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Culminating Activity

JUNE 30 2023
I wake up early and prepare the things that I need today. I took a bath and ate my breakfast. At
exactly 7:00 am, I arrived in our classroom, and I helped my
classmates clean the classroom and fix the chairs that had
been messed up because
my classmates were
struggling to choose where
they wanted to sit. When
the program started, we
watched the documentary
video about the different
disasters that our country
had, which are typhoons, earthquakes, etc. I just realised that
taking care of our nature is essential to mitigate the impact of
typhoons and protect our communities from their devastating consequences, like caring for our
nature is closely linked to addressing climate change, which contributes to the intensification of
typhoons. We should embracing eco-friendly lifestyles and promoting sustainable development
practises are integral to curbing climate change and ensuring a safer, more resilient future. After
the discussion, we had our lunch, which is a boodle fight. Boodle fight is a traditional Filipino
dining experience that embodies the spirit of unity, and communal eating. They use their bare
hands to eat while the food is in the leaves of a banana. We had fun while we were eating, even
though I did not join them in a boodle fight. I'm such a
hygienic person, and I know that I'm a little bit stagy when it
comes to my food, so I didn't join to ruin their moments. We
cleaned the classroom and arranged the chairs. At exactly 1:00
pm, the discussion has started, and as the program continues, I
feel happy and glad that I have the chance to participate in this
program, like I have the knowledge to know what the proper
way of bandaging is
and the different
types of it that I
might use when there
is an emergency at home or everywhere that I might
encounter. It is very important to know the proper way
to bandage because properly applying a bandage can
help control bleeding from a wound. Applying direct
pressure and using an appropriate bandage can help
stem the flow of blood and prevent excessive blood loss.
And it can also provide support and protection to the
injured area, promoting the healing process of a person's wound. Overall, I had fun while
learning because we had the opportunity to try the proper ways of bandaging. We learned new
things while having one of our memorable moments as senior high school students.

Allona P. Emoria
Work Immersion Student

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