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Water: Psyduck (Common), Poliwag (Very Common, Horde), Poliwhirl (Common) [Item:

King's Rock], and Slowpoke (Common) [Item: Lagging Tail, King's Rock]

Old Rod: Poliwag (Uncommon) and Magikarp (Very Common)

Good Rod: Poliwag (Very Common), Goldeen (Very Common) [Item: Mystic Water], and
Magikarp (Common)

Super Rod: Psyduck (Rare), Poliwag (Common), Poliwhirl (Common) [Item: King's Rock],
Tentacool (Rare) [Item: Poison Barb], Slowpoke (Rare) [Item: Lagging Tail, King's Rock],
Goldeen (Uncommon) [Item: Mystic Water], Magikarp (Uncommon), and Gyarados

Lure in Water: Politoed [Item: King's Rock]

Route 2 - Credit to @immortalfox19 for sorting this information.

Caterpie (Rare), Weedle (Rare), Pidgey (Common), Rattata (Common) [Item: Chilan Berry],
Nidoran (Female) (Uncommon), Nidoran (Male) (Uncommon), Oddish (Uncommon) [Item:
Absorb Bulb], and Bellsprout (Uncommon) [Item: Big Root]

Lure in Grass = Butterfree [Item: Silver Powder]

Viridian Forest - Credit to @immortalfox19 for sorting this information.

Caterpie (Common), Metapod (Uncommon), Weedle (Common), Kakuna (Uncommon), Pidgey

(Uncommon), Pikachu (Rare) [Item: Light Ball, Oran Berry], Oddish (Uncommon) [Item:
Absorb Bulb], Bellsprout (Uncommon)[Item: Big Root], Hoothoot (Common) (Night), Ledyba
(Uncommon) (Morning), and Spinarak (Uncommon) (Night)

Lure in Grass = *Bulbasaur

Pewter City (no encounters)

Route 3 - Credit to @immortalfox19 for sorting this information.

Grass: Pidgey (Uncommon), Rattata (Common) [Item: Chilan Berry], Spearow (Uncommon)
[Item: Sharp Beak], Ekans (Uncommon), Sandshrew (Uncommon) [Item: Grip Claw, Quick
Claw], Nidoran (Female) (Uncommon), Nidoran (Male) (Uncommon), Jigglypuff (Rare) [Item:
Oran Berry, Moon Stone], and Mankey (Uncommon) [Item: Payapa Berry]

Lure in Grass = *Charmander

Mt. Moon - Credit to @immortalfox19 for sorting this information.

Cave: Sandshrew (Uncommon) [Item: Grip Claw, Quick Claw], Clefairy (Uncommon) [Item:
Moon Stone, Comet Shard], Zubat (Very Common, Horde), Paras (Very Common, Horde) [Item:
Tiny Mushroom, Big Mushroom], Geodude (Common, Horde) [Item: Everstone Hard Stone],
and Onix (Rare) [Item: Hard Stone, Lagging Tail, Metal Coat]

Lure in Cave = Clefable [Item: Moon Stone, Comet Shard]

Route 4 - Credit to @immortalfox19 for sorting this information.

Grass: Rattata (Common, Horde) [Item: Chilan Berry], Spearow (Common, Horde) [Item: Sharp
Beak] (Horde: Morning/Day), Ekans (Uncommon), Sandshrew (Uncommon)[Item: Grip Claw,
Quick Claw], Clefairy (Rare) [Item: Moon Stone, Comet Shard](Night), Jigglypuff (Rare) [Item:
Oran Berry, Moon Stone], Zubat (Uncommon)(Night), Psyduck (Uncommon), and Mankey
(Uncommon) [Item: Payapa Berry]

Water: Tentacool (Surf, Horde) (Very Common) [Item: Poison Barb], Tentacruel (Rare) [Item:
Poison Barb], Goldeen (Surf, Old Rod, Good Rod, Super Rod, Horde)(Very Common) [Item:
Mystic Water], and Seaking (Rare) [Item: Mystic Water]

Old Rod: Goldeen (Uncommon) [Item: Mystic Water] and Magikarp (Very Common)

Good Rod: Poliwag (Uncommon), Krabby (Very Common), Horsea (Very Common) [Item:
Dragon Scale], Goldeen (Uncommon) [Item: Mystic Water], and Magikarp (Common)

Super Rod: Psyduck (Rare), Slowpoke (Super Rod) (Rare) [Item: Lagging Tail, King's Rock],
Krabby (Common), Horsea (Common) [Item: Dragon Scale], Goldeen (Uncommon) [Item:
Mystic Water], Seaking (Uncommon) [Item: Mystic Water], Magikarp (Rare), and Gyarados

Lure in Grass = Igglybuff [Item: Oran Berry]

Lure in Water: Kingdra [Item: Dragon Scale]

Cerulean City - Credit to @immortalfox19 for sorting this information.

Water: Tentacool (Common) [Item: Poison Barb], Goldeen (Surf, Horde) (Very Common) [Item:
Mystic Water], and Seaking (Uncommon) [Item: Mystic Water]

Old Rod: Krabby (Uncommon) and Magikarp (Very Common)

Good Rod: Poliwag (Common), Krabby (Common), Horsea (Common) [Item: Dragon Scale],
Goldeen (Common) [Item: Mystic Water], Staryu (Rare) (Night) [Item: Stardust, Star Piece],
Magikarp (Uncommon), and Corsola (Rare) (Morning/Day) [Item: Red Shard, Hard Stone]

Super Rod: Psyduck (Rare), Slowpoke (Rare) [Item: Lagging Tail, King's Rock], Krabby
(Common), Kingler (Rare), Horsea (Common) [Item: Dragon Scale], Goldeen (Common) [Item:
Mystic Water], Seaking (Uncommon) [Item: Mystic Water], Staryu (Uncommon) (Night) [Item:
Stardust, Star Piece], Gyarados (Uncommon), and Corsola (Uncommon) (Morning/Day) [Item:
Red Shard, Hard Stone]

Lure in Water: Starmie [Item: Stardust, Star Piece]

Route 24 - Credit to @DragoTamer for sorting this information.

Grass: Caterpie (Uncommon), Bellsprout (Uncommon) [Item: Big Root], Sunkern (Rare) (Day)
[Item: Sun Stone, Coba Berry], Metapod (Rare), Butterfree (Rare) (Morning) [Item: Silver
Powder], Weedle (Uncommon), Kakuna (Rare), Venonat (Rare, Horde) (Night), Meowth (Rare)
[Item: Quick Claw, Amulet Coin], Psyduck (Uncommon), and abra (Uncommon) [Item:

Water: Tentacool (Very common, Horde) [Item: Poison Barb], Tentacruel (Rare) [Item: Poison
Barb], Goldeen (Very Common, Horde) [Item: Mystic Water], and Seaking (Rare) [Item: Mystic

Old Rod: Goldeen (Uncommon) [Item: Mystic Water] and Magikarp (Very common)

Good Rod: Poliwag (Uncommon), Krabby (Very Common), Horsea (Very Common) [Item:
Dragon Scale], Goldeen (Uncommon) [Item: Mystic Water], and Magikarp (Common)

Super Rod: Psyduck (Rare), Slowpoke (Rare) [Item: Lagging Tail, King’s Rock], Krabby
(Common), Horsea (Common) [Item: Dragon Scale], Goldeen (Uncommon) [Item: Mystic
Water], Seaking (Uncommon) [Item: Mystic Water], Magikarp (Rare), and Gyarados

Lure in Grass = *Squirtle


Lure in Water: Starmie [Item: Stardust, Star Piece]

Route 25 - Credit to @Alexggg for sorting this information.

Grass: Caterpie (Uncommon), Metapod (Rare), Butterfree (Rare) (Morning/Day) [Item: Silver
Powder], Weedle (Uncommon), Kakuna (Rare), Pidgey (Uncommon), *Bellsprout (Uncommon)
(Horde: Morning/Daytime) [Item: Big Root], Venonat (Rare) (Night), Meowth (Rare) [Item:
Amulet Coin, Quick Claw], Psyduck (Uncommon), abra (Uncommon) [Item: Twistedspoon],
*Oddish (Uncommon) (Horde: Night/Morning) (Item: Absorb Bulb) and Hoothoot (Uncommon)

*Bellsprout Hordes can only occur duing the Morning or Daytime.

*Oddish Hordes can only occur during the Nighttime or

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