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I. Situationer/Rationale/Background
The World Teacher’s Day also known as the International Teachers Day is celebrated yearly on
October 05 since its inception in 1994. The celebration is intended to “acknowledge, evaluate
and enhance the capabilities of the instructors of the world “and to give a chance to consider
the issues identified with the educators and the teaching process in general.

According to the UNESCO, “the World Teacher’s Day speaks to a massive token of the
mindfulness, comprehension and thankfulness for the fundamental commitment that the
educators make in the advancement of teaching”.

In the Philippines, Presidential Proclamation No. 242 declares September 5 to October 5 of

every year as National Teachers’ Month, as well as Republic Act No. 10743 entitled An Act
Declaring the Fifth Day of October of Every Year as National Teachers’ Day and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations, and the designation of the World Teachers’ Day every
5th of October by the United Nations Education and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO).

Mindful of the devotion and dedication of the teachers to their profession known to be the
“noblest among all professions” as it is God’s way of touching others’ lives, the Provincial
Government of La Union also joins the whole nation in the celebration of the Annual World
Teachers’ Day. Held every 5th day of October, the celebration is highlighted with the awarding
of the “Ten Most Outstanding Teachers in the Province” through the enactment of SP
Ordinance No. 001-2007. The award intends to recognize the teachers who have greatly
influenced our lives, recognizing teachers’ accomplishments is a necessity. A good reward
system helps a school build a growth-centered environment, track the individual progress
of educators, and keep them inspired for dynamic growth and new achievement in the field
of teaching. Given that during this pandemic brought about by Covid 19, additional burden
were given to the teachers in the implementation of line learning, thus, this award is but fitting
to reward them for their commitment to assist our learner despite the situation. In addition to
this the Province of La Union has just recently approved the ordinances creating the Ten
Outstanding Private School Teachers thru Ordinance No. 312 2021 and the Outstanding
Alternative Learning System (ALS) teacher of La Union thru Ordinance No 315 -2021.

II. Operational Guidelines

A. Qualification Requirements:
1. Ten Outstanding Public School Teachers of La Union (TOPubSTLU)
(6 Elementary and 4 Secondary)
Nominee / candidates for this award must be: A teacher who have rendered at least five
(5) years of service to the school whether his / her employment status is permanent,
temporary, casual, contractual or detailed.

2. Ten Outstanding Private School Teachers of La Union (TOPrivTLU)

(5 Elementary and 5 Secondary)

Nominee / candidates for this award must:

a.) be a duly licensed teacher
b.) be in private elementary and secondary school /learning centers in the province of La
c.) have a performance rating of at least very satisfactory for three (3) recent evaluation
d.) have at least five (5) years of continuous teaching experience in the private school on
or prior to the date of the nomination;
e.) be teaching at least twenty (20) hours a week;
f.) not have been an awardee in similar search from provincial to national level;
g.) not be found guilty of any decided cases or complaints.

3. Outstanding Alternative Learning System Teacher of La Union (OALSTLU)

Nominee / candidates for this award must be: An Alternative Learning System teacher
who has rendered at least five (5) years of service to the school whether his / her
employment status is permanent, temporary, casual, contractual or detailed.

B. Categories of Awards/Scope and coverage

a. Ten Outstanding Public School Teachers of La Union (TOPubSTLU)
Open to all public school teachers from the Division of La Union and the City Schools
Division of San Fernando City:

i. Six (6) from Elementary level

ii. Four (4) from Secondary Level

b. Ten Outstanding Private School Teachers of La Union (TOPrivTLU)

Open to all private school teachers from the Division of La Union and the City Schools
Division of San Fernando City:

i. Five (5) from Elementary level

ii. Five (5) from Secondary Level

c. Outstanding Alternative Learning System Teacher of La Union (OALSTLU

Open to all Alternative Learning System (ALS) Teachers from the Division of La Union
and the City Schools Division of San Fernando City.

III. Criteria for evaluation

1. Demonstrated competence in the use of effective approaches to
improve instruction.
· Well prepared lesson plan/DLL/Learning Plan 4
· E-class record/Portfolio (ALS) 3
· Class record for formative test/Portfolio (ALS) 3
· Well preserved test 3
· Adopted an appropriate strategy/methodology in teaching (actual
demonstration teaching)
· Well-structured classroom/Community Learning Center (CLC) 4
· Intervention activities such as RRE/ICL 2

2. Have conducted demonstration teaching or a trainer in in-service

· International Level 1 pt. each certificate and not to exceed 10 10

· National Level 1 pt. each certificate and not to exceed 8 8

· Regional Level 0.75 pt. each certificate and not to exceed 6 6
· Division Level 0.5 pt. each certificate and not to exceed 5 5
· District Level 0.25 pt. each certificate and not to exceed 3 3
· School Level 0.1 pt. each certificate and not to exceed 1 1

3. Must have conducted an action research/innovation/initiative for the

improvement of instruction/
· Used in the National Level; 2 pts. each but not to exceed 10 10
· Used in the Regional Level; 1.25 pts. each but not to exceed 8 8
· Used in the Division Level; 1 pt. each but not to exceed 6 6
· Used in the District Level; 0.75 pt. each but not to exceed 4 4
· Used in the School Level; 0.50 pt. each but not to exceed 2 2

4. Written and produced instructional materials that have contributed to

the improvement of teaching in the school/district (i.e., teaching devices,
apparatuses, modules, and activity cards) 2 pts. every material but not to
exceed 10
(materials would also refer to publication)

5. Has been a recipient of an award/recognition for services rendered in
the field of Education.
· National Level 1 pt. each award/recognition and not to exceed 10 10
· Regional Level 0.75 pt. each award/recognition and not to exceed 8 8

· Division Level 0.5 pt. each award/recognition and not to exceed 6 6

· District Level 0.25 5 pt. each award/recognition and not to exceed 4 4

· School Level 0.1 pt. each award/recognition and not to exceed 2 2

6. Must have contributed to the improvement of the quality of life in the

community. There should be one (1) certificate per / area category

· Sanitation and Beautification 1.25

· Gulayan sa Paaralan/ Food Production/ Green Revolution 1.25
· Feeding Program 1.25
· Waste Management 1.25

7. Good human relations in the school and in the community 5

• Panel interview with the school head, faculty club officer/s, PTA
officer/s, barangay official/s
8. Communication skills (ability to speak fluently) 5
• Panel interview with the nominee

9. Attendance and punctuality in the school and other related activities 5

· No absences 5
· With 1 or 2 absences/tardiness 3
· 3 or more absences/tardiness 1

10. Educational Attainment and Professional Advancement 5

· ED.D. /Ph.D. 5
· ED.D. /Ph.D. Academic Requirements 4
· With 18 ED.D. / Ph.D. Units 4
· MAED/MATE/MA Holder 3
· MAED Academic Requirements 2
· BS with at least 18 units of Masteral Degree 2

· Training workshop/seminar equivalent to Masteral or Doctoral units. 1

11. Winner/Coach in the different competitions

The same in number 2.
· International Level (1 pt each certificate and not to exceed 10) 10
· National Level (0.75 pt each certificate and not to exceed 8) 8
· Regional Level (0.5 pt each certificate and not to exceed 6) 6
· Division Level (0.25 pt each certificate and not to exceed 4) 4
· District Level (0.1 pt each certificate and not to exceed 2) 2
· School Level(0.1 pt each certificate and not to exceed 2) 2

IV. Nomination Form



Provincial Governor
Province of La Union

Thru: DepEd Provincial Evaluation Team on

Search for Outstanding Teachers of La Union

Dear Sir/Madame:

After reviewing the award criteria, it is our pleasure to nominate:

Name of Nominee:_____________________________________________________________
Current Position: _______________________________________________________________
Name of School current designated: ____________________________________________
Advisory Class (Grade/Year Level): ______________________________________________
If subject teacher, indicate subjects and grade/year level currently teaching:

As a nominee to the following category (please tick/fill in the appropriate box):

Elementary Secondary

Grade Level Year Level


We hereby attest to all the facts herein, authorize the Evaluation and Selection Committee
to validate the accuracy of the information contained in this form and grant our consent to
the conduct of background investigation. Any misrepresentation made by the signatory shall
be ground for disciplinary action pursuant to applicable laws and rules.



V. Rewards

Monetary Incentive
I. Number of Awardees: 10 @10,000.00


I. Number of Awardees: 1 @ 10,000.00


I. Number of Awardees: 10 @10,000.00

Certificate of Recognition

Plaque of Recognition

Awarding of Winners shall be held during the annual celebration of National Teachers
Month of October

VI. Procedure for Screening and Evaluation:

Stage 1: Paper Screening

The Provincial Evaluation Team shall conduct the paper screening using the submitted
means of verification (MOVs) on each specific criterion.
a) Updated Personal Data Sheet and proof that nominee is presently assigned in La Union
during the nomination period.

b) Summary of accomplishments and other important documents and facts in support of

the nomination.

c) List of awards received from any organizations, public or private within a period of three
(3) years.

d) Photocopy of performance evaluation rating (Outstanding or very Satisfactory) within

the last two semesters immediately prior to the search.

e) Publication of research or news clippings, if there are any

Stage 2: Validation and Shortlisting of nominees

a) In this Stage, when all the scores of each nominee have been tabulated, the Provincial
Evaluation Team finalists for each category.

b) A validation on the impact of accomplishment/s (work performance, initiated

advocacies, research, innovation, programs, projects, activities, exemplary deed, and
community involvement) per nominee by the Provincial Evaluation Team shall be

c) The Provincial Evaluation Team shall contact the Immediate

Supervisor/Colleagues/Stakeholders for validation of using a validation rubric.

d) The Provincial Evaluation Team shall identify the top 10 finalists per category after
careful validation and deliberation.

e) The Provincial Evaluation Team will submit the results of validation and the list of the Top
10 per category to the Chairman

Stage 3: Interview

a) Only the shortlisted nominees shall be qualified for the interview.

b) Each of the shortlisted nominee shall be interviewed and rated by the Provincial
Evaluation team

c) The Provincial Evaluation Team shall select the Winners per category after careful

d) The result of the deliberation shall be final.

e) The Chairperson shall submit the results to the Provincial Governor to be endorsed to
the Sangguniang Panglalawigan.

f) All Committee Members are sworn to secrecy until the list of winners has been approved
by the Sangguniang Panglalawigan.

VII. Award Selection Committee


Honorary Chairperson – Provincial Governor

Chairperson - Provincial Vice Governor
Vice-Chairperson - SP Chairperson, Committee on Education and Culture

Members - SP Chairperson, Committee on Civil Service

and Human

Resource and Development

DepEd Schools Division Superintendent- LUSDO

DepEd Schools Division Superintendent- CSFSDO

SP Chairperson, Committee on Finance Budget

and Appropriations

SP Chairperson, Committee on Social Services


Honorary Chairperson – Provincial Governor

Chairperson - Provincial Vice Governor
Vice-Chairperson - SP Chairperson, Committee on Education and Culture
Members - SP Chairperson, Committee on Civil Service
and Human Resource and Development

DepEd Schools Division Superintendent- LUSDO

DepEd Schools Division Superintendent- CSFSDO

SP Chairperson, Committee on Finance Budget

and Appropriations

SP Chairperson, Committee on Social Services


Honorary Chairperson – Provincial Governor

Chairperson - Provincial Vice Governor
Vice-Chairperson - SP Chairperson, Committee on Education and Culture
Members - SP Chairperson, Committee on Civil Service
and Human Resource and Development

DepEd Schools Division Superintendent- LUSDO

DepEd Schools Division Superintendent- CSFSDO

SP Chairperson, Committee on Finance Budget

and Appropriations

SP Chairperson, Committee on Social Services

DepEd Schools Division Superintendent- LUSDO

In Charge of Private Schools

DepEd Schools Division Superintendent- CSFSDO

In Charge of Private Schools

Chairperson, Multi Sectoral Governance

Council (MSGC)

Functions and Responsibilities

1. DepEd Schools Division Office (LUSDO AND CSFSDO) is in charge of creating a Provincial
Evaluation Team composed of five (5) members for the elementary level and five (5)
members for the secondary level and submits their names to the Office of the Provincial
Planning and Development Coordinator on or before August 5, 2023. The Evaluation Team
in coordination with the Office of the Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator

and the Office of the SP Chairman on Education and Culture shall conduct
selection/screening of all nominees to the said award based on the approved guidelines.
2. To submit the final list of Awardees to the Office of the Governor and will be endorse to
the Office of the SP Committee on Education and Culture.
3. DepEd Schools Division Office (LUSDO AND CSFSDO) will be in charged in inviting the
awardees and their families, respective District Supervisor and Principal from their
respective Division.
4. The Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator shall act as the Secretariat in
charge of the complete staff work in the implementation of the respective ordinance per

VIII. Funding

The Search shall be funded from the Human Resource Development Program or from any
funds available in the provincial treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the
implementation of the search.
a. Ten Outstanding Public School Teachers of La Union (TOPubSTLU)
b. Ten Outstanding Private School Teachers of La Union (TOPrivTLU)
c. Outstanding Alternative Learning System Teacher of La Union (OALSTLU)
● Criteria reflected on the guidelines for search are based on the existing criteria for Ten
Outstanding Public School Teachers used last CY 2019 Search for TOPSTLU which is subject
to changes and recommendations of the respective committee.
● Functions are based on the actual practice in the implementation of previous search.
● Source of Data for budgetary requirements are based on the respective ordinance of the

Ten Outstanding Outstanding

Public School Ten Outstanding Private Alternative Learning
Teachers of La Union School Teachers of La System Teacher of La
(TOPubSTLU) Union (TOPrivTLU) Union (OALSTLU)
Number of Awardees 10 10 1
Amount of Prizes per winner 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
Approval of IRR/Guidelines
Presentation of Draft
August 10, 2023 August 10, 2023 August 10, 2023
Approval of IRR/Guidelines August 14, 2023 August 14, 2023 August 14, 2023
Meeting with Selection
Committee and Provincial August 14, 2023 August 14, 2023 August 14, 2023
Evaluation Team
Dissemination of Search August 18, 2023 August 18, 2023 August 18, 2023
Deadline of Nomination
Start of Nomination September 1, 2023 September 1, 2023 September 1, 2023
Deadline of Nomination September 8, 2023 September 8, 2023 September 8, 2023
Evaluation of Nominees
September 11-14, 2023 September 11-14, 2023 September 11-14,2023
(Paper and Field Evaluation)
Deadline of Submission of
September 18, 2023 September 18, 2023 September 18, 2023
List of Awardees to OPG
Deadline of Submission of
Endorsement of Winners to September 19, 2023 September 19, 2023 September 19, 2023
Sangguniang Panlalawigan
Awarding of Winners
Target date October 9, 2023 October 9, 2023 October 9, 2023
SP Ordinance 312 s 2021 SP Ordinance 144 s 2018
SP Ordinance 315 s 2021 SP Ordinance 231 s 2020
SP Ordinance 001 s 2007 SP Ordinance 238 s 2020
DepEd Region Enhanced Region wide guidelines on program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence
Nomination Form 2019 Search for TOPSTLU

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