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Assignment No - 03

PHY 2101 - Thermodynamics and Radiations

Name – S.A.S.R.Jayathilaka
Registration Number – ASB/19/20/049
Index No – 4652

Try to study the Isothermal process, Adiabatic process, Isochoric process, Isobaric process,
and cyclic process try to find in real world those processes.

• Isothermal process:
An isothermal process is a type of thermodynamic process in which the temperature of a system
remains constant. The system exchanges heat with its surroundings during this process in order to
maintain a constant temperature.
Examples of isothermal processes in the real world include:
1. Ideal gas expansion or compression occurs in a cylinder.
2. Melting of ice in a glass of water at 0 degrees Celsius.
3. Phase changes in a closed system, like boiling or condensation of a liquid at a constant
4. Cooling of a beverage in a refrigerator.
5. Heat transfer through a perfectly insulated pipe with negligible temperature change.

• Adiabatic process:
An adiabatic process is a thermodynamic process that occurs without any heat transfer between
the system and its surroundings.
Real-world examples of adiabatic processes include:
1. The operation of a diesel engine, where air-fuel mixture is rapidly compressed and ignited,
resulting in the adiabatic combustion process.
2. Supersonic flow over an aircraft wing, where the air flowing over the wing experiences
rapid compression or expansion without heat transfer.
3. vacuum flask.
4. A sudden release of compressed air or gas.
5. Compression or expansion of a gas rapidly
• Isochoric Process:
An isochoric process is a thermodynamic process that occurs at a constant volume. In this
process, no work is done by or on the system through volume change.

Real-world examples of isochoric processes:

1. Heat transfer to a liquid in a sealed container
2. Chemical reactions that occur in a closed container with a rigid wall
3. Combustion of fuel in an engine's cylinder during the constant volume combustion phase.
4. Joule heating of a conductor, where the electrical energy is converted into heat without a
change in volume.
5. Thermal expansion of a solid in a confined space

• Isobaric process:
An isobaric process is a thermodynamic process that occurs at a constant pressure. During this
process, the system exchanges heat with its surroundings, and the pressure remains constant.
1. Expansion or compression of a gas in a container with a movable piston.
2. Heating a liquid in a vessel open to the atmosphere.
3. Boiling of water in an open pot at atmospheric pressure
4. Cooling a gas in a refrigerator at a constant pressure, resulting in a decrease in temperature.
5. Expansion of air in a turbine or a compressor in a power plant

• Cyclic process:
A cyclic process is a thermodynamic process where the system undergoes a series of changes and
returns to its initial state.
1. The operation of a steam power plant, where water is converted to steam, used to drive a
turbine, condensed back to water, and recycled.
2. The refrigeration cycle in a refrigerator or air conditioner, involving the compression,
expansion, and heat transfer of a refrigerant.
3. The Otto cycle in an internal combustion engine, consisting of the intake, compression,
power, and exhaust strokes.
4. The Brayton cycle in a gas turbine engine, including the compression, combustion,
expansion, and exhaust processes.
5. The Rankine cycle in a steam turbine power plant, involving the heat addition, expansion,
condensation, and pumping processes.

[1] B. Raut, “Thermodynamic process: Isothermal, isobaric, isochoric, adiabatic, and cyclic
process,” Chemistry Notes,
isothermal-isobaric-isochoric-adiabatic-and-cyclic-process/ (accessed Jul. 5, 2023).

[2] Vedantu, “Isothermal and adiabatic process,” VEDANTU, Jul. 5, 2023).

[3] “Take online courses. earn college credit. Research Schools, Degrees & Careers,”
| Take Online Courses. Earn College Credit. Research Schools, Degrees & Careers,
adiabatic.html(accessed Jul. 5, 2023).

[4] “Take online courses. earn college credit. Research Schools, Degrees & Careers,”
| Take Online Courses. Earn College Credit. Research Schools, Degrees & Careers,
%20of%20heat%20energy. (accessed Jul. 5, 2023).

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