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Calcium (Ca) - Build and - Utilized for - Can lead to - Can result in Adults: 1000 to Dairy products (milk, cheese,
maintain strong building and weakened bones hypercalcemia, 1300 mg per yogurt)
bones and teeth. maintaining strong (osteoporosis) causing kidney day
bones and teeth. and an increased stones, impaired Leafy greens (spinach, kale,
- Supports proper risk of fractures. kidney function, and Adolescents (9- collard greens)
muscle and nerve - Essential for other complications. 18 years): 1300
function. muscle mg per day Fortified plant-based milk
contraction, (almond, soy, coconut milk)
- Aids in blood including the heart
clotting and cellular muscle. Tofu
- Facilitates nerve Sardines
transmission and
cellular Broccoli

- Aids in blood
clotting and
regulation of
enzyme activity.
Phosphorus (P) - Works with - Works alongside - Can lead to Adults: 700 mg Dairy products (milk, cheese,
calcium to build calcium to build weakened bones per day yogurt)
and maintain and maintain bone and an increased
strong bones and and teeth risk of bone Meat (beef, pork, chicken)
teeth. structure. fractures.
Seafood (salmon, tuna)
- Plays a role in - Crucial for - May result in
energy production energy production reduced ATP Nuts and seeds (pumpkin
and DNA/RNA (as ATP, the production, seeds, sunflower seeds)
synthesis. energy currency of leading to
cells). muscle weakness Legumes (lentils, chickpeas)
- Involved in DNA and fatigue.
and RNA - Potentially
synthesis. contribute to
anemia, which is
- Participates in characterized by
the activation of a reduced ability
enzymes and cell of the blood to
signaling. carry oxygen.

- A severe and
deficiency in
children can
interfere with
normal growth
Potassium (K) - Helps maintain - Balances fluid - Low potassium - Excessive use of Adults: 4700 mg Bananas
proper fluid and electrolyte levels can cause potassium per day
balance in cells and levels within cells muscle supplements can Oranges
tissues. and tissues. weakness, affect heart function.
cramps, and Potatoes
- Supports nerve - Supports proper irregular
and muscle muscle and nerve heartbeat. Sweet
function, including function, including
heart muscle. heart function. potatoes

- Plays a role in - Helps regulate Spinach

regulating blood blood pressure by
pressure. countering the Beans (lima beans, kidney
effects of sodium. beans)

Sulfur (S) - Can lead to
digestive issues.
Sodium (Na) - Maintains fluid - Maintains fluid - Can lead to Adults: Less Table salt (sodium chloride)
balance and balance and muscle cramps, than 2300 mg
electrolyte levels in electrolyte levels nausea, per day (but Processed foods (snacks,
the body. outside of cells. vomiting, and individual needs canned soups, deli meats)
fatigue. can vary)
- Supports nerve - Vital for nerve Cheese
transmission and transmission and
muscle muscle Pickles
contraction. contraction.
Salted nuts
- Works with
potassium to
regulate fluid
balance and blood
Chlorine (Cl) - Helps maintain - As a component
the balance of of hydrochloric
fluids within and acid (HCl), a
outside cells. digestive fluid
produced by the
- Helps break down stomach.
proteins and
activate enzymes
that facilitate

- Used by the
immune system to
help fight off

- Aids in the
elimination of
waste products
and helps the liver
function properly
in filtering out

- Helps regulate
osmotic balance
between cells and
their surrounding
- Helps regulate the
body's pH balance.
Magnesium - Supports muscle - Supports muscle - May result in - Excessive intake Adult males (19- Nuts (almonds, cashews,
(Mg) and nerve function. and nerve muscle cramps, from supplements 30 years): 400 peanuts)
function, including tremors, can lead to diarrhea mg per day
- Helps regulate heart rhythm. irregular and gastrointestinal Seeds (pumpkin seeds,
blood pressure and heartbeat, and issues. Adult females sunflower seeds)
blood sugar levels. - Helps maintain fatigue. (19-30 years):
healthy blood 310 mg per day Whole grains (brown rice,
- Assists in energy pressure and quinoa, oats)
production and blood sugar levels. Adult males
protein synthesis. (31+ years): 420 Leafy greens (spinach, Swiss
- Important for mg per day chard)
energy production
and protein Adult females Legumes (black beans, kidney
synthesis. (31+ years): 320 beans, lentils)
- Assists in mg per day Avocado
maintaining DNA Dark chocolate
and RNA integrity.
Iron (Fe) - Essential for the - Essential for the - Can lead to - Can lead to Adult males: 8 Red meat (beef, lamb)
production of production of anemia, which is symptoms such as mg per day
hemoglobin, which hemoglobin, characterized by nausea, vomiting, Poultry (chicken, turkey)
carries oxygen in which carries fatigue, abdominal pain, Adult females
red blood cells. oxygen in red weakness, pale organ damage, and (19-50 years): Fish (salmon, tuna)
blood cells. skin, and even death in severe 18 mg per day
- Supports oxygen impaired cases. Lentils and beans (kidney
transport and - Important for cognitive Pregnant beans, chickpeas, lentils)
energy production. energy production function. females: 27 mg
through its role in per day Tofu
- Helps maintain a electron transport
healthy immune within cells. Breastfeeding Spinach
system. females: 9 mg
- Supports per day Pumpkin seeds
immune system
function and
Zinc (Zn) - Aids in wound - Necessary for - Can weaken the - Can lead to Adult males: 11 Red meat (beef, lamb)
healing and immune system immune system, symptoms like mg per day
immune system function and cause hair loss, nausea, vomiting, Poultry (chicken, turkey)
function. wound healing. skin issues, and diarrhea, and Adult females: 8
delayed wound impaired absorption mg per day Seafood (oysters, crab,
- Supports protein - Plays a role in cell healing. of other minerals. lobster)
synthesis and DNA division and Pregnant
replication. growth. females: 11-12 Dairy products (cheese,
mg per day yogurt)
- Plays a role in - Supports the Breastfeeding
taste and smell senses of taste females: 12-13 Nuts and seeds (pumpkin
perception. and smell. mg per day seeds, sesame seeds)

- Important for Legumes (chickpeas, lentils)

DNA and protein
synthesis. Whole grains (wheat germ,
Selenium (Se) - Acts as an - Acts as an - May impair - Can lead to Adults: 55 mcg Brazil nuts
antioxidant, antioxidant, immune function selenosis, causing per day
helping to protect protecting cells and lead to an symptoms like garlic Seafood (tuna, shrimp,
cells from damage. from oxidative increased risk of breath odor, sardines)
damage. certain diseases. gastrointestinal
- Supports thyroid disturbances, hair Poultry (chicken, turkey)
function and - Supports thyroid loss, and
immune system function and helps neurological issues. Eggs
health. regulate
metabolism. Brown rice

- Plays a role in Sunflower seeds

immune system
Manganese - Supports bone - Important for - Might lead to - Prolonged exposure Nuts (almonds, pecans,
(Mn) formation and bone health and poor bone health to high manganese walnuts)
mineralization. formation. and problems levels can lead to
with blood neurological Whole grains (brown rice,
- Plays a role in - Supports enzyme clotting. symptoms similar to oats)
metabolism and function and Parkinson's disease.
antioxidant antioxidant Legumes (lentils, beans)
defense. activity.
- Participates in
metabolism of Pineapple
amino acids, and
Copper (Cu) - Aids in the - Supports the - Can result in - Can result in Adults: 900 mcg Organ meats (liver)
formation of formation of anemia, bone symptoms such as per day Shellfish (oysters, crab)
connective tissues connective tissues abnormalities, nausea, vomiting,
and bone. and bone. and impaired abdominal pain, and Nuts and seeds (cashews,
- Supports iron - Required for the growth. liver damage. sunflower seeds)
absorption and absorption and
utilization. use of iron in the Dark chocolate
- Plays a role in Legumes (lentils, chickpeas)
energy production. - Plays a role in
energy production
and antioxidant
Iodine (I) - Necessary for the - Required for the - Can lead to - Can disrupt thyroid Adults: 150 mcg Seafood (seaweed/kelp, fish,
synthesis of thyroid synthesis of thyroid problems function and lead to per day shrimp)
hormones, which thyroid hormones, and goiter, which thyroid-related
regulate which regulate is an enlarged health issues. Dairy products (milk, yogurt)
metabolism. metabolism. thyroid gland.
Iodized salt
- Supports proper - Crucial for proper
brain and nerve development and
function. function of the
thyroid gland.
Fluorine (F) - Strengthens tooth - Strengthens - May lead to an - Can lead to dental
enamel and helps tooth enamel and increased risk of and skeletal issues,
prevent tooth helps prevent dental cavities. especially in areas
decay. tooth decay. with high natural
fluorine levels.
- Supports bone - Supports bone
health. health by

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