie, B is linearly proportional to w). . Example te Pa GB Oe Canbe—--x) J vin in free Space a) Find Ks and 7. w _ 2x08 2 2 vad [m, k= Be wlth e = C7 Gxt 5 \. 223K Mm - TP 2 wuo® = 3-4 nsec: 26 Te oo b) Fied phe divection of Wave Prepassnon . From rhe -ve sigd in we-kX , thas He Wave if propagating along 4k direction, ©) Find the He it takes Phe Gave fo bevel A distance - t- X8. uw & * Wore PrPaganoa in Lossy wWedium (o-+o0) + “A lossy dielectric is a medium In which an EM e - wave , as je Pre pagates. loses power dve fe imperfect dielecmc. lossy dielecewe = Partially conducting hedinm + Prepagarion in lessy dieleortcs is 4 genetal case, and oer cases Can be as special Cases. + we have derived before Case @) ve od ed = & ~S &=o ond Gy - We 20 2. T= jwp Com jwe) e PR Ppagation Constant oy = \f IWC on 4 jwe) let Sa LIB where = Arbenuavien consrant Re Phase constant Bw Bajoap = jupo -o KE > open solve Br oh ond Pp zap = who notice thar |e] = % PR = et fou vee 2 sete [ery puffs [oe a) + Pissume Propagaron in 42 divection ond Bech 2 + > aot - 8°63 20 -re / > Bee el at gtt Se e j jee E(%t) = Rel et o pr ° xf mers . = let] © coslwt-peso) x where 8 = phase fk &Y > he Eee cos(wt- B2aOp) Foreard backward Eravel\ing woves IN @ conducting medium at Eime = constonk : an ® + Similerly Por & e representS a Wave prop. i aganing ia the -2 director. L e 5 + let E= Ge X , the corresponding Wis +4 >? . o> * Vx E = -jwhi >? ; => xe We =? We oe SS Ey =X where ye he Se sic impedance intrin: T= = 3° . Ye eo j Lf us ce 8 San--& 2g we} (ax €) Ta geneel, W= HW Ov = Jive ction of pepagaree —_— = => Pr cL a Notice rhat, etuvw , E ws Oe & Fut ales poms the direction of Are > bye b= en =° wed = Zero > CTeM wove) + > ?) Algo, it Gan be Shows Ee-n (ax 4 0 In time doman, Let eC XE E> Ee @ Cos (Cue- pe) x He og Cust-p2- Or) J — ee = > e a ul 3 On he: _ foi = Inte were 7 V oaywe E ur of phese- So, in general, Cana A ore ovr of =P Dp \ ays Ee by OW = jw 2 He (#) = \ Fijwe & 30 = lle” —teat (38) , Oe —a” S \i- ey 7 a ToGe)) oe dont 28%)* = 5° Nope hat of WS 4 t vertece Con de") CP =o Lssles) 7 o=0 de. we Ne & , . pole, Ups Bas ; in lossy me dive i! ™ mn je will bee ss ince Lossy medium iS 4 dispersive medium, 519 1 won i si waith man \ . a general. Thar ls 0 Sige funchen of Prequency | ne re aks ets Aistored as it vtravels + 3 Show fe avency components get medinm. + Doivs of are Np | or AB/m of Cp jm) XCABlm) 2 99 leg 2 Lg Gas lege) & CBIm) = (8. 686). X Holm) = = © Noe in a Conducting medium, borh Je ond Js exist, => = _5 a Jue jueE » Troe — = ‘es > 4 Nore that bon $ depends on Prequenty. 2.91, moist ground Ere lO 7 OF ovel slm ae | Ht: kang e 18 *10% Good conductor lo G2; ban$ = bs x15" good dielectnc e.9., Copper ce sexi? , E=& bang = E:6 10% >> 4 > can neglece Ja! usless wy approaches fol® 11) CGanma rays) - o Nete that ton (2&) = ar = ton $- > =r, + Complex Permibvity Ee: 7 — — — => Vx = © Ey wet elo ajwedl 2 weli-j ye wee where €, = €(I-3 &) = €CI-5 tons) =e’-je” , e's € 2 @& ete D> Tawe” eo bons = = 7 WE __ using. Ee : =d5 wed ou fier Coss | Ve = (oor Ye C1? wt a > &= jw | hee ' ser (= juhi ia - Vo ood LE See & x ‘ +0 a Woke root 282 Iu > ORES par gems > Feovse tenless t * 1 me oe 20 o20

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