H.W 1 Reports

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H.W 1 IE 431

IE 431

First Homework
Instructor: Dr. Ammar Y. Alqahtani
Section: C2
Team 5
Name ID
1. Mohammed Ahmed Bataweel 1937938
2. Fawaz Alqrni 1936313
3. Abdulaziz Ali Alahmadi 1935003
4. Mohammed Angawi 1847939

H.W 1 IE 431

Table of Contents
List of Tables ............................................................................................................ 3
List of Figures ........................................................................................................... 4
Managerial Report ..................................................................................................... 5
Practicality of the Project ....................................................................................... 5
Statement of the Problem ....................................................................................... 5
Contribution and Importance ................................................................................. 5
Problem Statement .................................................................................................... 6
What Was Done ........................................................................................................ 6
Part A .................................................................................................................. 17
Part B .................................................................................................................. 18
Part C .................................................................................................................. 29
Part D .................................................................................................................. 30
Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 32
Reference ................................................................................................................ 33
Appendix................................................................................................................. 34

H.W 1 IE 431

List of Tables
Table 1: all the collected data .................................................................................... 6
Table 2: General information about the data ............................................................ 17
Table 3: Part B requirements ................................................................................... 18
Table 4: Comparison between the two percentages .................................................. 30
Table 5: Comparison between the two percentages .................................................. 31
Table 6:Orange weights from Alraya supermarket ................................................... 34
Table 7: Orange weights from Manuel supermarket ................................................. 35
Table8 : Orange weights from Farm supermarket ..................................................... 38
Table 9: Orange weights from Aldanube supermarket ............................................. 40
Table 10: Orange weights from Banda supermarket ................................................. 43
Table 11: How the probability calculated ................................................................. 45
Table 12: How the probability calculated ................................................................. 46

H.W 1 IE 431

List of Figures
Figure1 : Histogram with (std. value) as bin width ..................................................... 5
Figure 2: Histogram with (0.25*std) width .............................................................. 17
Figure 3: Histogram with (0.5*std) width ................................................................ 29
Figure 4: Histogram divided into 16 sections ........................................................... 30
Figure 5: Histogram with (std. value) width ............................................................. 31
Figure 6: Histogram divided into 8 sections ............................................................. 31
Figure 7: Regular histogram from Excel .................................................................. 46
Figure 8: Part of the used sample ............................................................................. 46
Figure 9: Part of the used sample 2 .......................................................................... 47

H.W 1 IE 431

Managerial Report
Practicality of the Project
An important point needs to be taken into consideration which is knowing that all
practices related to oranges (Project’s Product) are involved in testing the Normal
Distribution including production, sales, and distribution. Oranges usually comes to
Saudi Arabia from Africa. It’s important that it follows a Normal Distribution in order
to avoid many troubles and here comes the aim of the project, which is to figure out
this issue. The practical application of this project contains three phases. First, data has
to be collected from different supermarkets that sells oranges by weighing five hundred
oranges in grams. After that, the researchers will move to the second phase, which is
analyzing the collected data using Microsoft Excel and getting all the required results.
Finally, after getting the results and conclusions, the researchers are moving to the final
phase, which is making the Technical, and Managerial reports. All these phases need
to be done accurately to make sure that the conclusion comes without any biases.

Statement of the Problem

Normal Distributions are important in statistics and are often used in
the natural and social sciences to represent real-valued random variables whose
distributions are not known so, every natural thing on earth has to follow a Normal
Distribution to add to this world its natural benefits. The Problem Statement of this
project could be clarified in this question: Does the oranges in Saudi Arabian
supermarkets follow a Normal Distribution? In order to answer the question, the
researchers went through different practices beginning with collecting data and going
through the analyzation process until reaching the final conclusion at the end of this

Contribution and Importance

This task will help agricultural companies interested in the quality of cultivation,
harvesting, distribution and sale of oranges and their products to know the quality of
their agricultural crops, and if possible, take measures to improve and design stores and
the appropriate environment to preserve and ensure that the quality of oranges is not
affected until it reaches the customers in the way that satisfies them. In terms of sales,
knowing how oranges vary in weight helps determine how many oranges go into each
box and which oranges at a particular weight work best for the various orange products,
including juices, in order to maximize profits.

Figure 1: Histogram with (std. value) as bin width

H.W 1 IE 431

Problem Statement
A company is having doubts about their orange’s shipment weight. It’s been recently
discovered that the weight of shipments is different even though they contain the same
number of oranges. This could be for various reasons, but the focus will be on the
weight of oranges since the company wants to ensure that the variation isn’t high, and
the weight of oranges follows a normal distribution. To do that, a sample of five
hundred oranges weight must be obtained, the average of the weights and the standard
deviation. After getting the results, the company will decide on the best course of action.

What Was Done

This research is testing and ensuring that the oranges weights follow the normal
distribution. Firstly, the researchers collect a five hundred sample of oranges weights
of orange juice type. The sample has been collected from different supermarkets as
shown in Table 1.
Table 1: all the collected data

Orange weight
i (g)
1 204.7
2 213.7
3 216.5
4 197.7
5 226.8
6 199
7 207.7
8 212.8
9 233.9
10 211
11 225.5
12 212.1
13 203.4
14 208.9
15 196.1
16 222.8
17 225.3
18 200.8
19 202.4
20 191.9
21 218.3
22 198.5
23 219.3
24 195.4
25 210.7
26 214.1
27 190.4
28 211

H.W 1 IE 431

29 204.3
30 215
31 207.9
32 212.1
33 227.1
34 208.8
35 205.2
36 202.5
37 209.3
38 209.4
39 192.4
40 217.3
41 201.8
42 216.5
43 210.1
44 221.1
45 195
46 201.2
47 199.3
48 221.8
49 201
50 205.4
51 227.8
52 216.3
53 219.9
54 207.5
55 212.1
56 221.8
57 202.6
58 206.7
59 200.3
60 201.2
61 210.4
62 196.8
63 219
64 214.6
65 215.3
66 226.2
67 214.5
68 210.1
69 220
70 211.8
71 206.4
72 215.7
73 214.2
74 218.3

H.W 1 IE 431

75 217.1
76 206.5
77 203.5
78 218.6
79 217.9
80 216.5
81 203.1
82 196.2
83 206.1
84 219.8
85 205.4
86 214.4
87 223.9
88 182.1
89 209
90 223.9
91 229.3
92 235.6
93 210.4
94 222.4
95 218.4
96 204.2
97 208.3
98 213.5
99 211.4
100 190.3
101 175.8
102 160.2
103 190.1
104 155.9
105 218.6
106 200.1
107 199.2
108 185.3
109 178.2
110 170.8
111 166.9
112 169.1
113 177.2
114 175.5
115 220.6
116 155.2
117 179.7
118 160.2
119 168.9
120 157.5

H.W 1 IE 431

121 166.1
122 161.9
123 183.4
124 179.5
125 184.4
126 164.6
127 200.2
128 207.6
129 191.7
130 173.8
131 230.3
132 186.9
133 169.6
134 173.7
135 190.8
136 188.5
137 160.3
138 198.2
139 169.5
140 225.6
141 158.4
142 160.3
143 218.6
144 180.9
145 190.7
146 179.2
147 200.4
148 164.4
149 175.5
150 176.9
151 178.2
152 167.7
153 204.1
154 189.8
155 199.2
156 169.8
157 178.2
158 198.5
159 159.9
160 228.4
161 187.3
162 167.1
163 190.2
164 202.6
165 188.9
166 161.4

H.W 1 IE 431

167 149.7
168 176.9
169 210.1
170 181.2
171 174.9
172 172.1
173 165.3
174 158.2
175 192.8
176 199.7
177 185.4
178 203.8
179 160.2
180 176.3
181 180.9
182 198.3
183 172.6
184 190.2
185 200.6
186 184.2
187 167.1
188 172.4
189 171.1
190 169.2
191 209.3
192 213.7
193 186.4
194 192.5
195 161.3
196 167.6
197 158.3
198 175.8
199 188.2
200 201.2
201 230.4
202 195.2
203 177.4
204 166.9
205 185.5
206 199.7
207 187.6
208 162.1
209 186.8
210 176.9
211 173.3
212 190.8

10 | P a g e
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213 206.8
214 189.5
215 196.4
216 185.2
217 163.9
218 195.2
219 181.1
220 174.7
221 183.8
222 165.3
223 160.6
224 192.4
225 178.5
226 251.5
227 190.7
228 167.8
229 154.9
230 179.6
231 157.3
232 181.2
233 174
234 154.1
235 182.9
236 150.6
237 181.4
238 160.6
239 176.2
240 173.6
241 172.3
242 181.4
243 170.6
244 174.5
245 189.2
246 158
247 186.7
248 185.8
249 159.6
250 179.3
251 185.7
252 171
253 174.4
254 174.4
255 188.8
256 171.1
257 155.2
258 188.4

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259 185
260 173.8
261 172.2
262 149.6
263 173.3
264 172.7
265 158.1
266 243.6
267 176.8
268 157.8
269 145.5
270 159.2
271 164
272 248.4
273 247
274 187
275 247.1
276 242.5
277 170.2
278 156.3
279 179.7
280 184.9
281 155
282 238
283 159
284 145.4
285 177.3
286 189.2
287 189.1
288 205.7
289 197.7
290 185.3
291 214.6
292 218.7
293 151.2
294 183.5
295 168.3
296 168.7
297 176.3
298 227
299 184.5
300 189.5
301 179.2
302 192.5
303 148
304 179.6

12 | P a g e
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305 187.2
306 152.4
307 227.4
308 191.9
309 205.9
310 187.3
311 179
312 192.4
313 169.6
314 198.8
315 192.8
316 193.8
317 192.1
318 191.2
319 202.7
320 212.5
321 200.4
322 221.7
323 175.6
324 177.2
325 231.2
326 163.2
327 165.3
328 210.1
329 197.3
330 168.1
331 211.1
332 165.3
333 193.5
334 213.9
335 204.1
336 188.2
337 184.3
338 203.6
339 232.6
340 155.6
341 192.9
342 200.4
343 188.8
344 172
345 162.3
346 170.9
347 226.8
348 182.6
349 195.2
350 207.5

13 | P a g e
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351 196.5
352 188.9
353 183.3
354 199.7
355 159.5
356 212.7
357 153.2
358 185.9
359 188.7
360 192.9
361 209.2
362 194
363 186.5
364 222.8
365 177.8
366 185.2
367 207.5
368 229.8
369 161.2
370 201.6
371 186.6
372 157.5
373 224
374 195.3
375 193.9
376 172.6
377 155.1
378 182.5
379 160.5
380 206.3
381 200.2
382 178.6
383 177.3
384 196.1
385 198.3
386 170.8
387 186.5
388 211.4
389 212.5
390 179.6
391 170.6
392 163.9
393 178
394 165.7
395 184
396 190.6

14 | P a g e
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397 190
398 209
399 195.2
400 140.6
401 194.8
402 215.2
403 179.9
404 210.8
405 203.9
406 209.1
407 161.1
408 198.4
409 205.1
410 211.9
411 209.2
412 178.8
413 184.8
414 219.6
415 181.6
416 201.2
417 177.3
418 184.7
419 180.4
420 184.6
421 252.7
422 203.3
423 206.6
424 176.3
425 194.8
426 175.5
427 210.9
428 184.9
429 181.2
430 189.2
431 186.1
432 199.9
433 198.1
434 182.2
435 184.5
436 195.1
437 150.8
438 216.3
439 183
440 186.1
441 187.8
442 210.9

15 | P a g e
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443 210.8
444 164.6
445 198.6
446 198.4
447 195.4
448 236.7
449 169.7
450 218.2
451 173.3
452 189.9
453 165
454 177.6
455 210.4
456 191.2
457 207.3
458 157.1
459 157.4
460 180.8
461 189.7
462 210.7
463 174.2
464 185.1
465 210.4
466 232.2
467 161.9
468 230.3
469 191.4
470 169.5
471 200.5
472 150.8
473 138.7
474 217
475 188.1
476 194.6
477 217.7
478 177.6
479 163.1
480 138.6
481 193.4
482 248.4
483 208.2
484 221.2
485 187.1
486 203.2
487 156.3
488 172

16 | P a g e
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489 185.1
490 200.5
491 232
492 175.4
493 208.1
494 192.7
495 184.2
496 202.4
497 167.5
498 196
499 229.7
500 135.1
Part A
After the researchers collected the data, then they have to find the Standard Deviation
and the Average of the data as shown in Table 7.
Table 2: General information about the data

Average 191.2308
Std 22.11041
Min 135.1
Max 252.7
std*0.5 11.0552
std*0.25 5.527602

Then, the researchers asked to build a histogram with even number of stems and the
width has to be half or quarter the Standard Deviation as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 2: Histogram with (0.25*std) width

The researchers chose to build a histogram with quarter of the Standard Deviation,
because it gives an even number of stems (22 stems). On the other hand, half of the
Standard Deviation gives an odd number of stems (11 stems).

17 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

Part B
In this part, the researchers will find the difference between each orange weight in the
data and the Average of the data as shown in the third column in Table 8. After that,
the researchers found the absolute values of the difference between the orange weight
and the Average as shown in fourth column of Table 8. Finally, they calculated the
Average of the absolute values as shown in Table 8.
Table 3: Part B requirements

Orange weight
i (g) Weight - Average | Weight - Average |
1 204.7 13.4692 13.4692
2 213.7 22.4692 22.4692
3 216.5 25.2692 25.2692
4 197.7 6.4692 6.4692
5 226.8 35.5692 35.5692
6 199 7.7692 7.7692
7 207.7 16.4692 16.4692
8 212.8 21.5692 21.5692
9 233.9 42.6692 42.6692
10 211 19.7692 19.7692
11 225.5 34.2692 34.2692
12 212.1 20.8692 20.8692
13 203.4 12.1692 12.1692
14 208.9 17.6692 17.6692
15 196.1 4.8692 4.8692
16 222.8 31.5692 31.5692
17 225.3 34.0692 34.0692
18 200.8 9.5692 9.5692
19 202.4 11.1692 11.1692
20 191.9 0.6692 0.6692
21 218.3 27.0692 27.0692
22 198.5 7.2692 7.2692
23 219.3 28.0692 28.0692
24 195.4 4.1692 4.1692
25 210.7 19.4692 19.4692
26 214.1 22.8692 22.8692
27 190.4 -0.8308 0.8308
28 211 19.7692 19.7692
29 204.3 13.0692 13.0692
30 215 23.7692 23.7692
31 207.9 16.6692 16.6692
32 212.1 20.8692 20.8692
33 227.1 35.8692 35.8692
34 208.8 17.5692 17.5692
35 205.2 13.9692 13.9692
36 202.5 11.2692 11.2692

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37 209.3 18.0692 18.0692

38 209.4 18.1692 18.1692
39 192.4 1.1692 1.1692
40 217.3 26.0692 26.0692
41 201.8 10.5692 10.5692
42 216.5 25.2692 25.2692
43 210.1 18.8692 18.8692
44 221.1 29.8692 29.8692
45 195 3.7692 3.7692
46 201.2 9.9692 9.9692
47 199.3 8.0692 8.0692
48 221.8 30.5692 30.5692
49 201 9.7692 9.7692
50 205.4 14.1692 14.1692
51 227.8 36.5692 36.5692
52 216.3 25.0692 25.0692
53 219.9 28.6692 28.6692
54 207.5 16.2692 16.2692
55 212.1 20.8692 20.8692
56 221.8 30.5692 30.5692
57 202.6 11.3692 11.3692
58 206.7 15.4692 15.4692
59 200.3 9.0692 9.0692
60 201.2 9.9692 9.9692
61 210.4 19.1692 19.1692
62 196.8 5.5692 5.5692
63 219 27.7692 27.7692
64 214.6 23.3692 23.3692
65 215.3 24.0692 24.0692
66 226.2 34.9692 34.9692
67 214.5 23.2692 23.2692
68 210.1 18.8692 18.8692
69 220 28.7692 28.7692
70 211.8 20.5692 20.5692
71 206.4 15.1692 15.1692
72 215.7 24.4692 24.4692
73 214.2 22.9692 22.9692
74 218.3 27.0692 27.0692
75 217.1 25.8692 25.8692
76 206.5 15.2692 15.2692
77 203.5 12.2692 12.2692
78 218.6 27.3692 27.3692
79 217.9 26.6692 26.6692
80 216.5 25.2692 25.2692
81 203.1 11.8692 11.8692
82 196.2 4.9692 4.9692

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83 206.1 14.8692 14.8692

84 219.8 28.5692 28.5692
85 205.4 14.1692 14.1692
86 214.4 23.1692 23.1692
87 223.9 32.6692 32.6692
88 182.1 -9.1308 9.1308
89 209 17.7692 17.7692
90 223.9 32.6692 32.6692
91 229.3 38.0692 38.0692
92 235.6 44.3692 44.3692
93 210.4 19.1692 19.1692
94 222.4 31.1692 31.1692
95 218.4 27.1692 27.1692
96 204.2 12.9692 12.9692
97 208.3 17.0692 17.0692
98 213.5 22.2692 22.2692
99 211.4 20.1692 20.1692
100 190.3 -0.9308 0.9308
101 175.8 -15.4308 15.4308
102 160.2 -31.0308 31.0308
103 190.1 -1.1308 1.1308
104 155.9 -35.3308 35.3308
105 218.6 27.3692 27.3692
106 200.1 8.8692 8.8692
107 199.2 7.9692 7.9692
108 185.3 -5.9308 5.9308
109 178.2 -13.0308 13.0308
110 170.8 -20.4308 20.4308
111 166.9 -24.3308 24.3308
112 169.1 -22.1308 22.1308
113 177.2 -14.0308 14.0308
114 175.5 -15.7308 15.7308
115 220.6 29.3692 29.3692
116 155.2 -36.0308 36.0308
117 179.7 -11.5308 11.5308
118 160.2 -31.0308 31.0308
119 168.9 -22.3308 22.3308
120 157.5 -33.7308 33.7308
121 166.1 -25.1308 25.1308
122 161.9 -29.3308 29.3308
123 183.4 -7.8308 7.8308
124 179.5 -11.7308 11.7308
125 184.4 -6.8308 6.8308
126 164.6 -26.6308 26.6308
127 200.2 8.9692 8.9692
128 207.6 16.3692 16.3692

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129 191.7 0.4692 0.4692

130 173.8 -17.4308 17.4308
131 230.3 39.0692 39.0692
132 186.9 -4.3308 4.3308
133 169.6 -21.6308 21.6308
134 173.7 -17.5308 17.5308
135 190.8 -0.4308 0.4308
136 188.5 -2.7308 2.7308
137 160.3 -30.9308 30.9308
138 198.2 6.9692 6.9692
139 169.5 -21.7308 21.7308
140 225.6 34.3692 34.3692
141 158.4 -32.8308 32.8308
142 160.3 -30.9308 30.9308
143 218.6 27.3692 27.3692
144 180.9 -10.3308 10.3308
145 190.7 -0.5308 0.5308
146 179.2 -12.0308 12.0308
147 200.4 9.1692 9.1692
148 164.4 -26.8308 26.8308
149 175.5 -15.7308 15.7308
150 176.9 -14.3308 14.3308
151 178.2 -13.0308 13.0308
152 167.7 -23.5308 23.5308
153 204.1 12.8692 12.8692
154 189.8 -1.4308 1.4308
155 199.2 7.9692 7.9692
156 169.8 -21.4308 21.4308
157 178.2 -13.0308 13.0308
158 198.5 7.2692 7.2692
159 159.9 -31.3308 31.3308
160 228.4 37.1692 37.1692
161 187.3 -3.9308 3.9308
162 167.1 -24.1308 24.1308
163 190.2 -1.0308 1.0308
164 202.6 11.3692 11.3692
165 188.9 -2.3308 2.3308
166 161.4 -29.8308 29.8308
167 149.7 -41.5308 41.5308
168 176.9 -14.3308 14.3308
169 210.1 18.8692 18.8692
170 181.2 -10.0308 10.0308
171 174.9 -16.3308 16.3308
172 172.1 -19.1308 19.1308
173 165.3 -25.9308 25.9308
174 158.2 -33.0308 33.0308

21 | P a g e
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175 192.8 1.5692 1.5692

176 199.7 8.4692 8.4692
177 185.4 -5.8308 5.8308
178 203.8 12.5692 12.5692
179 160.2 -31.0308 31.0308
180 176.3 -14.9308 14.9308
181 180.9 -10.3308 10.3308
182 198.3 7.0692 7.0692
183 172.6 -18.6308 18.6308
184 190.2 -1.0308 1.0308
185 200.6 9.3692 9.3692
186 184.2 -7.0308 7.0308
187 167.1 -24.1308 24.1308
188 172.4 -18.8308 18.8308
189 171.1 -20.1308 20.1308
190 169.2 -22.0308 22.0308
191 209.3 18.0692 18.0692
192 213.7 22.4692 22.4692
193 186.4 -4.8308 4.8308
194 192.5 1.2692 1.2692
195 161.3 -29.9308 29.9308
196 167.6 -23.6308 23.6308
197 158.3 -32.9308 32.9308
198 175.8 -15.4308 15.4308
199 188.2 -3.0308 3.0308
200 201.2 9.9692 9.9692
201 230.4 39.1692 39.1692
202 195.2 3.9692 3.9692
203 177.4 -13.8308 13.8308
204 166.9 -24.3308 24.3308
205 185.5 -5.7308 5.7308
206 199.7 8.4692 8.4692
207 187.6 -3.6308 3.6308
208 162.1 -29.1308 29.1308
209 186.8 -4.4308 4.4308
210 176.9 -14.3308 14.3308
211 173.3 -17.9308 17.9308
212 190.8 -0.4308 0.4308
213 206.8 15.5692 15.5692
214 189.5 -1.7308 1.7308
215 196.4 5.1692 5.1692
216 185.2 -6.0308 6.0308
217 163.9 -27.3308 27.3308
218 195.2 3.9692 3.9692
219 181.1 -10.1308 10.1308
220 174.7 -16.5308 16.5308

22 | P a g e
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221 183.8 -7.4308 7.4308

222 165.3 -25.9308 25.9308
223 160.6 -30.6308 30.6308
224 192.4 1.1692 1.1692
225 178.5 -12.7308 12.7308
226 251.5 60.2692 60.2692
227 190.7 -0.5308 0.5308
228 167.8 -23.4308 23.4308
229 154.9 -36.3308 36.3308
230 179.6 -11.6308 11.6308
231 157.3 -33.9308 33.9308
232 181.2 -10.0308 10.0308
233 174 -17.2308 17.2308
234 154.1 -37.1308 37.1308
235 182.9 -8.3308 8.3308
236 150.6 -40.6308 40.6308
237 181.4 -9.8308 9.8308
238 160.6 -30.6308 30.6308
239 176.2 -15.0308 15.0308
240 173.6 -17.6308 17.6308
241 172.3 -18.9308 18.9308
242 181.4 -9.8308 9.8308
243 170.6 -20.6308 20.6308
244 174.5 -16.7308 16.7308
245 189.2 -2.0308 2.0308
246 158 -33.2308 33.2308
247 186.7 -4.5308 4.5308
248 185.8 -5.4308 5.4308
249 159.6 -31.6308 31.6308
250 179.3 -11.9308 11.9308
251 185.7 -5.5308 5.5308
252 171 -20.2308 20.2308
253 174.4 -16.8308 16.8308
254 174.4 -16.8308 16.8308
255 188.8 -2.4308 2.4308
256 171.1 -20.1308 20.1308
257 155.2 -36.0308 36.0308
258 188.4 -2.8308 2.8308
259 185 -6.2308 6.2308
260 173.8 -17.4308 17.4308
261 172.2 -19.0308 19.0308
262 149.6 -41.6308 41.6308
263 173.3 -17.9308 17.9308
264 172.7 -18.5308 18.5308
265 158.1 -33.1308 33.1308
266 243.6 52.3692 52.3692

23 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

267 176.8 -14.4308 14.4308

268 157.8 -33.4308 33.4308
269 145.5 -45.7308 45.7308
270 159.2 -32.0308 32.0308
271 164 -27.2308 27.2308
272 248.4 57.1692 57.1692
273 247 55.7692 55.7692
274 187 -4.2308 4.2308
275 247.1 55.8692 55.8692
276 242.5 51.2692 51.2692
277 170.2 -21.0308 21.0308
278 156.3 -34.9308 34.9308
279 179.7 -11.5308 11.5308
280 184.9 -6.3308 6.3308
281 155 -36.2308 36.2308
282 238 46.7692 46.7692
283 159 -32.2308 32.2308
284 145.4 -45.8308 45.8308
285 177.3 -13.9308 13.9308
286 189.2 -2.0308 2.0308
287 189.1 -2.1308 2.1308
288 205.7 14.4692 14.4692
289 197.7 6.4692 6.4692
290 185.3 -5.9308 5.9308
291 214.6 23.3692 23.3692
292 218.7 27.4692 27.4692
293 151.2 -40.0308 40.0308
294 183.5 -7.7308 7.7308
295 168.3 -22.9308 22.9308
296 168.7 -22.5308 22.5308
297 176.3 -14.9308 14.9308
298 227 35.7692 35.7692
299 184.5 -6.7308 6.7308
300 189.5 -1.7308 1.7308
301 179.2 -12.0308 12.0308
302 192.5 1.2692 1.2692
303 148 -43.2308 43.2308
304 179.6 -11.6308 11.6308
305 187.2 -4.0308 4.0308
306 152.4 -38.8308 38.8308
307 227.4 36.1692 36.1692
308 191.9 0.6692 0.6692
309 205.9 14.6692 14.6692
310 187.3 -3.9308 3.9308
311 179 -12.2308 12.2308
312 192.4 1.1692 1.1692

24 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

313 169.6 -21.6308 21.6308

314 198.8 7.5692 7.5692
315 192.8 1.5692 1.5692
316 193.8 2.5692 2.5692
317 192.1 0.8692 0.8692
318 191.2 -0.0308 0.0308
319 202.7 11.4692 11.4692
320 212.5 21.2692 21.2692
321 200.4 9.1692 9.1692
322 221.7 30.4692 30.4692
323 175.6 -15.6308 15.6308
324 177.2 -14.0308 14.0308
325 231.2 39.9692 39.9692
326 163.2 -28.0308 28.0308
327 165.3 -25.9308 25.9308
328 210.1 18.8692 18.8692
329 197.3 6.0692 6.0692
330 168.1 -23.1308 23.1308
331 211.1 19.8692 19.8692
332 165.3 -25.9308 25.9308
333 193.5 2.2692 2.2692
334 213.9 22.6692 22.6692
335 204.1 12.8692 12.8692
336 188.2 -3.0308 3.0308
337 184.3 -6.9308 6.9308
338 203.6 12.3692 12.3692
339 232.6 41.3692 41.3692
340 155.6 -35.6308 35.6308
341 192.9 1.6692 1.6692
342 200.4 9.1692 9.1692
343 188.8 -2.4308 2.4308
344 172 -19.2308 19.2308
345 162.3 -28.9308 28.9308
346 170.9 -20.3308 20.3308
347 226.8 35.5692 35.5692
348 182.6 -8.6308 8.6308
349 195.2 3.9692 3.9692
350 207.5 16.2692 16.2692
351 196.5 5.2692 5.2692
352 188.9 -2.3308 2.3308
353 183.3 -7.9308 7.9308
354 199.7 8.4692 8.4692
355 159.5 -31.7308 31.7308
356 212.7 21.4692 21.4692
357 153.2 -38.0308 38.0308
358 185.9 -5.3308 5.3308

25 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

359 188.7 -2.5308 2.5308

360 192.9 1.6692 1.6692
361 209.2 17.9692 17.9692
362 194 2.7692 2.7692
363 186.5 -4.7308 4.7308
364 222.8 31.5692 31.5692
365 177.8 -13.4308 13.4308
366 185.2 -6.0308 6.0308
367 207.5 16.2692 16.2692
368 229.8 38.5692 38.5692
369 161.2 -30.0308 30.0308
370 201.6 10.3692 10.3692
371 186.6 -4.6308 4.6308
372 157.5 -33.7308 33.7308
373 224 32.7692 32.7692
374 195.3 4.0692 4.0692
375 193.9 2.6692 2.6692
376 172.6 -18.6308 18.6308
377 155.1 -36.1308 36.1308
378 182.5 -8.7308 8.7308
379 160.5 -30.7308 30.7308
380 206.3 15.0692 15.0692
381 200.2 8.9692 8.9692
382 178.6 -12.6308 12.6308
383 177.3 -13.9308 13.9308
384 196.1 4.8692 4.8692
385 198.3 7.0692 7.0692
386 170.8 -20.4308 20.4308
387 186.5 -4.7308 4.7308
388 211.4 20.1692 20.1692
389 212.5 21.2692 21.2692
390 179.6 -11.6308 11.6308
391 170.6 -20.6308 20.6308
392 163.9 -27.3308 27.3308
393 178 -13.2308 13.2308
394 165.7 -25.5308 25.5308
395 184 -7.2308 7.2308
396 190.6 -0.6308 0.6308
397 190 -1.2308 1.2308
398 209 17.7692 17.7692
399 195.2 3.9692 3.9692
400 140.6 -50.6308 50.6308
401 194.8 3.5692 3.5692
402 215.2 23.9692 23.9692
403 179.9 -11.3308 11.3308
404 210.8 19.5692 19.5692

26 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

405 203.9 12.6692 12.6692

406 209.1 17.8692 17.8692
407 161.1 -30.1308 30.1308
408 198.4 7.1692 7.1692
409 205.1 13.8692 13.8692
410 211.9 20.6692 20.6692
411 209.2 17.9692 17.9692
412 178.8 -12.4308 12.4308
413 184.8 -6.4308 6.4308
414 219.6 28.3692 28.3692
415 181.6 -9.6308 9.6308
416 201.2 9.9692 9.9692
417 177.3 -13.9308 13.9308
418 184.7 -6.5308 6.5308
419 180.4 -10.8308 10.8308
420 184.6 -6.6308 6.6308
421 252.7 61.4692 61.4692
422 203.3 12.0692 12.0692
423 206.6 15.3692 15.3692
424 176.3 -14.9308 14.9308
425 194.8 3.5692 3.5692
426 175.5 -15.7308 15.7308
427 210.9 19.6692 19.6692
428 184.9 -6.3308 6.3308
429 181.2 -10.0308 10.0308
430 189.2 -2.0308 2.0308
431 186.1 -5.1308 5.1308
432 199.9 8.6692 8.6692
433 198.1 6.8692 6.8692
434 182.2 -9.0308 9.0308
435 184.5 -6.7308 6.7308
436 195.1 3.8692 3.8692
437 150.8 -40.4308 40.4308
438 216.3 25.0692 25.0692
439 183 -8.2308 8.2308
440 186.1 -5.1308 5.1308
441 187.8 -3.4308 3.4308
442 210.9 19.6692 19.6692
443 210.8 19.5692 19.5692
444 164.6 -26.6308 26.6308
445 198.6 7.3692 7.3692
446 198.4 7.1692 7.1692
447 195.4 4.1692 4.1692
448 236.7 45.4692 45.4692
449 169.7 -21.5308 21.5308
450 218.2 26.9692 26.9692

27 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

451 173.3 -17.9308 17.9308

452 189.9 -1.3308 1.3308
453 165 -26.2308 26.2308
454 177.6 -13.6308 13.6308
455 210.4 19.1692 19.1692
456 191.2 -0.0308 0.0308
457 207.3 16.0692 16.0692
458 157.1 -34.1308 34.1308
459 157.4 -33.8308 33.8308
460 180.8 -10.4308 10.4308
461 189.7 -1.5308 1.5308
462 210.7 19.4692 19.4692
463 174.2 -17.0308 17.0308
464 185.1 -6.1308 6.1308
465 210.4 19.1692 19.1692
466 232.2 40.9692 40.9692
467 161.9 -29.3308 29.3308
468 230.3 39.0692 39.0692
469 191.4 0.1692 0.1692
470 169.5 -21.7308 21.7308
471 200.5 9.2692 9.2692
472 150.8 -40.4308 40.4308
473 138.7 -52.5308 52.5308
474 217 25.7692 25.7692
475 188.1 -3.1308 3.1308
476 194.6 3.3692 3.3692
477 217.7 26.4692 26.4692
478 177.6 -13.6308 13.6308
479 163.1 -28.1308 28.1308
480 138.6 -52.6308 52.6308
481 193.4 2.1692 2.1692
482 248.4 57.1692 57.1692
483 208.2 16.9692 16.9692
484 221.2 29.9692 29.9692
485 187.1 -4.1308 4.1308
486 203.2 11.9692 11.9692
487 156.3 -34.9308 34.9308
488 172 -19.2308 19.2308
489 185.1 -6.1308 6.1308
490 200.5 9.2692 9.2692
491 232 40.7692 40.7692
492 175.4 -15.8308 15.8308
493 208.1 16.8692 16.8692
494 192.7 1.4692 1.4692
495 184.2 -7.0308 7.0308
496 202.4 11.1692 11.1692

28 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

497 167.5 -23.7308 23.7308

498 196 4.7692 4.7692
499 229.7 38.4692 38.4692
500 135.1 -56.1308 56.1308
Sum 95615.4 -2.19131E-11 9050.1544
Average 191.2308 -4.38263E-14 18.1003088

 Comparison between the Average of the absolute values and the Standard
Deviation: the difference between them is equal to (22.11041 – 18.1003 =
4.01011). Since, the Standard Deviation is greater than the Average of the absolute
value and both are close to each other, then that could be an indication to that the
values are around the mean.

Part C
In this part, the researchers asked to build a histogram containing sixteen sections with
using the half of the Standard Deviation as the bin width, but when the researchers used
the half of the Standard Deviation as the bin width, then the histogram created eleven
sections as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 3: Histogram with (0.5*std) width

So, the researchers used Excel to divide the histogram into sixteen sections as shown in
Figure 3. Excel used (7.35) as the bin width to create histogram with sixteen sections.

29 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

Figure 4: Histogram divided into 16 sections

After that, the researchers calculated the probability and compare it with the frequency
in each section over the total sample as shown in Table 4.
Table 4: Comparison between the two percentages

16 Sections
Section Frequency (Freq. / 500) *100 Probability
1 4 0.8 0.8120
2 5 1 1.6794
3 17 3.4 3.1133
4 37 7.4 5.1727
5 38 7.6 7.7029
6 57 11.4 10.2812
7 58 11.6 12.2992
8 61 12.2 13.1874
9 58 11.6 12.6733
10 44 8.8 10.9162
11 52 10.4 8.4275
12 33 6.6 5.8314
13 20 4 3.6165
14 8 1.6 2.0103
15 2 0.4 1.0015
16 6 1.2 0.4472
Part D
In this part, the researchers asked to build a histogram containing eight sections with
using the Standard Deviation as the bin width, but when the researchers used the
Standard Deviation as the bin width, then the histogram created six sections as shown
in Figure 4.

30 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

Figure 5: Histogram with (std. value) width

So, the researchers used Excel to divide the histogram into eight sections as shown in
Figure 5. Excel used (14.7) as the bin width to create histogram with eight sections.

Figure 6: Histogram divided into 8 sections

After that, the researchers calculated the probability and compare it with the frequency
in each section over the total sample as shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Comparison between the two percentages

8 Sections
Section Frequency (Freq. / 500) *100 Probability
1 9 1.8 2.4914
2 54 10.8 8.2859
3 95 19 17.9841
4 119 23.8 25.4866

31 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

5 102 20.4 23.5895

6 85 17 14.2589
7 28 5.6 5.6268
8 8 1.6 1.4487

After showing what was done and getting the results, it’s been confirmed that the weight
of oranges follows a normal distribution with a mean of 191.23 and std 22.11. Most of
the data revolved around the mean. The average absolute differences were equal to 18.1,
which is less than STD, indicating that there aren’t many outliers in the data and values
are not far from the mean. Finally, the percentage of data in a particular section in the
graph was compared with the percent probability of each section from a normal
distribution. The results showed that there isn’t much difference between the

32 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

Zach, V., 2022. How to Calculate Normal Distribution Probabilities in Excel -
Statology. [online] Statology. Available at: <https://www.statology.org/normal-
distribution-probability-excel/> [Accessed 3 September 2022].

Zach, V., 2022. Mean Absolute Deviation vs. Standard Deviation: What's the
Difference? - Statology. [online] Statology. Available at:
[Accessed 3 September 2022].

33 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

Table 6:Orange weights from Alraya supermarket

Orange Weight
i (g)
1 251.5
2 190.7
3 167.8
4 154.9
5 179.6
6 157.3
7 181.2
8 174
9 154.1
10 182.9
11 150.6
12 181.4
13 160.6
14 176.2
15 173.6
16 172.3
17 181.4
18 170.6
19 174.5
20 189.2
21 158
22 186.7
23 185.8
24 159.6
25 179.3
26 185.7
27 171
28 174.4
29 174.4
30 188.8
31 171.1
32 155.2
33 188.4
34 185
35 173.8
36 172.2
37 149.6
38 173.3
39 172.7
40 158.1
41 243.6
42 176.8

34 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

43 157.8
44 145.5
45 159.2
46 164
47 248.4
48 247
49 187
50 247.1
51 242.5
52 170.2
53 156.3
54 179.7
55 184.9
56 155
57 238
58 159
59 145.4
60 177.3
61 189.2
62 189.1
63 205.7
64 197.7
65 185.3

Table 7: Orange weights from Manuel supermarket

Orange weight
1 175.8
2 160.2
3 190.1
4 155.9
5 218.6
6 200.1
7 199.2
8 185.3
9 178.2
10 170.8
11 166.9
12 169.1
13 177.2
14 175.5
15 220.6
16 155.2
17 179.7
18 160.2

35 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

19 168.9
20 157.5
21 166.1
22 161.9
23 183.4
24 179.5
25 184.4
26 164.6
27 200.2
28 207.6
29 191.7
30 173.8
31 230.3
32 186.9
33 169.6
34 173.7
35 190.8
36 188.5
37 160.3
38 198.2
39 169.5
40 225.6
41 158.4
42 160.3
43 218.6
44 180.9
45 190.7
46 179.2
47 200.4
48 164.4
49 175.5
50 176.9
51 178.2
52 167.7
53 204.1
54 189.8
55 199.2
56 169.8
57 178.2
58 198.5
59 159.9
60 228.4
61 187.3
62 167.1
63 190.2
64 202.6

36 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

65 188.9
66 161.4
67 149.7
68 176.9
69 210.1
70 181.2
71 174.9
72 172.1
73 165.3
74 158.2
75 192.8
76 199.7
77 185.4
78 203.8
79 160.2
80 176.3
81 180.9
82 198.3
83 172.6
84 190.2
85 200.6
86 184.2
87 167.1
88 172.4
89 171.1
90 169.2
91 209.3
92 213.7
93 186.4
94 192.5
95 161.3
96 167.6
97 158.3
98 175.8
99 188.2
100 201.2
101 230.4
102 195.2
103 177.4
104 166.9
105 185.5
106 199.7
107 187.6
108 162.1
109 186.8
110 176.9

37 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

111 173.3
112 190.8
113 206.8
114 189.5
115 196.4
116 185.2
117 163.9
118 195.2
119 181.1
120 174.7
121 183.8
122 165.3
123 160.6
124 192.4
125 178.5

Table 8: Orange weights from Farm supermarket

Orange weight
i (g)
1 204.7
2 213.7
3 216.5
4 197.7
5 226.8
6 199
7 207.7
8 212.8
9 233.9
10 211
11 225.5
12 212.1
13 203.4
14 208.9
15 196.1
16 222.8
17 225.3
18 200.8
19 202.4
20 191.9
21 218.3
22 198.5
23 219.3
24 195.4
25 210.7
26 214.1

38 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

27 190.4
28 211
29 204.3
30 215
31 207.9
32 212.1
33 227.1
34 208.8
35 205.2
36 202.5
37 209.3
38 209.4
39 192.4
40 217.3
41 201.8
42 216.5
43 210.1
44 221.1
45 195
46 201.2
47 199.3
48 221.8
49 201
50 205.4
51 227.8
52 216.3
53 219.9
54 207.5
55 212.1
56 221.8
57 202.6
58 206.7
59 200.3
60 201.2
61 210.4
62 196.8
63 219
64 214.6
65 215.3
66 226.2
67 214.5
68 210.1
69 220
70 211.8
71 206.4
72 215.7

39 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

73 214.2
74 218.3
75 217.1
76 206.5
77 203.5
78 218.6
79 217.9
80 216.5
81 203.1
82 196.2
83 206.1
84 219.8
85 205.4
86 214.4
87 223.9
88 182.1
89 209
90 223.9
91 229.3
92 235.6
93 210.4
94 222.4
95 218.4
96 204.2
97 208.3
98 213.5
99 211.4
100 190.3

Table 9: Orange weights from Aldanube supermarket

Orange weight
i (g)
1 163.9
2 178
3 165.7
4 184
5 190.6
6 190
7 209
8 195.2
9 140.6
10 194.8
11 215.2
12 179.9
13 210.8

40 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

14 203.9
15 209.1
16 161.1
17 198.4
18 205.1
19 211.9
20 209.2
21 178.8
22 184.8
23 219.6
24 181.6
25 201.2
26 177.3
27 184.7
28 180.4
29 184.6
30 252.7
31 203.3
32 206.6
33 176.3
34 194.8
35 175.5
36 210.9
37 184.9
38 181.2
39 189.2
40 186.1
41 199.9
42 198.1
43 182.2
44 184.5
45 195.1
46 150.8
47 216.3
48 183
49 186.1
50 187.8
51 210.9
52 210.8
53 164.6
54 198.6
55 198.4
56 195.4
57 236.7
58 169.7
59 218.2

41 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

60 173.3
61 189.9
62 165
63 177.6
64 210.4
65 191.2
66 207.3
67 157.1
68 157.4
69 180.8
70 189.7
71 210.7
72 174.2
73 185.1
74 210.4
75 232.2
76 161.9
77 230.3
78 191.4
79 169.5
80 200.5
81 150.8
82 138.7
83 217
84 188.1
85 194.6
86 217.7
87 177.6
88 163.1
89 138.6
90 193.4
91 248.4
92 208.2
93 221.2
94 187.1
95 203.2
96 156.3
97 172
98 185.1
99 200.5
100 232
101 175.4
102 208.1
103 192.7
104 184.2
105 202.4

42 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

106 167.5
107 196
108 229.7
109 135.1
110 170.6

Table 10: Orange weights from Banda supermarket

Orange weight
i (g)
1 214.6
2 218.7
3 151.2
4 183.5
5 168.3
6 168.7
7 176.3
8 227
9 184.5
10 189.5
11 179.2
12 192.5
13 148
14 179.6
15 187.2
16 152.4
17 227.4
18 191.9
19 205.9
20 187.3
21 179
22 192.4
23 169.6
24 198.8
25 192.8
26 193.8
27 192.1
28 191.2
29 202.7
30 212.5
31 200.4
32 221.7
33 175.6
34 177.2
35 231.2
36 163.2

43 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

37 165.3
38 210.1
39 197.3
40 168.1
41 211.1
42 165.3
43 193.5
44 213.9
45 204.1
46 188.2
47 184.3
48 203.6
49 232.6
50 155.6
51 192.9
52 200.4
53 188.8
54 172
55 162.3
56 170.9
57 226.8
58 182.6
59 195.2
60 207.5
61 196.5
62 188.9
63 183.3
64 199.7
65 159.5
66 212.7
67 153.2
68 185.9
69 188.7
70 192.9
71 209.2
72 194
73 186.5
74 222.8
75 177.8
76 185.2
77 207.5
78 229.8
79 161.2
80 201.6
81 186.6
82 157.5

44 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

83 224
84 195.3
85 193.9
86 172.6
87 155.1
88 182.5
89 160.5
90 206.3
91 200.2
92 178.6
93 177.3
94 196.1
95 198.3
96 170.8
97 186.5
98 211.4
99 212.5
100 179.6

Table 11: How the probability calculated

16 Sections
Section Lower Upper Probability
1 135.1 142.45 0.00812
2 142.45 149.8 0.016794
3 149.8 157.15 0.031133
4 157.15 164.5 0.051727
5 164.5 171.85 0.077029
6 171.85 179.2 0.102812
7 179.2 186.55 0.122992
8 186.55 193.9 0.131874
9 193.9 201.25 0.126733
10 201.25 208.6 0.109162
11 208.6 215.95 0.084275
12 215.95 223.3 0.058314
13 223.3 230.65 0.036165
14 230.65 238 0.020103
15 238 245.35 0.010015
16 245.35 252.7 0.004472

 The researchers used the function NORM.DIST() to find the probability.

45 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

Table 12: How the probability calculated

8 Sections
Section Lower Upper Probability
1 135.1 149.8 0.024914
2 149.8 164.5 0.082859
3 164.5 179.2 0.179841
4 179.2 193.9 0.254866
5 193.9 208.6 0.235895
6 208.6 223.3 0.142589
7 223.3 238 0.056268
8 238 252.7 0.014487

 The researchers used the function NORM.DIST() to find the probability.

Figure 7: Regular histogram from Excel

Figure 8: Part of the used sample

46 | P a g e
H.W 1 IE 431

Figure 9: Part of the used sample 2

47 | P a g e

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