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At the end of this lecture, student should be able to :

3.2 Data and process modelling

❖ Data and process modelling concepts and tools
❖ Describe data dictionary
❖ Describe process specification
❖ Describe relationship between logical and physical models
Data Dictionary
▪ A data dictionary, or data repository, is a central storehouse of
information about the system’s data.
▪ An analyst uses the data dictionary to collect, document, and organize
specific facts about the system, including the contents of data flows, data
stores, entities, and processes.
▪ The data dictionary also defines and describes all data elements and
meaningful combinations of data elements.
▪ A data element, also called a data item or field, is the smallest piece of data
that has meaning within an information system.
Data Dictionary
▪ Examples of data elements are student grade, salary, Social Security
number, account balance, and company name.
▪ Data elements are combined into records, also called data structures.
▪ A record is a meaningful combination of related data elements that is
included in a data flow or retained in a data store.
Importance of a Data Dictionary
▪ Avoid duplication.
▪ Allows better communication between organizations who shares
the same database.
▪ Makes maintenance straightforward.
▪ It is valuable for their capacity to cross-referencing data items.
Uses of Data Dictionary
▪ Validates the date flow diagram for completeness
and accuracy
▪ Provides starting point for developing screen and
▪ Determine the contents of data stored files
▪ Develop the logic for data flow diagram processes.

▪ A process description documents the details of a functional

primitive, and represents a specific set of processing steps
and business logic.
▪ Typical process description tools include
Modular design

Structured English

Decision table
Modular design
▪ Modular design is based on combinations of three logical structures,
sometimes called control structures, which serve as building blocks for
the process.

▪ Each logical structure must have a single entry and exit point. The three
structures are called sequence, selection, and iteration.

▪ A rectangle represents a step or process, a diamond shape represents a

condition or decision, and the logic follows the lines in the direction
indicated by the arrows.
Modular design

▪ Sequence. The completion of steps in sequential order, one after another.

▪ One or more of the steps might represent a subprocess that contains additional
logical structures.
Modular design

▪ Selection. The completion of one of two or more process steps based on

the results of a test or condition.

▪ In the example, the system tests the input, and if the hours are greater than
40, it performs the CALCULATE OVERTIME PAY process.
Modular design

▪ Iteration. The completion of a process step that is repeated until a

specific condition changes.

▪ An example of iteration is a process that continues to print paychecks

until it reaches the end of the payroll file. Iteration also is called looping.
Structured English
▪ Structured English is a subset of standard English that describes logical
processes clearly and accurately.
▪ When you use structured English, you must conform to the following rules:
• Use only the three building blocks of sequence, selection, and iteration.
• Use indentation for readability.
• Use a limited vocabulary, including standard terms used in the data dictionary
and specific words that describe the processing rules.
Decision Tables
▪ A decision table is a logical structure that shows every combination of
conditions and outcomes.
▪ Analysts often use decision tables to describe a process and ensure that they
have considered all possible situations.
▪ You can create decision tables using Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, or Excel.
1. Place the name of the process in a heading at the top left.

2. Enter the conditions under the heading, with one condition per line, to represent the customer status
and availability of products.

3. Enter all potential combinations of Y/N (for yes and no) for the conditions. Each column represents a
numbered possibility called a rule.

4. Place an X in the action entries area for each rule to indicate whether to accept or reject the order.
▪ A student may receive a final course grade of A, B, C, D, or F. In deriving the student's final
course grade, the instructor first determines an initial or tentative grade for the student, which is
determined in the following manner for a student who has:
▪ received a total of no lower than 90 percent on the first 3 assignments and received a score no
lower than 70 percent on the 4th assignment will receive an initial grade of A for the course.
▪ scored a total lower than 90 percent but no lower than 80 percent on the first 3 assignments and
received a score no lower 70 percent on the 4th assignment will receive an initial grade of B for
the course.
▪ received a total lower than 80 percent but no lower than 70 percent on the first 3 assignments
and received a score no lower than 70 percent on the 4th assignment will receive an initial
grade of C for the course.
▪ scored a total lower than 70 percent but no lower than 60 percent on the first 3 assignments and
received a score no lower 70 percent on the 4th assignment will receive an initial grade of D for
the course.
▪ a total lower than 60 percent on the first 3 assignments, or received a score lower than 70
percent on the 4th assignment, will receive an initial grade of F for the course.
▪ Once the instructor has determined the initial course grade for the student, the final course grade
will be determined.
▪ The student's final course grade will be the same as his or her initial course grade if no more than 3
class periods during the semester were missed.
▪ Otherwise, the student's final course grade will be one letter grade lower than his or her initial
course grade (for example, an A will become a B).
▪ While structured analysis tools are used to develop a logical model for a
new information system, such tools also can be used to develop
physical models of an information system.
▪A physical model shows how the system’s requirements are
implemented. During the systems design phase, you create a physical
model of the new information system that follows from the logical
model and involves operational tasks and techniques.

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