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An artwork about a black hole in the sapce created by ESO/M.

Artwork About "Space"
Aug 21st , 2023
By: King Liu
What would you think of when you heard "space"? Some people will imagine about
the galaxy and planets in the universe or just the universe, some people will come
out with blank or just nothing. For me, I think out of a room that is totally white.
Here are some of the artworks that created by different artists about “space” in
their perspectives.

This is an artwork
created by QAuZ on the
website Deviant Art. The
overall tone of this
artwork is more of a
cold tone, this is
because that the object
that the author want to
show is more far and bigger. Earth. The author used a "photo" of a blue planet that
took in the space as foreground with many asteroids as decorations, then the
author used a blue planet as distant view, the author also made the distant view
darker to show that it is far away. The whole style of this artwork is more kind of
"sci-fi", and the author used a universe as the background. The thing that I can
learn from this author is when I am also making an artwork, I can also make the
distant view darker to make it more real.
This is an artwork made by Agus
Setyawan. We can see an astronaut and
he is holding a colorful jellyfish. This
author used more colorful colors to
decorate his artwork, we all know that
jellyfish won't be colorful, but the author
used colorful colors to make the jellyfish
more attractive to the audiences, he used
the normal color to the astronaut. The
author used a black background with
some star decorations as the
background. I think this artwork is more
fantasy rather than sci-fi because we all
know that jellyfish can't be so beautiful and they can't live without water. I think I
could use the strategy of putting 2 different or somethings that don't have any
relationships together because this can make weird first, but it will give you a
good feeling after.

This is an artwork made by ♚ PrInCe Af DaNmArK ♚ on the website 7 Themes. The
tone of this artwork is overall warm because the time of this artwork is sunrise or
sunset, and one of the planet in the sky has a little bit red as decoration for the
background. For foreground, the author put a beach with some reefs, there are also
some little waves. For distant view, the author put a sun tha is very bright, it also
brings yellow lights for the condition and background. There are also 3 planets in
the background, maybe one is Jupiter, one is Saturn, there is also one planet we
don't know. If we see closely to the unfamiliar planet, we can see maybe fires on it,
so we can guess maybe the planet is destroyed by some civilization or it is
Doomsday of this world. When we come back to the planet we are in, we can see a
small island mountain in the sea as a background. When I firstly see this image, I
really think it is kind of a Doomsday, so this is a piece of artwork related to sci-fi
indeed. If I can use one technique the author used in this artwork, then I will use use
everything in the artwork to make this artwork more reasonable.

“50 Inspirational Space Themed Art Prints You Can Buy |
Fantartic.” Fantarctic,
for-sale-online. Accessed 22 Aug. 2023.

“DeviantArt - Discover the Largest Online Art Gallery and

art%2FSpace-Travel-575566386. Accessed 22 Aug. 2023.

“Gallery: Art Meets Science in the Glory of Modern Space

Art.” New Atlas, 19 Sept. 2017,

“Planets Space Art #6990727.”, 7- Accessed 22
Aug. 2023.

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