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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Kaylaway, Nasugbu, Batangas

1. Basic Information

Name of Project SPEAR: “Sustainable Practice of Enhanced and

Academic Reading”
Implementing Agency Kaylaway National High School
Objectives  Improve learners’ English reading
competencies (reading speed and reading
comprehension) among learners after the
 Sustain and practice learners reading
competencies in all learning areas.
 Highly encourage learners to continuously
develop their reading competencies
Target Output High level reading Literacy among learners of
Kaylaway National High School
Target/ No. of Beneficiaries Struggling/With Frustration Readers

ll. Project Rationale and Objectives

Literacy among learners is one of the major concerns in Philippine Education especially after the

school lockdowns for more than two years. UNICEF’s report published recently revealed that two out of

five children cannot understand a simple reading text. Thus, poor reading skills among learners is linked

to long educational disruption caused by school closures during the pandemic.

Reading as part of literacy is vital as this is one of the best ways to acquire necessary information

when learning. Improvement and sustaining learners’ reading skills especially after lockdowns must be

highly encouraged to continuously improve and increase literacy among learners.

Reading has always been a banner project in most schools in the Philippines to increase literacy

among students. A reading program called, Hamon: Bawat Bata Bumabasa 3Bs Initiative, aims to

Address: Brgy. Kaylaway, Nasugbu, Batangas

 [09175553085]
 []
 [ kaylawayhigh1971]
increase the reading competencies of every learner in all schools in the Philippines during and after the

pandemic. Despite the initiatives implemented by the Department of Education, recent studies still

revealed that Filipino learners are considered poor readers.

One of the causes linked to poor reading competencies of learners, is the school lockdowns due to

COVID-19 pandemic. This is an alarming phenomena in Philippine education and must be addressed

promptly as learners may not be able to comprehend their lessons due to their lack of reading

competencies. In addition, a learner who can read with comprehension has a lot of advantage when it

comes to learning new ideas. Hence, one can study and understand a lesson independently if he/she can


In this premise, the language department from Kaylaway National High School, in support to the

program, Hamon: Bawat Bata Bumabasa 3Bs Initiative, propose to launch the project entitled SPEAR or

“Sustainable Practice of Enhanced and Academic Reading”. This project envisions every learner in

KNHS to become a competent academic readers.

III. Project Description

SPEAR or “Sustainable Practice of Enhanced and Academic Reading” is an activity that

supports DepEd’s Hamon: Bawat Bata Bumabasa 3B Initiatives. This program envisions every learner in

Kaylaway National High School to practice, enhance and improve their academic reading in the

classroom towards literacy. Filipino and English teachers will be the sole implementer of the program

which will be supported by all subject teachers to sustain and practice leaners’ reading competencies

during class.

Moreover, teachers, students and other stakeholders will also take part in the said project.

Quarterly reading progress monitoring and evaluation report must be submitted by both Filipino and

English teachers. Reading materials shall supplement learners’ needs and levels, while various reading

activities shall be provided as means of evaluation.

Book donations will also be part of the program. Stakeholders may donate books and other

reading materials that will be beneficial for students reading literacy.

Address: Brgy. Kaylaway, Nasugbu, Batangas

 [09175553085]
 []
 [ kaylawayhigh1971]
lV. Proposed Budget

Materials/Amount Costs Source

20 reams A4 bond paper MOOE
4 Ink printer black MOOE
4 Ink printer yellow MOOE
4 Ink printer magenta MOOE
4 Ink printer blue MOOE

V. Project Timeline

Activity Output Date of Person Responsible

Reading Assessment Identified Reading Teachers
Brigada Pag-basa level of learners for August Students
the school year 2022- Stakeholders
Quarterly Reading Reading result and Teachers
Assessment/ progress report of Quarterly Students
Monitoring/Progress learners reading skills Stakeholders
Reading Report
Reading Students as partner Teachers
Leaders/Faciliatator towards practicing Year round Students
s in the classroom reading and literacy Stakeholders
inside the classroom
Incorporate reading Learners with high Year round Teachers
in all subject areas literacy and reading Students
as continuous skills Stakeholders
practice of literacy

Vl. Impact of Accomplishment

Learners are expected to become proficient academic readers. In addition, students who struggle
with reading are expected to improve their reading skills and must master specific competencies required
at their level.

Vll. Beneficiaries

All students of Kaylaway National High School from struggling to proficient will be the
beneficiaries of this program. Different reading activities will be given according to their level of
difficulty and mastery.

Address: Brgy. Kaylaway, Nasugbu, Batangas

 [09175553085]
 []
 [ kaylawayhigh1971]

A. Appendix 1………………………………………………..Project Evaluation Tool

B. Appendix 2 ……………………………………………….Project Monitoring Tool

Address: Brgy. Kaylaway, Nasugbu, Batangas

 [09175553085]
 []
 [ kaylawayhigh1971]

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