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How Will We Be Different?

[Asikhulumi ngezinganekwane zokuthi uma sifa siya kwabakithi…abakini yilaba

abasaphilayo. Bathande manje ngoba akukho ukuthandana okunjengokwalapha
kulomhlaba.] So, be careful


IMPORTANT: All people will be resurrected, others to LIFE, others to DAMNATION

(Dan 12:2)


 All people, saved and unsaved, will be resurrected after death.

 However, since the Bible describes two different resurrections, there is a great
difference between the destinies of these two groups.
 The first resurrection leads to life whereas the second leads to spiritual

"Don't be so surprised! Indeed, the time is coming when all the dead in their graves will
hear the voice of God's Son, and they will rise again. Those who have done well will
rise to eternal life, and those who have continued in evil will rise to judgment" (John


"Blessed are those who share in the first resurrection. For them, the second death
holds no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him a
thousand years" (Revelation 20:6). Who are these qualify for the first
resurrection? Read Revelation 20:4-6).

This resurrection involves all those who repent of their sins and accept the pardon of

This first resurrection has several different stages.

 Some of the Old Testament saints participated in the first stage of this first
resurrection over two thousand years ago when they were "called up" from the
grave at Christ's resurrection and appeared to many in Jerusalem
(Matthew. 27:52-53).
 Raptured Saints " (1 Corinthians 15:23, 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17
 144 000 Jews, Rev.14:4
 Tribulation Saints…
(1) Souls of those beheaded for their testimony about Jesus (Rev 20:4).
(2) Souls of those who have not worshipped the Beast or his statue, nor
accepted his mark (Rev 20:4)
 These raptured believers are the first-fruits of the first resurrection. In John
chapter 5:29 we read that all who participate in this first resurrection to life are
saved and will enjoy life in heaven forever.

 Those who have rebelled against Christ will be resurrected too, (but this
will happen after a Thousand years of Jesus’ reign on earth…Rev.20 :7-15)
but they will hear God's judgment against them and will be sentenced to
eternity apart from Him. Revelation 20:11-15
 There are those who wish to live well on earth, ignore God, and then see
death as final rest.
 Jesus does not allow unbelieving people to see death as the end of it all.
There is a judgment to face!


 This involves those who reject God's pardon and die in their sin. All those
who participate in this tragic second resurrection will experience spiritual
death for eternity, for: "...this is the second death..." (Revelation 20:14).
 Whether the wicked have died on land or sea, the Bible declares that the
wicked dead will be resurrected to stand before God and face judgment.
 "The Sea gave up the dead in it, and death and the grave gave up the dead
in them. They were judged according to their deeds" (Revelation 20:13).
 All wicked sinners who have waited in torment in Hades will finally be
judged after Millennium.
 Even Hades itself will be "...thrown into the lake of fire" (Revelation 20:14).
Those who reject God's mercy will possess both their souls and bodies (new
bodies that will never die) in "...eternal punishment..." (Matthew 25:46).


1Tess. 4:13-14
“And now, brothers and sisters, I want you to know what will happen to the Christians
who have died so you will not be full of sorrow like people who have no hope. For since
we believe that Jesus died and was raised to life again, we also believe that when
Jesus comes, God will bring back with Jesus all Christians who have died” (in Christ).

The historical truth about the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

 is the essential bedrock upon which the Christian faith stands.

 It is the center of the Gospel message. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 15:14.
 Because Christ rose from the dead as He promised, we know what He said is
true, that Jesus is God.
 Because He rose, we have certainty that our sins are forgiven.
 Because He rose, we know He lives and represents us to God.
 Because He rose, we know He defeated death, so we have an assurance that
by faith we will also be raised.
Just as part of the harvest of the first fruit was brought to the Temple as an
offering (Leviticus 23:10) so Christ was the first to rise from the dead and never to
die again.

 He is our forerunner, the guarantee of our eventual resurrection to eternal

 (Death came into the world as a result of Adam and Eve's sin).
 In Romans 5:12-21, Paul explained why Adam's sin brought sin to all
people, how death and sin spread to all humans because of this first sin,
 and the parallel between Adam's death and Christ's resurrection. See 1
Corinthians 15: 20-23.

The Gospel accounts of the life, death and the resurrection of Jesus were written
and distributed within thirty-five years of the occurrence of these events. Those
who witnessed Jesus' appearances after his resurrection were still alive to verify
the facts in these widely distributed documents.

Secular historians also record events that prove the historical truth or authenticity of
Jesus' death and resurrection. Despite Christ's victory over death, some people refuse
to believe in a final resurrection for all human beings.

 Those who have rejected God seek a false comfort in believing that they
will never have to face God as their judge.
 They believe that all life ceases after death.

The Bible clearly teaches that there is life after death. Our bodies will undergo a
transformation and a transition to prepare us for eternity. The body will die, but
the soul and spirit will live on and on.




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