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Understanding for Housing and Small Buildings v FR 2onT ELEY eT oh is we 1 #4 The Building Envelope LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, you will be able to: * Read and interpret drawings for information related to the building envelope. ‘+ Explain the qualities of an air barrier. + Explain the qualities of @ vapour retarder (barrier) + Interpret detail drawings regarding the placement of the air and vapour retarders * Describe the placement of the air/ vapour barrier around the structure, INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces you to the building enve- lope, which consists of all sides of the building that directly separate the inside environment from the outside environment. This includes all exterior facing walls including foundation walls, ceilings, and floors (e.g., the basement floor slab). THE BUILDING ENVELOPE Historically buildings were not insulated or kept airtight. However, buildings today are increas- ingly airtight due to higher energy costs. As a result, much greater care has to be taken regarding how the building is sealed. Besides lowering energy costs and providing a very com- fortable dwelling, a tighter building envelope can also bring with it an array of other chal lenges such as control of indoor moisture. For example, a tight envelope means reduced air leakage and that humidity generated by people living in the home remains inside. Other con cerns also arise regarding indoor air quality and pollutants. Programs such as the R2000 program Energuide for New Houses and Energy Star for New Houses have helped place Canada on the leading edge of energy efficiency. These pro- grams and certifications place very stringent requirements (higher requirements than the cur rent NBC) on home building design and con. struction. While most homes are not yet con: structed to these high standards, many of the improvements to the NBC over the last 20 years have been and continue to be a result of adopting a number of best practices from these and similar-type programs (refer to Division B Part 9.25 of the NBC}. Several provincial codes are adopting standards such as Energy Star for New Homes and will be phasing them in over the coming years. There is an ongoing debate as to how high the NBC standards should be and how higher standards may affect affordability. Heat Flow Heat moves from warm to cold, so in winter warm inside air moves through the envelope toward the cold outside air. In summer the reverse is true; hot outside air moves toward the cooler inside air. There are three methods of heat transfer: + Conduction: The transfer of heat through a solid from a higher temperature to a lower temperature. Heat will flow through mate: rials at different rates. A material’s capacity to resist conductive heat flow is measured by R value in imperial measurement and by RSI value for metric measurement. Insulating materials such as fibreglass will have an R and RSI value labelled on the package when it arrives on site. The NBC designates minimum. 263 264 —_UNDISTANDING CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL EULDINGS acceptable standards of RSI value for the building envelope, and provincial codes may adopt further standards based on regional climatic conditions. The construction draw- ings will specify the type of insulation and the R or RSI value required for installation. This information is usually found in the con- struction notes or specifications. The term thermal bridging describes the movement of heat across a solid. The effects of thermal bridging can be offset by applying extruded Styrofoam to the outside of the frame wall as discussed in Chapter 8. For example, studs and plates constructed out of wood form a better thermal bridge than insu: lation placed in a wall; therefore, if Styrofoam is placed over the entire surface area of a wall it will greatly reduce the thermal bridge through the wood, making a more energy efficient wall Refer to Table 12.1 for a listing of R and RSI values for different materials. Notice that the R value of wood is much lower (1.3 per inch) than the R value of fibreglass insulation (3.2 per inch). Interpreting this information with an understanding of heat transfer helps you to understand why the building envelope needs to be designed with consideration of the com- ponents and their placement in the envelope. FIGURE 12.1 Methods of heat transfer TABLE 12.1 ‘Thermal Resistance Table CoE [So _Shest stool Ns Ns oot a nos 13 Gypsum board 0.006 09 Plywood 009 13 0sB 0.008 13 Insulating fibreboard 0017 25 Cavity Insulation Fibreglass oon 32 Mineral fibre 0.024 35 Cellulose (blown in) 0.025 36 Urethane foam (sprayed) 081 60 Board Insulation Rigid fibreglass 0.029 a2 Extruded polystyrene 034 50 ATypes Wi) — Polysocyanurate nse 8 Polyurethane aos 60 NS = no significant resistance Source: CMHC Best Practice Guide: Wood Frame Envelopes, Table 31, Thermal Resistance (becomes less dense) and rises—drawing more coo! fir in from the sides to be outside inside heated up {eold)_—_twarm) yh * 6 ae? * * * Gendustion * ‘energy (sunlight) + Convection: The transfer of heat in a liquid or gas by upward movement of the heated medium. Similar to a forced-air furnace system, warm air will rise and then fall as it cools. Convection currents within a wall cavity will increase the rate of heat transfer. Therefore it is important that insulation fills all cavities and that there are no spaces between the insulation and vapour retarder for convection loops to form. The insulation must not be overly compressed, otherwise it will lose R value. + Radiation: The transfer of heat by rays, such as that given off from the sun or other means such as a fireplace. This type of heat transfer heats objects instead of heating air, pro viding a very comfortable heat that does not seem drafty for the occupants. Moisture Movement Moisture moves in and out of a building in three main ways: + Air leakage: Caused by moisture-laden air moving through a building and possibly con: densing in a wall cavity. When moisture: laden air reaches the dew point it will condense. (The dew point occurs when the relative humidity level [RH] reaches 100%.) + Vapour diffusion: The transfer of moisture through materials. The rate of moisture movement depends on the permeability of the material + Rain penetration: Can occur through the exterior cladding or any of the junctions and intersections of materials in the building envelope. Moisture may also enter through capillary action (the effect of being sucked in or sucked up) from contaet at grade level. Air Barriers An air barrier reduces air leakage (which is diffi cult to totally eliminate) from the structure. The air barrier system must be continuous and as air- tight as possible. Air barriers can be used on the inside or outside of a structure. An air/vapour barrier used on the inside (generally the most popular method) uses a 6 mil polyethylene sheet material that is approved for use as a vapour retarder to provide a continuous seal around all walls and the ceiling. With this method it is important to seal all penetrations including CHAPTER 2 THEGUILOING ENVELOPE = 265 around electrical boxes, and holes made through plates for wiring and plumbing vent stacks. A spun-bonded olefin header wrap (usually ‘Tyvek®, or Typar® building wrap) is used at floor level to ensure the integrity of the air barrier around the joists. Another method of creating an air barrier uses @ spun-bonded olefin wrap applied contin- uously to the outside walls and connected to the vapour retarder on the ceiling. Itis important that air barriers (known as building wraps) applied to the outside of the wall are constructed from a material that breathes so as to allow any mois- ture that collects inside the wall to dry out. A building wrap acting as an air barrier is a much more energy efficient alternative to regular building paper (also referred to as tar paper), which is used to keep moisture out but does not act as an air barrier. Vapour Retarder The vapour retarder prevents moisture from dif- fusing through materials into the wall. The vapour retarder is placed on the warm side of the wall; in Canada the warm side of the wall is on the interior of the house. The type of vapour retarder depends on the materials used in the wall assembly. The most common method of installing a vapour retarder is to apply a 6 mil polyethylene to the interior wall on top of the studs. While conventional theory stresses the impor- tance of a tight vapour retarder to the envelope, it is actually the air barrier that needs to form the tightest seal. If large amounts of air flow through any openings in the envelope, large amounts of ‘moisture-laden air can condense at the dew point within the wall, causing localized problems (e.g., mould and rot). However, this can be prevented when the air/vapour barriers are part of a com- bined system. A combined system is one in which the polyethelene acts as both an air and vapour barrier on the walls, forming a continuous seal, while at the floor a header wrap acts as an air bar- rier on the outside, and poly cut and placed between the joists covering the fibreglass insula- tion acts as the vapour barrier on the inside (refer to Figure 12.4 for more detail). The addition of a building wrap to the outside of the entire wall ‘surface will provide a higher level of protection (best practice, not a NBC requirement). 266 —_UNDERSTANONNG CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL BUILDINGS Caulks and Sealants Caulks and sealants are used to seal any points where moisture or air leakages might occur (e.9., around windows, doors, flashings, and at joints in the air/vapour barrier). Caulks and sealants include acrylic, butyl rubber, latex, polyurethane, and silicone. Caulks and sealants have different uses (e.g., acoustic sealant is used extensively in sealing joints in polyethylene because it remains highly flexible). Outside silicone and latex caulks are very popular because of their resistance to freeze-thaw cycles and their expansion and con- traction qualities. Where large beads of caulking are required the joint should be filled with a backer rod to avoid the caulking adhering to more than two surfaces at once, which can lead to premature failure. Ventilation Ventilation is required in attic space to ensure that any moisture:laden air that condenses in the attic can dry out. The NBC requires that ventila- tion be provided in attic space at a ratio of at FIGURE 12.2 least 1:300. This means if there is 300 square feet of ceiling area that at minimum 1 square foot of ventilation must be provided. This is most effec- tively accomplished by providing a combination of soffit and roof vents. Older buildings have envelopes that leak excessively compared to new buildings, so fresh indoor air is not an issue in these buildings. However, in new tightly sealed buildings fresh air must be brought in from outside; this can be accomplished by exhausting inside air out with the use of exhaust fans or by simply opening a window. Unfortunately, both defeat the purpose of building energy efficient. A better solution is to incorporate a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) into the HVAC system. An HRV will remove stale indoor air and exhaust it out after transferring much of the heat to thin metal plates that then transfer the heat to new fresh air being brought in at the same time on the other side of the plate. This greatly improves the quality of air in the building while maintaining the energy efficien- cies gained by a tight envelope. Examples of two- and three-surface bonds, and the advantage of using backer rod ‘TWO-SURFACE BOND on 4 Fein : Ss — BACKER ea * foo THREE-SURFACE BOND eevee on a ——- SS Soe > +> <> MATERIAL MOVEMENT MATERIAL MOVEMENT MATERIAL MOVEMENT CHAPTER 12. THEGULDINGENVELORE = 267 FIGURE 12.3 Ventilation provided in the soffit and by a ridge vent installed along the ridge; alternatively, individual roof vents could have been placed at a few points in the roof CAP SHINGLES RIDGE Vent. / POSITIVE VENTILATION CHUTE AIR.INSULATION, / DAM '\ venTED SOFFIT AVR MOVEMENT POSITIVE VENTILATION CHUTE FIGURE 12.4 ection detail showing how a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) works Components of an HRV Controls INTERIOR ou; NTERION TDOORS Screen Exhaust airoutlet Fresh air to Holise Stale air ‘rom House dhs resh air intake Soaten cision pie with water (Note: All the parts shown here may not be found on all HRVs.) 268 —_ UNDERSTANDING CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL BULOINGS FIGURE 12.5 Building envelope detail for foundation intersection from CMHC Best Practice Guide: Wood Frame Envelopes —ALvanizen arcK TIE SALED Info ‘STUD laRIck VENEER 138 mm (11/2 In.) AIR SPACE PERFORATED 15 LB. ASPHALT JBULDING PAPER (WOISTURE BARRIER (MB) [13'mm (7/16 in.) OSB SHEATHING J38 x 140 mm (NOMINAL 2 x 6 fn) wooo STUDS AT 400 mm (16 fn.) 06. 08 600 mm (24"Tn) ‘SEALANT | ma IRS! 3.52 (R=20) BATT INSULATION 10.15. mm (6 mil) POLYETHYLENE. (48 AND VR) 2.7 mm (1/2 in.) GYPSUM BOARD BATT INSULATION I POLYETHYLENE PiuLow, “Friction FIT IN PLACE (VRQ) I |___ sPUNBONDED OLEFIN (AB) Vises |AT 600 mm (24 in) OC. GALVANIZED METAL FLASHING wi DP eboe c+ eters [0.15 mm (6 il) [OKMPPROOFING TO GRADE ) POURED [CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL I Teens", (W.8.) [PERFORATED ABOVE GRADE [RSI 2.11 (R12) BATT INSULATION 10.05 mm (2 nil) [POLYETHYLENE (48) AND VR) 112.7 mm (1/2 in.) GYPSUM lsoaRD BRICK VENEER WALL AT FOUNDATION G) SCALE: 1:5 BASIC POLYETHYLENE STUD WALL (WALL ASSEMBLY A) CHAPTER 12 THEGULONGEWHLOR =: 26O FIGURE 12.6 Building envelope detail for intersection of first-floor walls, second floor, and second-floor walls at bathtub from CMHC Best Practice Guide: Wood Frame Envelopes TLE BACKER BOARD OR MOSTURE RESISTANT Crest BOARD aaTua. CONTINUOUS GYPSUM BOARD | _— petinD eaTiTUs BRICK VENEER 38 mm (1 1/2 in) AIRSPACE. PERFORATED 15 &, ASPHALT BUILDING lpaPeR (WE) 1 mm (7/16 i) 058 SHEATHING f 138 x 140 mm (NOMINAL 2 x 6 in) 18 mm (5/0 in) [wooo STUDS’ AT’ 490 mm (16: in.) TONGUE AND GROW) lo.c. OR 600 mm (24"%n) OG PLrwoOD. SHEATHIN: [RSI 3.52 (R-20) BATT INSULATION [0.15 ram (6 mil) POLYETHYLENE (AB [AND VR) 12.7 mm (1/2 in.) GYPSUM BOARD SSPUNBONDED OLEFIN | SHEATHING. MEMBRANE. BATE INSULATION IN PoleraVtENe 8) PILLOW, FRICTION-FIT IN PLAGE (Wa) — GaLvanizen RieK ‘TI NAILED INTO STUD SENANT I IH ! 1 BRICK VENEER WALL AT HEADER SCALE: 1:5 BASIC POLYETHYLENE STUD WALL (WALL ASSEMBLY A) 270 UNDERSTANDING CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL BULOINGS FIGURE 12.7 Building envelope detail for roof, exterior wall, and ceiling intersection from CMHC Best Practice Guide. Wood Frame Envelopes ROOANG SHINGLES. SELF SEALING” MEMBRANE—TYPE GAVE PROTECTION (1 200 mm [48 in] HIGH Nin.) 12.7 mm (1/2 in.) PLYWOOD SHEATHING H curs PRE-ENGINEERED WOOD TRUSSES RSI 7.0 (R40) BATT INSULATION 0.15. mm (6 mil) POLYETHYLENE (AB /AND VR) 9.x 66 mm (NOMINAL 3/4 x 3 in) ]WoOD FURRING 112.7 mm (1/2 in.) GYPSUM BOARD PREFORMED VENTILATION SPACER BLOWN-IN INSULATION MANTAIN' MINIMUM THICKNESS OF ROOF INSULATION EQUAL TO THE VALUE OF }WALL INSULATION OVER EXTERIOR WALL. RAISED HEEL TRUSS FAVE PROTECTION To EXTEND MIN. 300" men (12 in) BEYOND INSIDE FACE "OF EXTERIOR WALL e ! PREFINISHED FASCIA = pero aun } SOFFIT Povveriruene (va) SEALANT (AB) 38 x 89 mm (2 X 4 in.) wood ‘sTu0' ———— rea. interior PARTIMON INTERIOR PARTITION, HORIZONTAL SECTION SCALE: 1:5 BASIC POLYETHYLENE STUD WALL (WALL ASSEMBLY A) 272 —_unoeestannevs cons RJCTION RAHN FoR HOUSING AND SMALL BUILDINGS FIGURE 12.9 Electrical box on an exterior wall wrapped with 6 mil polyethylene as part of a continuous air/ vapour barrier FIGURE 12.10 Electrical box sealed to air/vapour barrier; notice how the air/vapour barrier wraps around the box FIGURE 12.11 A specially designed electrical box to be used on outside walls where the air/vapour barrier can be sealed to the extended lip around the box FIGURE 12.12 Bathroom exhaust fan covered with 6 mil polyeth- ylene. The poly will be sealed to the polyethylene sheeting that covers the whole ceiling. Notice the black insulation covering the exhaust duct. This will be pulled down to prevent moisture-laden air from both condensing an the duct as warm inside air flows through it in the colder months of the year, and causing moisture prablems in the atic FIGURE 12.13 Acoustic caulking applied to holes made by wiring through top plate, which will prevent air leakage through the air barrier. All protrusions of the air bar rier must be sealed to prevent air leakage. FIGURE 12.14 This photo taken from the Doncaster house shows fibreglass insulation installed in the wall and between joists with 6 mil aiflvapour barrier installed on top of insulation. Notice the header wrap {the white material just under the floor joists) which is providing the tight seal required for the air barrier, while the polyethylene is providing the vapour retarder between the joists. It would be very difficult to provide the tight seal required for the air barrier if the header wrap were not used. FIGURE 12.15 Basement foundation wall insulated to 2’ below grade with vapour retarder on warm side of wall ‘A number of provinces have adopted full-height basement insulation as a minimum building code requirement CHAPTER 12 THEBULONGEWELORE = - 273. FIGURE 12.16 This photo taken from the Doncaster house ensuite bathroom shows that all joints in air/vapour barrier not occurring over studs or plates are sealed with appropriate tape or acoustic caulking; notice that the 6 mil polyethelene extends behind the tub and meets with the header wrap to form a continuous seal FIGURE 12.17 This photo is taken from the living room of the Doncaster house living room; notice that the ceiling insulation and air/vapour barrier stop halfway because the roof extends out aver the front portion of the house, and that section must be insulated, 274 —_UNOERSTANOING CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL BUILDINGS FIGURE 12.18 Laundry room air/vapour barrier being prepared, notice all the protrusions through the barrier, including the header wrap, intersecting wall, dryer vent, dryer outlet, washer outlet, and window, and how they have to be sealed. Note that it is best practice to seal all joints with acoustic caulking or sheathing tape (red tape, e.g., Tuck Tape) FIGURE 12.19 Indication for inspector of approved vapour retarder being used KEY TERMS Building envelope (p. 263) Conduction (p. 263) R value (p. 263) RSI value (p. 263) Thermal bridging (p. 264) Convection (p. 265) Radiation (p. 265) Dew point (p. 265) Vapour diffusion (p. 265) Air barrier (p. 265) Building wrap (p. 265) Vapour retarder (p. 265) Heat recovery ventilator (HRV) (p. 266) CHAPTER 12 ASSIGNMENT: BUILDING ENVELOPE AND DONCASTER DRAWINGS Answer questions 1 to 7 using the material in this chapter, and answer questions 8 to 15 using the Doncaster drawings. Identify the letter that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. The vapour barrier requires a tighter seal than the air barrier. a. True b. False 2. The transference of heat is caused by ‘a. Convection b. Radiation ©. Conduetion d. Allof the above 3. From Table 12.1, what is the R value per inch for lumber? a 2 b 5 e 13 4d. None of the above 4. Moisture moves into and out of a building by ey a. Air leakage b. Rain penetration ©. Vapour diffusion d. Allof the above 5, From a technical perspective the header wrap is part of the _ a. Air barrier b. Vapour retarder c. Both aandb d. None of the above 6. Convection currents in an insulated wall can be caused by compressing fibreglass insula- tion too much, a. True b. False 7. When installing an air/vapour barrier, a, Joints that don't occur over a solid surface must be sealed with acoustic sealant. 10. 1". 12. 3. CHAPTER 12 THE GUILOING ENWOPE = 275 b. It is best practice to seal all joints with acoustic caulk or approved tape. c. Only an approved 6 mil polyethylene is to be used as a vapour retarder. d. All of the above are correct. From the drawings you can see the main floor walls use ___ a. Styrofoam insulation b. Fibreglass insulation ©. Cellulose insulation d. None of the above . From the drawings you can see the R value required for the insulation in the walls is R12 a b. R19 ce. R32 d. R20 From the drawings you can see the RSI value required for the insulation in the walls is a, RSI3.25 b. RSI19 c. RSIS d. RSI6 From the drawings you can see the R value required for the insulation in the ceiling is a. R40 b. R32 ce R31 d. R19 From the drawings you can see the RSI value of the ceiling insulation is a. RSI31 b. RSI5.4 c. RSI6 d. RSL. From the drawings you can see the R value for the foundation insulation is a R21 b. R12 ce. R19 d. R31 276 14, From the drawings you can see the founda tion insulation must be placed a. To 2' below grade b. To 3! below grade c. To the basement floor slab d. None of the above [UNDERSTANDING CONSTRUCTION ORAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL BUILDINGS 15, The insulation placed between the ceiling of the garage and the bedroom above must have an R value of a. R40 b. R31 c. R25 d. R19 CHAPTER 12 Quiz REVIEW: BUILDING ENVELOPE USING WHITTINGTON DRAWINGS Answer the questions below using the Whit- tington drawings at the back of the text. Identify the letter that best completes the statement or answers the question, 1. From the drawings what must be placed between the insulation and the foundation wall? a. 6 mil poly b. No. 15 building paper c. OSB d. None of the above 2. From the drawings you can see building wrap (Tyvek*) is indicated for all of the framed exterior walls. a. Tue b. False 3. From the drawings you can see the exterior frame walls have @. 6 mil airivapour barrier placed on the inside b. Building wrap placed on the outside ©. Building wrap placed on the inside d. None of the above 4. From the drawings you can see a. Building wrap is placed on the outside of the frame walls. b. No. 15 building paper is placed on the outside of the frame walls, ©. Vapour retarder is placed on the outside of the frame walls. d. All of the above are correct. 5. From the drawings you can see there is a ventilation requirement of 1:200 for the attic. a. True b. False 6. From the drawings you can see the attic ventilation is to be installed to provide 50% ventilation at the eaves and therefore 50% ventilation on the roof. a. True b. False 7. From the drawings what spe 10. 1. 12, CHAPTER 2 THE SULOINGENVELOPE = 277 require- ‘ment must the door to the house from the garage have? a. Adoor closer b. Weather stripping to gas proof c. Awindow 4. Both aandb From the drawings, you can see the vapour retarder a. Is not required in the basement b. Is required on the warm side (interior) of the foundation wall ©. Is constructed using 6 mil poly d, Both b andc . From the drawings you can see the dryer vent would need to be sealed where it Penetrates air/vapour barrier in the Roof Rear elevation Front elevation pegs The drawings do not indicate where the vent penetrates the air/vapour barrier, From the drawings you can see The living room ceiling must be insu- lated completely. b. The living room ceiling requires insula- tion from the beam toward the windows. ©. The living room ceiling is inside the house; therefore, it does not require insulation, d. None of the above are correct. From the drawings you can see a, The attic access hatch is 20” x 28”, b. The attic access hatch requires weather- stripping, ¢. The attic access hatch requires insulation, d. Alll of the above are correct. From the drawings you can see There is a ridge vent specified throughout. b. There is no mention of the method used to vent the attic, ©. There is a soffit vent specified. 4d. None of the above are correct 278 [UNDERSTANDING CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR HOUSING AND SMALL BUILDINGS 13. From the drawings you can see e. The ceiling in the garage is dropped. The insulation in the garage ceiling is placed lower than the second floor (in the dropped portion). The vapour retarder in the garage is placed between the drywall and insula~ tion inside the garage. All of the above are correct. Both a and b are correct. 14. The drawings call for an HRV. a, True b. False 16. From the drawings you can see the exterior frame wall construction consists of 2" x 4” with 1” styrofoam on the outside 2" < 6" with R19 fibreglass insulation 2° x 4" with R19 fibreglass insulation None of the above aege Understanding CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS for Housing and Small Buildings Tere Reeder a Tae Oe ee ea Te ea first Canadian textbook designed to help you learn to read the drawings that are Pee Renee Cu ee a oe ee Ce ec HVAC installer, electrician, or general contractor, you must be able to understand construction drawings. An ability to efficiently locate information in different parts ie Wi Uc Ree ee ECC acme) RR ced Net etree eae cm eat er Cee Coen Cee ete rs Se Cee untae se Ue eR Ceti) STE Seer eC Rem ee TT) Cau TE kee aera CERO tue Geet ee nc ee RR CMC CCU aren Peto ne ew iurery For additional resources and information that enhance this book, be sure to visit: Ca ra aoa NELSON

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