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The aim of this study is to identify and determine the most commonly used

social media platforms preferred by students in Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM) in the University of Saint Anthony, in correlation with their current

strand. These are the problems that will be addressed in this study;

1. What are the top social media platforms that USANT STEM students own?

2.  What are the most common purposes of social media among the respondents?

3. What is the level of Social Media Engagement of the respondents of the

respondents in terms of;

a. Frequency;

b. Duration; and

c. Online Interaction;

4.  Is there a significant difference in the level of engagement among the


5. What online activity can be proposed based from the findings of this study?

1. This study is to determine the most used social networking sites or applications

used by the STEM students in the University of Saint Anthony.

2. This study will determine the purpose of the social media among STEM students.

3. This study will also identify the levels of engagement in terms of; Frequency,

Duration and Online Interaction among the students in STEM.

4. This study will likely determine the difference of students in terms of social media


5. This study will also be able to determine what kind of online activity can be

proposed, at the findings and at the end of the study.


To the STEM students, it may be a way of knowing how useful social media

among their strand, it can be used to their advantage by focusing mostly on their

benefits, knowing the purpose of social media to know and produce contents in the

STEM category.

To the Teachers, it will very likely produce positive outcomes in which the

teachers can be aware about the social media engagement of the STEM students the

purpose as well as the responsible use of social media.

To the School Administrators, it can serve as an assessment showing how

the use of social media and networking sites affects the STEM students academically.

To the Future Researcher, it will likely be a guide and insight to produce more

advance study suitable in their generation.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is about the engagement level in social media among the

students of University of Saint Anthony, particularly the Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students, the purpose of this study is to

determine the purpose and time used by STEM students in social media.

The range of this study mainly focuses only in Iriga City, specifically in

USANT the respondents in this research are the current Grade-12 students in the

strand of STEM.

Definition of Terms

Social media. Refers to the interaction among people in which they create, share,

and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Social

media is not “media,” but platforms for interaction and networking. It is the collective of

online communication channels dedicated to community based input, social interaction,

content-sharing, and collaboration; it consists of the tools, services, and communication

facilitating connections among people with common interests.

Engagement. ‘Engagement’ refers to any action taken by a social media user on your

page. This can be in the form of ‘Likes’, ‘Reactions’, ‘Shares’ or ‘Comments’.

Social Networking. Social networking is the practice of expanding social contacts by

making connections through individuals.

Platform. The software or technology that helps users to build, integrate or facilitate

community, interactive and user-generated content. For example, a blog or a wiki is a

social media tool, but the technology used to create and host them, such as Facebook

or Twitter, is considered the platform.

Profile. Profile Information provided about a person or an entity on a social media site.

A person’s social media profile is generally created by that individual.

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