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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur


Name of Teacher ̶ Writer: Odessa A. Peralta

School: Narvacan National Central High School


To the learners,

This self-learning kit (SLK) provides concise discussions and interesting

activities about specific topics for you to achieve the most essential learning
competencies in the curriculum. Before you work on this SLK, please take note the
following reminders:

 Read the foreword to get an idea of what the SLK covers.

 Read well every page. Never move on to the next page, unless you have
done what you are expected to do, in the previous page.
 Answer all the activities and assessment..
 After finishing the SLK, be ready for an online conference with your
teacher and ask him/her about the difficulties that you have
 Please do not write on the SLK itself. Use separate sheets of paper
or your activity notebook. Compile them for your learning portfolio.

Good luck as you begin this SLK!

Most Essential Learning Competency: Use conventions in

citing sources.

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. differentiate various conventions in writing a bibliography;

2. follow the rules and format in writing a bibliography and;
3. acknowledge sources by citing them in a bibliography.

Nowadays, accessing information is effortless through
the use of information technology and library resources. You
can easily get the information you need for your research
paper but you should correctly cite the sources you used. How
will you cite your sources? Let us find out by answering the
activity below.

Directions: Study the given pictures and write the missing letters in the boxes below
to complete the word suggested by the given pictures. Write your answer in your


You have already found out how you are going to cite the
sources you used in your research paper from the given activity. It
is through bibliographies. Bibliographies are necessary as you
become a researcher and prepare a research paper. Let us now
begin to enhance your knowledge and deepen your understanding
of bibliographies - what they are, why they are important and how
they are written.
What is a bibliography? Bibliography comes from the Greek words,
“biblion-”, meaning “book” and “-graphia” meaning “write". It is an alphabetical list of
sources used in preparing a research paper. It is written on a new sheet and appears
on the last page.

Why is a bibliography important? A bibliography is important to give credit

to a source and to avoid legal consequences such as plagiarism, which is the act of
taking others’ ideas and using them as your own. It also allows the readers to follow
up and fully understand the research paper.

How to write a bibliography? A bibliography should be written and arranged

correctly and consistently. Let us study the two formats in writing a bibliography.
These includes the American Psychological Association (APA) format and the
Modern Language Association (MLA) format.

 American Psychological Association (APA) - it is the style used in

business and social sciences.
 Modern Language Association (MLA) - it is the standard format used for
papers in arts and humanities.

APA Format Bibliography

& Books
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. (Publication date). Title of book. City of
publication: Publishing company.
& Dictionary and Encyclopedia
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. (Publication date). Title of article. Title of
encyclopedia (Volume, pages). City of publication: Publishing company.
& Newspapers and Magazines
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. (Publication date - year, Month day).
Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number, inclusive pages.
& Internet Sources (Websites)
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. (Publication date). Title of work. Retrieved
date accessed, from full URL

Sample Bibliographical Entries
& Books
Navarro, H. (1998). Interactive learning through English III. Manila: St.
Augustine Publications, Inc.
& Dictionary and Encyclopedia
Lu, M. C., & Bragonier, J. R. (2002). Maternal and child health. Encyclopedia
of public health (Vol. 3, pp. 729-735). New York, NY: Macmillan.
& Newspapers and Magazines
Saldivar-Sali, A. (2006, June 11). It’s possible to change the world. The
Philippine Starweek. p. 3-5.
& Internet Sources (Websites)
Price, D. (2018). Laziness does not exist. Retrieved March 23, 2018, from

MLA Format Bibliography

& Books
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Name of
Publisher. year. Medium of Publication.
& Dictionary and Encyclopedia
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Encyclo-
pedia. year. Medium of Publication.
& Newspapers and Magazines
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of article.” Title of periodical. Date of
Publication. Medium of Publication.
& Internet Sources (Websites)
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of the Work.” Publisher of Website,
Date of Publication. Medium of Publication. Date of Access.

Sample Bibliographical Entries
& Books
Montano, Kathlain. How to Direct Action Films. Manila: New Day Eve
Publishing. 2015. Print
& Dictionary and Encyclopedia
Santos, Gay. “Filipino Languages.” The Encyclopedia Britanica: Macropedia
12th ed. 2007. Print.
& Newspapers and Magazines
Dela Cruz, Fred. “Hachiko.” Japan News and World Report. 20
March 2013: 55. Print.
& Internet Sources (Websites)
Mercado, Pablo. “Internet Primitive History Sourcebook.” Pablo Mercado, 17
Dec. 1987. Web. 12 Jan. 2015.

Let us now deepen your knowledge in writing a

bibliography using the APA and the MLA format. Study the
examples below.

APA Format Bibliographical Entries

& Books
Mendoza, V. ( 2007). English skill enhancer IV for high school. Quezon
City: Bookman, Inc.
& Dictionary and Encyclopedia
Kinni, T. B. (2004). Disney, Walt. In Encyclopedia of leadership (Vol. 1, pp.
345-349). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
& Newspapers and Magazines
Rasing, M. (2020, 16 February) Dagiti website a pagsapulan iti trabaho.
Bannawag, p. 49.
& Internet Sources (Websites)
Atherton, J. (2005). Behaviour modification. Retrieved February 5, 2009, from behaviour.htm

MLA Format Bibliographical Entries
& Books
Isaacson, Walter. Einstien: His Life and Universe. New York: Simon and
Schuster. 2007. Print.
& Dictionary and Encyclopedia
Gillingham, John. “Norman Conquest.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 2008.
& Newspapers and Magazines
Sacks, Oliver. “A Bolt from the Blue.” New Yorker. 23 July 2007: 38-42. Print.
& Internet Sources (Websites)
Everett, Glenn. “Utilitarianism.” Th Victorian Web. Ed. George P. Landow 11
Oct. 2002. Web 18 May 2007.

Let us now check your learning in writing a bibliography

using the APA and the MLA format. Read and accomplish the
activities below.


Directions: Tell whether the given bibliographical entries use the APA or the MLA
format. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. Ramos, M. (1997). Reading and writing the essay. Quezon City: Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc.

2. Friedman, Milton and Anna Jacobson. The Great Contraction. Princeton:

Princeton. 2009. Print.

3. Bergman, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia britanica (Vol.

26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britanica.

4. Godinez, Chris. “Japan Needs Filipino Soldiers.” The Bulletin Today. 22

Jan. 2011: A7. Print.

5. Devitt, T. (2001, August 2). Lightning injures four at the music festival.
The Why? Files. Retrieved January 23, 2002, from


Directions: Arrange the following information using the APA format to come up with
organized and well written bibliographical entries. Write your answer in your

1. Training and Speaking Voice by Virgil Anderson published by Oxford

University Press in New York in 1991.

2. The Great Contraction by Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson, published

by Princeton UP in Princeton in 2009.

3. Historical Overview by M. R. Bunson from Encyclopedia on Ancient Egypt 3rd

ed., pp. 12-15 published by National Geographic Society in Washington, DC
in 2012.

4. Some Budget Progress Made by Ray Long and Jeffrey Meitrodt from
Chicago Tribune, B3 published in July 26, 2007.

5. Lightning Injures Four at Music Festival by Thomas. Devitt published

by Thomas. Devitt in August 2, 2001 accessed in January 23, 2002


Directions: Arrange the following information using the MLA format to come up with
organized and well written bibliographical entries. Write your answer in your

1. Training and Speaking Voice by Virgil Anderson published by Oxford

University Press in New York in 1991.

2. The Great Contraction by Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson, published

by Princeton UP in Princeton in 2009.

3. Historical Overview by M. R. Bunson from Encyclopedia on Ancient Egypt 3rd

ed., pp. 12-15 published by National Geographic Society in Washington, DC
in 2012.

4. Some Budget Progress Made by Ray Long and Jeffrey Meitrodt from
Chicago Tribune, B3 published in July 26, 2007.

5. Lightning Injures Four at Music Festival by Thomas. Devitt published

by Thomas. Devitt in August 2, 2001 accessed in January 23, 2002

Let us now summarize your learning on writing a

bibliography using the APA and the MLA format. Complete the
paragraph below. Write it in your notebook.

A bibliography is an ______________________________________________

Writing a bibliography is important because ___________________________


The two formats in writing a bibliography are __________________________


Let us now apply your learning in writing a bibliography using

the APA and the MLA format. Read and accomplish the activity

! Research about your next topic on modal verbs. Write the information about the
topic in your notebook. List the information about your source and arrange those

information into a bibliography. You may use either the APA or the MLA format in
writing. Don’t forget to use appropriate punctuation mark.

Directions: Study and evaluate the bibliographical entries below. Put a check ( ⁄ ) in
the like column if the entry is written correctly and a wrong ( x ) mark in the unlike
column if the entry is written incorrectly. Write your answer in your notebook.


Inocencio, I. (2012). Breaking grounds through Afro-Asian literature.

Quezon City: Ephesians Publishing, Inc.

Carpio, Rustica. Crisscrossing Through Afro-Asian Literature. Pasig

City: Anvil Publishing, Inc. 2006. Print.

Villanueva, A., & Delos Santos, R. (2008). Developmental reading

I. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Fernando, J. et. al. (1973). College freshman English. Philippine

Graphic Arts, Inc: Mandaluyong City.

Bergman, P. G. Relativity. In The new encyclopedia britanica Chicago:

Encyclopedia Britanica, pp. 501 - 508.

Petinghill, O. (1980). Falcon and falconry. World book encyclopedia

(pp. 150-155). Chicago: World Book.

The Philippine Starweek. Tamura, C. (2005, November 20). The gift

behind being gifted. p. 11.

Godinez, Chris. “Japan Needs Filipino Soldiers.” The Bulletin Today.

22 January 2011: A7. Print.
Fosslien, Liz. “Three Ways to Hack Your Environment to Help You
Create.” Huffington Post, 7 Dec. 2016. Web. 12 Jan. 2017.

Ackran, J. (October 4, 2013). Statistics of insurance coverage of elderly.

Retrieved last November 3, 2014, from the internet.


Gonzales, Carolina T., Nelda R. Francisco, Estrella E. De Vera, and Pilar

R. Yu. English for 21st Century Learning (Afro-Asian) Textbook. Manila: Rex
Bookstore, Inc. 2018.


Cornell University Library. “APA Citation Style.” Accessed June 7,2020. https://www.
Hayman, Kristine. “Creating a Bibliography: Lesson for Kids.” Accessed
June 15, 2020.

Oregon School Library Information System. “APA Citation Worksheets.” Accessed

June 7, 2020.
Science Buddies. “Writing a Bibliography: APA Format.” Accessed June 7, 2020
The University of Toledo. “APA Style Reference Citations.” Accessed June 7, 2020.
The University of Queensland. “References/Bibliography APA.”Accessed June 7,
Western Sydney University. “American Psychological Association (APA) Referencing
Style Guide.” Accessed June 15, 2020. https://library.



Activity 1

1. APA
2. MLA
3. APA
4. MLA
5. APA

Activity 2

1. Anderson, V. (1991). Training and Speaking Voice. New York: Oxford

University Press.

2. Friedman, M. & Jacobson, A. (2009). The great contraction. Princeton:

Princeton UP.

3. Bunson, M. R. (2012). Historical overview. In The encyclopedia of Ancient

Egypt (3rd ed., pp. 12-15 ) Washington DC. National Geographic Society.

4. Long, R. & Meitrodt J. (2007, 26 July). Some budget progress made.

Chicago Tribune, B3.

5. Devitt, T. (2001, August 2). Lightning injures four at music festival. Retrieved
January 23, 2002, from

Activity 3

1. Anderson, Virgil. Training and Speaking Voice. New York: Oxford University
Press. 1991. Print.

2. Friedman, Milton and Anna Jacobson. The Great Contraction. Princeton:

Princeton UP. 2009. Print.

3. R. Bunson. “Historical Overview.” Encyclopedia on Ancient Egypt. 2012.


4. Long, Ray and Jeffrey Meitrodt. “Some Budget Progress Made.” Chicago
Tribune. 26 July 2007: B3. Print

5. Devitt, Thomas. “Lightning Injures Four at Music Festival.” Thomas Devitt, 2,

August 200. Web. 23 Jan. 2002.

1. Correct
2. Correct
3. Correct
4. Wrong
5. Wrong
6. Correct
7. Correct
8. Correct
9. Correct
10. Correct


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